Our hearts are with everyone affected by the fires in California. For school districts navigating emergency closures, we've attached instructions on attendance procedures to help ensure continuity.
School Closure Attendance Procedures
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This category contains 6 folders
Integration with Aeries
Product Integration Details
Apptegy Integration
AristotleK12 Integration
ASB Works Integration Details - SFTP
Canva Integration
Canvas (Instructure) Integration
Cardonex (Education Advanced) Integration
Catapult K-12 Integration
Centegix (Ident-a-kid)
Claris Integration
Classlink (OneSync)
Clever Integration
CrisisGo Integration
Custom Data Integrations
DecisionInsite Integration
Destiny Integration Details - SFTP
Edlink Integration
Edlio Integration
eduClimber (Renaissance) Integration
Edulink - InTouch Integration
Ellevation Integration
Everyday Labs Integration
FastBridge (Renaissance) Integration
Freckle (Renaissance) Integration
Geospective Technologies Integration
GoGuardian Integration
Hayes Software Systems TIPWeb-IT Integration
HMH (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt) Integration
HUBEE Integration
Identity Automation (IDAuto) Integration
Illuminate Integration
OneRoster API
Introduction to OneRoster API
OneRoster API Setup
OneRoster API Available Endpoints
OneRoster API Authentication Process
OneRoster API Data Sync Considerations
Aeries to OneRoster Data Mapping
Aeries API
Aeries API - Attendance and Enrollment-related end points
Aeries API - Building a Request
Aeries API - Gradebook-related end points
Aeries API - Pre-Enroll Students
Aeries API - Scheduling-related end points
Aeries API - School-related end points
Aeries API - Staff-related end points
Aeries API - Student Grades-related end points
Aeries API - Student-related end points
Aeries API Full Documentation
Aeries Single Sign On (SSO) API
API Quick Reference Guide
API Security
How to Generate an Aeries API Certificate
List of Third Party Vendors who Integrate with Aeries
3rd Party System Connections
Troubleshooting Data Issues with 3rd party vendors
Google Integration
Unauthorized client or scope in request
Google Classroom for Elementary Teachers
Resource Not Found: groupkey
Google Classroom API has not been used in project
Troubleshooting Google Classroom
Email settings for Google Email
Prerequisites for Google Integration
G Suite for Education Configuration – Part 1
G Suite For Education Configuration – Part 2
Configure Aeries Integration Project in Google API Console
Google Integration - Configure Aeries
Google Integration - Maintenance Functions
Google Staff Integration - Google
Google Staff Integration - Aeries
Google Authentication Overview
Configure Authentication Credentials in Google API Console
Aeries Configuration for Google Authentication
Signing into Aeries with Google Authentication
How-To's and Troubleshooting
Class Name Format in Clever
Google - Properly Populating Staff Root Org Unit
Google - Properly Populating Student Root Org Unit
Google Apps Integration Push All Students to GAFE
Google Integration Error Message : Google.Apis.Requests.RequestError Not Authorized to access this resource/api [403] Errors [ Message[Not Authorized to access this resource/api] Location[ - ] Reason[forbidden] Domain[global] ]
How to Add The Titan Icon to the Parent/Student Portal Navigation Tree
How to Set a User as an Administrator Role in Classlink via OneRoster Export
Non Hosted - ParentSquare SSO Error
School Year in OneRoster API Extracts a Future Year
Switching from Mosaic SFTP to API
TIPWeb-IT via 3rd Party Systems Connections - Assets Not Populating
Where to Find if Google Classroom is set up for Nightly Sync