District Supplemental Student Data
School Supplemental Student Data
Student Information
Security Area:
- "Student Data"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/students/{StudentID}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- StudentID (optional) – the Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/students/grade/{GradeLevel}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- GradeLevel (required) – the academic grade level of the set of students to return.
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/students/sn/{StudentNumber}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- StudentNumber (required) – the School-Based Student Number of the student to return.
Query String Filters:
- StartingRecord – (numeric) The Record-Count value of the first record to return (inclusive).
- EndingRecord – (numeric) The Record-Count value of the last record to return (inclusive).
- If Student ID is not passed, all students for the given school will be returned.
- Results are always returned in the form of an "Array of Students" because often students have multiple records in a district if they are concurrently enrolled or have switched between schools during the school year.
Example Student Information Results:
"StudentID": 99400001,
"OldStudentID": 0,
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode": "00",
"CounselorNumber": 994708,
"StudentPersonalEmailAddress": "AllanAbbott@test.com"
"SchoolCode": 994,
"StudentNumber": 1,
"StateStudentID": "1234567890",
"LastName": "Abbott",
"FirstName": "Allan",
"MiddleName": "James",
"LastNameAlias": "",
"FirstNameAlias": "AJ",
"MiddleNameAlias": "",
"Gender": "M",
"Grade": 12,
"GradeLevelShortDescription": "12",
"GradeLevelLongDescription": "Twelfth Grade",
"Birthdate": "2003-11-11T00:00:00",
"ParentGuardianName": "M/M A Abbott",
"HomePhone": "7775559448",
"StudentMobilePhone": "",
"MailingAddress": "1118 Glenview Lane",
"MailingAddressCity": "Eagle Rock",
"MailingAddressState": "CA",
"MailingAddressZipCode": "99999",
"MailingAddressZipExt": "",
"ResidenceAddress": "1118 Glenview Lane",
"ResidenceAddressCity": "Eagle Rock",
"ResidenceAddressState": "CA",
"ResidenceAddressZipCode": "99999",
"ResidenceAddressZipExt": "",
"AddressVerified": false,
"EthnicityCode": "N",
"RaceCode1": "700",
"RaceCode2": "",
"RaceCode3": "",
"RaceCode4": "",
"RaceCode5": "",
"UserCode1": "",
"UserCode2": "",
"UserCode3": "",
"UserCode4": "N",
"UserCode5": "",
"UserCode6": "G",
"UserCode7": "C",
"UserCode8": "",
"UserCode9": "Y",
"UserCode10": "",
"UserCode11": "",
"UserCode12": "",
"UserCode13": "",
"SchoolEnterDate": "2018-09-05T00:00:00",
"SchoolLeaveDate": null,
"DistrictEnterDate": "2015-09-05T00:00:00",
"Track": "",
"AttendanceProgramCodePrimary": "",
"AttendanceProgramCodeAdditional1": "",
"AttendanceProgramCodeAdditional2": "",
"LockerNumber": "",
"LowSchedulingPeriod": 0,
"HighSchedulingPeriod": 9,
"InactiveStatusCode": "",
"FamilyKey": 1480,
"LanguageFluencyCode": "L",
"HomeLanguageCode": "01",
"ParentEdLevelCode": "12",
"ParentEmailAddress": "",
"StudentEmailAddress": "student@aeries.com",
"NetworkLoginID": "",
"EarlyWarningPoints": 34.0000,
"HomeRoomTeacherNumber": "0",
"NotificationPreferenceCode": "",
"NextSchoolCode": 0,
"NextGrade": 13,
"NextGradeLevelShortDescription": "13",
"NextGradeLevelLongDescription": "Reserved for Graduating Seniors",
"RecordsReleaseCode": ""
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
AddressVerified | STU.AV | Indicates whether the student’s residence address has been verified |
AttendanceProgramCodeAdditional1 | STU.AP1 | An additional specialized attendance program to which this student belongs |
AttendanceProgramCodeAdditional2 | STU.AP2 | An additional specialized attendance program to which this student belongs |
AttendanceProgramCodePrimary | STU.SP | The primary specialized attendance program to which this student currently belongs. Attendance programs are used to separate certain students’ attendance data in the monthly apportionment (ADA) calculations. |
Birthdate | STU.BD | Date of Birth |
CorrespondenceLanguageCode | STU.CL | The preferred language for correspondence sent regarding this student |
CounselorNumber | STU.CNS/TCH.ID | If the school is using Staff ID Based Counselors, then the CounselorNumber property is simply mapped to STU.CNS. If the school is NOT using Staff ID Based Counselors, then we will look up the TCH record for STU.CU and map CounselorNumber to TCH.ID. |
StudentPersonalEmailAddress | STU.SPE | Student's Personal EmailAddress |
DistrictEnterDate | STU.DD | Date student entered the district |
EarlyWarningPoints | STU.RP | The total number of “early warning” points. Used by the Aeries Analytics Early Warning System |
EthnicityCode | STU.ETH | “Y” or “N” Hispanic indicator |
FamilyKey | STU.FK | Numeric. Students with the same nonzero Family Key are considered “siblings” in Aeries. |
FirstName | STU.FN | Student’s legal first name |
FirstNameAlias | STU.FNA | Student’s first name alias |
Grade | STU.GR | 0-18 Student’s grade level |
HighSchedulingPeriod | STU.HI | 0-9 Highest scheduling period |
HomeLanguageCode | STU.HL | The student’s primary language for purposes of English Learner classification |
HomePhone | STU.TL | Student’s home phone number |
HomeRoomTeacherNumber | (calculated value) | A school-based Aeries teacher number. The student’s homeroom teacher based on the class period the school designates as homeroom. |
InactiveStatusCode | STU.TG | Student’s status (blank is active) |
LanguageFluencyCode | STU.LF | Language fluency code |
LastName | STU.LN | Student’s legal last name |
LastNameAlias | STU.LNA | Student’s last name alias |
LockerNumber | STU.LK | Locker number |
LowSchedulingPeriod | STU.LO | 0-9 Lowest scheduling period |
MailingAddress | STU.AD | Student’s mailing address |
MailingAddressCity | STU.CY | Student’s mailing address city |
MailingAddressState | STU.ST | Student’s mailing address state |
MailingAddressZipCode | STU.ZC | Student’s mailing address zip code |
MailingAddressZipExt | STU.ZX | Student’s mailing address zip code extension |
MiddleName | STU.MN | Student’s legal middle name |
MiddleNameAlias | STU.MNA | Student’s middle name alias |
NetworkLoginID | STU.NID | Student’s Network Login ID. Districts may use this for various purposes, but most commonly for a directory services (e.g., Active Directory) username |
NotificationPreferenceCode | STU.NP | Indicates the Aeries Communications notification preference of this student |
OldStudentID | STU.OID | Student's Old permanent ID |
ParentEdLevelCode | STU.PED | Highest level of education completed by either of the student’s parents (for socioeconomically disadvantaged classification purposes) |
ParentEmailAddress | STU.PEM | (deprecated, but still in use by some customers) The primary parent/guardian email address |
ParentGuardianName | STU.PG | Parent/Guardian name |
StudentID | STU.ID | Student ID |
RaceCode1 | STU.RC1 | Student’s first reported race |
RaceCode2 | STU.RC2 | Student’s second reported race |
RaceCode3 | STU.RC3 | Student’s third reported race |
RaceCode4 | STU.RC4 | Student’s fourth reported race |
RaceCode5 | STU.RC5 | Student’s fifth reported race |
ResidenceAddress | STU.RAD | Residence address |
ResidenceAddressCity | STU.RCY | Residence address city |
ResidenceAddressState | STU.RST | Residence address state |
ResidenceAddressZipCode | STU.RZC | Residence address zip code |
ResidenceAddressZipExt | STU.RZX | Residence address zip code extension |
SchoolCode | STU.SC | Aeries school code |
SchoolEnterDate | STU.ED | Date student first entered this school |
SchoolLeaveDate | STU.LD | Date student left this school |
Gender | STU.GN | Student'sg ender (May be M or F or another coded value for non-binary gender identifications) |
StateStudentID | STU.CID | Statewide Student ID |
StudentEmailAddress | STU.SEM | Student’s email address |
StudentMobilePhone | STU.MPH | Mobile phone number |
StudentNumber | STU.SN | School-based Student Number |
Track | STU.TR | Student’s attendance track |
UserCode1 | STU.U1 | User-defined code 1 |
UserCode10 | STU.U10 | User-defined code 10 |
UserCode11 | STU.U11 | User-defined code 11 |
UserCode12 | STU.U12 | User-defined code 12 |
UserCode13 | STU.U13 | User-defined code 13 |
UserCode2 | STU.U2 | User-defined code 2 |
UserCode3 | STU.U3 | User-defined code 3 |
UserCode4 | STU.U4 | User-defined code 4 |
UserCode5 | STU.U5 | User-defined code 5 |
UserCode6 | STU.U6 | User-defined code 6 |
UserCode7 | STU.U7 | User-defined code 7 |
UserCode8 | STU.U8 | User-defined code 8 |
UserCode9 | STU.U9 | User-defined code 9 |
Student Information - Create ↑
Security Area:
- "Student Data" – Read & Insert
- “Student Demographics” – Field-level Insert permission is required for each field; otherwise, the value will be ignored.
- POST /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/InsertStudent
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1 – 999.
- This end point returns a single “Student” object representing the student record that was just added. For the specification of the “Student” object, see the Student Information section of the main Aeries API documentation.
- This end point should only be used to create a record for a student who has never been enrolled in the district. It cannot not be used to add or transfer an existing student to a different school.
- Any field that is omitted will be assigned the Aeries default value for that field.
POST Payload Object:
- “StudentInsert” object
“StudentInsert” Object Definition:
Name | Data Type | Max Length | Notes |
LastName | String | 100 | Student’s legal last name |
FirstName | String | 100 | Student’s legal first name |
MiddleName | String | 100 | Student’s legal middle name |
NameSuffix | String | 10 | Student’s legal name suffix (e.g., “JR” or “IV”) |
Gender | String | 1 | Student's gender identification. May be M or F or another coded value for non-binary gender identifications. |
Grade | Integer | Student’s grade level. Valid range is (-2) – 18. | |
NextGrade | Integer | Student’s grade level for next school year. Valid range is (-2) – 18. | |
NextSchool | Integer | The Aeries school code of the next school the student will attend | |
Birthdate | Date | Student’s date of birth | |
InactiveStatusCode | String | 1 | Student’s status (blank is active) |
HomeLanguageCode | String | 2 | The student’s primary language for purposes of English Learner classification |
CorrespondenceLanguageCode | String | 2 | The preferred language for correspondence sent regarding this student |
LanguageFluencyCode | String | 1 | Language fluency code |
HomePhone | String | Student’s home phone number. Formatting may be included, and the input will be parsed for the first 10 digits (0-9) encountered. | |
LastSchool | Integer | The Aeries school code of the last school the student attended | |
ResidenceSchool | Integer | The Aeries school code of the student’s assigned school of residence, usually based on address boundaries | |
NextResidenceSchool | Integer | The Aeries school code of the student’s assigned school of residence for next year | |
EthnicityCode | String | 1 | “Y” or “N” Hispanic indicator |
Race1Code | String | 3 | Student’s first reported race |
Race2Code | String | 3 | Student’s second reported race |
Race3Code | String | 3 | Student’s third reported race |
Race4Code | String | 3 | Student’s fourth reported race |
Race5Code | String | 3 | Student’s fifth reported race |
SchoolEnterDate | Date | Date student entered this school | |
DistrictEnterDate | Date | Date student entered the district | |
BirthCity | String | 30 | The city name where the student was born |
BirthStateCode | String | 3 | The state or province in the US, Canada, or Mexico where the student was born |
BirthCountryCode | String | 2 | The country code where the student was born |
ParentEdLevelCode | String | 2 | Highest level of education completed by either of the student’s parents (for socioeconomically disadvantaged classification purposes) |
ParentGuardianName | String | 50 | Parent/Guardian name |
MailingAddress | String | 55 | Student’s mailing address |
MailingAddressCity | String | 30 | Student’s mailing address city |
MailingAddressState | String | 2 | Student’s mailing address state |
MailingAddressZipCode | String | 5 | Student’s mailing address zip code |
MailingAddressZipExt | String | 4 | Student’s mailing address zip code extension |
ResidenceAddress | String | 55 | Residence address |
ResidenceAddressCity | String | 30 | Residence address city |
ResidenceAddressState | String | 2 | Residence address state |
ResidenceAddressZipCode | String | 5 | Residence address zip code |
ResidenceAddressZipExt | String | 4 | Residence address zip code extension |
HomeLanguageSurveyFirstLanguageCode | String | 2 | From the Home Language Survey (HLS) – The language first spoken by the student growing up |
HomeLanguageSurveyPrimaryLanguageCode | String | 2 | From the Home Language Survey (HLS) – The language primarily spoken by the student |
HomeLanguageSurveyHomeLanguageCode | String | 2 | From the Home Language Survey (HLS) – The language spoken most frequently at home by the student |
HomeLanguageSurveyAdultLanguageCode | String | 2 | From the Home Language Survey (HLS) – The language spoken most frequently by adults at home |
USEnterDate | Date | The Date the Student first entered the US | |
USSchoolEnterDate | Date | The Date the Student first entered a US school to receive instruction | |
HomeLanguageSurveyDate | Date | The Date the Parent completed the Home Language Survey | |
UserCode1 | String | 1 | User-Defined Code |
UserCode2 | String | 1 | User-Defined Code |
UserCode3 | String | 1 | User-Defined Code |
UserCode4 | String | 1 | User-Defined Code |
UserCode5 | String | 1 | User-Defined Code |
UserCode6 | String | 1 | User-Defined Code |
UserCode7 | String | 1 | User-Defined Code |
UserCode8 | String | 1 | User-Defined Code |
UserCode9 | String | 2 | User-Defined Code |
UserCode10 | String | 2 | User-Defined Code |
UserCode11 | String | 2 | User-Defined Code |
UserCode12 | String | 2 | User-Defined Code |
UserCode13 | String | 2 | User-Defined Code |
Note: For descriptions of the various coded values, use our Code Sets API
Example POST Payload:
"LastName":"AA Test LN",
"FirstName":"AA Test FN",
"MiddleName":"AA Test MN",
"HomePhone":"(888) 777-5555",
"BirthCity":"Santa Maria",
"ParentGuardianName":"Mrs Momma",
"MailingAddress":"123 Main ST",
"ResidenceAddress":"789 Broadway",
"UserCode1": "A",
"UserCode2": "B",
"UserCode3": "C",
"UserCode4": "D",
"UserCode5": "E",
"UserCode6": "F",
"UserCode7": "G",
"UserCode8": "H",
"UserCode9": "I",
"UserCode10": "J",
"UserCode11": "K",
"UserCode12": "L",
"UserCode13": "M"
Student Information - Update ↑
Security Area:
- "Student Data" – Read & Update
- “Student Demographics” – Field-level Update permission is required for each field; otherwise, the value will be ignored.
- POST /api/v5/UpdateStudent/{StudentID}
- StudentID (required) – the Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
- This end point returns an array of “Student” objects representing the student record(s) that were updated. The result is an array because the same student ID may have a record at multiple schools, and all will be updated. For the specification of the “Student” object, see the Student Information section of the main Aeries API documentation.
- Any field that is omitted will NOT be updated in the Aeries database.
POST Payload Object:
- “StudentUpdate” object
“StudentUpdate” Object Definition:
Name | Data Type | Max Length | Notes |
LastName | See “StudentInsert” object definition above
| ||
FirstName | |||
MiddleName | |||
NameSuffix | |||
Birthdate | |||
Gender | |||
Grade | |||
NextGrade | |||
NextSchool | |||
LastSchool | |||
ResidenceSchool | |||
NextResidenceSchool | |||
CorrespondenceLanguageCode | |||
HomePhone | |||
SchoolEnterDate | |||
DistrictEnterDate | |||
ParentEdLevelCode | |||
ParentGuardianName | |||
EthnicityCode | |||
Race1Code | |||
Race2Code | |||
Race3Code | |||
Race4Code | |||
Race5Code | |||
USEnterDate | |||
USSchoolEnterDate | |||
UserCode1 | |||
UserCode2 | |||
UserCode3 | |||
UserCode4 | |||
UserCode5 | |||
UserCode6 | |||
UserCode7 | |||
UserCode8 | |||
UserCode9 | |||
UserCode10 | |||
UserCode11 | |||
UserCode12 | |||
UserCode13 | |||
WellbeingDate | Date | Date and time of last Wellbeing Score | |
WellbeingScore | String | 6 | Wellbeing score. This is usually a percentage. |
WellbeingAttentionCode | String | 6 | Wellbeing status, for example, 1 = Normal, 2 = Warning, 3 = Critical. |
Note: For descriptions of the various coded values, use our Code Sets API
Example POST Payload:
"HomePhone":"(888) 777-5555",
"ParentGuardianName":"New Momma",
"LastName":"AA Test LN",
"FirstName":"AA Test FN",
"MiddleName":"AA Test MN",
"NameSuffix":"JR", "BirthDate":"2000-11-24",
"Gender":"F", "Grade":12,
"UserCode1": "A",
"UserCode2": "B",
"UserCode3": "C",
"UserCode4": "D",
"UserCode5": "E",
"UserCode6": "F",
"UserCode7": "G",
"UserCode8": "H",
"UserCode9": "I",
"UserCode10": "J",
"UserCode11": "K",
"UserCode12": "L",
"UserCode13": "M"
Update Address ↑
Security Area:
- "Student Data" – Read & Update
- “Student Demographics” – Field-level Update permission is required for each field; otherwise, the value will be ignored.
- POST /api/v5/UpdateStudentAddress/{StudentID}
- StudentID (required) – the Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
- This end point returns an array of “Student” objects representing the student record(s) that were updated. The result is an array because the same student ID may have a record at multiple schools, and all will be updated. For the specification of the “Student” object, see the Student Information section of the main Aeries API documentation.
- Any field that is omitted will NOT be updated in the Aeries database.
POST Payload Object:
- “StudentAddressUpdate” object
“StudentAddressUpdate” Object Definition:
Name | Data Type | Max Length | Notes |
MailingAddress | String | 55 | Student’s mailing address |
MailingAddressCity | String | 30 | Student’s mailing address city |
MailingAddressState | String | 2 | Student’s mailing address state |
MailingAddressZipCode | String | 5 | Student’s mailing address zip code |
MailingAddressZipExt | String | 4 | Student’s mailing address zip code extension |
ResidenceAddress | String | 55 | Residence address |
ResidenceAddressCity | String | 30 | Residence address city |
ResidenceAddressState | String | 2 | Residence address state |
ResidenceAddressZipCode | String | 5 | Residence address zip code |
ResidenceAddressZipExt | String | 4 | Residence address zip code extension |
CorrectionOrChange | String | Indicates whether this is an address change or correcting bad data. Valid values are “Correction” or “Change”. | |
EffectiveStartDate | Date | Required only if CorrectionOrChange = “Change”. The effective date for the address change. |
Example POST Payload:
"MailingAddress":"123412 Main ST",
"ResidenceAddress":"789 Broadway",
"CorrectionOrChange":"Change", "EffectiveStartDate":"2017-05-02"
Student Information Extended ↑
Security Area:
- "Student Data"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/students/{StudentID}/extended
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- StudentID (required) – the Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/students/grade/{GradeLevel}/extended
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- GradeLevel (required) – the academic grade level of the set of students to return.
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/students/sn/{StudentNumber}/extended
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- StudentNumber (required) – the School-Based Student Number of the student to return.
Query String Filters:
- StartingRecord – (numeric) The Record-Count value of the first record to return (inclusive).
- EndingRecord – (numeric) The Record-Count value of the last record to return (inclusive).
- If 0 is passed for Student ID, all students for the given school will be returned.
- Results are always returned in the form of an "Array of Student Extended" because often students have multiple records in a district if they are concurrently enrolled or have switched between schools during the school year.
Example Student Information Extended Results:
"StudentID": 99400001,
"CountInCensusIndicator": "",
"NextInterIntraDistrictTransferCode": "",
"NextInterIntraDistrictStateCode": "",
"SummerWithdrawalLeaveDate": null,
"SummerWithdrawalNextSchool": 0,
"EndOfYearNextSchool": 0,
"ReportingSchoolCode": 0,
"NextAttendanceProgramCodePrimary": "",
"NextAttendanceProgramCodeAdditional1": "",
"NextAttendanceProgramCodeAdditional2": "",
"HomeLanguageSurveyDate": null,
"BirthdateVerificationMethodCode": "2",
"InitialNinthGradeEntryYear": "2016-2017",
"GraduationCohort": "2019-2020",
"SchoolCode": 994,
"StudentNumber": 1,
"StateStudentID": "1234567890",
"SchoolCompletionDate": null,
"SchoolCompletionStatusCode": "",
"QualifiedUC": "Y",
"QualifiedCSU": "Y",
"CourseCompletionUC": "Y",
"CourseCompletionCSU": "Y",
"InterIntraDistrictTransferCode": "",
"InterIntraDistrictStateCode": "",
"GraduationRequirementsTrack": "",
"SafeSchoolsActViolationDate": "2021-02-28T00:00:00",
"SchedulingGroup": "",
"ExpectedGraduationDate": null,
"SummerWithdrawalReasonCode": "",
"EndOfYearStatusCode": "",
"RecordAddedDateTime": null,
"RecordAddedSystem": "",
"SchoolMobility": 9,
"DistrictMobility": 1,
"USSchoolsLessThan3Years": "",
"USEnterDate": "2010-01-01T00:00:00",
"USSchoolEnterDate": "2010-01-01T00:00:00",
"StateSchoolEnterDate": "2010-01-01T00:00:00",
"DateRedesignatedFluentEnglishProficient": null,
"HomeLanguageSurveyFirstLanguageCode": "01",
"HomeLanguageSurveyPrimaryLanguageCode": "01",
"HomeLanguageSurveyHomeLanguageCode": "00",
"HomeLanguageSurveyAdultLanguageCode": "01",
"EnglishLearnerProgramCode": "",
"EnglishLearnerServiceCode": "330",
"EnglishLearnerStartDate": "2014-09-05T00:00:00",
"EnglishLearnerEndDate": null,
"LongTermEnglishLearnerCode": "",
"YearsAsEnglishLearner": 0,
"BirthCity": "Hermosillo",
"BirthStateCode": "SO",
"BirthCountryCode": "MX",
"LastSchool": 0,
"ResidenceSchool": 994,
"NextResidenceSchool": 994,
"NextGrade": 13,
"NextSchool": 0
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
BirthCity | STU.BCY | The city name where the student was born |
BirthCountryCode | STU.BCU | The country code where the student was born |
BirthStateCode | STU.BST | The state or province in the US, Canada, or Mexico where the student was born |
CourseCompletionCSU | STU.CCS | The indicator for if this student has completed the course sequence for entrance into the CA State University (CSU) system |
CourseCompletionUC | STU.CUC | The indicator for if this student has completed the course sequence for entrance into the University of CA (UC) system |
DateRedesignatedFluentEnglishProficient | LAC.RD1 | The Date the Student was redesignated/reclassified as Fluent English Proficient from an English Learner |
DistrictMobility | STU.DM | The "District Mobility" - the grade level the student entered this District during the most recent span of contiguous enrollment. |
EndOfYearStatusCode | STU.EOY | The End of Year Status Code for a student. This is populated at the end of the year when a student is going to be active through the last day of school but will leave the school over the summer and not be returning next school year. |
EnglishLearnerEndDate | LAC.ED | The date the student was reclassified to no longer be an English Learner |
EnglishLearnerProgramCode | LAC.PR | English Learner Program Code |
EnglishLearnerServiceCode | LAC.SR | English Learner Services Received Code |
EnglishLearnerStartDate | LAC.SD | The date the student began receiving English Learner services |
ExpectedGraduationDate | STU.EGD | The Expected Graduation Date for this Student. This field is normally inconsistently populated as it is no longer required by CALPADS. |
GraduationCohort | STU.CHT | Graduation Cohort : "2019-2020", |
GraduationRequirementsTrack | STU.GRT | The Graduation Requirements Track for a student |
HomeLanguageSurveyAdultLanguageCode | LAC.L4 | From the Home Language Survey (HLS) - The language spoken most frequently by adults at home |
HomeLanguageSurveyFirstLanguageCode | LAC.L1 | From the Home Language Survey (HLS) - The language first spoken by the student growing up |
HomeLanguageSurveyHomeLanguageCode | LAC.L3 | From the Home Language Survey (HLS) - The language spoken most frequently at home by the student |
HomeLanguageSurveyPrimaryLanguageCode | LAC.L2 | From the Home Language Survey (HLS) - The language primarily spoken by the student |
InterIntraDistrictStateCode | STU.ITD | The Inter/Intra-District Transfer State Code for a student |
InterIntraDistrictTransferCode | STU.IT | The Inter/Intra-District Transfer Code for a student |
InitialNinthGradeEntryYear | STU.INE | Initial Ninth Grade Entry Year |
LongTermEnglishLearnerCode | LAC.LT | Student Identified as a Long Term English Learner |
StudentID | STU.ID | The Student ID |
QualifiedCSU | STU.QCS | The indicator for if this student has qualified for entrance into the CA State University (CSU) system |
QualifiedUC | STU.QUC | The indicator for if this student has qualified for entrance into the University of CA (UC) system |
RecordAddedDateTime | STU.RDT | The Date/Time the student record was added to the system. |
RecordAddedSystem | STU.RSY | The system used to add this student record. |
SafeSchoolsActViolationDate | STU.SD | The Safe Schools Act Violation Date for this Student. I.e., the date the student violated a "Violent" 48900 Ed Code. |
SchedulingGroup | STU.SG | The Scheduling Group for a student |
BirthdateVerificationMethodCode | STU.VBD | The Birthdate Verification Method Code |
SchoolCode | STU.SC | The Aeries school code for this student |
SchoolCompletionDate | STU.DG | The School Completion Date for this Student. For High Schools, this is the Graduation Date. |
SchoolCompletionStatusCode | STU.HSG | The Completion Status Code for this student from the current school. For High Schools, this is the Graduation Status Code. |
SchoolMobility | STU.SM | The "School Mobility" - the grade level the student entered this school during the most recent span of contiguous enrollment. |
StateSchoolEnterDate | LAC.STS | The Date the Student first entered a school in the current state |
StateStudentID | STU.CID | The State Student ID (SSID) for this Student |
StudentNumber | STU.SN | The school-level Aeries Student Number for this student |
SummerWithdrawalReasonCode | STU.SWR | The Summer Withdrawal Reason Code for a student. This is populated at the beginning of the year when a student is found to have left the school during the summer and is not attending the first day of school. |
USEnterDate | LAC.USE | The Date the Student first entered the US |
USSchoolEnterDate | LAC.USS | The Date the Student first entered a US school to receive instruction |
USSchoolsLessThan3Years | SSD.SUS | The indicator for when a student has been enrolled in US Schools for less than 3 years. This is normally the definition of an "Eligible Immigrant" for SNOR reporting. |
YearsAsEnglishLearner | LAC.YEL | The Number of Years the student has been or was identified as an English Learner |
CountInCensusIndicator | STU.CIC | |
NextInterIntraDistrictTransferCode | STU.NIT | The Students' Inter/Intra District Transfer Code for Next Year |
NextInterIntraDistrictStateCode | STU.NTD | |
SummerWithdrawalLeaveDate | STU.SLD | The Date the Student withdrew from the District before the start of the School Year |
SummerWithdrawalNextSchool | STU.SNS | Expected School of attendance after withdrawal |
EndOfYearNextSchool | STU.ENS | Next School |
ReportingSchoolCode | STU.HS | The Students Reporting School |
NextAttendanceProgramCodePrimary | STU.NPS | The Students Primary Enrollment Program for Next Year |
NextAttendanceProgramCodeAdditional1 | STU.NP1 | The Students' first Additional Enrollment Program for Next Year |
NextAttendanceProgramCodeAdditional2 | STU.NP2 | The Students' second Additional Enrollment Program for Next Year |
HomeLanguageSurveyDate | LAC.HLD | The Date the Parent filled out the Home Language Survey |
Student Data Changes ↑
Security Area:
- "Student Data"
- /api/v5/StudentDataChanges/{DataArea}/{year}/{month}/{day}/{hour}/{minute}
- DataArea (required) – the Aeries Student Data Area to be evaluated:
- Valid Values: "student", "contact", "program", "test", "class", "enrollment"
- year, month, day, hour, minute – required – The parts of the Date/Time from which you want to system to return students with data changes. All parameters are required although 0 is valid for hour and minute. Valid values for "hour" are 0-23. "AM" and "PM" values are invalid
- This should be used for advanced interfaces with Aeries where you may be pulling data hourly or daily and want to only get the changes since the last time you pulled data from the Aeries API. After you get the list of students with changes in the given data area, you will have to loop through the corresponding API to pull the new records one student at a time.
Example Student Data Changes Results:
"StudentID": 89401949,
"SchoolCode": 894,
"StudentNumber": 1949
"StudentID": 99401589,
"SchoolCode": 994,
"StudentNumber": 1589
"StudentID": 99401671,
"SchoolCode": 994,
"StudentNumber": 1671
"StudentID": 99401753,
"SchoolCode": 994,
"StudentNumber": 1753
Contacts ↑
Security Area:
- "Contacts"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/contacts/{StudentID}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- StudentID (optional) – the Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
- If Student ID is not passed, all student contacts for the given school will be returned.
Example Contact Results:
"StudentID": 99400001,
"AdministrativeLockCode": "",
"EnrolledTheStudentIndicator": "",
"Birthdate": null,
"Occupation": "",
"TuberculosisTestStatusCode": "",
"TuberculosisTestExpirationDate": null,
"FingerprintStatusCode": "",
"FingerprintDate": null,
"UserCode1": "",
"UserCode2": "",
"UserCode3": "",
"UserCode4": "",
"UserCode5": "",
"UserCode6": "",
"UserCode7": "",
"UserCode8": "",
"PortalAccountID": 1,
"MiscCode": "",
"MailTagCode": "A",
"AddressTypeCode": "4",
"AdditionalCommunicationTypeCode1": "",
"AdditionalCommunicationTypeCode2": "",
"AdditionalCommunicationTypeCode3": "",
"AdditionalCommunicationTypeCode4": "",
"AdditionalCommunicationDetail1": "",
"AdditionalCommunicationDetail2": "",
"AdditionalCommunicationDetail3": "",
"AdditionalCommunicationDetail4": "",
"AddressVerificationDate": null,
"RecordAddedDate": "2020-11-13T00:00:00",
"MilitaryUserFieldCode1": "",
"MilitaryUserFieldCode2": "",
"MilitaryUserFieldCode3": "",
"MilitaryUserFieldCode4": "",
"MilitaryUserFieldCode5": "",
"PrimaryContact1Field": "WorkPhone",
"PrimaryContact2Field": "",
"PrimaryContact1Description": "Father Work - Adam A",
"PrimaryContact2Description": "",
"EducationalRightsHolder": "",
"AttendanceNotification": "Y",
"PrimaryContact": "",
"SchoolCode": 994,
"SequenceNumber": 1,
"MailingName": "Adam Abbott",
"NamePrefix": "",
"FirstName": "Adam",
"LastName": "Abbott",
"MiddleName": "",
"NameSuffix": "",
"Address": "5647 Elm St",
"AddressCity": "Eagle rock",
"AddressState": "CA",
"AddressZipCode": "99998",
"AddressZipExt": "",
"RelationshipToStudentCode": "11",
"LivesWithStudentIndicator": "",
"RedFlag": false,
"HomePhone": "",
"WorkPhone": "7775557537",
"WorkPhoneExt": "",
"CellPhone": "",
"Pager": "",
"EmailAddress": "parent@aeries.com",
"AccessToPortal": "",
"ContactOrder": 1,
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode": "",
"EmployerName": "",
"EmployerLocation": "",
"MilitaryBranchCode": "AR",
"MilitaryRankCode": "SGT",
"MilitarySupervisorName": "John Brown",
"MilitarySupervisorPhone": "9995551234",
"MilitaryStatusCode": "X",
"NotificationPreferenceCode": "1",
"Comments": ""
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
AccessToPortal | CON.AP | Indicates whether the contact can access the Aeries Parent Portal |
AdditionalCommunicationTypeCode1 | CON.CT1 | Additional Contact 1 Type |
AdditionalCommunicationTypeCode2 | CON.CT2 | Additional Contact 2 Type |
AdditionalCommunicationTypeCode3 | CON.CT3 | Additional Contact 3 Type |
AdditionalCommunicationTypeCode4 | CON.CT4 | Additional Contact 4 Type |
AdditionalCommunicationDetail1 | CON.CN1 | Additional Contact 1 Number |
AdditionalCommunicationDetail2 | CON.CN1 | Additional Contact 2 Number |
AdditionalCommunicationDetail3 | CON.CN1 | Additional Contact 3 Number |
AdditionalCommunicationDetail4 | CON.CN1 | Additional Contact 4 Number |
Address | CON.AD | The street address of this contact |
AddressCity | CON.CY | The city |
AddressState | CON.ST | The state abbreviation |
AddressZipCode | CON.ZC | The zip code |
AddressZipExt | CON.ZX | The zip code extension |
AddressTypeCode | CON.AT | Address Type |
AddressVerificationDate | CON.VDT | Address Verification Date |
AdministrativeLockCode | CON.LK | Contact record is locked for editing |
AttendanceNotification | CON.AN | Should the Contact receive Attendance Notifications? |
Birthdate | CON.BD | Contact Birthdate |
CellPhone | CON.CP | The contact’s mobile phone number |
Comments | CON.ME | A free-text comment for this contact |
ContactOrder | CON.OR | The order in which this contact displays in Aeries |
CorrespondenceLanguageCode | CON.CL | The language in which this contact prefers to receive correspondence |
EducationalRightsHolder | CON.ERH | Educational Rights Holder |
EmailAddress | CON.EM | The email address of this contact |
EmployerLocation | CON.ELC | The location of this contact’s employer |
EmployerName | CON.ENM | The name of this contact’s employer |
EnrolledTheStudentIndicator | CON.ES | If this is the Contact who Enrolled the Student in School |
FingerprintStatusCode | CON.FP | Whether a Fingerprint has been obtained or not |
FingerprintDate | CON.FPD | Date Fingerprint submitted |
FirstName | CON.FN | The contact’s first name |
HomePhone | CON.TL | The contact’s home phone number |
LastName | CON.LN | The contact’s last name |
LivesWithStudentIndicator | CON.LW | Indicates whether the student lives with this contact |
MailingName | CON.NM | The name for this contact that should appear on mailing labels |
MailTagCode | CON.MT | Should Contact receive a copy of mail? |
MiddleName | CON.MN | The contact’s middle name |
MilitaryBranchCode | CON.MBR | If this contact is in the military, the code indicates the branch of service |
MilitaryRankCode | CON.MRA | If this contact is in the military, the code indicates the rank |
MilitaryStatusCode | CON.MTG | If this contact is/was in the military, the code indicates this contact’s military service status |
MilitarySupervisorName | CON.MSN | If this contact is/was in the military, the name of the military supervisor |
MilitarySupervisorPhone | CON.MSP | If this contact is/was in the military, the phone number of the military supervisor |
MilitaryUserFieldCode1 | CON.MU1 | Military User Code 1 |
MilitaryUserFieldCode2 | CON.MU2 | Military User Code 2 |
MilitaryUserFieldCode3 | CON.MU3 | Military User Code 3 |
MilitaryUserFieldCode4 | CON.MU4 | Military User Code 4 |
MilitaryUserFieldCode5 | CON.MU5 | Military User Code 5 |
MiscCode | CON.CD | Record Type |
NamePrefix | CON.PF | The name prefix for this contact |
NameSuffix | CON.SF | The name suffix for this contact |
NotificationPreferenceCode | CON.NP | Indicates the Aeries Communications notification preference of this contact |
Occupation | CON.OC | Contacts' Occupation |
Pager | CON.PA | The Contact’s pager number |
PortalAccountID | PWA.AID | The Portal Account ID value when contact email (CON.EM) matches a portal account email (PWA.EM). A value of zero will return when no CON.EM matches .EM. |
PrimaryContact | CON.PC | Is this the Primary Contact for the Student? |
PrimaryContact1Field | CON.C1F | Primary Contact 1 Phone linked to Student Demographics |
PrimaryContact2Field | CON.C2F | Primary Contact 2 Phone linked to Student Demographics |
PrimaryContact1Description | CON.C1D | Primary Contact 1 Phone Description |
PrimaryContact2Description | CON.C2D | Primary Contact 2 Phone Description |
RedFlag | CON.RF | Indicates whether the contact has been red-flagged |
RelationshipToStudentCode | CON.RL | A code indicating the contact’s relationship to the student |
RecordAddedDate | CON.ED | Date Record Added |
RecordType | ||
SchoolCode | STU.SC | The Aeries school code |
SequenceNumber | CON.SQ | The sequence number makes up the primary key of the Contacts table and has no independent meaning. |
StudentID | STU.ID | Student ID |
WorkPhone | CON.WP | The contact’s work phone number |
WorkPhoneExt | CON.WX | The contact’s work phone extension |
TuberculosisTestStatusCode | CON.TB | Status of the Contacts' TB test - Pass/Fail/Pending |
TuberculosisTestExpirationDate | CON.TBE | TB Test Expiration Date |
UserCode1 | CON.U1 | User Code 1 |
UserCode2 | CON.U2 | User Code 2 |
UserCode3 | CON.U3 | User Code 3 |
UserCode4 | CON.U4 | User Code 4 |
UserCode5 | CON.U5 | User Code 5 |
UserCode6 | CON.U6 | User Code 6 |
UserCode7 | CON.U7 | User Code 7 |
UserCode8 | CON.U8 | User Code 8 |
For descriptions of the various coded fields, use our "Code Sets" API: ~api/v5/codes/Contacts/{ElementName}
Contacts - Create ↑
Security Area:
- "Contacts" – Read & Insert
- “Contacts” – Field-level Insert permission is required for each field; otherwise, the value will be ignored.
- POST /api/v5/InsertContact/{StudentID}
- StudentID (required) – the Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
- This end point returns a single “Contact” object representing the contact record that was just added. For the specification of the “Contact” object, see the Contacts section of the main Aeries API documentation.
- Any field that is omitted will be assigned the Aeries default value for that field.
POST Payload Object:
- “ContactInsert” object
“ContactInsert” Object Definition:
Name | Data Type | Max Length | Notes |
MailingName | String | 50 | The name for this contact that should appear on mailing labels |
NamePrefix | String | 5 | The name prefix for this contact |
FirstName | String | 20 | The contact’s first name |
LastName | String | 50 | The contact’s last name |
MiddleName | String | 20 | The contact’s middle name |
NameSuffix | String | 10 | The name suffix for this contact |
Address | String | 50 | The street address of this contact |
AddressCity | String | 24 | The city |
AddressState | String | 2 | The state abbreviation |
AddressZip | String | 5 | The zip code |
AddressZipExt | String | 4 | The zip code extension |
RelationshipToStudentCode | String | 2 | A code indicating the contact’s relationship to the student |
HomePhone | String | The contact’s home phone number. Formatting may be included, and the input will be parsed for the first 10 digits (0-9) encountered. | |
WorkPhone | String | The contact’s work phone number. Formatting may be included, and the input will be parsed for the first 10 digits (0-9) encountered. | |
WorkPhoneExt | String | 5 | The contact’s work phone extension |
CellPhone | String | The contact’s mobile phone number. Formatting may be included, and the input will be parsed for the first 10 digits (0-9) encountered. | |
EmailAddress | String | 50 | The email address of this contact |
ContactOrder | Integer | The order in which this contact displays in Aeries | |
MisCode | String | 2 | Contact Code |
PrimaryContact | String | 1 | Y/N - Is this the Primary Contact for the Student |
MailTagCode | String | 1 | Send a Copy of mail/report cards? |
AccessToPortal | String | 1 | Y/N - Should this Contact have access to the Parent Portal? Requires an email address for access |
LivesWithStudentIndicator | String | 1 | Y/N - does this Contact Live With the Student |
Note: For descriptions of the various coded values, use our Code Sets API : ~/api/v5/codes/Contacts/{ElementName}
Example POST Payload:
"MailingName":"To: Mother",
"LastName":"AA Test LN",
"FirstName":"AA Test FN",
"MiddleName":"AA Test MN",
"Address":"1234 Main St",
"HomePhone":"(888) 777-5555",
"WorkPhone":"(800) 555-5555",
"CellPhone":"(999) 444-4455",
Contacts - Update ↑
Security Area:
- "Contacts" – Read & Update
- “Contacts” – Field-level Update permission is required for each field; otherwise, the value will be ignored.
- POST /api/v5/UpdateContact/{StudentID}/{SequenceNumber}
- StudentID (required) – the Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
- SequenceNumber (required) – the sequence number that makes up part of the primary key
- This end point returns a single “Contact” object representing the contact record that was just updated. For the specification of the “Contact” object, see the Contacts section of the main Aeries API documentation.
- To obtain the sequence number, make a request to the Contacts end point to retrieve a list of all contacts for the selected student. Each “Contact” object will include the SequenceNumber field.
- Any field that is omitted will NOT be updated in the Aeries database.
POST Payload Object:
- “ContactUpdate” object
“ContactUpdate” Object Definition:
Name | Data Type | Max Length | Notes |
MailingName | See “ContactInsert” object definition above | ||
NamePrefix | |||
FirstName | |||
LastName | |||
MiddleName | |||
NameSuffix | |||
Address | |||
AddressCity | |||
AddressState | |||
AddressZip | |||
AddressZipExt | |||
RelationshipToStudentCode | |||
HomePhone | |||
WorkPhone | |||
WorkPhoneExt | |||
CellPhone | |||
EmailAddress | |||
ContactOrder | |||
MiscCode | |||
PrimaryContact | |||
MailTagCode | |||
AccessToPortal | |||
LivesWithStudentIndicator |
Note: For descriptions of the various coded values, use our Code Sets API: ~api/v5/codes/Contacts/{ElementName}
Example POST Payload:
"MailingName":"To: New Mother",
"LastName":"new AA Test LN",
"Address":"12 Main St",
"HomePhone":"(888) 777-5555",
"WorkPhone":"(800) 555-5555",
"CellPhone":"(999) 414-4455",
Contacts - Delete ↑
Security Area:
- "Contacts" – Delete
- /api/v5/DeleteContact/{StudentID}/{SequenceNumber}
- StudentID (required) – the Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
- SequenceNumber (required) – the sequence number that makes up part of the primary key
- This end point supports both the DELETE and GET HTTP verbs. The DELETE verb is preferred, but GET is supported in the unlikely case the customer’s web server is configured to block DELETE requests.
- After a successful request, this end point returns an array of “Contact” objects representing the student’s contact records that remain after the selected record was deleted. For example, if there were three contact records before, the response body will be an array containing the remaining two contact records. If there was only one contact record before, the response body will be an empty array of contact records. For the specification of the “Contact” object, see the Contacts section of the main Aeries API documentation.
- To obtain the sequence number, make a request to the Contacts end point to retrieve a list of all contacts for the selected student. Each “Contact” object will include the SequenceNumber field.
- DELETE api/v4/DeleteContact/{id}/{sq}
Programs ↑
Security Area:
- "Student Programs"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/students/{StudentID}/programs
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- StudentID (required) – Pass "0" for all students. The Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
Query String Filters:
- code – A single Program Code to limit the records returned (e.g., ?code=144 to return only Special Education program records).
- If Student ID is not passed and you pass a 0 (zero) instead, all programs for the given school will be returned.
Example Student Program Results:
"ExtendedProperties": [],
"StudentID": 99400001,
"ProgramCode": "127",
"ProgramDescription": "Gifted and Talented Education (GATE)",
"EligibilityStartDate": "2017-01-11T00:00:00",
"EligibilityEndDate": null,
"ParticipationStartDate": "2017-03-15T00:00:00",
"ParticipationEndDate": null
"ExtendedProperties": [],
"StudentID": 99400001,
"ProgramCode": "101",
"ProgramDescription": "504 Accommodation Plan",
"EligibilityStartDate": "2020-07-15T00:00:00",
"EligibilityEndDate": "2020-08-05T00:00:00",
"ParticipationStartDate": "2020-07-15T00:00:00",
"ParticipationEndDate": "2020-08-05T00:00:00"
"ExtendedProperties": [
"Name": "DisabilityCode",
"Value": "240"
"Name": "DisabilityCodeDescription",
"Value": "Speech or Language Impairment (SLI)"
"Name": "DisabilityCode2",
"Value": "260"
"Name": "DisabilityCode2Description",
"Value": "Emotional Disturbance (ED)"
"Name": "ParentalConsentDate",
"Value": "2012-11-21T00:00:00"
Field Documentation:
Note: Program data may be pulled from several Aeries tables depending on the program. Each one is documented below.
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description | |||||||||||||||||||||
EligibilityEndDate |
| The last date the student is/was eligible for the program | |||||||||||||||||||||
EligibilityStartDate |
| The first date the student was eligible for the program | |||||||||||||||||||||
ParticipationEndDate |
| The last date the student participated in the program | |||||||||||||||||||||
ParticipationStartDate |
| The first date the student participated in the program | |||||||||||||||||||||
ProgramCode |
| The code identifying the program. This is usually a 3-character numeric string. Note: If the student's Special Education record indicates the student is being evaluated for services (CSE.ED is null and CSE.EV = "Y"), then the API will return ProgramCode "144x" instead of "144". | |||||||||||||||||||||
ProgramDescription |
| The name/description of the program. Note: If the student's Special Education record indicates the student is being evaluated for services (CSE.ED is null and CSE.EV = "Y"), then the API will return ProgramDescription "Evaluating for Special Education Services" instead of "Special Education". | |||||||||||||||||||||
StudentID | STU.ID | The Student ID |
Extended Properties:
- Program Code 144 – Special Education
- DisabilityCode (CSE.DI)
- DisabilityCodeDescription
- DisabilityCode2 (CSE.DI2)
- DisabilityCode2Description
- ParentalConsentDate (CSE.PC)
- ResidenceStatusCode (CSE.RS)
- Program Code 135 – Migrant Education
- MigrantID (SSD.MID)
- Program Code 190 – Foster Program
- FosterID (SSD.FID)
- Program Code 191 – Homeless Program
- DwellingTypeCode (PGM.HDT)
- DwellingTypeCodeDescription
- RunawayIndicator (PGM.RA)
- UnaccompaniedYouthIndicator (PGM.UY)
Activities and Awards ↑
GET methods
Returns all ACT records for students in the school
Returns all ACT records for students in the school, where ACT.CD = {cd}
Returns all ACT records for the given student
Returns a single ACT record by student ID and Sequence Number
Returns all ACT records for the given student, where ACT.CD = {cd}
Insert Method
- Creates a new ACT record
- ACT table must be PID-based
- List of fields
- DateEntered (ACT.DT)
- TypeCode (ACT.TY)
- ActivityOrAwardCode (ACT.CD)
- Name (ACT.NM)
- StartDate (ACT.SD)
- EndDate (ACT.ED)
- Hours (ACT.HR)
- ReasonCode (ACT.RS)
- SeasonCode (ACT.SE)
- StatusCode (ACT.ST)
- TransportationDate (ACT.TD)
- TransportationStatusCode (ACT.TS)
- CareerPathwayCode (ACT.PW)
- Comment (ACT.CO)
Update Method
- Updates an existing ACT record
- If SQ does not yet exist, and the vendor has permission to insert ACT, then a new record will be created
- ACT table must be PID-based
- List of fields . see Insert Method definition
- The following date fields will be set to null in the database if they are missing in the request.
- StartDate
- EndDate
- TransportationDate
Delete Method
- Deletes an existing ACT record
- ACT table mut be PID-based.
Codes API
- Lookup for ResidenceStatusCode extended property in the Programs API
- Ex: api/v5/codes/Programs/ResidenceStatus
- Returns code set for CSE.RS
- Lookup for "Code" fields in the ACT table
- Ex: api/v5/codes/Activities/Season
- Status
- Type
- ActivityOrAward
- Reason
- Season
- TransportationStatus
- CareerPathway (returns code set for CTE.CD) (California only)
API Security
- See Activities and Awards (ACT) security area under Student Data | Other
- Read, Insert, Update, and Delete permissions are available
Authorizations ↑
Security Area:
- "Authorizations" – Read
- /api/v5/schools/{sc}/authorizations/
- Returns list of authorizations (AUT) for the entire school
- More information about the use of Authorizations can be found here.
- api/v5/schools/{sc}/students/{id}/authorizations/{sq?}
- Returns list of authorizations for a single Student
- Sequence Number (optional) - Authorization Sequence Number
Example Authorizations Result for a single Student:
"StudentID": 348581,
"SchoolCode": 302,
"SequenceNumber": 2,
"DateEntered": "2014-08-25T00:00:00",
"TypeCode": "3",
"MiscCode": "",
"Status": "1",
"StatusDate": "2013-10-03T00:00:00",
"EffectiveEndDate": "2014-09-30T00:00:00",
"Comment": "Obfuscated",
"TestAdministration": "",
"Source": ""
"StudentID": 348581,
"SchoolCode": 302,
"SequenceNumber": 12,
"DateEntered": "2015-08-24T00:00:00",
"TypeCode": "3",
"MiscCode": "",
"Status": "1",
"StatusDate": "2013-10-03T00:00:00",
"EffectiveEndDate": "2014-09-30T00:00:00",
"Comment": "Obfuscated",
"TestAdministration": "",
"Source": ""
Name | Data Type | Max Length | Notes |
SequenceNumber | smallint | 32,767 | Auto-assigned on Insert |
DateEntered | datetime | 8 | Date of Authorization |
TypeCode | varchar | 1 | Type of Authorization |
MiscCode | varchar | 3 | Authorization Code |
StatusCode | varchar | 1 | Approval Status of Authorization |
StatusDate | datetime | 8 | Date of Approval Status |
EffectiveEndDate | datetime | 8 | Authorization End Date |
Comment | nvarchar | max | |
TestAdministration | varchar | 6 | Testing period |
Source | varchar | 255 | Source of Authorization |
Authorizations - Create ↑
Security Area:
- "Authorizations" – Read & Insert
- POST api/v5/schools/{sc}/students/{id}/authorizations
- StudentID (required) – the Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
- This end point returns a single “Authorization” object representing the authorization record that was just added.
- Any field that is omitted will be assigned the Aeries default value for that field.
POST Payload Object:
- “AuthorizationtInsert” object
Example POST payload:
"DateEntered":"2020-07-07 09:59:39.397",
"StatusDate":"2020-07-07 09:59:39.397",
"Comment":"New Comment",
Authorizations - Update ↑
Security Area:
- "Authorizations" - Read & Update
- PUT api/v5/schools/{sc}/students/{id}/authorizations/{sq}
- Updates an existing AUT record
- If SQ does not yet exist, and the vendor has permission to insert AUT, then a new record will be created
- Only works if AUT table is PID-based; otherwise, gives an error
Example PUT Payload:
"StatusDate": "2020-07-07T09:59:39.397"
Authorizations - Delete ↑
Security Area:
- "Authorizations" - Read & Delete
- DELETE api/v5/schools/{sc}/students/{id}/authorizations/{sq}
- Deletes an existing AUT record
- Only works if AUT table is PID-based; otherwise, gives an error
Test Scores ↑
Security Area:
- "Test Scores"
- /api/v5/students/{StudentID}/tests
- StudentID (required) – The Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
- This end point will return a full history of all State and locally administered Standardized Tests in Aeries. Examples include SBAC (CAASPP) and ELPAC. College Entrance Test Scores such as SAT I, SAT II, ACT, IB, and AP are available in a separate area detailed elsewhere in this documentation.
Example Student Test Score Results:
"StudentID": 99400001,
"Scores": [
"Type": "ScaleScore",
"Score": 491.0
"Type": "Other",
"Score": 3.0
"SequenceNumber": 1,
"TestID": "CELDT",
"TestPart": "0",
"TestDescription": "CA Eng.Lang.Dev. Test",
"GradeLevel": 4.0,
"TestingAdministration": "",
"TestDate": "2012-11-17T00:00:00",
"TestTypeCode": "",
"TestSourceCode": ""
"StudentID": 99400001,
"Scores": [
"Type": "ScaleScore",
"Score": 562.0
"Type": "Other",
"Score": 4.0
"SequenceNumber": 2,
"TestID": "CELDT",
"TestPart": "1",
"TestDescription": "List & Speaking",
"GradeLevel": 4.0,
"TestingAdministration": "",
"TestDate": "2012-11-17T00:00:00",
"TestTypeCode": "",
"TestSourceCode": ""
"StudentID": 99400001,
"Scores": [
"Type": "ScaleScore",
"Score": 440.0
"Type": "Other",
"Score": 1.0
"SequenceNumber": 3,
"TestID": "CELDT",
"TestPart": "2",
"TestDescription": "Reading",
"GradeLevel": 4.0,
"TestingAdministration": "",
"TestDate": "2012-11-17T00:00:00",
"TestTypeCode": "",
"TestSourceCode": ""
"StudentID": 99400001,
"Scores": [
"Type": "ScaleScore",
"Score": 402.0
"Type": "Other",
"Score": 1.0
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
GradeLevel | TST.GR / 10 | The student’s grade level when the test was taken |
StudentID | STU.ID / TST.PID | The Student ID |
TestScore | * See separate table below | Depending on the test, a single result can have multiple score types. For each nonzero value, a TestScore element will be included in the Scores container. |
SequenceNumber | TST.SQ | The sequence number makes up the primary key of the Test Scores table and has no independent meaning |
TestDate | TST.TD | The date the test was taken |
TestDescription | CTL.NM | The description of the Test Part |
TestID | TST.ID | The ID of the test. Ex: SBAC, ELPAC |
TestPart | TST.PT | A numeric value to indicate which part of the test this Test Score result represents. Many standardized tests have multiple parts, such as Math and English/Language Arts. |
TestSource | TST.SRC | The source of this test result in Aeries. This may be blank. Other valid values include: LOC = Local Administration RT = Records Transfer VND = Testing Vendor |
TestType | TST.TY | The type of test. Codes are set by the District. |
TestingAdministration | TST.TA | The testing administration during which this test was taken. Depending on the test, this value may be in one of several formats. The most common are as follows: SPRG16 = Spring 2016. This format is used for tests that are typically administered only once per year in the spring term. 0916 = September 2016. This format is used for tests that are administered several times throughout the school year. |
Test Score
Type | Score |
RawScore | TST.RS |
ScaleScore | TST.SS |
PerformanceLevel | TST.PL |
Other | TST.OT |
GradeEquivalency | TST.GE |
Percentile | TST.PC |
PercentCorrect | TST.PR |
Stanine | TST.ST |
CurveEquivalent | TST.CE |
Rubric | TST.RU |
For descriptions of the “TestType” codes, use the Code Sets API:
Update Test Scores ↑
Security Area:
- "Test Scores" - Update
- /api/v5/testing/UpdateScores
- If an existing record is found matched on Student ID, Test ID, Test Part, and Testing Administration, it will be updated. Otherwise, a new record will be added.
- This end point returns an “ArrayOfTest” container of “Test” objects similar to the regular Test Scores end point; however, it contains only those records which were added or updated by the current Update request.
POST Payload Object:
- Array of “TestScoreUpdate” objects
“TestScoreUpdate” Object Definition:
Name | Data Type | Notes |
StudentID | Int32 | REQUIRED The Student ID |
TestID | String | REQUIRED Max length: 6. The ID of the test |
TestPart | Int16 | REQUIRED A numeric value to indicate which part of the test this Test Score result represents. Many standardized tests have multiple parts, such as Math and English/Language Arts. |
TestingAdministration | String | REQUIRED Max length: 6. The testing administration during which this test was taken |
TestDate | Date | REQUIRED The date the test was taken |
RawScore | Int16 | The Raw Score achieved on the test |
PercentCorrect | Int32 | The Percent Correct achieved on the test |
PerformanceLevel | Int32 | The Performance Level achieved on the test |
TestTypeCode | String | Max Length: 3 |
TestSourceCode | String | Max Length: 3 |
ScaleScore | smallint | The Scale Score achieved on the test |
Other | smallint | |
GradeEquivalency | smallint | The Grade Level Equivalent Score |
Percentile | smallint | Percentile Ranking |
Stanine | smallint | Stanine Score |
CurveEquivalent | smallint | Normal Curve Equivalent Score |
Rubric | smallint | Rubric |
Example Payload:
College Entrance Test Scores ↑
Security Area:
- "College Entrance Tests"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/CollegeTestScores/{StudentID}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- StudentID (optional) – The Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
- This end point will return a full history of all tests normally taken in preparation for college. These include: SAT I, SAT II, ACT, IB, and AP tests.
Example Student College Test Score Results:
"StudentID": 99400001,
"TestScores": [
"SubTests": [
"Code": "EN",
"Score": 24.0
"Code": "MT",
"Score": 22.0
"Code": "RD",
"Score": 31.0
"Code": "SC",
"Score": 24.0
"Code": "CP",
"Score": 25.0
"Code": "EW",
"Score": 24.0
"Code": "WR",
"Score": 9.0
"TestSourceCode": "",
"TestTypeCode": "",
"CollegeAndCareerReadinessEnglishBenchmarkIndicator": "",
"CollegeAndCareerReadinessMathBenchmarkIndicator": "",
"GradeLevel": "",
"TestDate": "2019-06-09T00:00:00",
"TestName": "ACT",
"OverallScore": 101.0
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
StudentID | CTS.PID / STU.ID | The Student ID |
SchoolCode | STU.SC | The Aeries school code |
OverallScore | CTS.TTL | The overall score achieved on the test |
Code | CTS.ST1 – ST13 | The code representing this subtest. See note below* |
Score | CTS.SC1 – SC13 | The score achieved on this subtest |
TestDate | CTS.DT | The date the test was taken |
TestName | CTS.NM | The name of the test. Ex: ACT, SAT I, SAT II, AP |
TestSourceCode | CTS.SRC | Test Source |
TestTypeCode | CTS.TY | Test Type |
CollegeAndCareerReadinessEnglishBenchmarkIndicator | CTS.BE | College And Career Readiness English Benchmark Indicator - PSAT |
CollegeAndCareerReadinessMathBenchmarkIndicator | CTS.BM | College And Career Readiness Math Benchmark Indicator - PSAT |
GradeLevel | CTS.TGR | Grade Level - IB |
*For descriptions of the "SubTest" Codes, use our "Code Sets" API:
Assertive Discipline ↑
Security Area:
- "Assertive Discipline"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/AssertiveDiscipline/{StudentID}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- StudentID (optional) – The Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
- This end point will return a full history of all "Assertive Discipline" records for all students in the selected school. This will include incidents from previous school years and those from different schools. An "Assertive Discipline" record normally represents a behavioral incident that resulted in punitive action.
Example Student Assertive Discipline Results:
"StudentID": 99400011,
"AssertiveDisciplines": [
"AdministrativeDecisions": [
"StudentID": 99400011,
"AssignedDays": 0.0000,
"AssignedHours": 0.0000,
"AssignedStartDate": null,
"AssignedEndDate": null,
"AssignedReturnDate": null,
"ReasonForDifferenceCode": " ",
"DisciplinaryAssignmentSchoolCode": 0,
"ActionDecisionDate": null,
"SequenceNumber": 1,
"DispositionCode": "DET",
"Days": 0.0000,
"Hours": 1.0000,
"StartDate": "2021-05-17T00:00:00",
"EndDate": null,
"ReturnDate": null,
"ReturnStatusCode": "",
"ReturnLocationCode": "",
"ActionAuthorityCode": "",
"PlacementCode": "",
"ResultCode": "",
"SuspensionTagCode": ""
"ShortDescription": "",
"StaffReferral": 0,
"ReferredByOther": "Tchr 151",
"SequenceNumber": 5,
"IncidentDate": "2021-05-16T00:00:00",
"IncidentID": 17042,
"ExactTime": null,
"ApproximateTimeCode": "A",
"SchoolOfIncidentCode": 0,
"LocationCode": "O",
"PossibleMotivationCode": "",
"WeaponTypeCode": "",
"Demerits": 0.0000,
"Initials": "",
"InstructionalSupportIndicator": "",
"Comment": "Will not cooperate with teacher, talks out of turn, will not do assigned work. One hour detention given. COMPLETE.",
"IsSubstituteTeacherReferral": false,
"ViolationCode1": "37",
"ViolationCode2": "",
"ViolationCode3": "",
"ViolationCode4": "",
"ViolationCode5": "",
"PreReferralInterventionCode1": "Jul",
"PreReferralInterventionCode2": "0",
"PreReferralInterventionCode3": "",
"UserCode1": "",
"UserCode2": "",
"UserCode3": "",
"UserCode4": "",
"UserCode5": "",
"UserCode6": "",
"UserCode7": "",
"UserCode8": ""
"AdministrativeDecisions": [
"StudentID": 99400011,
"AssignedDays": 0.0000,
"AssignedHours": 0.0000,
"AssignedStartDate": null,
"AssignedEndDate": null,
"AssignedReturnDate": null,
"ReasonForDifferenceCode": " ",
"DisciplinaryAssignmentSchoolCode": 0,
"ActionDecisionDate": null,
"SequenceNumber": 1,
"DispositionCode": "SS",
"Days": 2.0000,
"Hours": 0.0000,
"StartDate": "2021-05-16T00:00:00",
"EndDate": null,
"ReturnDate": null,
"ReturnStatusCode": "",
"ReturnLocationCode": "",
"ActionAuthorityCode": "",
"PlacementCode": "",
"ResultCode": "",
"SuspensionTagCode": ""
"ShortDescription": "",
"StaffReferral": 994710,
"ReferredByOther": "",
"SequenceNumber": 4,
"IncidentDate": "2021-05-15T00:00:00",
"IncidentID": 17041,
"ExactTime": null,
"ApproximateTimeCode": "A",
"SchoolOfIncidentCode": 0,
"LocationCode": "O",
"PossibleMotivationCode": "",
"WeaponTypeCode": "",
"Demerits": 0.0000,
"Initials": "",
"InstructionalSupportIndicator": "",
"Comment": "Multiple period truants and forged notes. Two Saturday schools assigned. COMPLETE.",
"IsSubstituteTeacherReferral": false,
"ViolationCode1": "56",
"ViolationCode2": "",
"ViolationCode3": "",
"ViolationCode4": "",
"ViolationCode5": "",
"PreReferralInterventionCode1": "Jul",
"PreReferralInterventionCode2": "0",
"PreReferralInterventionCode3": "",
"UserCode1": "",
"UserCode2": "",
"UserCode3": "",
"UserCode4": "",
"UserCode5": "",
"UserCode6": "",
"UserCode7": "",
"UserCode8": ""
"AdministrativeDecisions": [
"StudentID": 99400011,
"AssignedDays": 0.0000,
"AssignedHours": 0.0000,
"AssignedStartDate": null,
"AssignedEndDate": null,
"AssignedReturnDate": null,
"ReasonForDifferenceCode": " ",
"DisciplinaryAssignmentSchoolCode": 0,
"ActionDecisionDate": null,
"SequenceNumber": 1,
"DispositionCode": "DET",
"Days": 0.0000,
"Hours": 2.0000,
"StartDate": "2020-10-18T00:00:00",
"EndDate": null,
"ReturnDate": null,
"ReturnStatusCode": "",
"ReturnLocationCode": "",
"ActionAuthorityCode": "",
"PlacementCode": "",
"ResultCode": "",
"SuspensionTagCode": ""
"ShortDescription": "",
"StaffReferral": 0,
"ReferredByOther": "Slocum",
"SequenceNumber": 1,
"IncidentDate": "2020-10-13T00:00:00",
"IncidentID": 17038,
"ExactTime": null,
"ApproximateTimeCode": "",
"SchoolOfIncidentCode": 0,
"LocationCode": "",
"PossibleMotivationCode": "",
"WeaponTypeCode": "",
"Demerits": 0.0000,
"Initials": "",
"InstructionalSupportIndicator": "",
"Comment": "20 minutes late to class, loud and disrupted class, several times made rude remarks. Two hours detention given. Parent called for meeting. COMPLETE.",
"IsSubstituteTeacherReferral": false,
"ViolationCode1": "38",
"ViolationCode2": "",
"ViolationCode3": "",
"ViolationCode4": "",
"ViolationCode5": "",
"PreReferralInterventionCode1": "Jul",
"PreReferralInterventionCode2": "0",
"PreReferralInterventionCode3": "",
"UserCode1": "",
"UserCode2": "",
"UserCode3": "",
"UserCode4": "",
"UserCode5": "",
"UserCode6": "",
"UserCode7": "",
"UserCode8": ""
Field Documentation:
Assertive Discipline
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
ApproximateTimeCode | ADS.AXT | The approximate time the incident occurred |
Comment | ADS.CO | A comment describing the incident |
Demerits | ADS.DM | The number of demerits the student received for the incident |
ExactTime | ADS.ET | The exact time the incident occurred |
IncidentDate | ADS.DT | The date the incident occurred |
IncidentID | ADS.IID | The Incident ID. This ID is used to link student Assertive Discipline records pertaining to the same incident (i.e., if two or more students were involved in the same incident, the Incident ID will be the same on those records). |
Initials | ADS.INI | The initials of the staff member entering the record |
InstructionalSupportIndicator | ADS.ISI | For special education students, indicates whether instructional support was provided during a suspension or expulsion resulting from this incident |
IsSubstituteTeacherReferral | ADS.SR | Indicates whether the incident was referred by a substitute teacher |
LocationCode | ADS.LCN | The location where the incident occurred |
PossibleMotivationCode | ADS.PM | The student’s possible motivation for the incident |
PreReferralInterventionCode1 | ADS.PI1 | A first intervention that was attempted prior to making the disciplinary referral |
PreReferralInterventionCode2 | ADS.PI2 | A second intervention that was attempted prior to making the disciplinary referral |
PreReferralInterventionCode3 | ADS.PI3 | A third intervention that was attempted prior to making the disciplinary referral |
SchoolOfIncidentCode | ADS.SCL | The Aeries school code where the incident occurred |
SequenceNumber | ADS.SQ | The sequence number is part of the primary key. It has no independent meaning. |
StaffReferral | ADS.SRF | The staff member who made the referral |
ReferredByOther | ADS.RF | Other referrer |
UserCode1 | ADS.U1 | User-defined code 1 |
UserCode2 | ADS.U2 | User-defined code 2 |
UserCode3 | ADS.U3 | User-defined code 3 |
UserCode4 | ADS.U4 | User-defined code 4 |
UserCode5 | ADS.U5 | User-defined code 5 |
UserCode6 | ADS.U6 | User-defined code 6 |
UserCode7 | ADS.U7 | User-defined code 7 |
UserCode8 | ADS.U8 | User-defined code 8 |
ViolationCode1 | ADS.CD | The first violation committed in this incident (the first should be the most severe) |
ViolationCode2 | ADS.CD2 | The second violation committed in this incident |
ViolationCode3 | ADS.CD3 | The third violation committed in this incident |
ViolationCode4 | ADS.CD4 | The fourth violation committed in this incident |
ViolationCode5 | ADS.CD5 | The fifth violation committed in this incident |
WeaponTypeCode | ADS.WT | The type of weapon used in this incident |
ShortDescription | ADS.DE | Short Description of the Incident |
AssignedDays | DSP.IDY | Days assigned to the Disciplinary Action, ie Days of Suspension |
AssignedHours | DSP.IHR | Hours assigned to the Disciplinary Action |
AssignedStartDate | DSP.IDD | Assigned Start Date of Disciplinary Action |
AssignedEndDate | DSP.IED | Assigned End Date of Disciplinary Action |
AssignedReturnDate | DPS.IRD | Student Assigned Return Date |
ReasonForDifferenceCode | DPS.RDD | Code for the reason the Assigned date/time to serve a Disciplinary Action differs from the actual date/time served |
DisciplinaryAssignmentSchoolcode | DSP.SA | School that Assigned the Disciplinary Action |
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
ActionAuthorityCode | DSP.AA | The authority under which the disposition was administered |
Days | DSP.DY | The number of days of disposition (e.g., days of suspension if this is a suspension) |
DispositionCode | DSP.DS | The disposition taken |
EndDate | DSP.ED | The end date of the disposition |
Hours | DSP.HR | The number of hours of disposition |
StudentID | DSP.PID | The Student ID |
PlacementCode | DSP.PL | The student’s placement for this disposition |
ResultCode | DSP.RS | The result of the disposition |
ReturnDate | DSP.RD | The date the student returned from this disposition |
ReturnLocationCode | DSP.RL | The return location for this disposition |
ReturnStatusCode | DSP.RST | The return status for this disposition |
SequenceNumber | DSP.SQ1 | The sequence number is part of the primary key. It has no independent meaning. |
StartDate | DSP.DD | The start date of the disposition |
SuspensionTagCode | DSP.ST | The suspension tag for this disposition |
For descriptions of the various coded fields, use our "Code Sets" API:
Discipline ↑
Security Area:
- "Discipline"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/Discipline/{StudentID}
- SchoolCode (required) – The Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- StudentID (optional) – The Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
- This end point will return a full history of all "Discipline" records for all students in the selected school. This will include incidents from previous school years and those from different schools. An "Discipline" record normally represents minor infractions (less severe offenses) for a student.
Example Student Discipline Results:
"StudentID": 89400001,
"Disciplines": [
"SequenceNumber": 1,
"IncidentDate": "2022-10-05T00:00:00",
"ViolationCode1": "D",
"Comment": "Inappropriate use of laptop.",
"SchoolOfIncidentCode": 894,
"StaffID": 894605,
"UserCreated": "teacher",
"LastUpdateBy": "admin",
"LastUpdateDate": "2022-10-18T13:15:24.18",
"Status": "",
"ExactTime": "2022-10-18T08:30:00",
"Location": "",
"PossibleMotivation": "AT",
"Consequence": "COU",
"DateTimestamp": "2022-10-18T13:15:24.127"
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
SequenceNumber | DIS.SQ | The sequence number is part of the primary key. It has no independent meaning. |
IncidentDate | DIS.DT | The date the incident occurred |
ViolationCode1 | DIS.CD | The violation committed in this incident |
Comment | DIS.CO | A comment describing the incident |
SchoolOfIncidentCode | DIS.SCL | The Aeries school code where the incident occurred |
StaffID | DIS.SID | The staff member who reported the incident or entered the incident into Aeries |
UserCreated | DIS.UN | The user who first created the discipline record |
LastUpdateBy | DIS.LUB | The user who last updated the discipline record |
LastUpdateDate | DIS.LUD | The last date the discipline record was updated |
Status | DIS.ST | The status code of the incident |
ExactTime | DIS.ET | The date the incident occurred |
Location | DIS.LCN | The location where the incident occurred |
PossibleMotivation | DIS.PM | The possible motivation for the incident |
Consequence | DIS.CN | The consequence of the incident |
District Supplemental Student Data ↑
Security Area:
- "District Supplemental Data"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/DistrictSupplemental/{StudentID}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- StudentID (optional) – The Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
- This end point will return student information from the "DSD" table in Aeries. This is a table that can be customized by each district with a set of fields that are consistent for all instances of a student record throughout the district (when the student is enrolled in multiple schools during the year).
Example District Supplemental Student Data Results:
"StudentID": 99400001,
"Columns": [
"ColumnCode": "CD",
"ColumnDescription": "Type of Permit",
"Value": "P",
"ColumnType": "varchar"
"ColumnCode": "DT",
"ColumnDescription": "Issue Date",
"Value": "8/3/2020 12:00:00 AM",
"ColumnType": "datetime"
"ColumnCode": "CO",
"ColumnDescription": "Comment",
"Value": "Honda Civid 7x89098",
"ColumnType": "varchar"
"ColumnCode": "IN",
"ColumnDescription": "Issue #",
"Value": "745896 ",
"ColumnType": "nchar"
School Supplemental Student Data ↑
Security Area:
- "Supplemental Data"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/SchoolSupplemental/{StudentID}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- StudentID (optional) – The Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
- This end point will return student information from the "SUP" table in Aeries. This is a table that can be customized by each district with a set of fields whose values are unique for each school a student is enrolled.
Example School Supplemental Student Data Results:
"StudentID": 99400001,
"Columns": [
"ColumnCode": "CD",
"ColumnDescription": "Type of Permit",
"Value": "P",
"ColumnType": "varchar"
"ColumnCode": "DT",
"ColumnDescription": "Issue Date",
"Value": "8/3/2020 12:00:00 AM",
"ColumnType": "datetime"
"ColumnCode": "CO",
"ColumnDescription": "Comment",
"Value": "Honda Civid 7x89098",
"ColumnType": "varchar"
"ColumnCode": "IN",
"ColumnDescription": "Issue #",
"Value": "745896 ",
"ColumnType": "nchar"
Update Supplemental Table ↑
- POST ~ api/v5/UpdateSchoolSupplemental/{sc}/{sn}
Example POST Payload:
"ColumnCode": "PI",
"NewValue": "Test"
Fees and Fines ↑
Security Area:
- "Fees and Fines"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/fees/{StudentID}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- StudentID (optional) – The Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
- This end point will return a full history of all fees and fines incurred by the student, including those that have already been paid.
Example Student Fees and Fines Results:
"StudentID": 99400001,
"Fees": [
"FeeCode": "ASB-02",
"SequenceNumber": 1,
"AmountCharged": 20.0000,
"DateCharged": "2021-05-17T00:00:00",
"AmountPaid": 0.0000,
"DatePaid": null,
"LetterCount": 0,
"Comment": "",
"ReceiptNumber": "",
"SchoolCode": 994
"FeeCode": "LIB-06",
"SequenceNumber": 2,
"AmountCharged": 25.0000,
"DateCharged": "2020-11-20T00:00:00",
"AmountPaid": 15.0000,
"DatePaid": null,
"LetterCount": 0,
"Comment": "",
"ReceiptNumber": "0",
"SchoolCode": 993
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
AmountCharged | FEE.AM | The dollar amount of the Fee |
AmountPaid | FEE.PD | The dollar amount that has been paid toward the Fee |
Comment | FEE.CO | A comment or note that the school has entered about this Fee |
DateCharged | FEE.DT | The date the Fee was charged |
DatePaid | FEE.DP | The date the Fee was paid |
FeeCode | FEE.CD | A code representing the reason for the Fee |
LetterCount | FEE.LT | The school can send Fee Letters to remind/warn students and parents about unpaid Fees. This is the number of such letters that have been sent pertaining to this Fee. |
ReceiptNumber | FEE.RN | When a Fee is paid, the school can store the receipt number for the payment |
SchoolCode | FEE.SCL | The Aeries school code of the school where the Fee was charged |
SequenceNumber | FEE.SQ | The sequence number is part of the primary key. It has no independent meaning. |
StudentID | FEE.PID / STU.ID | The Student ID |
For descriptions of the "FeeCode" Codes, use our "Code Sets" API:
Student Picture ↑
Security Area:
- "Student Pictures"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/StudentPictures/{StudentID}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- StudentID (optional) – The Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
Query String Filters:
- StartingRecord – (numeric) The Record-Count value of the first record to return (inclusive).
- EndingRecord – (numeric) The Record-Count value of the last record to return (inclusive).
- This end point will return the most recent photo of the student stored in Aeries.
- Due to the large amount of data that this end point may return, it is HIGHLY recommended to use either an individual student ID or query string filters to limit the number of records returned.
Example Student Pictures Results:
"StudentID": 99400001,
"Pictures": [
"SchoolYear": 2020,
"RawBinary": [Not shown for document readability]
"FileExtension": "jpg",
"FileSize": 13768
"SchoolCode": 994
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
StudentID | PIC.ID | The Student ID |
FileExtension | PIC.XT | The original file extension of the photo (e.g., “jpg”) |
FileSize | PIC.SZ | The size in bytes of the photo |
RawBinary | PIC.RB | A serialized byte array containing the student photo |
SchoolYear | PIC.YR | The school year the photo was taken (e.g., 2016 for the 2016-2017 school year) |
SchoolCode | STU.SC | The Aeries school code |
Student Groups
Security Area:
- "Student Groups"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/StudentGroups
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999. To return Student Groups for all schools, pass “all” for the SchoolCode.
- Student Groups are lists of students that schools have grouped together for any purpose, such as athletic team membership, club participation, academic reasons, special programs, etc.
Example Student Groups Results:
"Students": [
"StudentId": 99400001
"StudentId": 99400003
"Staff": [
"StaffId": 994947
"StaffId": 994956
"StaffId": 994958
"GroupId": 3,
"Name": "Detention",
"Description": "Detention",
"ExpirationDate": null,
"SchoolCode": 994,
"IsCommunicationGroup": false
"ConfidentialGroup": false },
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
Description | SGD.GD | The description of the group |
ExpirationDate | SGD.DX | The date the group expires. If the expiration date is populated and has passed, the group should be considered inactive. |
GroupId | SGD.GI | The unique identifier for the group |
IsCommunicationGroup | SGD.CM | Indicates whether the group is synced with the Aeries Communication platform |
ConfidentialGroup | SGD.CG | Will indicate whether the group is a Confidential Group in ParentSquare. |
Name | SGD.GN | The name of the group |
StaffId | SGS.ID | The staff ID of a staff member associated with the group |
StudentId | SGM.ID | The Student ID of a student who is a member of the group |