School Report Card Marking Periods
School Graduation Requirements
Student Graduation Status Summary
Student GPAs
Security Area:
- "Student Data"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/gpas/{StudentID}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- StudentID (optional) – The Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
Query String Filters:
- StartingRecord – (numeric) The Record-Count value of the first record to return (inclusive).
- EndingRecord – (numeric) The Record-Count value of the last record to return (inclusive).
- If Student ID is not passed, all students for the given school will be returned.
Example Student GPAs Results:
[ { "StudentID": 99400001, "SchoolCode": 994, "ClassRank": 17, "ClassSize": 466, "ClassRank1012": 13, "GPA_CumulativeAcademic": 3.9691, "GPA_CumulativeTotal": 3.9725, "GPA_CumulativeAcademic1012": 4.0411, "GPA_CumulativeAcademicNonWeighted": 3.5773, "GPA_CumulativeTotalNonWeighted": 3.6239, "GPA_CumulativeAcademic1012NonWeighted": 3.5205, "GradePointsCumulative": 192.5000, "GPA_UC_Preliminary": 3.8300, "GPA_CSU_Preliminary": 3.8400, "GPA_CumulativeCitizenship": 0.0000, "GPA_GradeReportingCitizenship": 0.0000, "CreditsAttempted": 272.5000, "CreditsCompleted": 272.5000, "GPA_GradeReportingAcademic": 4.4000, "GPA_GradeReportingTotal": 4.4000, "GPA_GradeReportingAcademicNonWeighted": 3.8000, "GPA_GradeReportingTotalNonWeighted": 3.8000, "GradeReportingClassRank": 9, "GradeReportingClassSize": 463, "GradeReportingCreditsAttempted": 25.0000, "GradeReportingCreditsCompleted": 25.0000 } ]
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
ClassRank | STU.CR | The cumulative class rank based on the school’s selection of which GPA calculation to use |
ClassRank1012 | STU.UR | The cumulative class rank based on the grades 10-12 Academic GPA |
ClassSize | STU.CS | The class size including active and graduated students |
CreditsAttempted | STU.CA | The cumulative number of course credits attempted by the student |
CreditsCompleted | STU.CC | The cumulative number of course credits completed by the student |
GPA_CSU_Preliminary | STU.PCS | The preliminary academic GPA for California State University entrance |
GPA_CumulativeAcademic | STU.GP | The cumulative, weighted academic GPA (i.e., excludes all non-academic courses) |
GPA_CumulativeAcademic1012 | STU.CP | The cumulative, weighted academic GPA including only academic courses taken in grades 10-12 |
GPA_CumulativeAcademic1012NonWeighted | STU.CPN | The cumulative, non-weighted academic GPA including only academic courses taken in grades 10-12 |
GPA_CumulativeAcademicNonWeighted | STU.GPN | The cumulative, non-weighted academic GPA (i.e., excludes all non-academic courses) |
GPA_CumulativeCitizenship | STU.CCG | The cumulative “Citizenship GPA” |
GPA_CumulativeTotal | STU.TP | The cumulative, weighted total GPA (includes non-academic courses)) |
GPA_CumulativeTotalNonWeighted | STU.TPN | The cumulative, nonweighted total GPA (includes non-academic courses) |
GPA_GradeReportingAcademic | STU.GG | The weighted, academic GPA calculated from the current marking period |
GPA_GradeReportingAcademicNonWeighted | STU.GGN | The non-weighted, academic GPA calculated from the current marking period |
GPA_GradeReportingCitizenship | STU.GCG | The “Citizenship GPA” calculated from the current marking period |
GPA_GradeReportingTotal | STU.GT | The weighted total GPA calculated from the current marking period |
GPA_GradeReportingTotalNonWeighted | STU.GTN | The non-weighted total GPA calculated from the current marking period |
GPA_UC_Preliminary | STU.PUC | The preliminary academic GPA for University of California entrance |
GradePointsCumulative | STU.PTS | The number of grade points used to calculate UC and CSU GPAs |
GradeReportingClassRank | STU.GK | The class rank, based on the school’s selection of which GPA calculation to use, calculated from the current marking period |
GradeReportingClassSize | STU.GS | The class size including active students only |
GradeReportingCreditsAttempted | STU.GA | The number of course credits attempted by the student in the current marking period |
GradeReportingCreditsCompleted | STU.GD | The number of course credits completed by the student in the current marking period |
StudentID | STU.ID | The Student ID |
SchoolCode | STU.SC | The Aeries school code |
Student Report Cards ↑
Security Area:
- "Grades"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/ReportCard/{StudentID}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- StudentID (optional) – The Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
- If Student ID is not passed, all students for the given school will be returned.
Example Student Report Cards Results:
[ { "StudentID": 89400002, "StudentReportCardCourses": [ { "SchoolCode": 894, "CourseID": "0010", "CourseTitle": "PE 9", "Period": "5", "SectionNumber": 5065, "TeacherNumber": 0, "MarkingPeriodGrades": [ { "PrimaryStaffID": 894607, "Hours": 0.0, "AttendanceBasedGradesIndicator": "", "MarkingPeriod": 1, "Mark": "A", "Credit": 5.0, "Comment1Code": "", "Comment2Code": "", "Comment3Code": "", "CitizenshipCode": "", "WorkHabitsCode": "", "TotalAbsences": 0, "TotalTardies": 0, "TotalDaysEnrolled": 74, "TotalDaysPresent": 73, "TotalExcusedAbsences": 1, "TotalUnExcusedAbsences": 0, "TotalDaysOfSuspension": 0 } ] }, { "SchoolCode": 894, "CourseID": "0301", "CourseTitle": "English 9 Cp", "Period": "6", "SectionNumber": 6089, "TeacherNumber": 0, "MarkingPeriodGrades": [ { "PrimaryStaffID": 894694, "Hours": 0.0, "AttendanceBasedGradesIndicator": "", "MarkingPeriod": 1, "Mark": "B+", "Credit": 5.0, "Comment1Code": "", "Comment2Code": "", "Comment3Code": "", "CitizenshipCode": "", "WorkHabitsCode": "", "TotalAbsences": 1, "TotalTardies": 0, "TotalDaysEnrolled": 74, "TotalDaysPresent": 73, "TotalExcusedAbsences": 0, "TotalUnExcusedAbsences": 1, "TotalDaysOfSuspension": 0 } ] }, { "SchoolCode": 894, "CourseID": "0416", "CourseTitle": "Spanish I", "Period": "1 Flex", "SectionNumber": 1156, "TeacherNumber": 0, "MarkingPeriodGrades": [ { "PrimaryStaffID": 894730, "Hours": 0.0, "AttendanceBasedGradesIndicator": "", "MarkingPeriod": 1, "Mark": "C", "Credit": 5.0, "Comment1Code": "", "Comment2Code": "", "Comment3Code": "", "CitizenshipCode": "", "WorkHabitsCode": "", "TotalAbsences": 0, "TotalTardies": 0, "TotalDaysEnrolled": 74, "TotalDaysPresent": 74, "TotalExcusedAbsences": 0, "TotalUnExcusedAbsences": 0, "TotalDaysOfSuspension": 0 } ] }, { "SchoolCode": 894, "CourseID": "0645", "CourseTitle": "Adv Algebra CP", "Period": "4", "SectionNumber": 4009, "TeacherNumber": 0, "MarkingPeriodGrades": [ { "PrimaryStaffID": 894725, "Hours": 0.0, "AttendanceBasedGradesIndicator": "", "MarkingPeriod": 1, "Mark": "A-", "Credit": 5.0, "Comment1Code": "", "Comment2Code": "", "Comment3Code": "", "CitizenshipCode": "", "WorkHabitsCode": "", "TotalAbsences": 1, "TotalTardies": 0, "TotalDaysEnrolled": 74, "TotalDaysPresent": 73, "TotalExcusedAbsences": 0, "TotalUnExcusedAbsences": 1, "TotalDaysOfSuspension": 0 } ] }, { "SchoolCode": 894, "CourseID": "0674", "CourseTitle": "Phys Science,CP", "Period": "3 Flex", "SectionNumber": 3134, "TeacherNumber": 0, "MarkingPeriodGrades": [ { "PrimaryStaffID": 894807, "Hours": 0.0, "AttendanceBasedGradesIndicator": "", "MarkingPeriod": 1, "Mark": "B", "Credit": 5.0, "Comment1Code": "", "Comment2Code": "", "Comment3Code": "", "CitizenshipCode": "", "WorkHabitsCode": "", "TotalAbsences": 0, "TotalTardies": 0, "TotalDaysEnrolled": 74, "TotalDaysPresent": 74, "TotalExcusedAbsences": 0, "TotalUnExcusedAbsences": 0, "TotalDaysOfSuspension": 0 } ] }, { "SchoolCode": 894, "CourseID": "0968", "CourseTitle": "Leadership", "Period": "2 Flex", "SectionNumber": 2008, "TeacherNumber": 0, "MarkingPeriodGrades": [ { "PrimaryStaffID": 894721, "Hours": 0.0, "AttendanceBasedGradesIndicator": "", "MarkingPeriod": 1, "Mark": "B+", "Credit": 5.0, "Comment1Code": "", "Comment2Code": "", "Comment3Code": "", "CitizenshipCode": "", "WorkHabitsCode": "", "TotalAbsences": 0, "TotalTardies": 0, "TotalDaysEnrolled": 74, "TotalDaysPresent": 74, "TotalExcusedAbsences": 0, "TotalUnExcusedAbsences": 0, "TotalDaysOfSuspension": 0 } ] } ] } ]
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
StudentID | STU.ID | The Student ID |
CourseID | GRD.CN | The District course ID |
CourseTitle | CRS.CO | The title of the course |
CitizenshipCode | GRH.CI | A code describing the student’s meeting of satisfactory citizenship for this marking period |
Comment1Code | GRH.C1 | A comment chosen by the teacher for this student for this marking period from a list of pre-defined comments |
Comment2Code | GRH.C2 | Additional comment |
Comment3Code | GRH.C3 | Additional comment |
Credit | GRH.CR | The credits earned by this student for this course during this marking period |
Mark | GRH.MK | The mark (e.g., “A”, “B+”) received. Note: For the current marking period only, the respective field from GRD.M1 – M12 will be used instead |
MarkingPeriod | The marking period (1 – 12) for this grade reporting entry | |
SectionNumber | GRH.SE | The master schedule section number for this report card course |
TotalAbsences | GRH.AB | The total number of days the student was absent from this class during this marking period |
TotalDaysEnrolled | GRH.EN | The total number of days the student was enrolled in this class during this marking period |
TotalDaysOfSuspension | GRH.SU | The total number of days the student was suspended from this class during this marking period |
TotalDaysPresent | GRH.PR | The total number of days the student was present in this class during this marking period |
TotalExcusedAbsences | GRH.EA | The total number of days the student had an excused absence from this class during this marking period |
TotalTardies | GRH.TD | The total number of days the student was tardy to this class during this marking period |
TotalUnExcusedAbsences | GRH.UA | The total number of days the student had an unexcused absence from this class during this marking period |
WorkHabitsCode | GRH.WH | A code describing the student’s meeting of satisfactory work habits for this marking period |
Period | GRD.PD FTF.STI | The class period. For Flex Schools, Period will come from FTF.STI |
SchoolCode | STU.SC | The Aeries school code |
TeacherNumber | GRD.TN | The school-based teacher number |
PrimaryStaffID | GRD.SID/GRH.SID | The Staff ID |
Hours | GRD.HR/GRH.HR | Hours |
AttendanceBasedGradesIndicator | GRD.ABG/GRH.ABG | Attendance Based Grades Indicator |
Note: For the current marking period, the “GRD” table will be used instead of the “GRH” table, so all references in Field Documentation to “GRH will be replaced with “GRD”. The current marking period can be identified by calling the “School Report Card Marking Periods” API
For descriptions of the various coded values, use our Code Sets API: ~api/v5/codes/ReportCard/{ElementName}
School Report Card Marking Periods ↑
Security Area:
- "Grades"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/ReportCardMarkingPeriods
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- This end point returns information about each Report Card Marking Period for the school and can be used to cross-reference with the “MarkingPeriod” number from the Student Report Cards API
Example School Report Card Marking Periods Results:
{ "BeginningDate": "2020-07-06T00:00:00", "EndingDate": "2020-09-01T00:00:00", "StateReportingCode": "", "MarkingPeriod": 1, "ShortDescription": "1st PRG", "LongDescription": "First Progress", "IsCurrentMarkingPeriod": true }, { "BeginningDate": "2020-07-06T00:00:00", "EndingDate": "2020-10-16T00:00:00", "StateReportingCode": "", "MarkingPeriod": 2, "ShortDescription": "1st Qtr", "LongDescription": "First Semester", "IsCurrentMarkingPeriod": false }, { "BeginningDate": "2021-01-04T00:00:00", "EndingDate": "2020-03-26T00:00:00", "StateReportingCode": "", "MarkingPeriod": 3, "ShortDescription": "2d PRG", "LongDescription": "Second Progress", "IsCurrentMarkingPeriod": false },
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
IsCurrentMarkingPeriod | Based on LOC.TM | True or False. Indicates whether this marking period is the school’s current marking period. |
LongDescription | GRP.T# (where # is 1-12) | The full description of the marking period |
MarkingPeriod | The marking period (1 – 12) | |
ShortDescription | GRP.H# + " " + GRP.S# (where # is 1-12) | The abbreviated description of the marking period. This is used as the column heading on the printed report card. |
BeginningDate | GRP.B1-B12 | Beginning Date of Marking Period |
EndingDate | GRP.E1-E12 | Ending Date of Marking Period |
StateReportingCode | GRP.C1-C12 | State Reporting Code |
School Graduation Requirements ↑
Security Area:
- "Graduation Requirements"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/GraduationRequirements
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
Example School Graduation Requirements Results:
{ "SubjectAreas": [ { "SubjectAreaCode": "A", "SubjectAreaDescription": "English", "RequiredCreditFor12thGraders": 40.0000, "RequiredCreditFor11thGraders": 40.0000, "RequiredCreditFor10thGraders": 40.0000, "RequiredCreditFor9thGraders": 40.0000 }, { "SubjectAreaCode": "B", "SubjectAreaDescription": "Physical Education", "RequiredCreditFor12thGraders": 30.0000, "RequiredCreditFor11thGraders": 20.0000, "RequiredCreditFor10thGraders": 20.0000, "RequiredCreditFor9thGraders": 20.0000 }, ... { "SubjectAreaCode": "Z", "SubjectAreaDescription": "Electives", "RequiredCreditFor12thGraders": 55.0000, "RequiredCreditFor11thGraders": 55.0000, "RequiredCreditFor10thGraders": 45.0000, "RequiredCreditFor9thGraders": 45.0000 } ], "SchoolCode": 994, "GraduationRequirementTrack": "" },
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
GraduationRequirementTrack | REQ.GRT | The Graduation Track to which this requirement applies. Graduation Tracks can be used to establish different graduation requirements for specific groups of students and are also used to separate specific groups of students for class rank/size calculations. |
SchoolCode | REQ.SC | The Aeries school code |
RequiredCreditFor10thGraders | REQ.C3 | The number of course credits required in this subject area for students currently in grade 10 |
RequiredCreditFor11thGraders | REQ.C2 | The number of course credits required in this subject area for students currently in grade 11 |
RequiredCreditFor12thGraders | REQ.C1 | The number of course credits required in this subject area for students currently in grade 12 |
RequiredCreditFor9thGraders | REQ.C4 | The number of course credits required in this subject area for students currently in grade 9 |
SubjectAreaCode | REQ.CD | The subject area code (single character) for this requirement |
SubjectAreaDescription | REQ.SA | The name/description of the subject area for this requirement |
Student Graduation Status Summary ↑
Security Area:
- "Graduation Status"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/GraduationStatusSummary/{StudentID}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- StudentID (optional) – the Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/GraduationStatusSummary/grade/{GradeLevel}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- GradeLevel (required) – the Academic grade level of the set of students to return.
Query String Filters:
- StartingRecord – (numeric) The Record-Count value of the first record to return (inclusive).
- EndingRecord – (numeric) The Record-Count value of the last record to return (inclusive).
- If StudentID is not passed, all students in the selected school will be returned.
Example Student Graduation Status Summary Results:
{ "StudentID": 99400001, "SubjectAreas": [ { "SubjectAreaCode": "A", "SubjectAreaDescription": "English", "CreditsRequired": 40.00, "CreditsCompleted": 35.00, "CreditsCurrentlyEnrolled": 5.0, "CreditsNeeded": 0.00 }, { "SubjectAreaCode": "B", "SubjectAreaDescription": "Physical Education", "CreditsRequired": 30.00, "CreditsCompleted": 30.00, "CreditsCurrentlyEnrolled": 0.0, "CreditsNeeded": 0.00 }, { "SubjectAreaCode": "C", "SubjectAreaDescription": "Social Science", "CreditsRequired": 30.00, "CreditsCompleted": 30.00, "CreditsCurrentlyEnrolled": 0.0, "CreditsNeeded": 0.00 }, ... ], "SchoolCode": 994, "GraduationRequirementTrack": "" }
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
GraduationRequirementTrack | STU.GRT | The Graduation Track to which this student belongs (if any). Graduation Tracks can be used to establish different graduation requirements for specific groups of students and are also used to separate specific groups of students for class rank/size calculations. |
StudentID | STU.ID | The Student ID |
SchoolCode | STU.SC | The Aeries school code |
CreditsCompleted | * See notes below | The number of credits the student has completed in this subject area. |
CreditsCurrentlyEnrolled | * See notes below | The number of credits in this subject area in which the student is currently enrolled. |
CreditsNeeded | * See notes below | The number of credits in this subject area that the student still needs. |
CreditsRequired | REQ.C# (where # is 1 – 4) | The credits required in this subject area based on the student’s grade level. Grade 9 = C4 Grade 10 = C3 Grade 11 = C2 Grade 12 = C1 |
SubjectAreaCode | REQ.CD | The subject area code (single character) |
SubjectAreaDescription | REQ.SA | The name/description of the subject area |
* These values are based on calculations for which the logic is too complex to detail in this document.
Note: Excess credits in a subject area are always allocated to the “Electives” subject area. Therefore, CreditsCompleted will never exceed CreditsRequired except possibly in the “Electives” subject area.
Student Transcripts ↑
Security Area:
- "Transcripts"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/Transcript/{StudentID}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- StudentID (optional) – The Aeries Student District Student ID Number.
Query String Filters:
- StartingStudent – (numeric) The Record-Count value of the first record to return (inclusive).
- EndingStudent – (numeric) The Record-Count value of the last record to return (inclusive).
- If StudentID is not passed, all students in the selected school will be returned.
Example Student Transcripts Results:
{ "StudentID": 99400001, "CourseGrades": [ { "Hours": 0.0000, "RecordSourceCode": "", "DualEnrollmentCreditSchoolCode": 0, "DateOfCompletion": null, "CollegeCreditHours": 0.0000, "PassFailCreditCode": "", "CourseID": "100386", "TranscriptCourseTitle": "", "Mark": "B", "CreditAttempted": 0.0000, "CreditCompleted": 0.0000, "StudentGrade": 8, "Term": 1, "TermDescription": "Fall", "SchoolYear": "2016-2017", "SchoolTakenID": 993, "SchoolTakenName": "Bald Eagle Intermediate School", "SchoolTakenStateID": "65999999999993", "RepeatTagCode": "", "CitizenshipMark": "O", "SequenceNumber": 35, "TotalAbsences": 0, "TotalTardies": 0, "TotalDaysEnrolled": 89, "TotalDaysPresent": 89, "TotalExcusedAbsences": 0, "TotalUnExcusedAbsences": 0, "TotalDaysOfSuspension": 0, "SectionNumber": 0, "StaffID": 0 }, ... ... ], "SchoolCode": 994 } ]
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
CitizenshipMark | HIS.CI | The mark the student received for the meeting of satisfactory citizenship. |
CourseID | HIS.CN | The District course ID of the course taken |
CreditAttempted | HIS.CR | The number of credits the student attempted |
CreditCompleted | HIS.CC | The number of credits the student earned |
Mark | HIS.MK | The mark (e.g., “A”, “B+”) received. |
RepeatTagCode | HIS.RT | If this record represents a repeated course, this code indicates whether the repeat counts toward the student’s total Credit Attempted, Credit Completed, and the GPA calculation. |
SchoolTakenID | HIS.ST | An identifier for the school at which this course was taken. For courses taken within the current district, this will usually match the respective Aeries school code. |
SchoolTakenName | CHI.NM | The name of the school at which this course was taken |
SchoolTakenStateID | CHI.ID | The state school ID (e.g., CDS code) for the school at which this course was taken. |
SchoolYear | Based on HIS.YR | The school year when the course was taken (e.g., “2016-2017”) |
SectionNumber | HIS.SE | The master schedule section number of the course taken |
SequenceNumber | HIS.SQ | The sequence number is part of the primary key. It has no independent meaning. |
StaffID | HIS.SID | The Aeries staff ID of the teacher who taught the course taken |
StudentGrade | HIS.GR | The student’s grade level at the time the course was taken |
Term | HIS.TE | The term during which the course was taken |
TermDescription | TDF.S# (where # is 0 – 8) | The description for the Term. |
TotalAbsences | HIS.AB | The total number of days the student was absent from this class during the term taken |
TotalDaysEnrolled | HIS.EN | The total number of days the student was enrolled in this class during the term taken |
TotalDaysOfSuspension | HIS.SU | The total number of days the student was suspended from this class during the term taken |
TotalDaysPresent | HIS.PR | The total number of days the student was present in this class during the term taken |
TotalExcusedAbsences | HIS.EA | The total number of days the student had an excused absence from this class during the term taken |
TotalTardies | HIS.TD | The total number of days the student was tardy to this class during the term taken |
TotalUnExcusedAbsences | HIS.UA | The total number of days the student had an unexcused absence from this class during the term taken |
TranscriptCourseTitle | HIS.CO | The title of the course to be printed on the transcript, if different from the District’s course title. This is typically populated when the course was taken at a different district so the other district’s exact course title can be used. This should generally be blank for courses taken inside the District. |
StudentID | HIS.PID / STU.ID | The Student ID |
School Code | STU.SC | The Aeries school code |
Hours | HIS.HR | Hours for Alternative Education Schools |
RecordSource | HIS.SRC | Record Source |
DualEnrollmentCreditSchoolCode | HIS.SDE | School of Credit for Dual Enrollment Courses |
DateOfCompletion | HIS.DC | Date of Completion |
CollegeCreditHours | HIS.CH | College Credit Hours |
PassFailCreditCode | HIS.PF | Pass/Fail Credit code |
For descriptions of the Codes, use our "Code Sets" API: `/api/v5/codes/Transcript/{ElementName}