Gradebook InformationAssignment Information
Updating Assignment Information
Inserting a New Assignment
Final Mark Ranges
Gradebook Student Information
Assignment Scores
Updating Assignment Scores
Gradebook Information
Security Area:
- "Gradebook Data"
- /api/v5/staff/{StaffID}/gradebooks
- StaffID (required) – the Aeries District Staff ID (numeric)
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/sections/{SectionNumber}/gradebooks
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- SectionNumber (required) – the school-based Aeries section number.
- /api/v5/gradebooks/{GradebookNumber}
- GradebookNumber (required) – the specific Aeries Gradebook Number
- Note: This can be used if you already have pulled a list of gradebooks for a teacher or section and want to refresh a specific gradebook's information. Returns a single “Gradebook” object rather than an “ArrayOfGradebook”.
- A method of retrieving ALL gradebooks for a school or district is not possible. It is recommended that this API be called on the fly when needed by your system to generate a user interface.
- Documentation on the Aeries Gradebook can be found here
Example Gradebook Information Results:
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
Comment | GBK.CO | A comment associated with the gradebook for reference by the teacher. |
EndDate | GBK.D2 | The ending date of the gradebook. Usually the last day of the term associated with the gradebook. |
GradebookNumber | GBK.GN | The specific Aeries Gradebook Number. This is a unique number that is assigned at the time the gradebook is created and should not change. |
GradebookType | GBK.TY | (not currently used) |
LinkedGroup | GBK.AG | Linked Gradebooks group number. Gradebooks with the same number are considered linked together. A value of 0 is considered Ungrouped. |
Name | GBK.NM | The name of the gradebook as displayed throughout the system. This is typically the Course name; however, the teacher can modify the name. |
Period | GBK.PD | The period associated with this gradebook. |
SchoolCode | GBK.SC | The Aeries school code |
StartDate | GBK.D1 | The starting date of the gradebook. Usually the first day of the term associated with the gradebook. |
TeacherEmailAddress | TCH.EM | The teacher’s email address |
TeacherName | TCH.TE | The display name of the teacher. It may be different than teacher’s actual first and last name. |
TeacherNumber | GBK.TN | The school-based Aeries teacher number |
Assignment Category
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
Code | GBT.AT | Assignment Category Type. A code representing the gradebook assignment category. This is an internal code not normally displayed to our users. |
Color | GBT.CL | A hexadecimal color value. The teacher can choose to color-code each assignment category. The colors display in Aeries on the Scores By Class page. |
Description | GBT.TD | Assignment Category description (ex. Homework, Classwork, Class Participation, etc.). Category descriptions can be changed by teachers. |
GradebookNumber | GBT.GN | The specific Aeries Gradebook Number |
PercentageOfGrade | GBT.PG | This is used to weight categories. Valid values are 0-100. For example, Homework category may be worth 10% of the overall grade. |
Gradebook Section
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
GradebookNumber | GBE.GN | The specific Aeries Gradebook Number |
SchoolCode | GBE.SC | The Aeries school code |
SectionNumber | GBE.SE | The school-based Master Schedule section number of the section associated with this gradebook. In an elementary school without a master schedule, this will match the Teacher Number instead. |
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
AddDropStudentsAutomatically | All come from the GBO table. GBO.OPN is the name, and GBO.OV is the value | Students will be automatically added to and dropped from the gradebook based on changes to the section class roster |
ApplyRangeToStudent | (no longer used, but may be populated on older gradebooks) | |
CountCompletedNow | Scores entered into the gradebook apply immediately to the overall grade (essentially overrides the “Grading Completed” property of individual assignments). | |
CountHi | (no longer used, but may be populated on older gradebooks) | |
CountLo | (no longer used, but may be populated on older gradebooks) | |
CountMaxDate | (no longer used, but may be populated on older gradebooks) | |
CountMinDate | (no longer used, but may be populated on older gradebooks) | |
DoingFormativeSummativeWeight | Allows the teacher to assign a percentage to summative assignments and a percentage to formative assignments. | |
DoingMinMaxAssignmentValues | When calculating the total grade, each assignment's score will be scaled to be within the defined min/max range. | |
DoingRubric | This gradebook is doing Rubric grading, meaning the total grade will be calculated by using trend analysis. | |
DoingWeight | This gradebook has percentages assigned to each assignment category. | |
FilterAssignmentsBy | (no longer used, but may be populated on older gradebooks) | |
FormativePercentage | If DoingFormativeSummativeWeight is turned on, this is the percentage to weight Formative assignments. | |
GradebookNumber | GBO.ID | The specific Aeries Gradebook Number |
HideDroppedStudents | All come from the GBO table. GBO.OPN is the name, and GBO.OV is the value | If True, students who have been dropped from the gradebook will be hidden on the various “Scores By” pages. If False, dropped students instead display on a colored background at the bottom of the list. |
HideOverallScore | Do not show the student’s overall score/percentage when a teacher or other staff is viewing the gradebook | |
HideOverallScoreFromParentStudent | Do not show the student’s overall score/percentage when a parent or student is viewing the gradebook | |
MaxAssignmentValue | If DoingMinMaxAssignmentValues is turned on, this is the max value. | |
MinAssignmentValue | If DoingMinMaxAssignmentValues is turned on, this is the min value. | |
ShowFinalMark | Display the student’s overall mark (e.g., A, B, F) when a teacher or other staff is viewing the gradebook | |
ShowFinalMarkToParentStudent | Display the student’s overall mark (e.g., A, B, F) when a parent or student is viewing the gradebook | |
ShowHi | (no longer used, but may be populated on older gradebooks) | |
ShowLo | (no longer used, but may be populated on older gradebooks) | |
ShowMaxDate | (no longer used, but may be populated on older gradebooks) | |
ShowMinDate | (no longer used, but may be populated on older gradebooks) | |
ShowPointRatio | Shows the overall point ratio to the teacher on the scores by class page. Example 300/1000. | |
SingleTermGradebook | Allows a teacher to associate the gradebook to a single year-long term, instead of being restricted to the school defined Terms. | |
SummativePercentage | If DoingFormativeSummativeWeight is turned on, this is the percentage to weight Summative assignments. |
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
Code | GBR.CD | The code of the term; e.g., S = Spring, 1 = Trimester 1, etc. For Single Term Gradebooks, this value will be Y. |
EndDate | GBR.ED | The end date of the specified term. |
GradebookNumber | GBR.GN | The specific Aeries Gradebook Number |
Name | GBR.NM | The Term Description of the term; e.g., Spring, Fall, Trimester 1, etc. This value can be specified by the teacher if they are using a single term gradebook. |
StartDate | GBR.SD | The start date of the specified term. |
Assignment Information ↑
Security Area:
- "Gradebook Data"
- /api/v5/gradebooks/{GradebookNumber}/assignments/{AssignmentNumber}
- GradebookNumber (required) – the specific Aeries Gradebook Number
- AssignmentNumber (optional) – the specific Assignment Number
- /api/v5/gradebooks/Assignments/{UniqueID}
- UniqueID (required) – The District-wide Unique ID for this assignment. The teacher has the ability to change the Assignment Number, but the Unique ID for an assignment will never change. Once the Unique ID is known, it can be used to guarantee that future API calls refer to the same assignment.
- A method of retrieving assignments for ALL gradebooks for a school or district is not possible. It is recommended that this API be called on the fly when needed by your system to generate a user interface.
- If AssignmentNumber or UniqueID is passed, a single “Assignment” object is returned rather than an “ArrayOfAssignment”.
Example Assignment Information Results:
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
AeriesAnalyticsExamID | GBA.EID | (no longer used) |
AeriesAnalyticsExamTestAdmin | GBA.ETA | (no longer used) |
AllowStudentDropBox | GBA.ADB | If turned on, this allows students to upload a document to this particular assignment via the Aeries Student Portal. |
AssignmentNumber | GBA.AN | The specific Assignment Number |
Comment | GBA.COM | This is a longer description of the assignment |
DateAssigned | GBA.DA | The date the assignment was assigned |
DateDue | GBA.DD | The date the assignment is due. |
Description | GBA.AD | The name of the assignment as displayed throughout the system |
DueTime | GBA.DUT | Used in conjunction with the AllowStudentDropBox option. The document can only be uploaded until this time. |
ExternalID | GBA.EI | This is used to identify an assignment in third party systems such as Google Classroom. |
FormativeSummativeIndicator | GBA.TY | Defines an assignment as either Formative or Summative. |
GradebookNumber | GBA.GN | The specific Aeries Gradebook Number |
GradingCompleted | GBA.GC | This is a flag that notes whether the teacher is finished grading this assignment. Once the flag is turned on, the scores count toward students’ overall grade and will be considered “missing” if not yet scored. |
InputScoresByStandard | GBA.IBS | This denotes that the assignment is Input by Standard. Teachers will enter multiple scores per assignment, one for each standard. |
NarrativeGradeSetID | GBA.CID | If a narrative grading scale is in use on this assignment, this denotes which one is being used. A narrative grade set allows the teacher to choose from a list of marks rather than enter a numeric score for each student. Each narrative grade mark then corresponds to a certain percentage correct. |
NumberCorrectPossible | GBA.NP | The number of questions (or points) possible for this assignment. |
PointsPossible | GBA.MX | The maximum number of points that can be earned on this assignment. |
RubricAssignment | GBA.RA | Indicates whether this assignment is using Rubric Grading |
ScoresVisibleToParents | GBA.SVP | The score is visible to parents and students in the Aeries Parent/Student Portal. Parents may see the assignment but not the score. |
UniqueID | GBA.UI | The District-wide Unique ID for this assignment. The teacher has the ability to change the Assignment Number, but the Unique ID for an assignment will never change. Once the Unique ID is known, it can be used to guarantee that future API calls refer to the same assignment. |
VisibleToParents | GBA.VP | The assignment is visible to parents and students in the Aeries Parent/Student Portal. Neither the score nor the assignment will be shown if this is False. |
Assignment Category documentation is the same as that provided above.
Narrative Grade
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
Mark | GBM.MK | The mark for the narrative grading scale. A teacher can use any number of letters, numbers, or symbols here. |
NarrativeGradeSetID | GBM.CID | An ID assigned to the narrative grade set by Aeries. Not typically displayed to the user. |
PercentValue | GBM.PM | The percentage associated with the mark. |
Assignment Standard
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
AcademicBenchmarkId | STN.BID | A specific ID used to relate Aeries standards to specific standards third party systems. |
AssignmentNumber | GBN.AN | The specific Assignment Number |
GradebookNumber | GBN.GN | The specific Aeries Gradebook Number |
NumberCorrectPossible | GBN.NP | The maximum number of points attributed to this particular standard that can be earned on this assignment. |
StandardDescription | STN.TI | The specific description of the Aeries Standard. |
StandardId | GBN.SD | The specific ID of the Aeries Standard. |
Updating Assignment Information ↑
Security Area:
- "Gradebook Data" - Update
- PUT /api/v5/gradebooks/{GradebookNumber}/assignments/{AssignmentNumber}
- GradebookNumber (required) – the specific Aeries Gradebook Number
- AssignmentNumber (required) – the specific Assignment Number
- PUT /api/v5/gradebooks/Assignments/{UniqueID}
- UniqueID (required) – The District-wide Unique ID for this assignment. The teacher has the ability to change the Assignment Number, but the Unique ID for an assignment will never change. Once the Unique ID is known, it can be used to guarantee that future API calls refer to the same assignment.
- This end point returns an “ArrayOfAssignment” container of “Assignment” objects similar to the regular Assignment Information end point; however, it contains only those records which were updated by the current Update request. The result is an array because the Assignment with the same Assignment Number will be updated in all Linked Gradebooks if the UpdateLinkedGradebooksToo option is set to “true” or omitted (defaults to “true”). Linked Gradebooks are all a teacher’s Gradebooks in the same school code with equal, nonzero values for “LinkedGroup” (see the Gradebook Information end point)
POST Payload Object:
- “AssignmentUpdate” object
“AssignmentUpdate” Object Definition:
Name | Data Type | Notes |
Description | String | Max length: 255. The title/description of the assignment. |
AssignmentCategoryCode | String | Max length: 1. Must match an existing Assignment Category Code in the current Gradebook |
DateAssigned | Date | The date the assignment is assigned to students |
DateDue | Date | The date the assignment is due |
NumberCorrectPossible | Decimal | The number of questions (or points) possible for this assignment. If omitted or the value is 0, then the value of PointsPossible will be used. |
PointsPossible | Decimal | REQUIRED The maximum number of points that can be earned on this assignment. |
GradingCompleted | Boolean | (true or false. DEFAULT false if omitted) Indicates whether the teacher has finished grading this assignment and it should therefore count towards students’ overall grades |
Comment | String | A comment or note to provide additional information about the assignment. Though this field is optional, if it is omitted or blank, then any existing Comment will be overwritten with an empty string. |
FormativeSummativeIndicator | String | Valid values are “F” or “S”. Indicates whether this assignment is Formative or Summative. |
RubricAssignment | Boolean | (true or false. DEFAULT false if omitted) Indicates whether this assignment uses Rubric grading. Note: If this is true, then both NumberCorrectPossible and PointsPossible will automatically be set to 0 regardless of what values are passed. This option only works if the overall Gradebook is set to allow Rubric grading. If not, this field will automatically be interpreted as “false” |
ExternalID | String | An identifier for this assignment in an external system such as a Learning Management System (LMS). |
UpdateLinkedGradebooksToo | Boolean | (true or false. DEFAULT true if omitted) Option to update the same assignment in any of the teacher’s Linked Gradebooks. |
Example Payload:
Inserting a New Assignment ↑
Security Area:
- "Gradebook Data" - Update
- POST /api/v5/gradebooks/{GradebookNumber}/Assignments
- GradebookNumber (required) – the specific Aeries Gradebook Number
- This end point returns an “ArrayOfAssignment” container of “Assignment” objects similar to the regular Assignment Information end point; however, it contains only those records which were added by the current Insert request. The result is an array because the new Assignment will be added in all Linked Gradebooks if the CreateInLinkedGradebooksToo option is set to “true” or omitted (defaults to “true”). Linked Gradebooks are all a teacher’s Gradebooks in the same school code with equal, nonzero values for “LinkedGroup” (see the Gradebook Information end point)
POST Payload Object:
- “AssignmentInsert” object
“AssignmentInsert” Object Definition:
Name | Data Type | Notes |
Description | String | REQUIRED Max length: 255. The title/description of the assignment. Empty string is allowed (though not encouraged), but field cannot be omitted or null. |
AssignmentCategoryCode | String | Max length: 1. Must match an existing Assignment Category Code in the current Gradebook. If invalid or omitted, the first Assignment Category Code in the Gradebook will be used by default. |
DateAssigned | Date | The date the assignment is assigned to students. If omitted or null, the DateDue will be used. If both are omitted or null, today’s date will be used. |
DateDue | Date | The date the assignment is due. If omitted or null, the DateAssigned will be used. If both are omitted or null, today’s date will be used. |
NumberCorrectPossible | Decimal | The number of questions (or points) possible for this assignment. If omitted or the value is 0, then the value of PointsPossible will be used. |
PointsPossible | Decimal | The maximum number of points that can be earned on this assignment. |
Comment | String | A comment or note to provide additional information about the assignment. |
FormativeSummativeIndicator | String | Valid values are “F” or “S”. Indicates whether this assignment is Formative or Summative. If omitted or invalid, “S” will be used by default. |
RubricAssignment | Boolean | (true or false. DEFAULT false if omitted) Indicates whether this assignment uses Rubric grading. Note: If this is true, then both NumberCorrectPossible and PointsPossible will automatically be set to 0 regardless of what values are passed. This option only works if the overall Gradebook is set to allow Rubric grading. If not, this field will automatically be interpreted as “false” |
ExternalID | String | An identifier for this assignment in an external system such as a Learning Management System (LMS). |
CreateInLinkedGradebooksToo | Boolean | (true or false. DEFAULT true if omitted) Option to create the same assignment in the teacher’s Linked Gradebooks. |
Example Payload:
Final Mark Ranges ↑
Security Area:
- "Gradebook Data"
- /api/v5/gradebooks/{GradebookNumber}/FinalMarks
- GradebookNumber (required) – the specific Aeries Gradebook Number
- A method of retrieving final marks for ALL gradebooks for a school or district is not possible. It is recommended that this API be called on the fly when needed by your system.
- In Aeries, the "Low Value" is used as a threshold. The "High Value" is informational only, except that if the High Value is 0 (zero), then the Final Mark is not being used.
Example Final Mark Ranges Results:
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
HighValue | GTG.HI | High Value (informational only see note above) |
LowValue | GTG.LO | The Low Value for this range. |
Mark | GTG.MK | The Mark assigned to this range ex. A, B+, etc. |
Gradebook Student Information ↑
Security Area:
- "Gradebook Data"
- /api/v5/gradebooks/{GradebookNumber}/{GradebookTerm}/students/{StudentID}
- GradebookNumber (required) – the specific Aeries Gradebook Number
- GradebookTerm (required) – the Term Code from the Gradebook object (Gradebook à Terms à Term à Code)
- StudentID (optional) - the Aeries Student District Permanent ID Number.
- Note: This can be used if you already have pulled a list of students for a gradebook and want to refresh a specific student's information. Returns a single “Student” object rather than an “ArrayOfStudent”.
- A method of retrieving students for ALL gradebooks for a school or district is not possible. It is recommended that this API be called on the fly when needed by your system.
- Also not available at this time is the ability to request a set of gradebooks for a specific student. This will be available in a future enhancement.
Example Gradebook Student Information Results:
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
CurrentMark | GBV.MK | The student’s overall current mark for this gradebook. |
CurrentPercentage | GBV.PC | The student’s overall current percentage for this gradebook. |
CurrentTerm | GBV.CD | The term that this mark applies to. Usually F, S, Y, 1, 2, 3, or 4. |
CustomSortOrder | GBU.SRT | A custom sort order that a teacher can assign to sort students in their gradebook. |
EndDate | GBU.D2 | The student’s end date for this gradebook. Normally the last day of the term unless the student dropped the class at an earlier date. |
HighAssignmentNumber | GBU.HI | (no longer used) |
InactiveTag | GBU.TG | Is the student inactive in this gradebook |
LowAssignmentNumber | GBU.LO | (no longer used) |
StudentID | STU.ID | The Permanent ID of this student |
SchoolCode | GBU.SC | The Aeries school code |
StartDate | GBU.D1 | The student’s beginning date for this gradebook. Normally the first day of the term unless the student enrolled in the class at a later date. |
StudentFirstName | STU.FN | The student’s first name |
StudentGradeLevel | STU.GR | The student’s grade level |
StudentLastName | STU.LN | The student’s last name |
StudentMiddleName | STU.MN | The student’s middle name |
StudentNumber | GBU.SN | The school-based Student Number for this student |
StudentSex | STU.SX | The student's sex or gender (May be M or F or another coded value for non-binary gender identifications) |
Assignment Scores ↑
Security Area:
- "Gradebook Scores"
- /api/v5/gradebooks/{GradebookNumber}/assignments/{AssignmentNumber}/scores/{StudentID}
- GradebookNumber (required) – the specific Aeries Gradebook Number
- AssignmentNumber (required) – the specific Assignment Number
- StudentID (optional) – the Aeries Student District Permanent ID Number
- Note: This can be used if you already have pulled a list of scores for an assignment and want to refresh a specific student’s information. Returns a single “AssignmentScore” object rather than an “ArrayOfAssignmentScore”.
- /api/v5/gradebooks/assignments/{UniqueID}/scores/{StudentID}
- UniqueID (required) – The District-wide Unique ID for this assignment. The teacher has the ability to change the Assignment Number, but the Unique ID for an assignment will never change. Once the Unique ID is known, it can be used to guarantee that future API calls refer to the same assignment.
- StudentID (optional) – the Aeries Student District Permanent ID Number
- Note: This can be used if you already have pulled a list of scores for an assignment and want to refresh a specific student’s information. Returns a single “AssignmentScore” object rather than an “ArrayOfAssignmentScore”.
- A method of retrieving scores for ALL assignments in a gradebook is not possible. It is recommended that this API be called on the fly when needed by your system.
- For Standards-based grades, the list of standards and the "Academic Benchmark Id" is available through the Assignment Information API.
- Also for Standards-based grades, the Number Correct and Points Earned fields will always match.
- For Rubric-based grades, the Number Correct Possible and Points Possible fields will be 0 (zero). Also, the Number Correct and Points Earned fields will match.
Example Assignment Scores Results:
Field Documentation:
Assignment Score
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
AssignmentNumber | GBS.AN | The specific Assignment Number |
DateCompleted | GBS.DC | The date the student completed/submitted the assignment |
GradebookNumber | GBS.GN | The specific Aeries Gradebook Number |
IsMissing | Indicates whether this counts as a missing assignment for the student. Typically, this will be true under the following conditions:
| |
IsRuleReplacingScore | Indicates whether a Gradebook Rule will replace this student’s actual score in the overall grade calculation. Gradebook Rules can be set by the teacher for each Gradebook. For example: drop the lowest score in the Quiz category and replace it with the average of remaining scores in the Quiz category. | |
Mark | GBS.MK | The mark entered for the student on this assignment. Usually numeric, but there are special marks such as “NA” (not applicable; i.e., excused) and “TX” (temporarily excused). Also, if a Narrative Grade set is used, the mark from the Narrative Grade set will display here. Also, marks can be expressed as a percentage such as 95%. |
NumberCorrect | GBS.NC | The number of questions (or points) the student answered correctly. |
NumberCorrectPossible | GBS.NP | The number of questions (or points) possible for this assignment for this student. |
PercentCorrect | GBS.PC | The percentage of possible points earned by the student. |
StudentID | STU.ID | The Permanent ID of the student |
PointsEarned | GBS.SCR | The number of points earned by the student |
PointsPossible | GBS.MX | The maximum number of points the student could have earned |
RuleNumberApplied | If a Gradebook Rule was applied to this score, this is the rule number. Note: There is currently no API end point that provides detailed information on Gradebook Rules | |
RuleReplacedScore | The percent score that will replace this student’s actual score due to a Gradebook Rule being applied. Expressed as a decimal (e.g., 0.9 = 90%) |
Assignment Standard Score
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
Mark | GBD.MK | The mark attributed to this particular standard entered for this student on this assignment |
NumberCorrect | GBD.NC | The number of points attributed to this particular standard earned by the student |
NumberCorrectPossible | GBD.NP | The maximum number of points attributed to this particular standard that the student could have earned |
PercentCorrect | GBD.PC | The percentage of possible points attributed to this particular standard earned by the student |
PointsEarned | GBD.SCR | The number of points attributed to this particular standard earned by the student |
PointsPossible | GBD.MX | The maximum number of points attributed to this particular standard that the student could have earned |
StandardId | GBD.SD | The specific Standard ID |
Updating Assignment Scores ↑
Security Area:
- "Gradebook Scores" - Update
- POST /api/v5/gradebooks/{GradebookNumber}/assignments/{AssignmentNumber}/Scores
- GradebookNumber (required) – the specific Aeries Gradebook Number
- AssignmentNumber (required) – the specific Assignment Number
- POST /api/v5/gradebooks/assignments/{UniqueID}/Scores
- UniqueID (required) – The District-wide Unique ID for this assignment. The teacher has the ability to change the Assignment Number, but the Unique ID for an assignment will never change. Once the Unique ID is known, it can be used to guarantee that future API calls refer to the same assignment.
- This end point returns an “ArrayOfAssignmentScore” container of “AssignmentScore” objects similar to the regular Assignment Scores end point. Regardless of how many scores are updated, all scores for the selected assignment will be returned after the update is completed.
- For Standards-based grades, the list of standards and the "Academic Benchmark Id" are available through the Assignment Information API.
- For Rubric-based grades, send the numeric Rubric value for Number Correct.
POST Payload Object:
- Array of “AssignmentScoreUpdate” object
“AssignmentScoreUpdate” Object Definition:
Name | Data Type | Notes |
StudentID | Int32 | Student District Permanent ID number |
NumberCorrect | Decimal | The number of questions (or points) earned on this assignment. Handles up to 4 decimal places. Do not populate if StandardScores are being sent. |
DateCompleted | Date | Only populate if you really want to put in a specific value. Otherwise, Aeries will automatically use the Due Date of the assignment. |
StandardScores | Array of AssignmentStandardScoreUpdate | This is an array of custom objects. See below for details. |
“AssignmentStandardScoreUpdate” Object Definition:
Name | Data Type | Notes |
AeriesStandardID | String | Either this field or the AcademicBenchmarkID field must be populated. This needs to match information originally found in the "Assignment" object. |
AcademicBenchmarkID | String | Either this field or the AeriesStandardID field must be populated. This needs to match information originally found in the "Assignment" object. |
NumberCorrect | Decimal | The number of questions (or points) earned on this standard, within the given assignment. Handles up to 4 decimal places. |