Sections (from Master Schedule)
Section Data Changes (from Master Schedule)
Section Class Roster Data Changes
Section (from Scheduling Master Schedule)
Class Calendars
Security Area:
- "Class Calendars"
- api/v5/schools/{sc}/classcalendars/{sq?}
- Get all class calendars for the school, or a single class calendar for the given SQ. Everything is mapped from the CCL table.
- api/v5/schools/{sc}/classcalendars/year/{yr}
- Get all class calendars for the school for the given academic year (e.g., "2019-2020" or "2020-2021")
- api/v5/schools/{sc}/classcalendars/{sq}/dates
- Get the class calendar dates (CCD) for a specific class calendar
Example Class Calendar Results:
"SequenceNumber": 13,
"SchoolCode": 894,
"AcademicYear": "2021-2022",
"ShortTitle": "M",
"Description": ""
"SequenceNumber": 11,
"SchoolCode": 894,
"AcademicYear": "2021-2022",
"ShortTitle": "MTWRF",
"Description": ""
"SequenceNumber": 12,
"SchoolCode": 894,
"AcademicYear": "2021-2022",
"ShortTitle": "W",
"Description": ""
"SequenceNumber": 14,
"SchoolCode": 894,
"AcademicYear": "2020-2021",
"ShortTitle": "MTWRF",
"Description": ""
"SequenceNumber": 15,
"SchoolCode": 894,
"AcademicYear": "2020-2021",
"ShortTitle": "W",
"Description": ""
Field Documentation
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
SequenceNumber | CCL.SQ | Calendar Sequence Number |
SchoolCode | CCL.SC | The School which the Calendar belongs to |
AcademicYear | CCL.YR | Academic Year of the Calendar |
ShortTitle | CCL.STI | Days of the Week the Calendar applies |
Description | CCL.DE | Calendar Description |
Flex Periods ↑
Security Area:
- "Flex Periods"
- Returns a list of all Flex Periods for the school, or a single Flex Period for the given SQ (optional). All fields are mapped from FTF
- Returns a list of Flex Periods for the school and the given academic year (e.g., "2019-2020" or "2020-2021")
Example Flex Periods Information Results:
"SequenceNumber": 1,
"SchoolCode": 894,
"AcademicYear": "2021-2022",
"ShortTitle": "Flex 0",
"Description": "Pd 0",
"StartTime": "1900-01-01T07:05:00",
"EndTime": "1900-01-01T07:55:00",
"TypeCode": ""
"SequenceNumber": 2,
"SchoolCode": 894,
"AcademicYear": "2021-2022",
"ShortTitle": "Flex 1",
"Description": "Pd 1",
"StartTime": "1900-01-01T08:00:00",
"EndTime": "1900-01-01T08:50:00",
"TypeCode": ""
"SequenceNumber": 3,
"SchoolCode": 894,
"AcademicYear": "2021-2022",
"ShortTitle": "Flex 2",
"Description": "Pd 2",
"StartTime": "1900-01-01T08:55:00",
"EndTime": "1900-01-01T09:45:00",
"TypeCode": ""
"SequenceNumber": 4,
"SchoolCode": 894,
"AcademicYear": "2021-2022",
"ShortTitle": "Flex 3",
"Description": "Pd 3",
"StartTime": "1900-01-01T10:05:00",
"EndTime": "1900-01-01T10:55:00",
"TypeCode": ""
"SequenceNumber": 5,
"SchoolCode": 894,
"AcademicYear": "2021-2022",
"ShortTitle": "Flex 4",
"Description": "Pd 4",
"StartTime": "1900-01-01T11:00:00",
"EndTime": "1900-01-01T11:50:00",
"TypeCode": ""
"SequenceNumber": 19,
"SchoolCode": 894,
"AcademicYear": "2020-2021",
"ShortTitle": "8",
"Description": "Pd 8",
"StartTime": "1900-01-01T15:10:00",
"EndTime": "1900-01-01T16:00:00",
"TypeCode": ""
"SequenceNumber": 20,
"SchoolCode": 894,
"AcademicYear": "2020-2021",
"ShortTitle": "9",
"Description": "Pd 9",
"StartTime": "1900-01-01T16:05:00",
"EndTime": "1900-01-01T16:55:00",
"TypeCode": ""
Field Documentation
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
SequenceNumber | FTF.SQ | Sequence Number |
SchoolCode | FTF.SC | School code |
AcademicYear | FTF.YR | Academic Year |
ShortTitle | FTF.STI | Period Number |
Description | FTF.DE | Period Description |
StartTime | FTF.ST | Default Start Time |
EndTime | FTF.ET | Default End Time |
TypeCode | FTF.TY | Type |
For descriptions of the various coded fields, use our "Code Sets" API: ` /api/v5/codes/FlexPeriods/{ElementName}
Student Class Schedule ↑
Security Area:
- "Class Schedules/History"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/classes/{StudentID}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- StudentID (optional) – The Aeries Student ID Number.
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/classes/{StudentID}
- If Student ID is not passed, all classes for all students for the given school will be returned.
- When this information is requested before the beginning of the school year, the SequenceNumber and SectionNumber values will match.
- Be aware that Class Schedules are highly prone to large scale adjustments before the start of school through the first 2 weeks of the school year.
Example Student Class Schedule Results:
"StudentID": 99400001,
"SchoolCode": 994,
"SequenceNumber": 7,
"SectionNumber": 7003,
"CourseID": "0775",
"DateStarted": "2020-07-06T00:00:00",
"DateEnded": "2020-12-23T00:00:00"
"StudentID": 99400001,
"SchoolCode": 994,
"SequenceNumber": 8,
"SectionNumber": 3093,
"CourseID": "0425",
"DateStarted": "2020-07-06T00:00:00",
"DateEnded": "2020-08-28T00:00:00"
"StudentID": 99400001,
"SchoolCode": 994,
"SequenceNumber": 9,
"SectionNumber": 1118,
"CourseID": "0317",
"DateStarted": "2020-07-06T00:00:00",
"DateEnded": "2021-02-01T00:00:00"
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
CourseID | CAR.CN | The District course ID |
DateEnded | CAR.DE | The date the student’s enrollment in this class ended |
DateStarted | CAR.DS | The date the student’s enrollment in this class started |
StudentID | STU.ID | The Student ID |
SchoolCode | CAR.SC | The Aeries school code |
SectionNumber | CAR.SE | The section number for this class from the master schedule |
SequenceNumber | CAR.SQ | The sequence number is part of the primary key. It has no independent meaning. |
Note: Before the CAR (Course Attendance Record) table is initialized at the beginning of the school year, data will be pulled from a join of SEC (Student Class Sections), MST (Master Schedule), and TRM (Terms) instead.
Course Information ↑
Security Area:
- "Course Data"
- /api/v5/courses/{CourseID}
- CourseID (optional) – The Aeries Course ID (alphanumeric).
- If Course ID is not passed, all courses in the district will be returned.
Example Single Course Information Results:
"VocationalEducationSubjectAreaCode": "",
"VocationalEducationCourseLevelCode": "",
"CourseLevelCode": "",
"CourseTypeCode": "",
"NextCourse": "",
"TermSequence": 0,
"YearSequence": 0,
"TraditionalGender": "",
"NCLBCoreCode": "N",
"NCLBCoreArea1Code": "",
"NCLBCoreArea2Code": "",
"ContentGroupCode": "",
"NCESCode": "",
"CIPCode": "",
"BoardAdoptionDate": null,
"LastRevisionDate": null,
"RevisionTypeCode": "",
"InactiveDate": null,
"AcademicWeight": 0,
"MeetsAlgebraIRequirement": false,
"AlgebraICreditRequired": 0.0000,
"ServiceIDCode": "",
"PopulationServedCode": "",
"ClassTypeCode": "",
"CourseSequenceCode": "",
"NonCampusBasedInstructionCode": "",
"OnRampsDualEnrollmentIndicator": "",
"IncludeForExtracurricularActivityEligibilityIndicator": "",
"HoursForCompletion": 0.0000,
"CostOfCourse": 0.0000,
"ContentSubcategoryCode": "",
"StandardsGradeRangeCode": "",
"ContentStandardsAlignmentCode": "",
"CharterNonCoreIndicator": "",
"AdvancedCourseStateCode": "",
"CollegeStateCourseCode": "",
"MiddleSchoolCoreIndicator": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode1": "",
"TitleForLanguage1": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode2": "",
"TitleForLanguage2": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode3": "",
"TitleForLanguage3": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode4": "",
"TitleForLanguage4": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode5": "",
"TitleForLanguage5": "",
"CorrespondenceLanguageCode6": "",
"TitleForLanguage6": "",
"UserCode1": "",
"UserCode2": "",
"UserCode3": "",
"UserCode4": "",
"UserCode5": "",
"UserCode6": "",
"UserCode7": "",
"UserCode8": "",
"ID": "0001",
"Title": "No Zero Period",
"LongDescription": "",
"Notes": "",
"ContentDescription": "",
"NonAcademicOrHonorsCode": "",
"SubjectArea1Code": "",
"SubjectArea2Code": "",
"SubjectArea3Code": "",
"DepartmentCode": "Z",
"StateCourseCode": "6012",
"CSFCourseList": "",
"CollegePrepIndicatorCode": "",
"CreditDefault": 0.0000,
"CreditMax": 0.0000,
"TermTypeCode": "Y",
"LowGrade": 9,
"HighGrade": 12,
"CSU_SubjectAreaCode": "",
"CSU_Rule_CanBeAnElective": "",
"CSU_Rule_HonorsCode": "",
"CSU_Rule_ValidationLevelCode": "",
"UC_SubjectAreaCode": "",
"UC_Rule_CanBeAnElective": "",
"UC_Rule_HonorsCode": "",
"UC_Rule_ValidationLevelCode": "0",
"TeacherAideIndicator": false,
"PhysicalEducationIndicator": false,
"InactiveStatusCode": "",
"PrerequisiteCourse": "",
"AlternateCourse": "",
"DefaultMaxStudents": 0,
"NextYearInactiveStatusCode": ""
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
CSFCourseList | CRS.C1 | The standardized list from the California Scholarship Federation to which this course belongs. |
CSU_Rule_CanBeAnElective | CRS.CSE | If flagged with a ‘G’ this course can roll into CSU Electives when the assigned subject area is full. |
CSU_Rule_HonorsCode | CRS.CSH | If flagged with ‘H’ this course is counted as an honors course for purposes of CSU Eligibility. |
CSU_Rule_ValidationLevelCode | CRS.VL | Course Validation Level is allowed by CSU for certain flexibilities when evaluating whether or not a student has completed a particular subject and gained requirements necessary to enter college. |
CSU_SubjectAreaCode | CRS.E1 | The Subject Area that this course will count toward for completing the CSU entrance requirements. |
CollegePrepIndicatorCode | CRS.CP | Indicates whether the course is counted as a college preparatory course. |
ContentDescription | CRS.CD | More detailed description of the course and/or the course content. |
CreditDefault | CRS.CR | Default number of credits that a student will receive by passing this course |
CreditMax | CRS.MC | Maximum Credit that a student can receive by taking this course multiple times. |
DepartmentCode | CRS.DC | The department code allows sorting reports by department, such as English. |
HighGrade | CRS.HI | Highest grade level that would normally take this course. Used in Scheduling to prevent students outside the grade range from being scheduled into the class. |
ID | CRS.CN | Identification assigned to a course that can be up to 6 characters in length. The ID can contain letters and/or numbers, for example ENG123 but MUST not start with a space or special character, such as an asterisk * |
InactiveStatusCode | CRS.TG | Any non-blank value will inactivate the course and prevent sections from being added to the Master Schedule and Scheduling Master Schedule. |
LongDescription | CRS.DE | The long course title (max 30 characters) |
LowGrade | CRS.LO | Lowest grade level that would normally take this course. Used in Scheduling to prevent students outside the Grade Range from being scheduled into the class. |
NonAcademicOrHonorsCode | CRS.NA | Indicates whether the course is a (N) Non Academic or (H) Honors. |
Notes | CRS.CM | Free-text note about this course |
PhysicalEducationIndicator | CRS.PE | Indicates whether this course is a physical education course. Primarily used to single out the PE teacher among all a student’s teachers for purposes of entering Physical Fitness Test data. |
StateCourseCode | CRS.C3 | Specific code assigned to courses by the California Department of Education that corresponds to the content of the course. |
SubjectArea1Code | CRS.S1 | The first Graduation Requirements subject area that this course satisfies. Code description can be found through the Graduation Requirements API |
SubjectArea2Code | CRS.S2 | The second Graduation Requirements subject area that this course satisfies if all requirements have been met for the S1 subject area. Code description can be found through the Graduation Requirements API |
SubjectArea3Code | CRS.S3 | The third Graduation Requirements subject area that this course satisfies if all requirements have been met for the S1 and S2 subject areas. Code description can be found through the Graduation Requirements API |
TeacherAideIndicator | CRS.TA | Indicates whether the course is a Teacher Aide course. Many reports within Aeries give users the option to skip TA courses. |
TermTypeCode | CRS.TM | Indicates the length of a given course. |
Title | CRS.CO | The short course title (max 15 characters) |
UC_Rule_CanBeAnElective | CRS.U2 | If flagged with a ‘G’ this course can roll into UC Electives when the assigned subject area is full. |
UC_Rule_HonorsCode | CRS.U3 | If flagged with ‘H’ this course is counted as an honors course for purposes of UC Eligibility. |
UC_Rule_ValidationLevelCode | CRS.VLU | Course Validation Level is allowed by UC for certain flexibilities when evaluating whether or not a student has completed a particular subject and gained requirements necessary to enter college. |
UC_SubjectAreaCode | CRS.U1 | The Subject Area that this course will count toward for completing the UC entrance requirements. |
VocationalEducationSubjectAreaCode | CRS.E2 | Vocational Education Subject Area |
VocationalEducationCourseLevelCode | CRS.VCL | Vocational Education Course Level |
CourseLevelCode | CRS.CL | Academic Level of the Course |
CourseTypeCode | CRS.TY | Course Type |
NextCourse | CRS.NC | The Next Course in a Multi-Course Sequence |
TermSequence | CRS.TS | The Term Sequence for a Multi-Course Sequence |
YearSequence | CRS.YS | The Year Sequence for a Multi-Course Sequence |
TraditionalGender | CRS.TGN | (California only) The Gender a CTE course is 'Traditionally' for. Used for Carl Perkins Reporting. Informational only. |
NCLBBoreCode | CRS.NCC | NCLB Bore Code |
NCLBBoreArea1Code | CRS.CA1 | NCLB Bore Area 1 |
NCLBBoreArea2Code | CRS.CA2 | NCLB Bore Area 2 |
ContentGroupCode | CRS.CCG | The Course Content Group field is used to link courses together that have the same content. |
NCESCode | CRS.US | This field is used to classify the content of the course for the National Center for Education Statistics. |
CIPCode | CRS.CIP | Classification of Instructional Programs code from the National Center for Education Statistics for use with adult education courses |
BoardAdoptionDate | CRS.BD | The date the course was adopted (approved) by the District Board of Education. |
LastRevisionDate | CRS.RD | The date the framework of the course was last revised |
RevisionTypeCode | CRS.RT | The type of revision that was made when the course framework was last revised. |
InactiveDate | CRS.ID | Date the Course was Inactivated |
AcademicWeight | CRS.AC | The Academic Weight field is available for use in 4 x 4 Block Scheduling. Valid values are 0-4. By assigning a value to each course the scheduler will attempt to balance the student’s work load for each semester. |
MeetsAlgebraRequirement | CRS.ALR | Indicates that this course will count towards the Algebra I requirement set by the State |
AlgebraICreditRequired | CRS.ALC | The number of credits required to meet the Algebra I requirement. |
ServiceID | CRS.SVC | Service ID |
PopulationServedCode | CRS.PSV | Population Served |
ClassTypeCode | CRS.CTY | Class Type |
CourseSequenceCode | CRS.CSQ | Course Sequence |
NonCampusBasedInstructionCode | CRS.NCI | Non Campus Based Instruction Indicator |
OnRampsDualEnrollmentIndicator | CRS.OD | OnRamps Dual Enrollment Indicator |
IncludeForExtracurricularActivityEligibilityIndicator | CRS.EE | Included in Extracurricular Activity Eligibility status |
ContentSubcategoryCode | CRS.CSC | Content Subcategory |
StandardsGradeRangeCode | CRS.SGR | Standard Grade Range |
ContentStandardsAlignmentCode | CRS.CSA | Content Standards Alignment |
CharterNonCoreIndicator | CRS.CNC | Charter NonCore Indicator |
AdvancedCourseStateCode | CRS.CSA | Advanced Course State code |
CollegeStateCourseCode | CRS.CC3 | College State Course code |
MiddleSchoolCoreIndicator | CRS.MSC | Middle School Core Indicator |
HoursForCompletion | CRS.HC | Hours for Completion |
CostOfCourse | CRS.CC | Cost of Course |
CorrespondenceLanguageCode1 | CRS.CL1 | Language Code of Translation |
TitleForLanguage1 | CRS.CO1 | Name of Language |
CorrespondenceLanguageCode2 | CRS.CL2 | Language Code of Translation |
TitleForLanguage2 | CRS.CO2 | Name of Language |
CorrespondenceLanguageCode3 | CRS.CL3 | Language Code of Translation |
TitleForLanguage3 | CRS.CO3 | Name of Language |
CorrespondenceLanguageCode4 | CRS.CL4 | Language Code of Translation |
TitleForLanguage4 | CRS.CO4 | Name of Language |
CorrespondenceLanguageCode5 | CRS.CL5 | Language Code of Translation |
TitleForLanguage5 | CRS.CO5 | Name of Language |
CorrespondenceLanguageCode6 | CRS.CL6 | Language Code of Translation |
TitleForLanguage6 | CRS.CO6 | Name of Language |
UserCode1 | CRS.UC1 | User Code 1 |
UserCode2 | CRS.UC2 | User Code 2 |
UserCode3 | CRS.UC3 | User Code 3 |
UserCode4 | CRS.UC4 | User Code 4 |
UserCode5 | CRS.UC5 | User Code 5 |
UserCode6 | CRS.UC6 | User Code 6 |
UserCode7 | CRS.UC7 | User Code 7 |
UserCode8 | CRS.UC8 | User Code 8 |
For descriptions of the various coded fields, use our "Code Sets" API: ` /api/v5/codes/Courses/{ElementName}
Course Data Changes ↑
Security Area:
- "Course Data"
- /api/v5/CourseDataChanges/{year}/{month}/{day}/{hour}/{minute}
- year, month, day, hour, minute – required – The parts of the Date/Time from which you want to system to return courses with data changes. All parameters are required although 0 is valid for hour and minute. Valid values for "hour" are 0-23. "AM" and "PM" values are invalid
- This should be used for advanced interfaces with Aeries where you may be pulling data hourly or daily and want to only get the changes since the last time you pulled data from the Aeries API. After you get the list of courses with changes, you will have to loop through the dataset and call the Course Information API one record at a time.
Example Course Data Changes Results:
"ID": "AEDP0"
"ID": "AEDP1"
"ID": "AEDP2"
"ID": "AEDP3"
"ID": "AEDP4"
"ID": "AEDP5"
"ID": "AEDP6"
"ID": "0008"
Sections (from Master Schedule) ↑
Security Area:
- "Master Schedule"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/sections/{SectionNumber}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- SectionNumber (optional) – The school-based Aeries section number.
- If Section Number is not passed, all section records in the master schedule of the given school will be returned.
Example Section (from Master Schedule) Results:
"SchoolCode": 995,
"SectionNumber": 100,
"Period": "1",
"PeriodBlock": 1,
"Semester": "Y",
"ClassCalendar": "MTWTF",
"CourseID": "327",
"SectionStaffMembers": [
"StaffID": 995001,
"LastName": "Aldrich",
"FirstName": "Darryl",
"IsPrimaryTeacher": true,
"StaffRoleCode": "",
"TeacherPositionCode": "",
"AttendancePermission": "",
"GradebookPermissionCode": "",
"GradeReportingAccess": "",
"StudentAccess": "",
"IncludeInStateReporting": "",
"StartDate": null,
"EndDate": null,
"InactiveStatusCode": ""
"StaffID": 700004321,
"LastName": "Carlisle",
"FirstName": "Jackie",
"IsPrimaryTeacher": false,
"StaffRoleCode": "",
"TeacherPositionCode": "",
"AttendancePermission": "",
"GradebookPermissionCode": "",
"GradeReportingAccess": "",
"StudentAccess": "",
"IncludeInStateReporting": "",
"StartDate": null,
"EndDate": null,
"InactiveStatusCode": "I"
"StaffID": 700005678,
"LastName": "Cullens",
"FirstName": "Mary",
"IsPrimaryTeacher": false,
"StaffRoleCode": "",
"TeacherPositionCode": "",
"AttendancePermission": "",
"GradebookPermissionCode": "R",
"GradeReportingAccess": "",
"StudentAccess": "",
"IncludeInStateReporting": "",
"StartDate": null,
"EndDate": null,
"InactiveStatusCode": ""
"Room": "",
"Credit": 0.0000,
"GenderRestriction": "",
"LowGrade": 9,
"HighGrade": 12,
"MaxStudents": 30,
"TotalStudents": 21,
"TotalBoys": 14,
"TotalGirls": 7,
"TotalOtherGender": 0,
"InactiveStatusCode": "",
"ProgramCode": "",
"HourlyAttendanceProgramCode": "",
"ExclusionCode": "",
"CountsForADA": "",
"MultiTeacherCode": "",
"SchedulingGroup": "",
"TeamCourseGroup": "",
"TeamNumber": 0,
"SemesterGroup": "",
"Track": "",
"ClassID": 0,
"EducationServiceCode": "",
"LanguageOfInstructionCode": "",
"InstructionalStrategyCode": "",
"FundingSourceCode": "",
"CareerTechnicalEducationProviderCode": "",
"IndependentStudyIndicator": "",
"DistanceLearningIndicator": "",
"ItinerantTeacherIndicator": "",
"UseSupplementalAttendance": false,
"ArticulatedCourseIndicator": "",
"NonCampusBasedInstructionCode": "",
"PopulationServedCode": "",
"ClassTypeCode": "",
"MonthlyMinutes": 0,
"PreKSchoolTypeCode": "",
"PreKCurriculaCode": "",
"IsHighQualityPreKProgram": false,
"InstructionTypeCode": "",
"ProgramEvaluationTypeCode": "",
"EducationalEnvironmentCode": "",
"CareerTechnicalEducationHours": 0,
"ContentSubcategoryCode": "",
"CharterNonCoreIndicator": "",
"AdvancedCourseStateCode": "",
"OnlineInstructionTypeCode": "",
"MiddleSchoolCoreIndicator": "",
"NonCredentialedAuthorizationCode": "",
"HighQualityCareerTechnicalEducationIndicator": "",
"UserCode1": "",
"UserCode2": "",
"UserCode3": "",
"UserCode4": "",
"UserCode5": "",
"UserCode6": "",
"UserCode7": "",
"UserCode8": "",
"PrimaryClass": false
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
CareerTechnicalEducationProviderCode | MST.TEP | Indicates what entity is providing the Career Technical Education class (e.g., “ROP” or “District”) |
ClassID | MST.CID | This field is used to identify separate sections as an individual "Class". The Class Size Reduction Reports use the Class ID field. |
CountsForADA | MST.ADA | Sections tagged with “N” will not affect the running of the Mass Change All Day Code process when requiring an absence in every period. |
CourseID | MST.CN | The Aeries District Course ID |
SectionStaffMembers | Array of Section Staff Objects | See SectionStaff Object below |
Credit | MST.CR | The number of credits a student will receive for taking this section. |
ClassCalendar | MST.DY CCL.STI | The days of the week this class meets. For Flex Schools it pulls from CCL.STI |
ClassCalendarSequenceNumber | MST.CSQ | Class Calendar Sequence Number For Cross-referencing |
DistanceLearningIndicator | MST.DLI | Indicates whether this section is offered through distance learning (e.g., online course). |
EducationServiceCode | MST.ESR | The type of education service provided to English Learners in this class |
ExclusionCode | MST.ST | Whether this section should be excluded from grades and/or attendance reporting |
FundingSourceCode | MST.FS | The funding source for this section (e.g., California Partnership Academy) |
GenderRestriction | MST.SX | This section is restricted to students of a particular gender |
HighGrade | MST.HI | The highest grade level of students who would normally take this section. |
HourlyAttendanceProgramCode | MST.HP | (no longer used) Was used in summer schools for funding purposes. |
InactiveStatusCode | MST.STG | Any value other than blank indicates this section is inactive. Inactive sections should not have any students enrolled. |
IndependentStudyIndicator | MST.ISI | Indicates whether this is an independent study class |
InstructionalStrategyCode | MST.INS | The instructional strategy used in this class for specific student groups such English Learners or special education students |
LanguageOfInstructionCode | MST.LI | The language in which this class is taught. |
LowGrade | MST.LO | The lowest grade level of students who would normally take this section. |
MaxStudents | MST.MX | The maximum number of students who can enroll in this section (i.e., class capacity). |
MultiTeacherCode | MST.MTS | The type of multi-teacher configuration for this section (such as team teaching or job sharing) |
Period | MST.PD FTF.STI | The period (0 – 9) this class meets. For Flex Schools it pulls from FTF.STI |
FlexPeriodSequenceNumber | MST.FSQ | Flex Period Sequence Number for Cross-referencing |
PeriodBlock | MST.BL | If the class spans multiple consecutive periods, this value will be greater than 1. E.g., if Period is 3 and PeriodBlock is 2, then the class spans period 3 – 4. |
PrimaryClass | MST.PC | Indicates if a section is Primary in Flex Daily schools using Primary Class Tracking. |
ProgramCode | MST.PR | Special program related to this section. Certain reports in Aeries can be limited by special program. |
Room | MST.RM | The room number in which this class meets |
SchedulingGroup | MST.SG | The Scheduling Group for this section. This is used to create scheduling restrictions and is used in conjunction with the student’s Scheduling Group (see Student Information Extended). Students with a blank scheduling group cannot be scheduled into sections with a non-blank scheduling group, and students with a non-blank scheduling group can only be scheduled into sections with the same or blank scheduling group. |
SchoolCode | MST.SC | The Aeries school code |
SectionNumber | MST.SE | The school-based Aeries section number |
Semester | MST.SM | The term during which this section meets |
SemesterGroup | MST.GP | The Semester Group for this section. Semester Groups are used to ensure that certain classes are scheduled for a student in different semesters and not at the same time. |
TeamCourseGroup | MST.CG | The team course group is used to create groups of sections to be further divided into teams. |
TeamNumber | MST.TM | In conjunction with the team course group, the team number is used to group sections of different courses into teams. For instance, team scheduling can be used to ensure that students are scheduled into English, Math, Social Studies, and Science courses together while allowing PE and elective courses to have a mixture of students. |
TotalBoys | MST.TB | The total number of boys (males) currently enrolled in the section |
TotalGirls | MST.TG | The total number of girls (females) currently enrolled in the section |
TotalStudents | MST.TS | The total number of students currently enrolled in the sections |
Track | MST.TR | This section is restricted to students in a specific attendance track. |
UserCode1 | MST.U1 | User-defined code 1 |
UserCode2 | MST.U2 | User-defined code 2 |
UserCode3 | MST.U3 | User-defined code 3 |
UserCode4 | MST.U4 | User-defined code 4 |
UserCode5 | MST.U5 | User-defined code 5 |
UserCode6 | MST.U6 | User-defined code 6 |
UserCode7 | MST.U7 | User-defined code 7 |
UserCode8 | MST.U8 | User-defined code 8 |
ItinerantTeacherIndicator | MST.IT | Is Itinerant teacher? |
UseSupplementalAttendance | MST.USA | Use Supplemental Attendance |
ArticulatedCourseIndicator | MSt.AC | Is this an Articulated Course? |
NonCampusBasedInstructionCode | MST.NCI | Off Campus Instructoin |
PopulationServedCode | MST.PSV | Population Served Code |
ClassTypeCode | MST.CTY | Class Type |
MonthlyMinutes | MST.MMN | Monthly Minutes |
PreKSchoolType | MST.PKT | PreK School Type |
PreKCurriculaCode | MST.CT | PreK Curricula Code |
IsHighQualityPreKProgram | MST.HQP | High Quality PreK Program indicator |
InstructionTypeCode | MST.SIT | Instruction Type |
ProgramEvaluationCode | MST.ET | Program Evaluation Code |
For descriptions of the various coded fields, use our "Code Sets" API: ~/api/v5/codes/MasterSchedule/{ElementName}
SectionStaff Object:
Name | Aeries Table.Code | Description |
StaffID | SSE.ID STF.ID | District Assigned Staff ID. For Non-Flex Schools it comes from STF.ID |
LastName | STF.LN | Staff Last Name |
FirstName | STF.FN | Staff First Name |
IsPrimaryTeacher | SSE.PR | Indicates if this Staff member is the Primary Teacher. For Non-Flex Schools this is determined by MST.TN and TCH.ID |
StaffRoleCode | SSE.SR | For Non-Flex schools MST.SR1-SR3 are used |
TeacherPositionCode | SSE.TP | TX Only - the type of position the staff member holds in the specific class/section; for example: Teacher of Record, Assistant Teacher, Support Teacher, and Substitute Teacher. For Non-Flex schools MST.TP1-TP3 are used |
AttendancePermission | SSE.AP | Indicates if Staff member has permission to take attendance. For Non-Flex Schools all Section Teachers have permission |
GradebookPermissionCode | SSE.GBP | Indicates if the Staff member has Full or Read-only permissions for Gradebook. For Non-Flex Schools all Section Teachers have Full permission |
GradeReportingAccess | SSE.GR | Indicates if the Staff member can report Grades for this section. For Non-Flex Schools all Section Teachers have permission |
StudentAccess | SSE.SAC | Indicates if Staff member has access to Student-related information. For Non-Flex Schools all Section Teachers have permission |
IncludeInStateReporting | SSE.STR | Should this Staff member be included in State Reporting. For Non-Flex Schools all Section Teachers are included in Reporting. |
StartDate | SSE.SD | Date Staff member assigned to Section. For Non-Flex Schools all Section Teachers will return NULL. |
EndDate | SSE.ED | Date Staff member's assignment ended. For Non-Flex Schools all Section Teachers will return NULL. |
InactiveStatusCode | SSE.TG | SSE Record is Inactive. For Non-Flex Schools all Section Teachers are Active. |
Section Data Changes (from Master Schedule) ↑
Security Area:
- "Master Schedule"
- /api/v5/SectionDataChanges/{year}/{month}/{day}/{hour}/{minute}
- year, month, day, hour, minute – required – The parts of the Date/Time from which you want to system to return sections with data changes. All parameters are required although 0 is valid for hour and minute. Valid values for "hour" are 0-23. "AM" and "PM" values are invalid
- This should be used for advanced interfaces with Aeries where you may be pulling data hourly or daily and want to only get the changes since the last time you pulled data from the Aeries API. After you get the list of sections with changes, you will have to loop through the dataset and call the Section (from Master Schedule) API one record at a time.
Example Section (from Master Schedule) Data Changes Results:
"SchoolCode": 884,
"SectionNumber": 43
"SchoolCode": 884,
"SectionNumber": 44
"SchoolCode": 884,
"SectionNumber": 45
"SchoolCode": 884,
"SectionNumber": 46
"SchoolCode": 884,
"SectionNumber": 47
"SchoolCode": 884,
"SectionNumber": 48
"SchoolCode": 884,
"SectionNumber": 49
Staff Classes/Sections ↑
Security Area:
- "Master Schedule"
- /api/v5/staff/{StaffID}/classes
- StaffID (required) – The Aeries District Staff ID (numeric).
- This end point will return a list of classes associated with the given Staff ID.
Example Staff Classes/Sections Results:
Note: The results for this end point follow the exact same structure as the Section (from Master Schedule) end point documented above.
Section Class Roster ↑
Security Area:
- "Class Schedules/History"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/sections/{SectionNumber}/students
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- SectionNumber (required) – The school-based Aeries section number.
- This information can also be requested on a student by student basis. See Student Class Schedule End Point.
- When this information is requested before the beginning of the school year the SequenceNumber and SectionNumber values will match.
- Be aware that Class Schedules are highly prone to large scale adjustments before the start of school through the first 2 weeks of the school year.
Example Section Class Roster Results:
"StudentID": 99400001,
"SchoolCode": 994,
"SequenceNumber": 19,
"SectionNumber": 1038,
"CourseID": "0726",
"DateStarted": "2021-02-02T00:00:00",
"DateEnded": "2021-08-06T00:00:00"
"StudentID": 99400156,
"SchoolCode": 994,
"SequenceNumber": 8,
"SectionNumber": 1038,
"CourseID": "0726",
"DateStarted": "2020-07-06T00:00:00",
"DateEnded": "2021-08-06T00:00:00"
"StudentID": 99400318,
"SchoolCode": 994,
"SequenceNumber": 7,
"SectionNumber": 1038,
"CourseID": "0726",
"DateStarted": "2020-07-06T00:00:00",
"DateEnded": "2021-08-06T00:00:00"
"StudentID": 99402373,
"SchoolCode": 994,
"SequenceNumber": 10,
"SectionNumber": 1038,
"CourseID": "0726",
"DateStarted": "2020-07-06T00:00:00",
"DateEnded": "2021-08-06T00:00:00"
Field Documentation:
(Same as Student Class Schedule field documentation)
Section Class Roster Data Changes ↑
Security Area:
- "Class Schedules/History"
- /api/v5/SectionRosterDataChanges/{year}/{month}/{day}/{hour}/{minute}
- year, month, day, hour, minute – required – The parts of the Date/Time from which you want to system to return sections with roster changes. All parameters are required although 0 is valid for hour and minute. Valid values for "hour" are 0-23. "AM" and "PM" values are invalid
- This should be used for advanced interfaces with Aeries where you may be pulling data hourly or daily and want to only get the changes since the last time you pulled data from the Aeries API. After you get the list of sections with roster changes, you will have to loop through the dataset and call the Section Class Roster API one record at a time.
Example Section Class Roster Data Changes Results:
"SchoolCode": 894,
"SectionNumber": 5203
"SchoolCode": 994,
"SectionNumber": 5086
"SchoolCode": 994,
"SectionNumber": 2169
"SchoolCode": 994,
"SectionNumber": 3094
"SchoolCode": 996,
"SectionNumber": 305
"SchoolCode": 894,
"SectionNumber": 5180
Section (from Scheduling Master Schedule) ↑
Security Area:
- "Scheduling Master Schedule"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/scheduling/sections/{SectionNumber}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- SectionNumber (optional) – The school-based Aeries section number.
- If Section Number is not passed, all section records in the scheduling master schedule of the given school will be returned.
Example Multiple Section (from Scheduling Master Schedule) Results:
"SchoolCode": 994,
"SectionNumber": 1000,
"Period": "0",
"PeriodBlock": 1,
"Semester": "Y",
"ClassCalendar": "MTWTF",
"CourseID": "0872",
"SectionStaffMembers": [],
"Room": "ROP30",
"Credit": 5.0000,
"GenderRestriction": "",
"LowGrade": 10,
"HighGrade": 12,
"MaxStudents": 30,
"TotalStudents": 29,
"TotalBoys": 12,
"TotalGirls": 17,
"TotalOtherGender": 0,
"TotalPrescheduled": 0,
"InactiveStatusCode": "",
"ProgramCode": "",
"HourlyAttendanceProgramCode": "",
"ExclusionCode": "",
"CountsForADA": "",
"MultiTeacherCode": "0",
"SchedulingGroup": "",
"TeamCourseGroup": "",
"TeamNumber": 0,
"SemesterGroup": "",
"Track": "",
"ClassID": 0,
"EducationServiceCode": "",
"LanguageOfInstructionCode": "",
"InstructionalStrategyCode": "",
"FundingSourceCode": "",
"CareerTechnicalEducationProviderCode": "",
"IndependentStudyIndicator": "",
"DistanceLearningIndicator": "",
"ItinerantTeacherIndicator": "",
"UseSupplementalAttendance": false,
"ArticulatedCourseIndicator": "",
"NonCampusBasedInstructionCode": "",
"PopulationServedCode": "",
"ClassTypeCode": "",
"MonthlyMinutes": 0,
"PreKSchoolTypeCode": "",
"PreKCurriculaCode": "",
"IsHighQualityPreKProgram": false,
"InstructionTypeCode": "",
"ProgramEvaluationTypeCode": "",
"EducationalEnvironmentCode": "",
"CareerTechnicalEducationHours": 0,
"ContentSubcategoryCode": "",
"CharterNonCoreIndicator": "",
"AdvancedCourseStateCode": "",
"OnlineInstructionTypeCode": "",
"MiddleSchoolCoreIndicator": "",
"NonCredentialedAuthorizationCode": "",
"HighQualityCareerTechnicalEducationIndicator": "",
"ArenaSchedulingIndicator": "",
"ExcludeFromScheduler": false,
"FlexPeriodSequenceNumber": 0,
"ClassCalendarSequenceNumber": 0,
"UserCode1": "",
"UserCode2": "",
"UserCode3": "",
"UserCode4": "",
"UserCode5": "",
"UserCode6": "",
"UserCode7": "",
"UserCode8": ""
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
CareerTechnicalEducationProviderCode | SMS.TEP | Indicates what entity is providing the Career Technical Education class (e.g., “ROP” or “District”) |
ClassID | SMS.CID | This field is used to identify separate sections as an individual "Class". The Class Size Reduction Reports use the Class ID field. |
ClassTypeCode | SMS.CTY | For Texas state reporting, this field indicates the type of class. |
CountsForADA | SMS.ADA | Sections tagged with “N” will not affect the running of the Mass Change All Day Code process when requiring an absence in every period. |
CourseID | SMS.CN | The Aeries District Course ID |
SectionStaffMembers | Array of Staff Member Objects | See Scheduling SectionStaffMember Object under 'Sections' |
Credit | SMS.CR | The number of credits a student will receive for taking this section. |
ClassCalendar | SMS.DY CCL.STI | The days of the week this class meets. Flex Schools will use CCL.STI |
ClassCalendarSequenceNumber | SMS.CSQ | Class Calendar Sequence Number for Cross-referencing |
DistanceLearningIndicator | SMS.DLI | Indicates whether this section is offered through distance learning (e.g., online course). |
EducationServiceCode | SMS.ESR | The type of education service provided to English Learners in this class |
ExclusionCode | SMS.ST | Whether this section should be excluded from grades and/or attendance reporting |
FundingSourceCode | SMS.FS | The funding source for this section (e.g., California Partnership Academy) |
GenderRestriction | SMS.GN | This section is restricted to students of a particular gender |
HighGrade | SMS.HI | The highest grade level of students who would normally take this section. |
HighlyQualifiedStatusCode1 | SMS.HQT | The method by which the primary teacher became Highly Qualified to teach this subject |
HighlyQualifiedStatusCode2 | SMS.HQ2 | For team teaching/job sharing, the method by which Teacher 2 became Highly Qualified to teach this subject |
HighlyQualifiedStatusCode3 | SMS.HQ3 | For team teaching/job sharing, the method by which Teacher 3 became Highly Qualified to teach this subject |
HourlyAttendanceProgramCode | SMS.HP | (no longer used) Was used in summer schools for funding purposes. |
InactiveStatusCode | SMS.STG | Any value other than blank indicates this section is inactive. Inactive sections should not have any students enrolled. |
IndependentStudyIndicator | SMS.ISI | Indicates whether this is an independent study class |
InstructionalStrategyCode | SMS.INS | The instructional strategy used in this class for specific student groups such English Learners or special education students |
ItinerantTeacherIndicator | SMS.IT | Indicates whether this section is taught by an itinerant teacher |
LanguageOfInstructionCode | SMS.LI | The language in which this class is taught. |
LowGrade | SMS.LO | The lowest grade level of students who would normally take this section. |
MaxStudents | SMS.MX | The maximum number of students who can enroll in this section (i.e., class capacity). |
MonthlyMinutes | SMS.MMN | For Texas state reporting, this field represents the total number of minutes this class is taught in a month (typically a four-week period). |
MultiTeacherCode | SMS.MTS | The type of multi-teacher configuration for this section (such as team teaching or job sharing) |
Period | SMS.PD FTF.STI | The period (0 – 9) this class meets. Flex Schools will use FTF.STI |
FlexPeriodSequenceNumber | SMS.FSQ | Flex Period Sequence Number for Cross-referencing |
PeriodBlock | SMS.BL | If the class spans multiple consecutive periods, this value will be greater than 1. E.g., if Period is 3 and PeriodBlock is 2, then the class spans period 3 – 4. |
PopulationServedCode | SMS.PSV | For Texas state reporting, this field indicates the type of student population served by this section. |
ProgramCode | SMS.PR | Special program related to this section. Certain reports in Aeries can be limited by special program. |
Room | SMS.RM | The room number in which this class meets |
SchedulingGroup | SMS.SG | The Scheduling Group for this section. This is used to create scheduling restrictions and is used in conjunction with the student’s Scheduling Group (see Student Information Extended). Students with a blank scheduling group cannot be scheduled into sections with a non-blank scheduling group, and students with a non-blank scheduling group can only be scheduled into sections with the same or blank scheduling group. |
SchoolCode | SMS.SC | The Aeries school code |
SectionNumber | SMS.SE | The school-based Aeries section number |
Semester | SMS.SM | The term during which this section meets |
SemesterGroup | SMS.GP | The Semester Group for this section. Semester Groups are used to ensure that certain classes are scheduled for a student in different semesters and not at the same time. |
TeacherNumber1 | SMS.TN | The school-based Aeries teacher number of the teacher primarily responsible for this section. |
TeacherNumber2 | SMS.TN2 | The teacher number of the second teacher teaching this section |
TeacherNumber3 | SMS.TN3 | The teacher number of the third teacher teaching this section |
TeamCourseGroup | SMS.CG | The team course group is used to create groups of sections to be further divided into teams. |
TeamNumber | SMS.TM | In conjunction with the team course group, the team number is used to group sections of different courses into teams. For instance, team scheduling can be used to ensure that students are scheduled into English, Math, Social Studies, and Science courses together while allowing PE and elective courses to have a mixture of students. |
TotalBoys | SMS.TB | The total number of boys (males) currently enrolled in the section |
TotalGirls | SMS.TG | The total number of girls (females) currently enrolled in the section |
TotalOtherGender | SMS.TOG | The total number of students of other gender identities (e.g., non-binary) enrolled in the section |
TotalPrescheduled | SMS.PS | The total number of students currently pre-scheduled in the section |
TotalStudents | SMS.TS | The total number of students currently enrolled in the sections |
Track | SMS.TR | This section is restricted to students in a specific attendance track. |
UseSupplementalAttendance | SMS.USA | Indicates whether attendance for the section is based on Supplemental Attendance. |
UserCode1 | SMS.U1 | User-defined code 1 |
UserCode2 | SMS.U2 | User-defined code 2 |
UserCode3 | SMS.U3 | User-defined code 3 |
UserCode4 | SMS.U4 | User-defined code 4 |
UserCode5 | SMS.U5 | User-defined code 5 |
UserCode6 | SMS.U6 | User-defined code 6 |
UserCode7 | SMS.U7 | User-defined code 7 |
UserCode8 | SMS.U8 | User-defined code 8 |
ArticulatedCourseIndicator | SMS.AC | Whether this is an Articulated Course |
NonCampusBasedInstructionCode | SMS.NCI | Non Campus Based Instruction Indicator |
PreKSchoolTypeCode | SMS.PKT | PreK School Type |
PreKCurriculaCode | SMS.CT | PreK Curricula Code |
IsHighQualityPreKProgram | SMS.HQP | High Quality PreK Program Indicator |
InstructionTypeCode | SMS.SIT | Instruction Type |
ProgramEvaluationTypeCode | SMS.ET | Program Evaluation Type |
EducationalEnvironmentCode | SMS.EE | Educational Environment Code |
CareerTechnicalEducationHours | SMS.CH | CTE Hours (California only) |
ContentSubcategoryCode | SMS.CSC | Content Subcategory |
CharterNonCoreIndicator | SMS.CNC | Charter Non Core Indicator |
AdvancedCourseStateCode | SMS.ACC | Advanced Course State Code |
OnlineInstructionTypeCode | SMS.OIT | Online Instruction Type |
MiddleSchoolCoreIndicator | SMS.MSC | Middle School Core Indicator |
NonCredentialedAuthorizationCode | SMS.NCA | Non Credentialed Authorization Code |
HighQualityCareerTechnicalEducationIndicator | SMS.HQC | High Quality CTE Indicator (California only) |
ArenaSchedulingIndicator | SMS.AR | Arena Scheduling Indicator |
ExcludeFromScheduler | SMS.ES | Exclude Course from Scheduler |
For descriptions of the various coded fields, use our "Code Sets" API: ` /api/v5/codes/sections/{ElementName}
Scheduling SectionStaff Object:
Name | Aeries Table.Code | Description |
StaffID | SSM.ID STF.ID | District Assigned Staff ID. For Non-Flex Schools it comes from STF.ID |
LastName | STF.LN | Staff Last Name |
FirstName | STF.FN | Staff First Name |
IsPrimaryTeacher | SSM.PR | Indicates if this Staff member is the Primary Teacher. For Non-Flex Schools this is determined by SMS.TN and TCH.ID |
StaffRoleCode | SSM.SR | For Non-Flex schools SMS.SR1-SR3 are used |
TeacherPositionCode | SSM.TP | TX Only - the type of position the Staff member holds in the specific class/section; for example: Teacher of Record, Assistant Teacher, Support Teacher, and Substitute Teacher. For Non-Flex schools SMS.TP1-TP3 are used |
AttendancePermission | SSM.AP | Indicates if Staff member has permission to take attendance. For Non-Flex Schools all Section Teachers have permission |
GradebookPermissionCode | SSM.GBP | Indicates if the Staff member has Full or Read-only permissions for Gradebook. For Non-Flex Schools all Section Teachers have Full permission |
GradeReportingAccess | SSM.GR | Indicates if the Staff member can report Grades for this section. For Non-Flex Schools all Section Teachers have permission |
StudentAccess | SSM.SAC | Indicates if Staff member has access to Student-related information. For Non-Flex Schools all Section Teachers have permission |
IncludeInStateReporting | SSM.STR | Should this Staff member be included in State Reporting. For Non-Flex Schools all Section Teachers are included in Reporting. |
StartDate | The SectionStaff StartDate and EndDate will always be null for SSM as they are not part of the table | |
EndDate | ||
InactiveStatusCode | SSM.TG | SSM Record is Inactive. For Non-Flex Schools all Section Teachers are Active. |
Section (from Scheduling Master Schedule) - Create ↑
Security Area:
- "Scheduling Master Schedule" - Insert
- POST /api/v4/schools/{SchoolCode}/scheduling/sections
- POST /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/scheduling/sections - Section Staff Schools ONLY
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- After a successful request, this end point returns HTTP status code 201, and the response body contains the "SchedulingMasterScheduleSection" object that was just created.
POST Payload Object:
- “SchedulingMasterScheduleSectionUpdate” object
“SchedulingMasterScheduleSectionUpdate” Object Definition:
Name | Data Type | Notes |
SectionNumber | Int16 | The section number that forms part of the primary key. If omitted, the section number will automatically be generated for the new record. |
Period - Not used for Flex Schools | Int16 | REQUIRED. Valid values are 0-9. |
FlexPeriodSequenceNumber (api/v5 only) | int | If the FlexPeriodSequenceNumber is invalid (FTF does not exist, or FTF is for a different school, or FTF is not for the correct year), an error will be returned. Zero is allowed, however. |
PeriodBlock - Not used for Flex Schools | Int16 | REQUIRED: Valid values are 1-10. Also, the sum of Period + PeriodBlock must be less than or equal to 10. |
Semester | String | REQUIRED Max length: 1. Must be a valid Term for the school. |
SplitTerm - Not used for Flex Schools | String | Max length: 6. Indicates when the class meets. Valid values include "A-DAYS", "B-DAYS", "FIRST", "SECOND", "DAILY", or a list of days of the week with dashes as placeholders for days the class does not meet. E.g., MTWTF or M-W-F or -T-T- . |
ClassCalendarSequenceNumber (api/v5 only) | int | If the ClassCalendarSequenceNumber is invalid (CCL does not exist, or CCL is for a different school, or CCL is not for the correct year), an error will be returned. Zero is allowed, however. |
CourseID | String | REQUIRED Max length: 6: The District Course ID for this section |
SectionStaffMembers (api/v5 only) | Array of Section Staff Objects | See Scheduling SectionStaffMember Object under 'Sections' |
TeacherNumber1 (api/v4 only) | Int16 | REQUIRED: The school-based teacher number of the primary teacher of this section |
TeacherNumber2 (api/v4 only) | Int16 | |
TeacherNumber3 (api/v4 only) | Int16 | |
HighlyQualifiedStatusCode1 (api/v4 only) | String | Max length: 1 |
HighlyQualifiedStatusCode2 (api/v4 only) | String | Max length: 1 |
HighlyQualifiedStatusCode3 (api/v4 only) | String | Max length: 1 |
Room | String | Max length: 6 |
Credit | Decimal | |
GenderRestriction | String | Max length: 1 |
LowGrade | Int16 | |
HighGrade | Int16 | |
MaxStudents | Int16 | |
InactiveStatusCode | String | Max length: 1 |
ProgramCode | String | Max length: 3 |
HourlyAttendanceProgramCode | String | Max length: 2 |
ExclusionCode | String | Max length: 1 |
CountsForADA | String | Max length: 1 |
MultiTeacherCode | String | Max length: 2 |
SchedulingGroup | String | Max length: 2 |
TeamCourseGroup | String | Max length: 2 |
TeamNumber | Int16 | |
SemesterGroup | String | Max length: 1 |
Track | String | Max length: 1 |
ClassID | Int32 | |
EducationServiceCode | String | Max length: 1 |
LanguageOfInstructionCode | String | Max length: 2 |
InstructionalStrategyCode | String | Max length: 3 |
FundingSourceCode | String | Max length: 3 |
CareerTechnicalEducationProviderCode | String | Max length: 1 |
IndependentStudyIndicator | String | Max length: 1 |
DistanceLearningIndicator | String | Max length: 1 |
ItinerantTeacherIndicator | String | Max length: 1 |
UseSupplementalAttendance | Boolean | true or false |
PopulationServedCode | String | Max length: 2 |
ClassTypeCode | String | Max length: 2 |
MonthlyMinutes | Int16 | |
UserCode1 | String | Max length: 3 |
UserCode2 | String | Max length: 3 |
UserCode3 | String | Max length: 3 |
UserCode4 | String | Max length: 3 |
UserCode5 | String | Max length: 3 |
UserCode6 | String | Max length: 3 |
UserCode7 | String | Max length: 3 |
UserCode8 | String | Max length: 3 |
ArticulatedCourseIndicator | SMS.AC | Whether this is an Articulated Course |
NonCampusBasedInstructionCode | SMS.NCI | Non Campus Based Instruction Indicator |
PreKSchoolTypeCode | SMS.PKT | PreK School Type |
PreKCurriculaCode | SMS.CT | PreK Curricula Code |
IsHighQualityPreKProgram | SMS.HQP | High Quality PreK Program Indicator |
InstructionTypeCode | SMS.SIT | Instruction Type |
ProgramEvaluationTypeCode | SMS.ET | Program Evaluation Type |
EducationalEnvironmentCode | SMS.EE | Educational Environment Code |
CareerTechnicalEducationHours | SMS.CH | CTE Hours (California only) |
ContentSubcategoryCode | SMS.CSC | Content Subcategory |
CharterNonCoreIndicator | SMS.CNC | Charter Non Core Indicator |
AdvancedCourseStateCode | SMS.ACC | Advanced Course State Code |
OnlineInstructionTypeCode | SMS.OIT | Online Instruction Type |
MiddleSchoolCoreIndicator | SMS.MSC | Middle School Core Indicator |
NonCredentialedAuthorizationCode | SMS.NCA | Non Credentialed Authorization Code |
HighQualityCareerTechnicalEducationIndicator | SMS.HQC | High Quality CTE Indicator |
ArenaSchedulingIndicator | SMS.AR | Arena Scheduling Indicator |
ExcludeFromScheduler | SMS.ES | Exclude Course from Scheduler |
Example POST Payload for Non-Section Staff school:
"Period": 8,
"PeriodBlock": 2,
"Semester": "Y",
"SplitTerm": "MTWTF",
"CourseID": "0917",
"TeacherNumber1": 808,
"TeacherNumber2": 0,
"TeacherNumber3": 0,
"HighlyQualifiedStatusCode1": "",
"HighlyQualifiedStatusCode2": "",
"HighlyQualifiedStatusCode3": "",
"Room": "F8",
"Credit": 5,
"GenderRestriction": "",
"LowGrade": 9,
"HighGrade": 12,
"MaxStudents": 20,
"InactiveStatusCode": "",
"ProgramCode": "",
"HourlyAttendanceProgramCode": "",
"ExclusionCode": "",
"CountsForADA": "",
"MultiTeacherCode": "",
"SchedulingGroup": "",
"TeamCourseGroup": "",
"TeamNumber": 0,
"SemesterGroup": "",
"Track": "",
"ClassID": 0,
"EducationServiceCode": "4",
"LanguageOfInstructionCode": "00",
"InstructionalStrategyCode": "500",
"FundingSourceCode": "",
"CareerTechnicalEducationProviderCode": "",
"IndependentStudyIndicator": "",
"DistanceLearningIndicator": "",
"ItinerantTeacherIndicator": "0",
"UseSupplementalAttendance": false,
"PopulationServedCode": "",
"ClassTypeCode": "",
"MonthlyMinutes": 0,
"UserCode1": "",
"UserCode2": "",
"UserCode3": "",
"UserCode4": "",
"UserCode5": "",
"UserCode6": "",
"UserCode7": "",
"UserCode8": ""
Example POST Payload for Section Staff Non-Flex
"Period": 1,
"PeriodBlock": 1,
"SplitTerm": "MTWTF",
"Semester": "Y",
"CourseID": "0304",
"SectionStaffMembers": [
"StaffID": 884605,
"IsPrimaryTeacher": true,
"StaffRoleCode": "",
"TeacherPositionCode": "",
"AttendancePermission": "Y",
"GradebookPermissionCode": "F",
"GradeReportingAccess": "Y",
"StudentAccess": "Y",
"IncludeInStateReporting": "Y",
"InactiveStatusCode": ""
"StaffID": 884707,
"IsPrimaryTeacher": false,
"StaffRoleCode": "033",
"AttendancePermission": "N",
"GradebookPermissionCode": "N",
"GradeReportingAccess": "N",
"StudentAccess": "Y",
"IncludeInStateReporting": "N"
"Room": "CD3",
"Credit": 5.0000,
"GenderRestriction": "",
"LowGrade": 11,
"HighGrade": 12,
"MaxStudents": 40,
"InactiveStatusCode": "",
"ProgramCode": "",
"HourlyAttendanceProgramCode": "",
"ExclusionCode": "",
"CountsForADA": "",
"MultiTeacherCode": "",
"SchedulingGroup": "",
"TeamCourseGroup": "",
"TeamNumber": 0,
"SemesterGroup": "",
"Track": "",
"ClassID": 0,
"EducationServiceCode": "4",
"LanguageOfInstructionCode": "00",
"InstructionalStrategyCode": "",
"FundingSourceCode": "",
"CareerTechnicalEducationProviderCode": "",
"IndependentStudyIndicator": "",
"DistanceLearningIndicator": "",
"ItinerantTeacherIndicator": "",
"UseSupplementalAttendance": false,
"ArticulatedCourseIndicator": "",
"NonCampusBasedInstructionCode": "",
"PopulationServedCode": "",
"ClassTypeCode": "",
"MonthlyMinutes": 0,
"PreKSchoolTypeCode": "",
"PreKCurriculaCode": "",
"IsHighQualityPreKProgram": false,
"InstructionTypeCode": "",
"ProgramEvaluationTypeCode": "",
"EducationalEnvironmentCode": "",
"CareerTechnicalEducationHours": 0,
"ContentSubcategoryCode": "",
"CharterNonCoreIndicator": "",
"AdvancedCourseStateCode": "",
"OnlineInstructionTypeCode": "",
"MiddleSchoolCoreIndicator": "",
"NonCredentialedAuthorizationCode": "",
"HighQualityCareerTechnicalEducationIndicator": "",
"ArenaSchedulingIndicator": "",
"ExcludeFromScheduler": false,
"UserCode1": "",
"UserCode2": "",
"UserCode3": "",
"UserCode4": "",
"UserCode5": "",
"UserCode6": "",
"UserCode7": "",
"UserCode8": ""
Example POST Payload for Section Staff Flex scheduling
"FlexPeriodSequenceNumber": 11,
"ClassCalendarSequenceNumber": 14,
"Semester": "Y",
"CourseID": "0304",
"SectionStaffMembers": [
"StaffID": 894605,
"IsPrimaryTeacher": true,
"StaffRoleCode": "",
"TeacherPositionCode": "",
"AttendancePermission": "Y",
"GradebookPermissionCode": "F",
"GradeReportingAccess": "Y",
"StudentAccess": "Y",
"IncludeInStateReporting": "Y",
"InactiveStatusCode": ""
"StaffID": 894707,
"IsPrimaryTeacher": false,
"StaffRoleCode": "033",
"AttendancePermission": "N",
"GradebookPermissionCode": "N",
"GradeReportingAccess": "N",
"StudentAccess": "Y",
"IncludeInStateReporting": "N"
"Room": "CD3",
"Credit": 5.0000,
"GenderRestriction": "",
"LowGrade": 11,
"HighGrade": 12,
"MaxStudents": 40,
"InactiveStatusCode": "",
"ProgramCode": "",
"HourlyAttendanceProgramCode": "",
"ExclusionCode": "",
"CountsForADA": "",
"MultiTeacherCode": "",
"SchedulingGroup": "",
"TeamCourseGroup": "",
"TeamNumber": 0,
"SemesterGroup": "",
"Track": "",
"ClassID": 0,
"EducationServiceCode": "4",
"LanguageOfInstructionCode": "00",
"InstructionalStrategyCode": "",
"FundingSourceCode": "",
"CareerTechnicalEducationProviderCode": "",
"IndependentStudyIndicator": "",
"DistanceLearningIndicator": "",
"ItinerantTeacherIndicator": "",
"UseSupplementalAttendance": false,
"ArticulatedCourseIndicator": "",
"NonCampusBasedInstructionCode": "",
"PopulationServedCode": "",
"ClassTypeCode": "",
"MonthlyMinutes": 0,
"PreKSchoolTypeCode": "",
"PreKCurriculaCode": "",
"IsHighQualityPreKProgram": false,
"InstructionTypeCode": "",
"ProgramEvaluationTypeCode": "",
"EducationalEnvironmentCode": "",
"CareerTechnicalEducationHours": 0,
"ContentSubcategoryCode": "",
"CharterNonCoreIndicator": "",
"AdvancedCourseStateCode": "",
"OnlineInstructionTypeCode": "",
"MiddleSchoolCoreIndicator": "",
"NonCredentialedAuthorizationCode": "",
"HighQualityCareerTechnicalEducationIndicator": "",
"ArenaSchedulingIndicator": "",
"ExcludeFromScheduler": false,
"UserCode1": "",
"UserCode2": "",
"UserCode3": "",
"UserCode4": "",
"UserCode5": "",
"UserCode6": "",
"UserCode7": "",
"UserCode8": ""
Section (from Scheduling Master Schedule) - Update ↑
Security Area:
- "Scheduling Master Schedule" - Update
- PUT /api/v4/schools/{SchoolCode}/scheduling/sections/{SectionNumber}
- PUT /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/scheduling/sections/{SectionNumber} - Section Staff School ONLY
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- SectionNumber (required) - the school-based section number for a single record
- If the section number does not exist, a new record will be created.
- After a successful request, this end point returns the "SchedulingMasterScheduleSection" object that was just updated or created. If an existing record was updated, the status code will be 200. If a new record was created, the status code will be 201.
PUT Payload Object:
- “SchedulingMasterScheduleSectionUpdate” object
“SchedulingMasterScheduleSectionUpdate” Object Definition:
The definition is the same that is given with the Section (from Scheduling Master Schedule) - Create documentation, with the following exceptions:
- SectionNumber is ignored in the body. The SectionNumber from the URL is used instead.
- There are no required elements when updating an existing record. Elements that are omitted from the request will be unchanged on the existing record.
- IMPORTANT: When changing the CourseID, the following additional element is required in the object passed in the request body:
- If SectionStaffMembers is included with an Update (PUT) request for an existing record, then a property called SectionStaffUpdateOption must also be included. If it is not, an error will be returned.
Name | Data Type | Notes |
StudentScheduleOptions | String | Valid values are "LockedStudents", "AllStudents", and "DropStudents". This element determines what action to take with Student Course Requests that are already assigned to this section. If there are no Student Course Requests assigned to this section, this element will be ignored. LockedStudents: Update the Course Request Course ID only for students whose section assignment is Locked (either the PermanentLockCode is populated, or the RejectCode is populated with '*'). All other students will have their Course Request unassigned from this section. AllStudents: Update the Course Request Course ID for all students currently assigned to this section. DropStudents: Unassign all students from this section. The actual Student Course Requests will be kept, but the section assignment will be cleared. |
SectionStaffUpdateOption | String | Valid values are "Update" and "Replace"
Example PUT Payload:
"CourseID": "0917",
"StudentScheduleOptions": "LockedStudents"
Section (from Scheduling Master Schedule) - Delete ↑
Security Area:
- "Scheduling Master Schedule" - Delete
- DELETE /api/v4/schools/{SchoolCode}/scheduling/sections/{SectionNumber}
- DELETE /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/scheduling/sections/{SectionNumber} - Section Staff School ONLY
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- SectionNumber (required) - the school-based section number for a single record
- After a successful request, an empty response with HTTP status code 204 will be returned.
- If there are Student Course Requests assigned to the section, they will automatically be unassigned from the section. The actual Student Course Requests will be kept, but the section assignment will be cleared.
Student Course Requests ↑
Security Area:
- "Student Scheduling Schedules (Course Requests)"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/scheduling/courserequests
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- Returns list of course requests (SSS) for the entire school
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/students/{StudentID}/courserequests/{SequenceNumber}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- StudentID (required) - The Aeries District Student ID Number.
- SequenceNumber (optional) - The sequence number for a single record for the given student.
- api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/students/sn/{sn}/courserequests/{sq}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- StudentNumber (required) - The School-assigned Student number
- SequenceNumber (optional) - The sequence number for a single record for the given student.
- If the student is not passed, all student course request records for the school will be returned.
- If Sequence Number is not passed, all student course request records for the given student will be returned.
- If the Alternate Tag is set (SSS.AT = "X"), then the ActualPrimaryCourseID property will have the value from SSS.AC. This means that an alternate course is currently being scheduled, so SSS.AC contains the original course while SSS.CN is now the alternate
- AlternateCourseRequests is included and is a list of alternate course requests from ACR that are associated with each primary course request
Example Student Course Requests Results:
"StudentID": 99400002,
"AlternateCourseRequests": [
"StudentID": 99400002,
"SchoolCode": 994,
"SequenceNumber": 3,
"CourseID": "0630",
"PrioritySortOrder": 17.0
"ActualPrimaryCourseID": "",
"SchoolCode": 994,
"SequenceNumber": 5,
"SectionNumber": 3002,
"CourseID": "0608",
"PreferredTeacherNumber": 0,
"RejectCode": "",
"AlternateTag": "",
"PermanentLockCode": ""
"StudentID": 99400002,
"AlternateCourseRequests": [],
"ActualPrimaryCourseID": "",
"SchoolCode": 994,
"SequenceNumber": 6,
"SectionNumber": 460,
"CourseID": "0970",
"PreferredTeacherNumber": 0,
"RejectCode": "",
"AlternateTag": "",
"PermanentLockCode": ""
"StudentID": 99400002,
"AlternateCourseRequests": [
"StudentID": 99400002,
"SchoolCode": 994,
"SequenceNumber": 1,
"CourseID": "0402",
"PrioritySortOrder": 1.0
"StudentID": 99400002,
"SchoolCode": 994,
"SequenceNumber": 2,
"CourseID": "361",
"PrioritySortOrder": 9.0
Field Documentation:
Name | Aeries Table.Column | Description |
AlternateCourseRequests | Array | Array of alternate course requests from ACR that are associated with each primary course request |
ActualPrimaryCourseID | SSS.CN/SSS.AC | If the Alternate Tag is set (SSS.AT = "X"), then the ActualPrimaryCourseID property will have the value from SSS.AC. This means that an alternate course is currently being scheduled, so SSS.AC contains the original course while SSS.CN is now the alternate |
AlternateTag | SSS.AT | Valid values are blank and 'X'. An 'X' indicates that the Scheduler has swapped the alternate course and the primary course because the primary course could not be scheduled. |
CourseID | SSS.CN | The District course ID of the primary course that has been requested. |
StudentID | STU.ID | The Permanent ID for the student |
PermanentLockCode | SSS.PL | A non-blank value indicates that the assigned section is locked and should not be changed on subsequent runs of the Scheduler. |
PreferredTeacherNumber | SSS.TN | The school-specific teacher number for the preferred teacher for this student course request. If a section number is assigned, this is NOT necessarily the same as the teacher of that section. |
PreferredSTaffID | SSS.PS | Preferred Staff ID |
RejectCode | SSS.RT | See Codes API for valid values and descriptions. A value of '*' indicates that the assigned section is locked and should not be changed on subsequent runs of the Scheduler. Any other non-blank value indicates a reason that the requested course could not be scheduled for the student. |
SchoolCode | SSS.SC | The Aeries school code |
SectionNumber | SSS.SE | The section number assigned to this student course request from the Scheduling Master Schedule |
SequenceNumber | SSS.SQ | The sequence number is part of the primary key. It has no independent meaning. |
Student Course Requests - Create ↑
Security Area:
- "Student Scheduling Schedules (Course Requests)" - Insert
- POST /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/students/{StudentID}/courserequests/
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- StudentID (required) - The Aeries District Student ID Number.
- After a successful request, this end point returns HTTP status code 201, and the response body contains the "StudentCourseRequest" object that was just created.
POST Payload Object:
- “StudentCourseRequestUpdate” object
“StudentCourseRequestUpdate” Object Definition:
Name | Data Type | Notes |
SequenceNumber | Int16 | The sequence number that forms part of the primary key. If omitted, the sequence number will automatically be generated for the new record. Aeries recommends allowing the system to automatically assign the sequence number. |
SectionNumber | Int16 | If populated, must be a valid Section Number from the Scheduling Master Schedule. This indicates that the student has been assigned to this section during the scheduling process. Also, the Course ID for this course request must match the Course ID of the Scheduling Master Schedule section. |
CourseID | String | REQUIRED Max length: 6: The District Course ID for this course request. |
PreferredTeacherNumber | Int16 | The school-based teacher number of the preferred teacher for this course request. Use '0' to clear any current values. For Flex schools this is not used. If the school is using Section-Staff, and if PreferredTeacherNumber is included in the request body with a value > 0, an error will be returned |
PreferredStaffID | int | If the school is a Section Staff school, then PreferredStaffID will save to SSS.PS if it is included If the PreferredStaffID is invalid (STF record does not exist), an error will be returned If the school is NOT using Section Staff and PreferredStaffID is included and > 0, an error will be returned |
RejectCode | String | Max length: 2. Must be a valid code. Use the Codes API for valid codes and descriptions. |
AlternateTag | String | Max length: 1. Valid values are blank and 'X'. An 'X' indicates that the Scheduler has swapped the alternate course and the primary course because the primary course could not be scheduled. |
ActualPrimaryCourseID | String | ActualPrimaryCourseID can be included (see explanation above) and will be used only if AlternateTag = "X" |
PermanentLockCode | String | Max length: 2 |
AlternateCourseRequestReferences | Array | The numbers represent sequence numbers of existing alternate course requests for the student (ACR.SQ). This will associate the new course request with the existing alternate requests (i.e., create ACA records to link SSS to ACR) |
Example POST Payload Non-Section Staff school:
"SectionNumber": 0,
"CourseID": "0001",
"RejectCode": "",
"AlternateTag": "",
"ActualPrimaryCourseID": "",
"PermanentLockCode": "",
"AlternateCourseRequestReferences": [
Example POST Payload Section Staff school:
"SectionNumber": 0,
"CourseID": "0001",
"PreferredStaffID": "994605:,
"RejectCode": "",
"AlternateTag": "",
"ActualPrimaryCourseID": "",
"PermanentLockCode": "",
"AlternateCourseRequestReferences": [
Student Course Requests - Update ↑
Security Area:
- "Student Scheduling Schedules (Course Requests)" - Update
- PUT /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/students/{StudentID}/courserequests/{sq}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- StudentID (required) - The Aeries Student District Permanent ID Number.
- SequenceNumber (required) - The sequence number for a single record for the given student. Must be greater than 0.
- If the sequence number does not exist, a new record will be created.
- After a successful request, this end point returns the "StudentCourseRequest" object that was just updated or created. If an existing record was updated, the status code will be 200. If a new record was created, the status code will be 201.
PUT Payload Object:
- “StudentCourseRequestUpdate” object
“StudentCourseRequestUpdate” Object Definition:
The definition is the same that is given with the Student Course Requests - Create documentation, with the following exceptions:
- SequenceNumber is ignored in the body. The SequenceNumber from the URL is used instead.
- There are no required elements when updating an existing record. Elements that are omitted from the request will be unchanged on the existing record.
- ActualPrimaryCourseID can be included (see explanation above) and will be used only if AlternateTag = "X"
- AlternateCourseRequestReferences can be included as an array of numbers. The numbers represent sequence numbers of existing alternate course requests for the student (ACR.SQ). This will associate the course request with the existing alternate requests (i.e., create ACA records to link SSS to ACR)
- If AlternateCourseRequestReferences is included, then AlternateCourseRequestUpdateOptions should be included with a value of either "Append" or "Replace".
- If "Append", then no existing ACA records will be deleted, and the AlternateCourseRequestReferences will be added to the existing ACA records
- If "Replace", then any existing ACA records that are NOT in AlternateCourseRequestReferences will be deleted. Afterwards, the alternates associated with this course request will be ONLY those given in AlternateCourseRequestReferences
- If the school is a Section Staff school, then PreferredStaffID will save to SSS.PS if it is included. If the PreferredStaffID is invalid (STF record does not exist), an error will be returned. If the school is NOT using Section Staff and PreferredStaffID is included and > 0, an error will be returned
Example PUT Payload Non-Section Staff school:
{ "CourseID":"0646",
"AlternateCourseRequestReferences": [
"AlternateCourseRequestUpdateOptions": "replace"
{ "CourseID":"0500",
"AlternateCourseRequestReferences": [
"AlternateCourseRequestUpdateOptions": "Append"
Example PUT Payload Section Staff school:
{ "CourseID":"0646",
"PreferredStaffID": 894605,
"AlternateCourseRequestReferences": [
"AlternateCourseRequestUpdateOptions": "replace"
{ "CourseID":"0500",
"AlternateCourseRequestReferences": [
"AlternateCourseRequestUpdateOptions": "Append"
Student Course Requests - Delete ↑
Security Area:
- "Student Scheduling Schedules (Course Requests)" - Delete
- DELETE /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/students/{StudentID}/courserequests/{SequenceNumber}
- SchoolCode (required) – the Aeries School Code. This is normally 1-999.
- StudentID (required) - The Aeries Student District Permanent ID Number.
- SequenceNumber (required) - The sequence number for a single record for the given student.
- After a successful request, an empty response with HTTP status code 204 will be returned.
Student Alternate Course Requests ↑
Security Area:
- "Student Scheduling Schedules (Course Requests)"
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/scheduling/alternatecourserequests/
- Returns list of alternate course requests (ACR) for the entire school
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/students/{StudentID}/alternatecourserequests/{sq}
- Returns list of alternate course requests for a single student (by student ID)
- If sq is passed, then returns a single alternate course request for the student
- /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/students/sn/{sn}/alternatecourserequests/{sq}
- Returns list of alternate course requests for a single student (by student number)
- If sq is passed, then returns a single alternate course request for the student
Example Student Alternate Course Requests
"StudentID": 99400002,
"SchoolCode": 994,
"SequenceNumber": 1,
"CourseID": "0402",
"PrioritySortOrder": 1.0
"StudentID": 99400002,
"SchoolCode": 994,
"SequenceNumber": 2,
"CourseID": "361",
"PrioritySortOrder": 9.0
"StudentID": 99400002,
"SchoolCode": 994,
"SequenceNumber": 3,
"CourseID": "0630",
"PrioritySortOrder": 17.0
"StudentID": 99400002,
"SchoolCode": 994,
"SequenceNumber": 1,
"CourseID": "0402",
"PrioritySortOrder": 1.0
"StudentID": 99400002,
"SchoolCode": 994,
"SequenceNumber": 2,
"CourseID": "361",
"PrioritySortOrder": 9.0
"StudentID": 99400002,
"SchoolCode": 994,
"SequenceNumber": 3,
"CourseID": "0630",
"PrioritySortOrder": 17.0
Alternate Course Requests - Create ↑
- POST /api/v5/schools/{SchoolCode}/students/{StudentID}/alternatecourserequests
- School Code - Required
- Student ID - Required
Security Area:
- "Student Scheduling Schedules (Course Requests)" - Insert
- The sequence number (ACR.SQ) for the new record will be created automatically. It is possible to include a new SequenceNumber in the request body, but that is not the recommended practice.
- If RelativePrioritySortOrder is omitted/null, then the new record will be sorted last after any existing ACR records. However, a value of 0 for RelativePrioritySortOrder is invalid and will generate an error response.
- RelativePrioritySortOrder is the order that the new ACR record should be in. This is different from the raw PrioritySortOrder value in the ACR.SRT field. ACR.SRT is calculated automatically using a formula that "squeezes" a new SRT value between existing values so sort order can be maintained while only updating one ACR record at a time. The caller of the API does not need to worry about this calculation. For example, if you want the new record to be 2nd, just pass 2 and the system will do the rest. Therefore, after calling this endpoint, the value returned for PrioritySortOrder will be different from the value requested for RelativePrioritySortOrder.
Example POST Payload Object:
"CourseID": "1234",
"RelativePrioritySortOrder": 2
Alternate Course Requests - Update
Security Area:
- "Student Scheduling Schedules (Course Requests)" - Update
- School Code - Required
- Student ID - Required
- Sequence - Required
Example PUT Payload:
"RelativePrioritySortOrder": 4
Alternate Course Requests - Delete
Security Area:
- "Student Scheduling Schedules (Course Requests)" - Delete
Delete an existing ACR record and association with Primary Course.
NOTE: The Scheduling Create, Update and Delete endpoints have not yet been upgraded to V5 and do not support Flex/Section-Staff schools.