Online Store Manager (formerly Digital Store Manager) provides the ability to manage items and offerings for your Portal Users. Once individual items have been created in the Online Store Manager, offerings can be added to each of those items which Portal Users can then use to add items to their Portal's shopping cart. The purchase process for items in the Online Store Manager will be accessible and integrated with the Aeries Financials process(s).
Online Store Manager can be access by navigating to Financials, Configurations, Online Store Manager.
Once the Online Store Manager form is opened, the user can choose to Add, Update or Delete a store item or Add, Update, Delete a Discount Rate in the Online Store.
Store Items ↑
Add Store Item
Select the Add Item button on the blue Store Items bar
In the Add New Store Items form, select the icon in the lower right of the image box to add a picture for your Store Item
Enter a name, school, course number section, category, sub category account and description for the item then select save to add your item to the store. Or, select cancel to cancel the new Item add.
- Category Categories appear as groupings in the Online Store and are defined in the COD table (DIT.CAT)
- Sub Category Sub categories appear as an additional level of grouping in the Online Store and is defined in the COD table (DIT.SUB)
Note: In the COD table, the Sub Category's Category field must be given the parent Category's Code value before the Sub Category will appear as a selectable option in the Add New Store Items or Edit Store Items' forms.
Update Store Item ↑
To update an existing Item, select the edit icon in the Store Items list
Delete Online Item ↑
To delete an Item select the trash icon in the corresponding row of the Item you wish to remove.
Offerings ↑
To make Item available for users to select, Offerings for the Item must be created.
Add Item Offerings
To add an offering for a Store Item, select the Offering(s) button on the corresponding row of the Item you wish to make available.
Once the Offering form is open, select Add Offering at the bottom center of the form
The Add New Offering form will open where, you can add a Start Date, End Date, Sale Preview Date, Price, Maximum units per student available to a student, total quantity available in this offering for this item, and a Pay Within time frame. Options to make the offering will be available to students, parents or both are displayed and the option to filter by grade and/or school for the item's offering.
When adding a new offering, dates are not allowed to be blank. In cases where the record may currently contain a blank date, the following will occur when adding or editing a record:
If the Sale Start Date/Time is blank, the current Date plus 30 days will be saved
If the Sale End Date/Time is blank, the current Sale Start Date plus 30 days will be saved
If the Sale Preview Date/Time is blank, the current Sale Start Date/Time will be saved
Update Store Offerings ↑
To update an existing offering, select the edit icon on the corresponding row of the offering you wish to edit.
Delete Store Offerings
To delete an existing offering, select the trash icon on the corresponding row of the offering you wish to remove.
Discount Rates ↑
Discount Rates may be added for later application to an Offering. To access the Discount Rates, select the Discount Rates tab in the Online Store Manager form.
Add Discount Rate ↑
To add a new Discount Rate, select the Add Discount Rate button in the blue bar on the Discount Rate tab.
Complete the Add New Discount Rate form to create a new Discount Rate that can later be applied when creating an Offering for an Item.The Add New Discount Rate form will allow you to select the Name, which table code will be used for the discount, the amount of the discount (either a percentage or a fixed dollar amount) and if the discount should be compounded with other discounts. Once the selections have been made, select Save button to save your new Discount Rate.
- Name: The name for the Discount Rate that will appear in the selection dropdown on the offering's form.
- Table Code: The table to check for Discount Rate application.
- Field Code: The field to check for Discount Rate application.
- Field Code Value: The value used to trigger the application of the discount
- Amount: The amount (percentage or fixed dollar) to be applied to the offering at purchase time
- Compound with Other Discount Options: Add to other discounts when multiple discounts are available
Edit Discount Rate ↑
To change an existing Discount Rate, select the edit icon on the corresponding row of the Discount Rate you wish to change.
Note: Changes to an existing Discount Rate will only be applied to purchases made after the Discount Rate change was completed.
Delete Discount Rate ↑
To delete an existing Discount Rate, select the trashcan icon on the row corresponding to the Discount Rate that you wish to delete.
Aeries Student/Parent Portal ↑
Students and Parents are granted access to the Online Store by giving Read permissions to the desired Portal Options Group.
The Online Store option in the Portal is use to access the current end users' Online Store managed environment and shopping cart.
Once the Online Store has been selected, Items are displayed which can be added to the user's shopping cart if there is a active Offering.
Select one of the displayed Items to begin the purchase process. If there are no current Offerings for the selected Item, a message will appear under Purchase Options indicating the Item is not available for purchase.
If an active Offering exists that meets the student filtering requirements for the selected Item, the student's name and school will appear under Purchase Options with a default quantity of 1 for the Item. Remove the check mark next to any student name that will not be purchasing the Item and adjust the quantities as needed.