Each credentialed staff members' years of educational service should be recorded in their Staff record. This data is reported to CALPADS. Aeries provides a process for updating Staff members' Total Years of Edu Service and Total Years in This District fields, in order to keep it current. This process should be run once per year and only allowed to update once every nine months.

From the CALPADS FAQ: ""Staff Service Years Total" is the total count of the years that a staff member has worked at any public or private educational institution in a certificated position, including the time worked at your LEA, other districts, other states, and countries. Therefore, this number should always be equal to or greater than "Staff Service Years LEA.""

Filter Pages by "staff" or navigate to School Info > Staff to see a Staff form.

The incrementation process is available in the Time in Service band under Staff Data, but is only visible if the user has the necessary permissions. A user needs Update permissions to the STF table in order to increment staff members' years fields (Total Years of Edu Service and Total Years in This District). Without Update permissions, the Update Totals button will not be visible on the Staff form:

Click the Update Totals button to see the Calculate Time in Service popup:

Note:  Enter a zero (0) in the Total Years of Educational Service (STF.TYS) or Total Years in This District (STF.TYD) if staff is new to education or the district.  The Calculate Time in Service process, which is displayed when clicking the Update Totals button, will update the value to one (1) for staff monitoring and CALPADS reporting for the current year.

Three options are available:

  1. Click on Just This One to increment the Total Years of Edu Service and Total Years in This District for only the staff member viewed on the Staff form when the Update Totals button was clicked.
  2. Click on All Staff in School to increment the Total Years of Edu Service and Total Years in This District for all staff members having the same Primary School as the current school. Please note that if you are logged in at the District level, the process will update for all staff members in the District.
  3. Click Cancel to abandon the process.

When the years fields are incremented, the Date Years Incremented field is updated to the current date.

The incremental process follows logical rules in order to prevent unwanted updating:

  • If a staff member's Date Years Incremented field is within the past nine months, the years fields will not be incremented. A warning popup will be displayed:

  • If the years fields are zero (0), and the Leave Date is blank, the years will be calculated based on the Hire Date.
  • If a staff member's Leave Date is before the current date AND before the Date Years Incremented, that staff member's years fields will not be incremented.
  • If a staff member's Date Years Incremented field is more than nine months in the past and the years fields are not zero, the years fields will be incremented by 1. 

Note: If the process incorrectly calculates a staff member's years fields, the fields can be manually changed to the correct number. These fields should be reviewed for accuracy by LEA personnel who track credentialed employee data.

To update a staff members' fields manually, navigate to the correct Staff record. Click Change, update one or both fields, and click Update. The Date Years Incremented field will reflect the date of the change.