The Staff (Old) form records demographic and employment related information about staff members at school and district levels. The information recorded in Staff should be maintained and/or regularly reviewed for accuracy by personnel who manage credentialed employees' employment.
Filter Pages by "staff" or navigate to School Info > Staff to see the Staff form.
One of the primary purposes of this page is to supply staff data required for state reporting (see CALPADS in Aeries Basics - Staff Data for more details). In the screenshots in this document, Highlight State Reporting Fields is selected, so the fields that will be reported to the state are highlighted in green. To activate this setting, click on your login name at the top right to see the settings dropdown. Check the Highlight State Reporting Fields checkbox:
On the Staff form, a list of staff members at the school and/or district is on the left. Type a first name, last name, Staff ID, or SEID into the search box and press Go to filter the list for staff members with matching data. Scroll down the list and click on the staff member to display their data on the right under Staff Data.
Adding a Staff Record
To add a Staff record, you will need Insert permissions for the STF table. Click on the Add button under any Staff record:
A blank form will display (the Staff ID will be filled in if the District Rule of Automatically Generate Staff IDs is set):
Fill in the appropriate fields and click the Update button at the bottom left to add the new Staff record. To abandon the process, click Cancel.
Updating a Staff Record
To change information in an existing Staff record, you will need Update permissions for the STF table. Click on the Change button under the record:
Edit the fields you need to change, and click on the Update button to update the Staff record. Click on the Cancel button to abandon the update process.
Deleting a Staff Record
To delete an existing Staff record, you will need Delete permissions for the STF table. Click on the Delete button to delete an existing Staff record. A confirmation popup will be displayed:
Click OK to delete the record or click Cancel to abandon the process. If the Staff record is referenced in another table in Aeries, the record cannot be deleted and an explanatory message will display. In the example below, the Staff ID is referenced in a Teacher record.
Staff Data
Staff Data consists of an information bar (two lines of demographic and educational background information about the staff member) and five tabs: Other Demographics, Job Assignments, Credentials, Assignments, and Highly Qualified Teacher Status:
The staff member's information bar fields are stored in the STF table:
- Schl
- the School Code for the school (or district) that that staff member is associated with
- used by Aeries Communications
- Staff ID
- a unique (within the district) identifier for the staff member; up to 10 numbers in length
- automatically generated by the system, if the Automatically Generate Staff IDs rule is set in District Rules
- add the Staff ID to the appropriate Teacher record to associate the Staff record with that teacher
- used by Aeries Communications
- Last Name
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Suffix: Jr., Sr., etc.
- Sex: staff member's gender
- Birth Yr: year of birth
- Birthdate: month/day/year of staff member's birth in MM/DD/YYYY format
- Tag: active (blank) or inactive status tag
- Hire Date: most recent district hire date for staff member
- Leave Date: last day of employment if staff member has left the district
- ELE (English Learner Educator): indicates if the staff member is an English Learner Educator
- Ed Lvl: education level
- Yr Degree: the year when the staff member earned their degree
- Ethnicity: primary ethnicity code
- Race - Race 5: multiple ethnicity codes
- Time% (FTE): percentage of time teaching: full time or part time equivalency
- Pos Stat: employment/tenure status
Other Demographics
The Other Demographics tab provides more fields to record information related to the staff member, as well as a function for updating staff members' Total Years of Educational Service (the Update Totals button), as explained in the Incrementing Staff Years Fields document. Please note that the Update Totals button on the Other Demographics tab will only be visible if the user has Update permissions to the STF table.
The staff member's Other Demographics fields are stored in the STF table.
- Total Years of Edu Service: overall number of educational years
- Total Years in This District: years within the current district
- Date Years Incremented: the date when the Total Years of Edu Service and Total Years in This District fields were last updated
- Emergency Contact: person to be contacted in case of an emergency
- Contact Telephone: emergency contact's telephone number
- Title: staff member's title
- Internal Ext.: staff member's internal telephone extension
- Previous Last Name: previous name information may assist in matching CTC credential data for a staff member
- Previous First Name
- Previous Middle Name
- State Educator ID: SEID, educator identification number issued by the CDE
- Mobile Phone (used by Aeries Communications)
- Primary Phone: home phone number (note that this phone number (STF.TL) is NOT used by Aeries Communications)
- Address: home address
- City: home address city
- State: home address state
- Zipcode: home address zipcode
- Extn: home address zipcode extension
- Notification Preference (used by Aeries Communications)
- Alternate Phone
- Ext: alternate phone extension
- Email Address (used by Aeries Communications)
- Alternate Email Address
- (EthCd): primary ethnicity code
- (EC 2) - (EC 6): multiple ethnicity codes
- Network Login ID
- Human Resources ID#
- Usr1 - Usr8: user code fields available to store user/district defined data (dropdown values can be added/defined in the COD table -- see Update Code Table)
- TB Test Dt: the date of the staff member's last tuberculosis test
- Result: tuberculosis test result
- MM: tuberculosis skin test millimeters
- Type: tuberculosis test type
- Exp Date: tuberculosis test expiration date
- Comment: other information, as needed
Note: Certain STF fields are used by Aeries Communications. If your LEA uses Aeries Communications, certain fields will need to be populated for staff members (including non-teachers) who should be included in Aeries Communications. Please refer to the Aeries Communications Configuration documentation for more information about STF fields used by Aeries Communications.
Job Assignments
Fields on the Job Assignments tab are stored in the STJ table, which is used to store job assignment information for credentialed staff members.To add a job assignment, click on Add New Record.
To add a job assignment for a full-time (100% FTE) teacher, select 12 Teacher from the Job Classification dropdown and add 100 to the FTE field:
A Start Date and End Date can be added; if blank, the record is considered "current" for state reporting. Record the School associated with the Job Assignment, if it is not the school associated with the staff record. The Non Classroom Based Job Assignment Codes should be filled in for staff members who spend all or part of their time in other capacities besides teaching. Clickto abandon the process or click Save
to save the record.
To delete an existing Job Assignment record, click thebutton. To edit an existing Job Assignment record, click the
Credentialed staff members who do not teach students must have their Job Assignments coded correctly for state reporting. In the example below, a full-time credentialed staff member has two job assignments: 50% FTE as a Teacher and 50% FTE Job Classification of Pupil Services with a Non Classroom Based Job Assignment Code of 0400 Counselor.
Note: consult state reporting guidelines for guidance on staff members' job assignments. More information on reporting staff data to CALPADS is provided in CALPADS in Aeries Basics - Staff Data.
The Credentials tab stores information about the staff member's teaching credentials. This information is stored in the STC table. This information is not used during state reporting, but can be used for LEA reference.
Credentials fields include:
- Date: the date the credential or certification was earned
- Type: the type of credential
- Code: the credential or authorized teaching area
- Document#: the credential document number
In the past, the Assignments tab was used for credentialed staff members. At the present time, job assignments for credentialed staff members are reported to CALPADS and CBEDS using the information on the Job Assignments tab. However, the Assignments tab may still be used for CBEDS ORA reporting of classified employees' job assignments. This data is stored in the STA table.
If using Aeries to report classified staff members' data for CBEDS, the following fields should be recorded on the Staff information bar for any classified staff member who should be reported:
- Schl: the school primarily associated with the staff member
- Staff ID: a unique (within the District) ID number
- Sex
- Tag: populated if Leave Date prior to CBEDS day
- Hire Date
- Leave Date: if applicable
- Ethnicity
- Race - Race 5
Additionally, for CBEDS reporting of classified staff, the following fields must be recorded on the Assignments tab:
- %Time
- Job Classification
For more information, see Create CBEDS ORA Files.
Highly Qualified Teacher Status
The Highly Qualified Teacher Status tab is no longer used for state reporting, since HQT status is no longer required by the state. If LEAs choose to do so, credentialed staff members' HQT information, including the NCLB Core Area and Highly Qualified Status fields, can be recorded on this tab. The data is stored in the STH table.