Teacher View 

Teacher Data 

Master Schedule and Scheduling Master Schedule Sections  

Creating a New Teacher  

Updating a Teacher's Data  

Delete a Teacher  


The Teachers form provides a list of teachers at a school, provides information about teachers, allows the addition of new teacher records, and allows sections and/or gradebooks to be transferred to another teacher. For information on transferring sections and/or gradebooks to a new teacher, see Transfer Sections / Gradebooks. For Teachers tables and fields, see Teacher Data Tables and Fields.

To see the Teachers page, filter Pages by "teachers" or navigate to School Info > Teachers:

Teacher View

A list of teachers is provided. To see information for a specific teacher, type a Teacher Name or Teacher Number into the selection box and press the Go button, or scroll down and click on a teacher in the list:

The list of teachers can be sorted by Teacher Number or Name using the Search Sort Options under the list. Select a teacher to see Teacher Data about that specific teacher. 

At schools without a Master Schedule (MST), when a teacher is selected from the list, Teacher Data provides school and schedule-related information about the teacher, a list of the teacher's students, and a menu which allows users to transfer students and/or gradebooks from the selected teacher to another teacher. For more information about transferring students and/or gradebooks, see Transfer Students / Gradebooks

NOTE: For Flex Scheduling and Section Staff Schools, the Teachers page was updated to hide the section information found under the MST Classes and SMS Classes tabs. This includes hiding the Totals and View Options at the bottom of the page as well as the Transfer Sections to Another Teacher. Other hidden fields include the Staff ID 2, Staff ID 3, and Multi Tchr fields. 

For Secondary schools and Elementary schools with a Master Schedule (MST), when a teacher is selected from the list, Teacher Data provides school and schedule-related information about the teacher, a list of sections in the MST taught by the teacher, and a list of sections in the Scheduling Master Schedule (SMS) taught by each teacher. The Teachers form also provides a menu which allows users to transfer sections and gradebooks from the selected teacher to another teacher; see Transfer Sections / Gradebooks for more information. 

NOTE: The MST Classes and SMS Classes tabs are hidden for schools using Flex Scheduling / Section Staff. This data is now located on the Staff page. Go to the Flex Scheduling - Staff Data documentation for more information.

Teacher Data

Teacher Data provides a place to record data about the teacher. The fields presented will depend on the School where you are entering the Teacher - Elementary or Secondary.

Note:  In the screenshot above, Highlight State Reporting Fields is activated, so those fields are highlighted in green to indicate the data that is reported to the state. 

Teacher Data fields are stored in the TCH table and include:

  • Tch#: the Teacher Number, assigned by the user who creates a teacher record
  • Teacher Name: prints on reports and is often simply the teacher's last name, but schools may decide to use a systematic nomenclature (for example, last name plus initial) to avoid duplication
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Title: Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr.
  • Status: Blank codes are considered active, anything else is inactive
  • Next Year Status: active or inactive for next year. Teachers with an inactive status for next year cannot be used with scheduling for next year.
  • Room: room number
  • Low Grd: lowest grade taught
  • High Grd: highest grade taught
  • Track: associated track
  • Max Stu/Period: when sections are created in the MST or SMS for the teacher, their Max will be set to the Teacher's Max Stu/Period
  • Max Stu/Day: the maximum number of students per day if Teacher Load Monitoring is enabled (see Class Schedule Maintenance - Teacher Load Monitoring for more information)
  • Elec Tag: used to set whether the teacher is allowed to enter Electronic Attendance, Electronic Grades, or both. Valid values are A - Electronic Attendance, B - Electronic Grades, D - Electronic Attendance and Grades, or G - All Note: The G tag would allow all of the ability of the A, B and D tags and will also include the teacher on the missing lunch count reports in Daily attendance schools. 
  • Email Address - Teacher email address
  • Website - Teacher website
  • Staff ID: links the Teacher record to a Staff record; assigned by the system when a Staff record is created (see Teacher and Staff Data - Staff for more information
  • Staff ID 2 and Staff ID 3: links the Teacher record to two more Staff IDs, when the individual Teacher record is representative of multiple teachers (for example, a Teacher record of Tch# 123, Teacher Name Smith/Jones, Staff ID linking to Staff record of Teacher Smith, and Staff ID 2 linking to Staff record of Teacher Jones)
  • Multi Tchr: must be input if the Teacher record is representative of multiple teachers. If codes of 01 and 02 are populated on the teacher record, both teachers will be extracted for CALPADS extracts with the multiple teacher status code. The codes available are:
    • 01 - Team Teaching (at the same time)
    • 02 - Job Sharing (alternating)
    • 09 - No Multi-Teacher - this code is used identify those classes that have more than one teacher, but they are not to be extracted in CALPADS extracts with a multiple teachers status code.
  • User1 - User8: used for school/district defined data; values can be defined in the COD table

NOTE: For Multi-status teachers, when the TCH.MTS is populated, all sections for the teacher will be extracted for both teachers in secondary schools. If MST.MTS is used instead to flag a specific section, the TCH.MTS should be left blank. Do not tag both TCH.MTS and MST.MTS for the same teacher in the same school. 

Master Schedule and Scheduling Master Schedule Sections  

Under Teacher Datalists of the teacher's sections in the MST and SMS are provided: 

Under the lists, checkboxes allow you to modify the view of the list:  Hide Inactive Classes, Hide T/A Classes, and/or View Current Term Only. On each list, the Section Numbers and Course ID fields are links which can be clicked to view the section in the Master Schedule and the course in Courses, respectively. 

Tip: Press the Ctrl key on your keyboard and click the link in order to open the new section or course page in another browser tab. 

Next to the MST/SMS Classes lists, the Teachers form allows sections and/or gradebooks to be transferred to another teacher:

For more information on how to use this functionality, see Transfer Sections / Gradebooks.

Creating a New Teacher  

Depending upon the teacher, two or three buttons will be visible below Teacher Data:

The Add button is used to add a new teacher to the school's list. More details are provided below, in Creating a New Teacher. The Change button is used to edit an existing Teacher record. More details are provided below, in Updating a Teacher's Data. The Delete button is used to delete an existing teacher record. The Delete button will not be visible if the Teacher record is referenced in the database (for example, if the teacher has an associated section in the MST or in the SMS). If the teacher is referenced in the database, the teacher cannot be deleted.  

To create a new Teacher, navigate to Teachers. Click Add below any existing Teacher record:

A blank form will display:

Under Tch#, the dropdown provides available Teacher Numbers (ones that are not already assigned to existing teachers). Select a Tch# for the new teacher and fill in any other fields according to your school's practices. Click the Insert button to add the new Teacher record. The teacher's Tch# and Name will appear in the Teachers list. 

Click Cancel to cancel the process.

Updating a Teacher's Data  

To update an existing teacher's data, click the Change button underneath their information:

The form will display in data entry mode:

Modify any field that requires new input. Click the Update button to save the information. Click the Cancel button to abandon the process.

Delete a Teacher  

To delete a Teacher, click on the Delete button under that teacher's Teacher Data. If the Delete button is not visible next to the Add and Change buttons, references exist to that Teacher in the database. For example, if a Teacher has sections in the MST or the SMS assigned to them, that Teacher cannot be deleted. 

After Delete is clicked, a confirmation message will display:

Click OK to confirm deletion of the Teacher. Their Tch# and Name will no longer display in the Teachers list. Click Cancel to abandon the deletion process.