Enabling Feature and Converting Data
Staff ID Based Counselor Fields
Student Summons Call Slip Report
An option is available that allows a school to use their (STU.CU) Teacher field and convert the teacher number to the (STU.CNS) Counselor field using Staff ID numbers instead of Teacher Numbers. The setting Staff ID Based Counselor Tracking is currently available as BETA and can be enabled by contacting Aeries Support for special instructions using the hidden Feature Flags page.
On the hidden feature flag page, an option to enable this setting is displayed. In order to see the setting on the School Options page, the feature flag shown below must be enabled. Once enabled, a school with a Scheduling Type of Secondary or Flexible will have an option to convert their existing STU.CU teacher numbers to Staff ID's in STU.CNS. For elementary or elementary w/master school types, the OPT value UseStaffIDBasedCounselorTracking will automatically be set to true when the feature flag is enabled and will be visible on the School Options page. Since elementary schools currently already have the STU.CNS field available even when this feature is disabled, no conversion is necessary. However, in order for elementary schools to use the Counselor field with the Staff ID numbers, the field will still need to be manually populated.
For Secondary and Flex School types, follow the instructions below for enabling and converting this field.
NOTE: Before converting teacher ID's to the Counseling (STU.CNS) field, make sure the data is clean and accurate in the STU.CU field first. If there is no data in STU.CU, then nothing will get converted to STU.CNS.
Enabling Feature and Converting Data ↑
In a Secondary or Flex schools, select the option Use Staff ID Based Counselor Tracking, then select SAVE. The process will convert values from STU.CU to use the TCH.ID value in the associated TCH record and place it into the STU.CNS field. This process does not delete the existing data in STU.CU. Once this process is converted, there is no option to undo the conversion.
Upon enabling this feature, a confirmation message will display with an option to Cancel. The conversion process will not begin until the SAVE button has been clicked on the School Options page.
The conversion process will also run from the Copy Scheduling Results to SEC & MST process when a school has the option Track Primary Classes for Students enabled and the Use Staff ID Based Counselor Tracking school option is not yet enabled. The conversion process of copying STU.CU values into STU.CNS will be prompted during this process.
NOTE: Elementary Schools have always had STU.CNS available for Counselor (which is based on Staff ID). This field will display with Counselor data even when the Staff ID Based Counselor feature flag is disabled. The design of the drop-down is changed to display the checkbox to only display Counselors or all staff who are associated to the school from STF.
Staff ID Based Counselor Fields ↑
A Counselor is identified by the Staff Job Classification code (STJ.JC) applied in the Staff page.
- Any staff associated to a school with a code of 11-Pupil Services (CA) will display in the Counselor drop-down or Search by Counselor drop-down in various areas throughout Aeries.
- Any staff associated to a school with code 008-School Counselor (TX) will display in the Counselor drop-down or Search by Counselor drop-down in various areas throughout Aeries.
Student Demographics ↑
The Staff ID, Staff Name and School will display in the drop-down of the Counselor (STU.CNS) field. This drop-down will default to Only Show Counselors. When this option is checked, all staff with the appropriate STJ job classification code will display as a Counselor. When the option is un-checked, any staff associated to the currently logged in school or any district staff member will display in the drop-down regardless of the STJ job classification code.
In an elementary school, the Counselor field has been renamed from Elementary Counselor to Counselor.
Forms and Reports ↑
Many forms and reports will display the Search by Counselor option or Counselor Search selector and will list the student's Counselor from STU.CNS when this feature has been enabled, converted or populated.
Various reports throughout Aeries have been updated to include the counselor name from STU.CNS. The following is an example.
Mass Add Student Related Data ↑
On the Mass Add Student Related Data page, selecting the Search By Counselor option will display a Counselor Search drop-down list allowing for the selection of any staff identified as a Counselor according to the STJ job classification code. Counselors must be associated to the currently logged in school. This Counselor Search drop-down allows for the selection of multiple staff members.
In a secondary or flex school setting, the screen will display as follows:
In an elementary school type, the Search by Counselor option has been added. The screen will display as follows for elementary schools. The Search by Teacher option will pull staff based on TCH table. The Search by Counselor option will display a drop-down list of staff identified as Counselors according to the STJ table.
Student Groups ↑
On the Student Groups page, a Search by Counselor field is available for any group that is not part of a Dynamic Group. Selecting the Search By Counselor option will display a Counselor Search drop-down list allowing for the selection of any staff identified as a Counselor according to the STJ job classification code. Counselors must be associated to the currently logged in school. This Counselor Search drop-down allows for the selection of multiple staff members.
In a secondary or flex school setting, the screen will display as follows:
In an elementary school type, the Search by Counselor option has been added. The following will display these options in an elementary school settings. The Search by Teacher option will pull staff based on TCH table. The Search by Counselor option will display a drop-down list of staff identified as Counselors according to the STJ table.
Student Summons Call Slip Report ↑
In the Student Summons Call Slip Report options page, selecting the Search By Counselor option will display a Counselor Search drop-down list allowing for the selection of any staff identified as a Counselor according to the STJ job classification code. Counselors must be associated to the currently logged in school. This Counselor Search drop-down allows for the selection of multiple staff members.
In an elementary school type, the Search by Counselor option has been added. The following will display these options in an elementary school settings. The Search by Teacher option will pull staff based on TCH table. The Search by Counselor option will display a drop-down list of staff identified as Counselors according to the STJ table.
Letter Text Editor
The letter text editor allows for displaying the counselor name by inserting the [CNS?] code into the text letter editor for the desired letter. The code must be in all CAPS. Using the question mark symbol '?' will insert the counselor name, without the ? the staff number will display.
The following is an example: