Editing Records

Deleting Records

Set Red Flag

Navigate to Student Data > Test Scores > Test Settings

Adding Records

Aeries allows records to be added in both the school level and district level.

Search for the student whose Test Settings need to be updated. In the navigation filter for the Test Settings page and select it. The current year Test Settings can be added either on the Active Test Settings screen or on the Test Settings List (all) screen.

Below is an example of the Active Test Settings screen for a student that does not have any currently active Test Settings records. Click on the Change button to add new test settings accommodations or supports or condition codes.

NOTE:  The radio buttons control which test administration the Test Settings will affect. Test Settings for CAASPP and ELPAC must be set separately.

Test Settings - Active Test Settings with no records

In edit mode the Active Test Settings screen displays dropdowns and checkboxes for the various testing accommodations and supports. Choose the appropriate test settings for the student. Click on the Save button.

Notice that there are no dates on the Active Test Settings screens. When new test settings are added on this screen, the Start Date of the record is the current date.

After clicking on Save the Active Test Settings screen goes back to view mode and the currently active Test Settings records are displayed on the screen.

The Condition Codes area is used to identify students that will not be taking a certain test because of a Parent/Guardian Exemption or a Medical Emergency. These condition codes will be uploaded into TOMS through the CAASPP Condition Codes extract. 

Test Settings - Condition Codes example

NOTE:  The Test Assignment Settings area at the bottom of the form for the CAASPP test is used to identify the 10th or 11th grade students that will be taking the High School Science (CAST) test, the students that will be taking the California Spanish Assessment (CSA) test, and the students that will require Remote Testing Video Permission. 

Test Settings - High School Science field

Test Settings - CSA field

Test Settings - Remote Testing Video Permissions field

To add ELPAC Test Settings or Test Assignments to a student click on the radio button next to ELPAC and then on the Change button. Prior to adding any codes to this page, the type of ELPAC test that the student will be taking needs to be identified. The choices are either Initial ELPAC, Summative ELPAC, Initial Alternate ELPAC or Summative Alternate ELPAC.

Test Settings - ELPAC button

NOTE: The Test Assignment Settings area at the bottom of the form for the ELPAC test is used to identify an exemption for either of the 4 domains of the ELPAC test, or if a student has Remote Testing Video permission.

Test Settings - ELPAC Test Assignment Settings tab

The Test Settings List (all) tab displays all Test Settings records, including closed records and records with prior year testing accommodations or supports. To add a new Test Settings accommodation or support click on the Add New Record icon.

Enter the Start Date of the student’s test setting. If the test modification has an End Date enter that value. The codes are hard-coded and can either be typed into the Code field or selected from the drop-down.

When adding data in Aeries, remember to click on the Save icon to save the changes.

Test Settings List - add a new record example

Editing Records  

Test Settings records can be updated in either the Active Test Settings tab or the Test Settings List (all) tab.

The Active Test Settings tab will allow you to add, change or close currently active Test Settings records with current year codes. Click on the Change button to enter edit mode on the Active Test Settings screen.

To change a dropdown from one value to another, select the desired code. In the below example the Color Contrast will be changed from Yellow on Blue to Medium Gray on Light Gray. Since no dates are displayed on this screen, the Yellow on Blue record will be given an End Date of the current date and the Medium Gray on Light Gray record will be given a Start Date of the current date.

Test Settings - Active Test Settings - edit a record example

To change a setting with a checkbox click in the checkbox field to check or uncheck the code. If a checkbox is selected, then a new record will be added for that code with the current date as the Start Date. If a checkbox is deselected, then that record’s End Date will be updated to the current date.

When all changes have been made click on the Save button to save the changes. The currently active test settings will display in the view mode of the Active Test Settings screen.

Clicking on the Test Settings List (all) tab will display how the Yellow on Blue record was closed.

Test Settings List - example of dates when record changed from one accommodation to another

The Test Settings List (all) screen will allow you to change or close any Test Settings record. Click on the Edit icon of the record that needs to be updated to open up the record to changes, make the appropriate changes, and click on the Save icon to save the changes.

Deleting Records  

In Aeries the Active Test Settings screen cannot delete Test Settings records. The Test Settings List (all) screen must be used to delete Test Settings records. From the Test Settings List (all) screen click on the Edit icon of the record that needs to be deleted, and then click on the Delete icon. A confirmation message will appear asking if you wish to delete the record. Click on OK to delete the record.

Set Red Flag  

The Test Settings (STS) tab can be red-flagged for certain students. Users will need update permission to the Test Settings (STS) table in order to do this.

The red flag can be set by clicking on the Flag icon at the top of the Test Settings screen. Enter a comment in the Comment box if necessary and select OK when finished. The flag will turn from white to red and the comment will appear at the top of the screen.

Red Flag - Enter comment example

Red Flag set