
There are several ways for teacher to add assignments to their gradebooks. Below are the different ways to add assignments and will be detailed further in the document:

  • Dashboard views – Add Assignment option
  • Manage page – Assignments tab
  • Scores by Assignments page – New Assignment option on the assignment dropdown
  • Push Assignments – Allows teachers to push assignments between their own gradebooks.
  • Import Assignments – allows teachers to import assignments from any other teacher’s gradebook to their own gradebook.

To add Gradebook Assignments click the mouse on Add Assignment button and the following page will display.

The following fields display on the Add Assignment page:

#: This is the assignment number. This number can be edited on the Add Assignment page and should not use an existing assignment number.

Nameenter an Assignment name

Descriptiona longer description of the assignment can be entered but is not required

Type: Select the Type of assignment from the dropdown. Brief descriptions of the types are below.

  • Formative Assignments – assignments that are part of the instructional process. Assignments that form knowledge. Examples: Worksheets and Projects.

  • Summative Assignments – assignments that gauge a student’s learning. Assignments that summarize knowledge. Examples: Quizzes and Tests.

    Note: When adding an assignment and selecting a Type, that Type will be remembered and used as the default upon adding another new assignment. The Type can be changed at any time by making a selection from the Type drop down menu. 

Categoryselect a Category from the dropdown. The category is required. Note: When adding an assignment and selecting the Category, that category will be remembered and used as the default category upon adding another new assignment. The category can be changed at any time by making a selection from the Category drop-down menu. 

Final Assignment: If Grading periods are in use the Final Assignment option will display. Enabling this option will designate the assignment as a 'Final Assignment'. Please refer to the Gradebook Grading Periods documentation for additional Information about Grading Periods.

Rubric AssignmentIf the Gradebook option Doing Rubric is selected, a Rubric option will display and default ON when adding new assignments. Assignments can be added to a Rubric gradebook that are not tagged as Rubric. Scores can be given to the non-rubric assignments and they will not be calculated into the Average.

Extra CreditSelect the Extra Credit option if applicable. The Extra Credit option will change the Number Correct Possible and Points Possible fields to 0 and will make these fields invisible on this form. Note: The Extra Credit option will be remembered and used as the default upon adding a new assignment. The Extra Credit option can be changed at any time by deselecting the Extra Credit option. 

Narrative GradingSelect the Narrative Grading Set if desired. Narrative Grading is optional. Note: The Narrative Grading option will be remembered and used as the default upon adding a new assignment. The Narrative Grading  option can be changed at any time by making a different selection using the drop-down menu.

Assigned OnThe Assigned Date will default to today. Change the date if not today. The calendar icon can be used to change the date.

Due OnThe Due Date will default to the next school day. Change the Due Date if applicable. The calendar icon can be used to change the date. The Due Time will tie in with student drop boxes and require that the student turn in the assignments online before the Due Date and Due Time. The Due Date also ties in with the Gradebook Options to Filter and Calculate Assignments.

A term color indicator will display when the Due On date is entered.


Number Correct Possible:  Enter the maximum points possible in the Number Correct Possible field. The next field, Points Possible, will default to the same value.

Points PossibleEnter the maximum number of points that can be earned in the Points Possible field. The Points Possible is not a required field.

For example, an assignment consists of a worksheet with 20 questions but the assignment is worth 10 points. Enter a Number Correct Possible of 20 and a Points Possible of 10. When entering scores, the % and Points Earned will be calculated automatically. If the student’s # Correct (Score) is 18, a % of 90 and a Points Earned of 9 will display on the Scores By Assignment page.

Note: The Number Correct Possible and Points Possible will be remembered and used as the default upon adding a new assignment. The Number Correct Possible and Points Possible can be changed at any time.

Grading Completed select to have the students assignment scores be factored into a student’s overall grade. If no score is entered, the assignment will be considered as a Missing Assignment if the assignment has the Grading Completed option selected.

Visible to Portalthis option will allow or deny the assignment to be visible to students and parents through the Parent Portal.

Score Visible to Portalthis option can be used to allow or deny the assignment score to be visible to students or parents.

Drop BoxThe Drop Box and Due Time will tie in with student drop boxes and require that the student turn in the assignments online before the Due Date and Due Time. This feature is not supported at this time.

Add ExamThe Exam and Test Admin fields are used with Aeries Analytics. Click on the Add Exam button to associate an exam to the assignment if applicable. The following Analytics Exam Selector page will display.


Use the Search dropdown and field to locate the exam to associate to the assignment. Select the exam and the exam will now display on the Add Assignment page.

Add StandardThe Add Standard button will only display if the System Administrator has enabled the Portal Option of Support Standard-Based Grade Reporting for the school.

To link a standard to the assignment, click the mouse on the Add Standard button. A Standard Selector page will display.

The Standard Selector form will remember the type of Standard chosen and will use this as the default each time a new assignment is added.

The Standard Type drop down will also display a Recent Standards choice. This option will store the last 15 Standards used.

The Standard Type dropdown also has a Report Card Standards option. If the Gradebook is associated with a Course the Standards displayed under this option will be from the Standards Based Course (SBR) table. If the Gradebook is not associated with a Course the standards displayed will be from the Standards Based Setup (SBE) table. 

Use the Search box and filters available to locate the standards to link to the assignment. The Standard Selector page has drilldowns available to locate standards. Click on the arrows to display sub standards.

Click the mouse on the Add button to select standards. If an Add button is not displayed next to a standard, that standard was flagged by the District to not be linkable to an assignment.

Click the mouse on the OK button to save the standards for the assignment. The standards will now display on the Add Assignment page. It might be necessary to scroll down using the vertical scroll bar on the right of the page to see the standards selected.

The Input By Standard button will now display. The Input by Standard option will allow scores to be entered by the standard that is connected to an assignment. The Scores by Class, Scores by Student and Scores by Assignment pages will allow data entry of scores by standard when the Input by Standard option is selected.

The Add Assignment window has an option to Push New Assignment to Selected Gradebooks

When creating a new assignment and selecting this option, other existing gradebooks will display to select to push the new assignment to. Only the current gradebook the new assignment is being added to and the selected gradebooks will get the new assignment. 

When the assignment information is completed, there are several buttons available at the bottom of the page.

  • The Save button will save the information entered but stay open to continue completing the page.

  • The Save and Add New button will save the assignment and will display a blank Add Assignment page to enter another assignment.

  • The Save and Add Recurring button will Save and Add the assignment as a recurring assignment in the Gradebook according to the options chosen. The Date Range will show the Gradebook term. Select Days of the Week for the recurring assignment, and whether the Dates will be used for Date Assigned or Date Due. The date list is dynamic

Additionally, any existing assignment can be edited and re-saved as a Recurring Assignment

  • The Save and Close button will save the information added and will return to the Assignments tab under Manage.

  • The Cancel button will close the page and not save any information entered.

NOTE: if Gradebooks are linked, the new assignment will display in all linked gradebooks.
When the school is using Standards, under the Manage Assignments area, the page will display the Input By Standard information as well as any Standards that are attached to the assignment.

The Assignments tab will display all assignments entered with color coding for the terms. Below is an example of a trimester gradebook. If using multiple terms for a gradebook, all assignments will display on the Assignments tab with color coding on the left and a legend at the top.