
These options apply to the current gradebook being viewed. Grading Rules are meant to Drop the Lowest N Assignments and optionally replace those assignment scores with either the average score or the top score in the area defined by the rule. 


On the Manage page click on the Rules tab. The following page will display. 


A Custom Text message may be appear on this page if the District has defined one in Portal Options on the Gradebook tab. 

Multiple rules can be applied to the same gradebook. To add a Rule to a gradebook, click the mouse on the Add Rule button.

The following will display. The Rule column will auto populate with a Rule number on Save. 

If defined, the Effective Date will apply to the Rule from the defined date forward. If the Effective Date is left blank the Rule will apply immediately.  The # of Lowest Scores to Drop field can be used to define the number of assignments to use when calculating which ones to drop.  The Type dropdown allows a selection of Formative or Summative. If either one is selected, only assignments from that selected type will be included in the Rule. If left blank all Types will be included. 

The Category option allows a specific Assignment Category to be tied to the Rule. All Categories can also be selected.

The Terms/Grading Period field allows the selection of a specific Term or Grading Period to use with the Rule. Calculated Grading Periods will not display. The Rule will only include the selected Term or Grading Period. If left blank, all Terms/Grading Periods will be included. 

The Min # of Assign field allows for a minimum number of assignments to be defined to count toward the Rule. If the value is greater than 0 then the Rule will only apply if there are at least that many of assignments. 

An Assignment Date Range can be specified. Only assignments that fall within the date range period will be included in the Rule. If left blank all assignments from the gradebook will be included in the Rule. 


The lowest N scores are usually determined by looking at a single category. But if the current gradebook is doing total points grading and not weighted types, the option to drop the lowest N scores across “All Categories” will be available.

According To - how to consider a particular score as being the lowest is answered by this setting. The options of “Negative Weight” and “% Score” are available.

  • “Negative Weight” is calculated by determining the difference between the Max Score and the actual Score (Max – Score).

  • “% Score” is determined by dividing the actual Score by the Max Score (Score / Max).

  • And Replace With - a teacher may not want to simply discount the lowest scores and remove them from the overall score calculation. A teacher may want to replace the identified low scores with another value. This setting allows for 1 of 3 options: “Nothing”, “Average Score”, and “Best Score”.
  • “Nothing” will simply drop the identified assignment from the overall score calculation for the student.

  • “Average Score” will calculate the average percentage of the score value of all assignments in the identified Assignment Category/Type and will use that percentage against the Max score for that assignment to calculate the virtual score value to use in place of the actual score.

  • “Best Score” will find the best percentage score value across all assignment in the identified Assignment Category/Type and will use that percentage against the Max score for that assignment to calculate the virtual score value to use in place of the actual score.

After clicking on Update, the new saved Rule will display with an assigned Rule number.


NOTE: Grading Rules do not work with Rubric Gradebooks.

The Scores by Student page will display a Rule column with the Rule number that applies to the student and assignment if it meets the Rule criteria. 

Do Not Drop 

A "Do Not Drop" option has been added to Assignments. When selected, this option will allow the Rule to skip that assignment from being included in the Rule calculation.

The Do Not Drop option can be applied to an Assignment on the Add Assignment window.

The Do Not Drop option can also be accessed through the Edit Assignment window