The following Student Success tasks should be done in preparation for the new school year.

Service Learning

Intervention Management

Early Childhood Development

Graduation Requirements

TaskAeries PageKnowledge Base Article

Set security permissions for users who will be administering the following:

  • Service Learning
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Student wellbeing 
  • Language assessment programs
  • Pre-referral Interventions
  • Work permits
  • Adult education
  • Graduation requirements
  • UIL Eligibility

Security Management >

  • Users
  • Groups
  • Portal Groups
  • Table Permissions


Service Learning Security 

Student Wellbeing Security and Set Up  

Extracurricular Activities Security  

Language Assessment Overview  

Pre-Referral Intervention  

Adult Education - Overview  

Endorsements/Add-on Graduation Requirements: Overview 

Ensure the following district codes exist in the COD table:

  • Test fields for English, Spanish, and Other (LAC.EIT)
  • Language Designation (LAT.ELF)

School Info > Configurations > Update Code Table

School Info > Functions > Language Assessment Management

Language Assessment Data Form  

Language Assessment Management

Enter any custom codes needed:

  • Student Data Wellbeing Attention Value (STU.WA)
  • Activities and Awards Codes (ACT.CD)
  • Activities and Awards Reasons (ACT.RS)

School Info > Configurations > Update Code Table

Update Code Table

Student Wellbeing Security and Set Up

Activities and Awards

Flag PE courses that should be included in the calculation of the Credit Completed and Classes Passed fields according to California requirements. 

Scheduling Process > Courses (PE field)

Loading Extracurricular Activities Data

Enable the UC Davis School of Education Parent/Guardian survey on the Use of College Readiness Information, if using.School Info > School Options (under Survey Settings)UC Davis Parent/Guardian College Readiness Survey - Overview

Service Learning

TaskAeries PageKnowledge Base Article
Ensure any employers who will be employing minors have valid permits as required by law.
Work Permits - General Information and Setup

Enter any custom codes needed:

  • Work Permit Types (WPT.TY)
  • Employer codes (EMP.CD)
  • Work Permit Visit Codes (WPV.CD)
  • Work Observed Codes (WPV.SO)
  • Internship Employer Status Codes (EMP.TG)
  • Internship Contract Type (EMP.ICT)
  • Internship Student Observation Codes (IVS.SO)

School Info > Configurations > Update Code Table

Update Code Table

Work Permits - General Information and Setup

Work Permits - Add Employer Information

Work Permits - Visits

Setting up Internships

Set up service learning requirements.

Service Learning > Svc Lrng Requirements

Service Learning Setup and Requirements

Add and approve organizations that will be providing service learning opportunities.

Service Learning > Svc Lrng Organizations

Service Learning > Svc Lrng Org Approval

Service Learning Organizations and Approval

Add employers who will be hiring students with work permits.

Student Data > Other > Work Permit (Employer button)

School Info > Configurations > Employers 

Work Permits - General Information and Setup

Work Permits - Add Employer Information

Managing Employers for Internships

Document work permit rules and state standards.

Student Data > Other > Work Permit (Rules button)

Work Permits - Work Permit Form and Defaults

Add employers who will be offering internships.

School Info > Configurations > Employers

Setting up Internships

Managing Employers for Internships

Intervention Management

TaskAeries PageKnowledge Base Article

Enter any custom codes needed:

  • Intervention Categories (II.CD)

School Info > Configurations > Update Code Table

Update Code Table

Intervention Management Initial Setup

Indicate the email addresses to be used when Intervention Referrals are created and approved.

School Info > School Options

School Options Setup

Intervention Management Referral Notification Email Setup

Early Childhood Development

TaskAeries PageKnowledge Base Article

(District) Configure district-wide information regarding Early Childhood Development program

School Info > Configurations > Early Childhood Development Setup

Early Childhood Development - Overview

Record the family key for ECD students or link students.

Student Data > Demographics


Student Data > Contacts

Early Childhood Development - Overview

Early Childhood Development - ELCD-9600 Application
Record household information for ECD students.Student Data > Programs > Free and Reduced

Early Childhood Development - Overview

Record ECD info for students.Student Data > Other > Early Childhood DevelopmentEarly Childhood Development - Student Form
(District) Configure the CDD-801A extract.School Info > Imports and Exports > CDD-801A ExtractEarly Childhood Development - CDD-801A Extract
Print EESD-9600 applications.Student Data > Other > Early Childhood Development

Early Childhood Development - Overview

Early Childhood Development - ELCD-9600 Application

Graduation Requirements

TaskAeries PageKnowledge Base Article

Enter any custom codes needed:

  • Endorsement Codes (GEP.EC)

School Info > Configurations > Update Code Table

Update Code Table

Endorsements/Add-on Graduation Requirements: Setup

Enter graduation requirements and create endorsements.

Grade Reporting > Configurations > Graduation Endorsements Setup

Endorsements/Add-on Graduation Requirements: Setup