The following Special Education tasks should be done in preparation for the new school year.

TaskAeries PageKnowledge Base Article

Ensure staff records exist for the following 504 stakeholders:

  • Contacts
  • Teachers from the current class schedule
  • Counselor
  • Staff (Job Assignment = Administrator matching the current school)

School Info > Staff

Staff Data

Setting up 504 Plans in Aeries

Set security permissions for users who manage special education.



Create a ‘district’ school for infants and toddlers, or a ‘pending’ school for assessments.
School Info > School Options
How is a District School that can be used for monitoring assessments created in Aeries?

Update Course History Institutions with the following:

  • Add every school and district that work with the district’s special education students.
  • Any outside districts or schools where a student may receive special education services through a Memo of Understanding (MOU) or contract
  • The Regional Day School for the Deaf

School Info > Configurations > Course History Institutions

Course History Institutions

CALPADS in Aeries Basics - Course History Institutions (CHI)

Ensure staff records exist for the following special education staff members:
  • Special education teachers
  • Special education aides
School Info > StaffStaff Data
Add the following codes as needed:
  • Any custom local codes used to track specific items (on Special Education > General tab under Other Information):

    • CSE.U1-CSE.U6 support one character.

    • CSE.U7-CSE.U12 support two characters.

  • Any other optional codes used locally:

    • Meeting Type (FOF.MT)

    • Team Decision (FOF.TD)

    • Evaluation Criteria (FEC.CD) (required)

    • Impairment Type (FSD.CD) (required)

    • Impairment Effect (FDE.CD) (required)

    • Area of Need (FAP.AD)

    • Accommodation (FAP.CD) (required)

    • Responsible Role (FAP.RL)

    • Frequency (FAP.FN)

NOTE: All state required codes are hard-coded in Aeries and should not be changed.

School Info > Configurations > Update Code Table

School Info > Configurations > Default Code Management

Update Code Table

Setting up 504 Plans in Aeries

Default code values for 504 Plans