The following tasks should be done in preparation for Student Enrollment and Information Management in the new school year.

TaskAeries PageKnowledge Base Article

Develop standard protocols for adding new student information.


School Start Up

Set security permissions for users.

  • SSN
  • Legal name, gender

Security Management >

  • Users
  • Groups
  • Portal Groups
  • Table Permissions


Student Legal Information - Security

Encrypted Student Data

Mass Add Pictures - Security

What Permissions are Required to Run the Student Emergency Card Report

Ensure that an Inactives school is set up. Typically the school ID is 999.

School Info > Configurations > District Settings

Configure district settings related to enrollment and student information:

  • Students must be inactive at last school before enrollment at another school
  • Use STU.TG to determine if a student is inactive at last school when transferring records
  • Assign new student ID numbers from district database only, not from school
  • Default Gender Code
  • Default State Reporting Field Highlighting to ON
  • Do not display the STU.SN field in the system
  • Warn when students do not have an SSN or State Alternate ID

School Info > Configurations > District Settings

District Settings (District Rules)

Configure school settings related to enrollment and student information.

School Info > Configurations > School Settings

Encrypted Student Data

Configure options related to a student's contacts:

  • Allow Portal Accounts to Self-Associate - Indicate if a contact can use the email address of an existing eligible contact record for their portal account email.
  • Only Educational Rights Holders may manage... Indicate if a contact must be designated as ERH in order to make certain changes.
  • Specify dates during which contacts can make changes to a student contact information in Parent Portal, if needed.

School Info > Portal Management > Portal Options (Contacts tab)

Portal Options - Contacts

Indicate if student contact information (address, phone, etc) will be available to parents, students, and teachers.

  • Hide Student Contact Info (STU & CON) field

School Info > Portal Management > Portal Options (Miscellaneous tab)

Portal Options - Miscellaneous
Hide students from Parent Portal when the student has a particular status.
  • Hide students in parent portal field

School Info > Portal Management > Portal Options (Miscellaneous tab)

Portal Options - Miscellaneous

Indicate if the Teacher/Counselorfield will be available to parents and students.

  • Do Not Show Teacher/Counselor Field to Parent/Students field

School Info > Portal Management > Portal Options (Miscellaneous tab)

Portal Options - Miscellaneous

(District) Define fields that will be required when adding or modifying a record.

School Info > Configurations > Define Required Fields

Define Required Fields

Configure the street table for address verification.

Or, configure DecisionInsite.

School Info > Configurations > Streets

Street Address Verification Overview

Populating the Street Table

DecisionInsite Integration

Configure the parent data confirmation process, including Income Survey and lockout dates.

School Info > Portal Management > Portal Options (Parent Data Changing tab)

Parent Data Confirmation Setup

Portal Options - Parent Data Changing

Update Course History Institutions with any schools or institutions that students may transfer from or to.

School Info > Configurations > Course History Institutions

Course History Institutions

CALPADS in Aeries Basics - Course History Institutions (CHI)

Create teacher records before pre-enrolling students.

School Info > Teachers (non-flex and non-section staff schools only)

School Info > Staff

Teacher Setup and Assignment

Elementary Class Assignment for Next Year

Staff Data

Pre-enroll students who will start school next year.

School Info > Functions > Create Pre-Enrolled Students

Create Pre-Enrolled Students - Process

Create Pre-Enrolled Students - Overview

Enrolling New Students for Next Year in the Current Year Database (Pre-Enrolled)

School Start Up

Elementary Class Assignment for Next Year

Add the following codes to the code table:

  • Contact record type (CON.CD)
  • Contact relationship (CON.RL)
  • Contact education level (CON.ELV)
  • Contact lock (prevents editing) (CON.LK)
  • Contact military involvement codes (CON.MU1-MU5)
  • Student gender (STU.GN)
  • Race (STU.RC1) (“race intentionally left blank” code)
  • Ethnicity (STU.ETH) (“ethnicity intentionally left blank” code)

School Info > Configuration > Update Code Table

Update Code Table


Gender Overview   

What should be entered if the Race and/or Ethnicity for a Student or Staff is intentionally left blank or missing?  

Specify enrollment/student information options for each school.

  • Require Address History Update to Change Student Address
  • Maximum Student Photo Size

School Info > School Options

Verify School Options

School Options Setup

Configure enrollment/student information settings for each school.

  • Encrypted Data Collection - Data source is OPT table - Allow Collection of Social Security Numbers via Encrypted Student/Staff Data (ESD)

School Info > Configurations > School Settings

School Settings

Define status tags for indicating a No Show student.

School Info > Configurations > No Show Setup

No Show Setup

Configure the Records Transfer process.Records Transfer (BETA) > Records Transfer ConfigRecords Transfer Configuration

Import/copy students into Aeries if needed.

School Info > Imports and Exports > Import Data to Aeries

School Info > Imports and Exports > Import Data to Aeries (Import Students tab)

School Info > Functions > Copy Many Student Records

Import Data into Aeries

Import Students

Copy Many Student Records - Overview

Print the Table Record Count Report to assist with verifying rollover data.

  • Run from last year database then run from new year database to compare record counts.

    NOTE: The counts will not be identical due to the difference between the high grades exiting and new lower grades entering. However, the counts should be comparable.

Reports > Other > Table Record Counts

School Start Up

After the rollover, verify the following

  • Pre-enrolled students are activated.
  • Next Grd is copied over correctly into the student’s current grade level.
  • Additional information is copied over correctly, such as, Language, NSLP, Program, and Special Ed records.

Student Data > Demographics

New Year Rollover Process Guide

Assign lockers.

Student Data > Other > Lockers

Reports > Student Data > Locker Assignments

Reports > Student Data > Locker Assignment Errors

Locker Management

List of Unassigned Lockers

Identify No Show students (students who left during the summer and did not return). 

  • Status Tag - enter No Show cod
  • Leave Date
  • Summer Withdrawal Reason

Student Data > Demographics

No Shows and Summer Withdrawals  

No Show Guidelines Chart  

Designating a Student as a No Show Manually (No Show Setup Form Not Populated)

Designating a Student as a No Show (No Show Setup Form Populated) 

Student Demographics and Photos

Enroll students in a virtual school if used (long-term independent study).

School Info > School Options

Student Data > Demographics (Student Data 2 tab) (Reporting Home School field)

When should a Home Reporting School option be used?