Home > Aeries System Check and Utilization

The Aeries System Check and Utilization page provides an overview of important database statistics and usage of Aeries Core Solutions and Extended Solutions, including details that may affect Aeries performance and access. The information is updated daily on the first run and can be refreshed. The information can also be queried.

System data is stored in the Utilization Daily Log (UTZ) table.

The page is only available to admin users and is not available in the Security permissions. 

The Aeries System Summary Widget is included on the homepage for Admin users which provides a brief overview of important database metrics. See Admin System Summary Widget.


  View System Summary information

Under System Summary the following information is displayed.

Aeries VersionThe current version of Aeries
Database Last UpdateThe last date on which the Aeries SQL was updated on the server
SQL VersionThe current version of SQL server running the Aeries installation

Click the link for full version information.
Admin DB UserThe database permissions level, based on <User ID> in the AeriesNetConnections.config file

Hover over the status to view the database permission (elevation) level. For Normal permission, the Elevation level is 0.


If the permission is Elevated (i.e., privileges or rights that exceed the normal levels of access) the message is Red.

IMPORTANT: The database user should never be a Server Admin.

Aeries Reporting ServerThe status of the reporting engine on the web server

Larger districts may have multiple reporting servers.

A "Version Mismatch" warning is displayed if a version mismatch exists between a reporting server and the Aeries IIS server, indicating that the reporting server must be updated.

HTTPSWhether or not a secure version of HTTP is in use
Multifactor Authentication

Whether or not multifactor authentication is enabled

Multifactor authentication is an extra layer of security for user accounts, requiring the user to enter an additional security code after entering their username and password. See Aeries Security - Multifactor Authentication.

NIST Time Offset

The difference between the current system time on the server where Aeries is hosted, and the coordinated universal time scale (UTC) maintained at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

Noting the difference may be helpful in troubleshooting API issues.

If the NIST server cannot be reached an error message is displayed.

Active SchoolsThe count of active schools in the LEA, based on the Tag field on the School Options page (LOC.TG = Active)
Active StudentsThe count of active students in the LEA, based on the Status field on the Demographics page (STU.TG = Active)
Core Solutions Used

The count of Aeries core solutions in use by the LEA, as well as the count of available core solutions

Core solutions are Aeries features and applications, such as Gradebook, Data Validation, or Assertive Discipline. You can view the complete list of available core solutions in the Core Product Solutions section.

Extended Solutions Used

The count of Aeries extended solutions in use by the LEA, as well as the count of available extended solutions

Extended solutions are add-on Aeries features and applications that provide additional functionality beyond the Core Solutions, such as Online Enrollment, Aeries Analytics, and Cloud Hosting. You can view the complete list of available extended solutions and their supporting documentation in the Extended Product Solutions section.

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  View Resources  information

The Resources section provides access to information about Aeries training sessions and events, and other tools to assist you in using Aeries effectively, as well as Release Notes, Aeries Ideas, and more. 

The information is supplied and updated by Aeries.

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  View Core Solutions information

The Core Product Solutions section provides district-level use information for Aeries Core Solutions. Core Solutions are the basic Aeries features and applications included by default, as opposed to Extended Solutions which are add-on features.

  1. Click Refresh to ensure that the latest information is displayed, especially after making any changes such as enabling a feature.

ProductA list of all Aeries Core Solutions

Click the Product name to view online documentation associated with the solution.

Whether the solution is enabled or disabled according to district use

  • Yes - The Core Solution is enabled for the district. If records exist in the Records column, the solution is considered Enabled.

  • No - The Core Solution is not enabled for the district. If the Records column displays 0, the solution is considered Not Enabled.
RecordsFor enabled features, the district-level count of records in the database for the table associated with the feature

Hover over the count to view additional information.
  • Table - The Aeries database table associated with the feature
  • Records - The count of records associated with the table
  • Last Update - The date-time stamp of the last database update
Last Updated 

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  View Extended Solutions information

The Extended Solutions section provides district-level use information for Aeries Extended Solutions which are add-on features.

product name and description
A card for each Aeries Extended Solution, as well as a brief overview of the solution
Enabled and Running

Whether the solution is enabled or disabled in the district

The message Enabled And Running is only displayed if the solution is enabled and running for the district; otherwise no message is displayed.

Learn moreA link to the Aeries website (aeries.com) where you can find out how the solution can benefit your district
Support DocumentationA link to the Aeries Knowledge Base where you can see online documentation associated with the solution

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