
The Attendance Dashboard provides snapshots of student attendance information compiled into two Attendance Trend graphs. The graphs are only displayed for schools with Attendance Enrollment data, including schools using Flex Scheduling. 

For schools using regular attendance, data is populated from the Attendance Data (ATT) table. For schools using Flexible Attendance, data is populated from the Class Attendance (CAT) table.

For Texas schools, the counts exclude students who do not generate ADA funding (ADA Eligibility Codes 0 or 9).


Absence Codes (ABS)ReadView information
Attendance Data (ATT)ReadView information for regular schools (non-flexible attendance schools)
Class Attendance (CAT)ReadView information for flexible attendance schools

Filters and Options

The Filters and Options tab is collapsed by default. This section allows users to specify the Date Range filter. Limiting the date range is recommended. 

If modifying the date range, click Generate Dashboards to update the graph.

The updated information is displayed in the Results - Attendance Trend tab.

Results - Attendance Trend

The Results - Attendance Trend section includes two graphs, followed by a data table.

Top Graph

The top graph displays total membership and total number of students marked Present by date according to the Attendance All Day code (ATT.AL), including a breakdown by gender.

  • X Axis (horizontal) - Dates within the specified Date Range are listed. 
  • Y Axis (vertical) - Labels for total attendance enrollment counts are listed. 
  • Legend
    • Total Enrollment (California only) - The count of all students with an attendance enrollment record for the particular date.
    • Total Membership (Texas only) - The count of all students with an attendance enrollment record for the particular date, excluding students with ADA Eligibility Codes 0 or 9 (i.e., students not generating attendance for funding purposes).
    • Gender -  Total Enrollment/Membership counts, color coded by gender. For Texas schools, students with ADA Eligibility Codes 0 or 9 (i.e., students not generating attendance for funding purposes) are excluded.
    • Present - Total count of students marked Present by date according to the Attendance All Day code (ATT.AL).



Lower Graph & Data Table

The second graph and data table provide a breakdown of the data into number of absences, period tardies, excused absences, and unexcused absences according to the Type of Attendance as set up on the Update Absence Codes page (ABS.TY).

  • X Axis (horizontal) - Dates within the specified Date Range are listed.
  • Y Axis (vertical) - Labels for the number of students are listed.
  • Legend (ABS.TY)
    • Absent
    • Pd Tardies 
    • Excused Abs
    • Unexcused Abs

The data table below the graph provides the same information as the graph but in table format.

  • Total Enrollment (California only) - The count of all students with an attendance enrollment record for the particular date.
  • Total Membership (Texas only) - The count of all students with an attendance enrollment record for the particular date, excluding students with ADA Eligibility Codes 0 or 9 (i.e., students not generating attendance for funding purposes).

  • On either graph, hover over a point on the graph to view specific information.

  • To hide a line on either graph, click the corresponding label in the legend. When a line is hidden, the legend label is grey.

    To show the line, click the legend label again.