School Day Event Codes are recorded on the Calendar page. Each date in a school's Calendar, and/or in a track's Calendar, can be associated with symbols to indicate the date is a Holiday or Weather Day, for example. Additionally, the same field can be used for a School Day Event Code. When circumstances dictate that Calendar dates are reported to the state for special circumstances, the codes will be made available for each date on the Calendar page. 

COVID-19 School Day Event Codes

Two School-Day-Event-Codes from the C208 code table were provided by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) for use during the 2020-2021 school year. These codes should be used to indicate if a campus is closed due to either of the following reasons: 

  • COVID-19: Restricted Access to On-Campus Instruction – TEA Approved Reason 
  • COVID-19: Restricted Access to On-Campus Instruction – Reason Other than TEA Approved Reason 

The codes will be reported in the CalendarDateExtension complex type in the EdOrgCalendar file in the PEIMS Summer Submission in 2020-2021. After the codes are reported, they may be verified using the TSDS “PDM3-116-003 Campus Calendar Minutes Detail" report. 

Adding School Day Event Codes 

School Day Event Codes will be associated with dates using the Calendar page. On the Pages tab, filter by "calendar" or navigate to School Info > Calendar.

Select the appropriate month containing the date for the School Day Event from the list of Attendance Months on the left side of the page:

In the example above, month 9 has been selected. The dates for month 9 will be displayed on the right side of the page. Under the date which needs a School Day Event Code, choose the code from the dropdown under the date:

Select the appropriate School Day Event Code from the dropdown. In the above example, < Closed - without TEA approved reason has been selected for the date 04/06/2020. 

After a code has been selected for any affected dates, be sure to click the Save button at the bottom of the page. 

Note:  Operational Minutes are calculated from the Bell Schedule. If a School Day Event Code is being reported for a date when a campus is only allowed to report half of the Operational Minutes, a "half day" bell schedule should be associated with that date.