How does a district report matriculating students to CALPADS?

How are the Golden State Seal Merit Award and the State Seal of Biliteracy reported to CALPADS?

How does a district report matriculating students to CALPADS?  

Matriculating students need to be coded correctly in Aeries when closing out student enrollment for the school year. A matriculating student is a student who has completed the highest grade level in the school and will be moving on to another public school that offers the student's next grade level.

Matriculating Students must have the Comp Status (STU.HSG) field populated on Student Demographics > Student Data 2 with matriculation code of either 480  -(Promoted/Matriculated to CA public schls) or 485 (Promoted/Matriculated out of CA public schls) for the students in the school with the highest grade levels.

  • The Aeries Code Table must include the 480 or 485 code in order for it to be available for use in STU.HSG.
  • Verify in CALPADS Code Translations > Completer Status (STU.HSG) that the 480 (Promoted/Matriculated to CA public schls) and 485 (Promoted/Matriculated out of CA public schls) code has been added and mapped for CALPADS reporting.
  • Populating the Date Graduated (STU.DG) field is optional.
  • If the STU.HSG field is populated for matriculating students, Aeries will automatically populate the Exit Reason with the E230 (Completion) code and use the last active school day as the Exit Date in an Enrollment Update (SENR File).
  • CALPADS End of Year (EOY2) requires an Enrollment Update (SENR File) to report the enrollment for matriculating students.

The STU.HSG code of 480 can be mass added to the matriculating students by using the following query:


(Replace X with highest grade level in the school.)

Review retained students individually to insure proper tagging is accurately applied.

NOTE:  Run the Fix ENR Records process after the query changes have been applied.

NOTE: The End Of Year (STU.EOY) field is not required to be populated for matriculating students.

See EOY2:  Student Withdrawal Data Population Guide

How are the Golden State Seal Merit Award and the State Seal of Biliteracy reported to CALPADS?  

Listed below are the steps for reporting the Golden State Seal Merit Award and State Seal of Biliteracy on all graduated students:

  • Add codes to Activity table (ACT.CD) for the Golden State Seal Merit Award and the State Seal of Biliteracy.
  • Map the two codes in CALPADS Extracts - Other Options 

    • Determine which students qualify for the Golden State Seal of Merit Award and the State Seal of Biliteracy.
    • Update the Activity (ACT) table for qualifying students.
    • If using the Aeries form to determine eligibility, each form has a mass add feature (See attached documentation).
    • After May 9th, students who have been designated as graduated (STU.HSG = 100) and have a date of completion (STU.DG = MM/DD/YYYY) and have Activity (ACT) records for the the Golden State Seal Merit Award and/or the State Seal of Biliteracy will be included in the CALPADS SENR extract. 

    Please see the following links for more information:

    State Seal of Biliteracy

    CALPADS Extracts