In what order should EOY Files be Submitted?
What are College Credit and Articulation Courses?
Why are zero (0) records in the Course Completion/Staff Demographics/Course extract?
What are the requirements for course completion data?
What records are included in the CALPADS SCTE file extract?
Why does the CALPADS SCTE file extract contain no records?
How to tag College Credit Courses
Courses Needed for Proper Reporting
What if the College Course is also a CTE Course
How to enter a College Credit course on a student's transcript?
In what order should EOY Files be Submitted? ↑
When submitting EOY, submit in the following order:
- EOY2 - Enrollment Updates and Program Information
- EOY3 - Discipline and Attendance Information
- EOY1 - Course Completion and CTE/Career Pathways
EOY2 and EOY3 can be submitted prior to the last day of school so that possible errors can be identified early and resolved. But, the EOY2 and EOY3 extract still will need to be resubmitted after the last day of school to capture any changes/updates of information through the last day of school.
EOY1 pulls data from the transcript table (HIS). Therefore, EOY1 will need to be submitted only after the grading information has been populated in the transcripts
What are College Credit and Articulation Courses? ↑
A College Credit course is any course that a student takes and earns college credit. Districts are not required but can give the student high school credit. The course can be any articulated or non-articulated core academic or a CTE course for which a student earns college credit upon successful completion of the course with a C- or better. College Credit Courses can count for high school and college credit; and courses can count only for college credit.
Where the student takes the course makes no difference as long as the student earns college credit at the completion of the course.
An Articulated course is a course that has a written agreement in the form of an Articulation Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the high school teacher and a post-secondary school. These courses are a progression of the coursework taken at the high school and taught by a high school teacher. Articulated courses may sometimes earn a student college credit and/or may satisfy a prerequisite requirement at the post-secondary if the course is successfully completed. Conditions of the college credit and prerequisite requirement are outlined in the written agreement. If there are conditions, such as if the student will only earn college credit if enrolled at the post-secondary school with whom the agreement was drafted with, the course is not considered college credit. It is simply an articulated course.
At this time, the state is only requiring CTE articulated courses be reported to CALPADS.
Districts are not required to report college credit course. However, it is beneficial for the CCI (College/Career Indicators) Dashboard.
California Accountability Model & School Dashboard
College/Career Indicator Performance Levels
For instructions on how to report College Credit Course or CTE Articulated Courses in Aeries, please refer to the following articles:
How to Tag College Credit Courses
Career Pathways Tab on the Courses Page
Why are zero (0) records in the Course Completion/Staff Demographics/Course extract? ↑
The EOY course completion extracts pull data from Transcripts - HIS table. Secondary schools must copy grades to transcripts HIS table) before obtaining these extracts.
If the extract has zero (0) records, check the following:
- Confirm that the Grade Reporting (GRD) data has been copied into Transcripts (HIS).
- When Copying Grades to History, the History Section (HIS.SE) and History Staff ID (HIS.SID) will be populated from GRD.
- If data exists in HIS, confirm the section data has been entered correctly (see snapshot below).
- The school information on the transcript record must:
- Match the current school (MST.SC = STU.SC)
- If the student has a Reporting Home School (STU.HS) populated, match the CDS of the Reporting Home School.
- The record must be from the current school year.
- History Marks (HIS.MK) of "blank" and "X" will be skipped.
- History Section School (HIS.SSC) must be a valid school number.
- History Section (HIS.SE) must match to a valid section in the Master Schedule (MST).
- The Course (MST.CN) must be a valid course in the Course (CRS) file.
- Course records with number 6012 (Non-CBEDS Course) will be skipped.
- History Terms (HIS.TE) must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 8.
What are the requirements for course completion data? ↑
The following list outlines the CALPADS requirements for course completion.
- As part of the EOY 1 submission, LEAs must submit information on courses that students have completed during the year. This information is submitted through the Course Section and Student Course Section files.
- LEAs are only required to submit course completion data for students in departmentalized classroom setting in grades 7-12 attending traditional schools.
- LEAs may submit course completion data either after the completion of an official grading period in which credits are awarded, or at the end of the year when students have completed all courses for the school year.
- Grades, credits attempted, and credits earned are only required for grades 9-12.
- Grades are required, but credits attempted and credits earned are not required, for grades 7-8.
- CALPADS will reject any records without valid State Course Codes.
CALPADS only wants to know which courses were completed during the current school year. This is applicable to high schools, middle schools and junior highs. At the 7-8 grade levels, the Mark received is required, the Credits populated is not required. It is important to use the Aeries Grade Reporting process to populate grades and transfer the grading data to Transcripts (HIS). By using the Aeries Grade Reporting process, the system is able to track the Section School (HIS.SSE), the Master Schedule Section Number (MST.SE) and the Staff ID (MST.SID) when a Mark has been issued and meet the CALPADS collection requirements.
The following list identifies the conditions for a record to be included in the SCSC file:
- Skip schools with a school type of Elementary (LOC.E = 1).
- Students must have and SSID (STU.CID).
- Student grade level translated to grades 7-12.
- Student must have attendance enrollment during the school year.
- Student Grade Reporting (GRD) data has been copied into Transcripts (HIS).
- The school information on the transcript record must:
- Match the current school (MST.SC = STU.SC)
- If the student has a Reporting Home School (STU.HS) populated, match the CDS of the Reporting Home School.
- The HIS record must be from the current school year.
- History Marks (HIS.MK) of "blank" and "X" will be skipped.
- History Section School (HIS.SSC) must be a valid school number.
- History Section (HIS.SE) must match to a valid section in the Master Schedule (MST).
- The Course (MST.CN) must be a valid course in the Course (CRS) file.
- Course records with number 6012 (Non-CBEDS Course) will be skipped.
- History Terms (HIS.TE) must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 8.
What records are included in the CALPADS SCTE file extract? ↑
Only students marked as Completers within a Career Pathway are included in the SCTE file extract. Students can be tagged as Completers using the Career Pathway Dashboard in Aeries Web.
For more information, please reference Career Pathway Management.
Why does the CALPADS SCTE file extract contain no records? ↑
All students who are Completers must have a current academic year record (CPH.AY). Using the Career Pathways Management page, verify that qualified students have been correctly updated. Also only the Career Pathways History (CPH) record Level (LVL) field populated as Level 3 - Participants(Completer) will be included in the SCTE extract.
Although as of the 0161 Web Version Update, it is no longer necessary to translate the code set, check CALPADS Code Value translations. If a code set is translated to a "blank", students within the Career Pathway will not be included in the extract.
How to tag College Credit Courses ↑
College Credit Only (code 23) is no longer reported. Since the CCI is a measure of the school’s effectiveness in preparing students for college or career, the CDE clarifies in the technical guide that the completion of such courses will not contribute to a school’s CCI. While these courses may be included on a student’s transcript, they should not be submitted to CALPADS. Please review CALPADS Flash #275.
Aeries has Course Level codes to support the new CALPADS "Course Non Standard Instructional Level" codes. Make sure these codes are translated in your CALPADS code translations table. 24 - Dual Credit- A college-level, college credit bearing course in which a student receives high school credit and may also receive college credit upon successful completion of any other specific requirements.
- Articulated course (meaning they have an agreement between community college and teacher) taught by a high school teacher or college professor
- Course received college credit AND high school credit if they meet the requirements
- Student has no choice if this counts for graduation or displays on transcript just like a normal course
- Course WILL count towards the student's College-Career Indicator (CCI) status.
Although College Credit only courses are no longer being counted in the CCI Dashboard by the CDE, districts can still opt to include them on the student's transcripts. 23 - College Credit Only- A college-level, college credit bearing course in which a student receives only college credit upon successful completion. Here are some examples:
- Courses taken voluntarily by the student with no affiliation to the district or teacher
- Taught only by a college professor
- Student only gets college credit (no high school credit)
- Cannot count towards graduation requirements or GPA calculations but can be recorded on Transcript (HIS).
These changes impact the following areas:
- Transcripts Page and Reports - Adding courses that students take at college to their Course History table (HIS) will demonstrate the student's College/Career Readiness.
- Options:
- Courses with a Course Level of "23 – College Credit Only" are not included in the GPA calculation
- A new Transcript Definition option has been added under the Record Details pane that can be applied to any Transcript Definition: Hide College Credit Only Courses (CRS.CL = 23)
- Hide Credits on transcript, and leave course and college on transcript
- Hide entire record completely from transcript
- Courses - A field for “College State Course Code” is available under the California Specific Fields tab. This field will only be available if the Course Level is 24 – Dual Credit. This new field only allows codes for CTE and specific college credit courses. If it is populated, it will be used in lieu of the regular State Course Code when extracting for any student who has College Credit Hours (HIS.CH) greater than 0, and the School of Dual Enrollment field (HIS.SDE) matched to one of their local schools to indicate they met any other specific requirements to receive the college credit. These records will have virtualized course section records (CRSC and SCSC) in order to differentiate them from the students who did NOT receive college course credits for this same course.
- CALPADS Extracts - The End of Year CRSC and SCSC extracts have been adjusted to support course levels "23 – College Credit Only" and "24 – Dual credit" codes.
- For "24 – Dual Credit" courses, if they have the College Credit Hours (>0) and the School of Dual Enrollment fields populated, a new course section and student course section will be virtualized and will include the 24 value in the extract. The new CRS College Credit State Course Code value (if different) will also be extracted. This will allow only certain students in a section to be marked as receiving college credit.
- For "23 - College Credit" only courses, the College Credit Hours (>0) and the School of Dual Enrollment fields must both be populated in order for the record to be extracted as a college credit type course and be included in the CA Dashboard for College/Career Readiness.
Courses Needed for Proper Reporting
There should be a set of specific College Course Codes added to the Course Table to use in these circumstances. There are 10 specific college course codes created by CALPADS to report College Courses.
Districts should create TWO sets of these courses, one marked with Course Level 23-College Only and one with 24-Dual Credit. The set of courses with the Course Level 24 should have the Subject area codes and UC/CSU codes reviewed, as these courses WILL count towards the student's Graduation Status.
College type definition and options:
- Course Level 23 - A college-level, college credit bearing course in which a student receives only college credit upon successful completion. Option on TDF to either hide Credits on transcript, and leave course and college on transcript or hide all courses with CL=23 completely.
- Course level 24 - A college-level, college credit bearing course in which a student receives both high school and college credit upon successful completion.
What if the College Course is also a CTE Course ↑
According to CALPADS, when submitting a College credit course, you must either use the college credit course code or the CTE state course code if it is a CTE course.
In Aeries, the course should be reported as follows:
NOTE: If a CTE course also earns college credit, then populate the course as suggested below.
- In Courses (CRS), the College Course (College Course or CTE Course taken at a College) must have a Course Level = 24 Dual Credit in the Courses table. The College State Course Code field will display in Courses > California Specific Only Fields tab when a course has this college level code populated.
- Although code 24 is hard-coded, it must be translated in XRF Course Instructional Level (CRS.CL).
- In Courses (CRS) the State Course Code (CRS.C3) field should be populated with the CTE state course code (7000-8999).
- In Courses (CRS) the College State Course Code (CRS.CC3) field should be left blank.
- In the student's transcript, the HIS.SDE (Dual Enrollment Credit School) and HIS.CH (College Credit Hours) fields for the college/CTE course record must be populated. (These fields are very important as they are trigger fields for the college course to extract properly for this code.)
- For CALPADS EOY, the CRSC file will extract with the necessary CTE attributes
NOTE: For CL type = 24, when the CRS.C3 and CRS.CC3 are both populated with a state course code, the CRS.CC3 field will always be the code used.
How to enter a College Credit course on a student's transcript? ↑
Create two sets of College Credit Courses in the Course (CRS) table. One set should be titled as Dual Credit and one set as College Credit. At a minimum, you should have one for each of the specific CALPADS State Course Codes that are specific to College courses.
Course level 23
The College Credit Only course must be added to the transcript in order to be reported to CALPADS with the following fields populated. The School (HIS.ST) should be the college code set up in your CHI table. The year, term, grade, course number and mark should be filled out and optionally the credits attempted and credits completed. If the course was not taught by a teacher in the district, leave the Staff ID number blank. When the staff ID is left blank, a SEID of 10 9's is inserted into the file. A section number is not required since it is virtualized. If a section is entered, it must be a valid section that has the correct tags for the course being reported. In addition, you must also populate the HIS.SDE (Dual Enrollment Credit School) and HIS.CH (College Credit Hours) fields. These fields are very important as they are trigger fields for the college course to extract properly for this code.
Course level 24
The Dual Credit Course must be added to the transcript in order to be reported to CALPADS with the following fields populated. The School (HIS.ST) should be the college code set up in your CHI table. The year, term, grade, course number and mark should be filled out and optionally the credits attempted and credits completed. When reporting the staff ID, the number must exist in the Staff table if taught by a teacher in the district. When the staff ID is left blank, a SEID of 10 9's is inserted into the file. A section number is not required since it is virtualized. If a section is entered, it must be a valid section that has the correct tags for the course being reported. In addition, you must also populate the HIS.SDE (Dual Enrollment Credit School) and HIS.CH (College Credit Hours) fields. These fields are very important as they are trigger fields for the college course to extract properly for this code. If there is a different College State Course Code (CRS.CC3) populated, it extracts that instead of the value of the regular State Course Code field (CRS.C3). That way specific students in a section will be tagged as receiving Dual Credit and the rest may not.
NOTE: School of Dual Enrollment (HIS.SDE) and College Credit Hours (HIS.CH) must be filled out in order to extract college courses properly. These fields are very important as they are trigger fields for the college courses. They are not report-able fields, only a trigger to make sure the CL is flagged as 23 or 24 in the CRSC/SCSC files. Since it is a trigger only, it is entirely up to the district to determine what value should be populated. Some may just enter the number of credits the college will award for the course (usually 3-4).