Grade Reporting/Gradebook Reports
Attendance Reports Not Impacted by Flex Scheduling and Class Attendance
Overview of Reports
The following reports have been adjusted to support Flex Scheduling and are currently available. Refer to Flex Elementary Reports for additional information related to Flex Elementary using Primary Class Tracking. See Attendance Reports Listing for non-flex reports.
Attendance Reports ↑
- Absence Verification Letter
- Absence Verification Worksheets
- Add/Drop Listing
- Attendance Audit Listing
- Attendance Calendar
- Attendance Notes
- Attendance Log
- Attendance Submission Log
- Attendance Submitted Early
- Class Period Absence Listing
- Class Period Absence Summary
- Classes and Days with N or More Students (Section Totals from CAR)
- Course Attendance Audit
- Daily Attendance Summary
- Daily Enrollment by Section
- Daily Present by Section
- Daily Present by Teacher/Month
- District Attendance Letters
- Hourly Attendance Report (All Versions)
- Hourly Attendance Summary
- Instructional Minutes by Student
- Missing Attendance
- Missing Positive Attendance (positive attendance schools only)
- Monthly Attendance Summary
- Perfect Period Attendance
- Period Absence Audit
- Period Attendance for All Students
- Print Students with N or More Absences
- Readmit Slips
- Seating Charts in Attendance by Photo (printed by Teachers)
- Student Attendance Percentages (positive attendance schools only)
- Students Absent or Tardy Today
- Students with Consecutive Absences
- Students with Excused Absences
- Students with Perfect Attendance
- Students with Unbalanced Academic Weight
- Students with Unverified Period Absences
- Suspension Attendance Listing by Student
- Weekly Attendance Report by Class
Student Data Related Reports ↑
- Asset Course Listing
- Avery 5160 Labels
- Emergency Student Listing
- Physical Fitness Status Summary
- Physical Fitness Test Results by Teacher
- Smarter Balanced Cards (SBAC)
- Student ID Cards
- Student Room/Section Listing
- Student Withdrawal Form
Grade Reporting/Gradebook Reports ↑
- Grade History
- Gradebook Reports
- Grade Report Cards
- Grade Report Mark Analysis
- Grade Report Mark Listing
- Grade Report Mark Verification Listing
- Grade Reporting Exception Listing
- Missing Mark Listing
- Secondary Standard Based Grades
Scheduling Reports ↑
- Class List by Section
- Class Roster
- Enrollment by Class and Grade
- Graph of Total Students by Teacher
- Master Schedule Board
- Master Schedule
- Period Totals by Grade
- Room Availability
- Student Room / Section Listing
- Scheduling Class Load Analysis
- Scheduling Class Load Averages
- Scheduling Course Requests Letter to Parents
- Scheduling Letter to Parents
- Scheduling Master Schedule
- Scheduling Master Schedule Board
- Scheduling Master Schedule Details
- Scheduling Reject Analysis Listing
- Student Class Schedule Changes
- Student Class Schedule for All Students
- Student Course Requests
- Student Locator Cards
- Student Schedule Listing
- Student Schedule Listing/Wide
- Students with Double Periods
- Students with Incomplete Class Schedules
- Students with More or Less than N Periods
- Summary of Students by Course and Period
- Summary of Students by Teacher and Period
- Summary of Students By Total Classes Taken
- Teacher Class Schedules Report
Other Misc Reports ↑
- Assets Checked out to Students N Per Page
- Asset Course Listing Report
Tables and Fields ↑
Many reports have been adjusted for use in a Flex Scheduling school. The main tables/fields that have been converted for Flex Scheduling that impact reports are:
Table | Field | Description |
(SSE) Section Staff Members in Master Schedule | SSE | Section Staff table linked to Master Schedule (MST) |
(SSM) Section Staff Members in Scheduling Master Schedule | SSM | Section Staff table linked to Scheduling Master Schedule (SMS) |
SSE (Master Schedule) SSM (Scheduling Master Schedule) | Primary Teacher (PR) | Primary Teacher - An indicator marked as YES will identify a Primary Teacher. Only one primary teacher is allowed in each section. |
SSE and SSM | Past Primary Teacher (PPR) | Past Primary Teacher - An indicator marked with a YES will identify a teacher who was previously a Primary Teacher and is now a Past Primary Teacher. |
SSE only | Start Date (SD) | The beginning date a teacher was identified as being associated as a Primary or Past Primary teacher of the section. |
SSE only | End Date (ED) | The end date a teacher was identified as no longer associated as a Primary or Past Primary teacher of the section. |
STF | ID | Teacher ID - Uses Staff (STF.ID) instead of Teacher (TCH.ID) |
STF | LN, FN | Teacher Name - Uses Staff (STF.LN and STF.FN) instead of (TCH.TE) |
FTF | STI | Period - Uses Flex Periods (FTF.STI) short title instead of Scheduling Master Schedule Periods (SMS.PD) or Master Schedule (MST.PD) |
CCL | STI | Class Calendar uses CCL.STI to determine the days instead of MST.DY or SMS.DY |
Examples of Reports ↑
Attendance Reports
Several Attendance reports as noted above have been adjusted to work in a flex scheduling school. For detailed information regarding these reports, see documentation under Attendance Reports.
The following is an example of a Missing Attendance Report in a Flex School.
Attendance Calendar Report
The Attendance Calendar Report has been adjusted to work in a flex scheduling school or section staff school. On this report, any bell schedule added to the Calendar from the Bell Scheduler for a specific day will reflect on the report as a value which represents the Bell Scheduling type and key from the BSD table. A legend will display at the bottom of the report under Informational Codes to indicate the definition of the code assigned to the DAY table.
The following is an example of the Attendance Calendar Report in a flex school.
Class Period Absence Summary Report
The Class Period Absence Summary report has been adjusted to work in a flex scheduling school, section staff school or school with class calendars. In a school using Section Staff, the primary teacher or the past primary teacher according to the SSE table will print for this report. The Flex Period Short Title will display for the period and will be sorted by Flex Times. The CCD table will be analyzed when running this report to determine if a class meets on a calendar day. Attendance data in flex schools comes from the CAT table instead of ATT.
The following is an example of the Class Period Absence Summary report
Emergency Student Listing Report
The Emergency Student Listing Report has been adjusted to work in a flex or section staff school. This report has also been adjusted for flex elementary schools where the Primary Class Tracking has been enabled. The report has various sorting options and include the ability to print the Contact's Red Flag or a Student Picture. The red flag pulls from the Red Flag (CON.RF) setting within an emergency contact record and not from the Red flag of the actual table. When printing with the Contact's Red Flag option selected, any comment stored under the emergency contact record under CON.ME field will also print in the report.
The report has up to four sorting options. In a flex school, the report will sort based on Time instead of Periods. If a class is designated as a Primary Class, the header will include Primary Class next to the Teacher and Room when sorted by Room or Teacher.
- Sort by Room for given Time*: Report will sort by room number of the current primary teacher for a selected time based on flex period.
- Sort by Teacher for given Time*: Report will sort by Primary Teacher of the class for a selected time based on flex period.
- Sort by Teacher for all Classes*: Report will sort by the Primary Teacher for all classes.
- Sort by Student Name**: Report will sort by Student Name only in alphabetical order. If the school is using Primary Class Tracking, then the teacher name and room will display for the student's primary class.
The report is only available in schools and will not display in the navigation under District. Navigate to Reports > Student Data > Emergency Student Listing
* Sorted by Room or Teacher
** Sorted by Student Name
Grade Report Mark Analysis Report
The Grade Report Mark Analysis has been adjusted to work in a flex school or school using section staff. This report is an analysis of grades given by teachers during the grade report cycles and can be run for any mark with grades available. It displays the number and percentage of each grade given by each teacher in each of their classes. The report can be printed by Course ID, Course Title or Staff Name. The report will only be printed for primary teachers when multiple teachers are tied to the section in the grades table.
Grade Report Mark Verification Listing
The Grade Report Mark Verification Listing has been adjusted to work in a Flex Scheduling school or school using section staff. Changes to this report include the Primary Teacher and the Flex Period. This report is used to verify that the marks were submitted properly. This list MUST be printed immediately after grades are submitted then given to teachers for verification. Any corrections are made on the list by the teacher. Corrections can be updated prior to printing report cards.
Graph of Total Students by Teacher
The Graph of Total Students by Teacher report supports Flex Schools using Primary Class Tracking and schools using Staff ID Based Counselors which can be enabled in a Flex or Traditional school. The Primary Teacher option will be available for Flex elementary schools. All schools will include a Counselor option but will print based on the Counselor field being used STU.CU or STU.CNS.
Missing Mark Listing Report
The Missing Mark Listing has been adjusted to work in a Flex School or school using section staff. The Period column will display the student's Flex period. This report is used to list any missing grade marks for a student. It is most effective when printed after most teachers have submitted their grades before their window to enter grades has closed. This sheet is given to the teacher to alert them of missing marks. This report can be generated in order by student or by the teacher’s class, with all students in the same period. The following is an example of the listing.
Master Schedule Report
The Master Schedule Report has been adjusted to include the Flex Period, Class Calendar and Primary Teacher for each section which are used in Flex Scheduling. This report will breakdown master schedule information such as student classroom enrollment totals with the option to sort by teachers, courses, periods, rooms or departments. For more information on Master Schedule Reports, see Master Schedule Reports under Scheduling section.
Room Availability Report
This report is designed to display a grid of room numbers and flex periods and will show availability for each room on a specific date. Each cell will display a code to indicate if the room is available, if a class is taught during that period or if the room is overlapping with another period. A legend will display at the bottom of the page to define each code.
Student Room / Section Listing Report
The Student Room / Section Listing report has been adjusted for Flex Scheduling. The Room option will print a time view of the Room Number and Flex Period short title for a specific date.
The Section option will print the section numbers per hour up to 9 hours.
Scheduling Reject Analysis Listing Report
The Scheduling Reject Analysis Listing report displays all students who have rejected course requests. This listing includes the reason for any classes rejected. The Scheduling Master Schedule must be created and the Schedule All Students function must be run prior to running this report. The following is an example of the Scheduling Reject Analysis Listing report.
Scheduling Class Load Averages Report
The Class Load Averages Report has been adjusted to display the Flex Period and Primary Teacher for each class when using Flex Scheduling. The report displays a breakdown of sections created for scheduling and includes the total course requests per section for each Period and Primary Teacher, then calculates the averages for each gender and grade level. Several options are available on the Report Options page which include an option to display/not display the Staff ID number for the teacher.
Scheduling Letter to Parents
The Scheduling Letter to Parents has been adjusted to display the Flex Period, Class Calendar and Primary Teacher for each class that are used in Flex Scheduling. This report will list the course requests for the student's upcoming schoolyear. This letter has the option to hide the teacher name.
Scheduling Master Schedule Board Report
The Scheduling Master Schedule Board Report has been adjusted to include Section Staff members marked as primary teachers from SSM along with Flex Periods and class information from the SMS table which is used for future scheduling purposes. The report options below can be accessed by navigating to View All Reports > Scheduling Master Schedule Board Report. Not all selections will display within each period due to spacing constraints within each period, toggling on or off certain selections will help with display issues.
Student Class Schedule Changes Report
The Student Class Schedule Changes Report is available on the Classes page and has been adjusted to include the Flex Period, Class Calendar, and Primary Teacher which is used for Flex Scheduling. This report will list all schedule changes made after a certain date and will list the date the student was added to the class and when the student was dropped from a class. This report will include multiple schools, if desired.
Student Locator Cards
The Student Locator Card Report has been adjusted to include the Flex Period (FTF.STI) and Class Calendar (CCL.STI) that is used in Flex Scheduling. The Primary Teacher of the SSE (Master Schedule) or SSM (Scheduling Master Schedule) record is used for this report. For additional information on Student Locator Cards, see Student Locator Cards under Scheduling section.
Students with Incomplete Class Schedules Report
The Students with Incomplete Class Schedules Report has been adjusted to support flex scheduling. See document for more information.
Students with More or Less than N Periods Report
The Students with More or Less than N Periods Report has been adjusted to include Flex Periods from FTF instead of the traditional periods. The report is designed to limit the students who have more or less than a certain amount of periods in their schedule. The report has many options which includes using the Scheduling Master Schedule tables.
Summary of Students by Teacher and Period
The Summary of Students by Teacher and Period report is used to calculate a summary of student enrollment sorted by Teacher and Period and can be based on Master Schedule (MST), Scheduling Master Schedule (SMS) or Class by Date (CAR) which is obtained by entering a specific Date and will calculate according to Course Attendance (CAR) dates.
An example of the report printed on a specific date using the option Class by Date (CAR).
Attendance Reports Not Impacted by Flex Scheduling and Class Attendance ↑
- Absence Code Table
- Attendance Summary
- Daily Apportionment by Month
- Daily Attendance Report
- Daily Attendance Summary
- Daily Enrollment by Class
- Enrollment by Counselor
- Enrollment History
- Gain and Loss Report
- Monthly Attendance Report
- Monthly Attendance Summary
- Monthly Attendance Summary Totals
- Monthly Attendance Summary / No YTD
- Other District Enrollment
- Perfect Daily Attendance
- Perfect Daily Attendance by Teacher
- Students Continuously Enrolled
- Students Who Have Changed Attendance
- Students With Absences
- Students With Good Attendance
- Students With Unverified Absences
- Year to Date Attendance (YTD)