Add a Section  

Class Link  

Change a Section  

Copy a Section  

Delete a Section  

Add a Section 

To add a section to the Master Schedule, click the mouse on the Add button. 

Populate the Period, Block, and Term.  A Section Number will auto-populate with the next available section number in relation to the period entered.  Select Class Calendar if it applies. Select the Course from the dropdown.

Click the mouse on the Teacher drop down arrow to select the teacher assigned to the class.  Use Tab to move throughout the form and enter data in remaining data fields, for example, Room, Credits, Class Maximum, etc. When data entry is complete, click the mouse on the Insert button and the class will be added to the Master Schedule

The Class Link field (CL) is used to link two sections together such as Fall and Spring sections by using the same value in the field which will allow users to select one section using the View MST button found on the Classes page, and Aeries will add both linked sections automatically to the students schedule (SEC). The field can hold a maximum of 6 alpha-numeric characters. The link will occur when matching values exist in two sections.

Change a Section  

To select the section to be changed, search for the section and click the mouse on the Section Number.

Click on the Change button and enter the data changes needed, then click Save.

Note: Changes cannot be made on a section to the Section Number, Period, Block, Semester, Course ID, or Teacher fields once Attendance and CAR have been activated.  

Copy a Section  

The Copy button is used to copy a section and create a new section with the same information. This option can also be used to copy or move students into the new section. Select the section to be copied and click the Copy button.

The following message will display.  To continue click the mouse on the OK button. 

The following selection box will display and default to Do not copy/move Students.  Select an option and click the mouse on the OK button. 

All information from the section selected will now display in a new section. Enter/update data in the fields and press the Insert button and the class will be added to the Master Schedule. In the example below, Section Number 1024 - English 12 CP is being copied in the same period but assigned to Teacher Iliff.  The scheduler has auto-populated the Section Number.

If one of the copy or move students options is selected, the new section will display a message at the bottom of the form indicating that students are being copied. After the Insert has completed, the students will now be enrolled in the new section and will display at the bottom of the form.

Delete a Section  

The Delete button is used to delete unused sections from the Master Schedule that do not have any students enrolled in the class.  Select the correct section to be deleted and click the mouse on the Delete button.  A message will display to verify the deletion of the section.  Click the mouse on the Yes button to delete the section from the Master Schedule.

If students are enrolled in the section selected, the following message will display and the section will not be deleted.