New students enrolling for next year are added in the current year database. The Grade level field (Grd) entered should reflect a student's current Grade level.  The Next Grade level field (Next Grd) MUST reflect the Grade level for next year. When enrolling Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten students, use the next year's grade level in both fields:  Grd and Next Grd.   Pre-enrolled students must be flagged with an asterisk (*) in the Status (STU.TG) field to indicate that they are enrolled for the next school year.  Tagging students with an asterisk (*) will keep them inactive for the current year. This is a great time saver when trying to place students into classrooms later.  Also, prior to creating next year’s database verify that the NxtGrd field is set correctly for all students that are being retained to reflect the correct grade level for next year.

From the Student Data Demographics form, click the mouse on the Add button.  Enter the student information and press Tab to move throughout the fields. Click the mouse on the drop down arrow for the Status STU.TG field.  Click the mouse on the asterisk ‘ * ’ to indicate the student is pre-enrolled for the next school year.

If the pre-enrolled status tag (*) does not display in the drop down it MUST be added in Update Code Table in the STU.TG field.  

Below is the Student Demographics page in Aeries.

In the Next Grd (STU.NG) field at the bottom of the page, type the grade level they will be attending for the upcoming year.  Verify after the student has been added that the correct grade is displayed in the Next Grd (STU.NG) field. 

All Retained students should have the Next Grade (STU.NG) field changed to the current grade that they will be retained in.  It is not recommended to change the Status (STU.TG) field to an “R”.  Simply changing the Next Grade (STU.NG) field is all that is necessary.

In the Next Tch (STU.NT) field the teacher number for the upcoming year can be entered.  

Do not assign a current teacher to this student and do not update attendance enrollment.

The pre-enrolled student will display with a colored border. 

For Secondary Schools:

If the Student is transferring from another Secondary School, ensure the Students current grade is correct and the Initial Ninth Grade Entry year is correct.