

CALPADS Cross Reference (XRF)  


CALPADS uses the term “Graduate, Completer” to show graduates, completers and the student/school completion status used to determine the respective graduate type. The objective is to collect a valid Student Exit Category (E230 for completer exit) and a School Completion Status (how did the student complete the school, i.e. Exit Code 100 – Graduate, Exit Code 480 – Promoted (matriculated to CApubschls) or Exit Code 485 – Promoted (matriculated to NonCApubschls).


The Completion Status (STU.HSG) field is used for students that have completed school and will no longer be enrolled in an institution to further their education, such as receiving a high school diploma or being promoted from a middle school and matriculating to high school. It indicates the completion status for any student who meets the above criteria at this school. Any value in the STU.HSG field automatically populates the Student Exit Reason code with a 230 and a leave date in the SENR extract. This value does not get stored in the table.

For Graduates:  Do not inactivate graduates at the end of the 12th grade year except for any students that have graduated and left school early, prior to the normal end of year graduation date. The Completion Status Date is used in the CALPADS SSID Enrollment file and the date extracts as a Withdrawal/Exit Date for enrollment. The Completion Status Date also applies to matriculating students.

The Graduation Exemption Indicator is new beginning 2023-24 school year. The flag serves as an indication of whether a graduating high school student was exempted from local graduation requirements but has completed all state graduation requirements for a standard high school diploma. A “Y” would indicate the student was exempted; an “N” would indicate the student was not exempted from local graduation requirements. 

The Graduation Exemption Indicator (STU.GEX) will be greyed out unless the Completion Code STU.HSG equals a translated CALPADS code 100-Graduated. LEAs will need to populate a Y for all students who qualify as exempted. Aeries will automatically translate the STU.GEX code to "N" in the SENR extract for all blanks where a 12th grade student is tagged with a Completion Code 100. The "N" will not display in Aeries STU.GEX field unless the user manually populates this field with the "N" value.

NOTE:  The STU.GEX field will only be populated in the SENR file as of the 2023-2024 school year. See CALPADS 2023-2024 Changes for more information.


Matriculating students must have the Completion Status (STU.HSG) field populated on Student > Demographics > Student Data 2 with matriculation code of 480 -Promoted (matriculated to CApubschls) or 485 Promoted (matriculated Out of CApubschls) for the students in the school with the highest grade levels.

See How does a student report graduating and matriculating students in Aeries.

CALPADS Cross Reference (XRF)  

All files created use the CALPADS Cross Reference (XRF) table on the District extract form for defined translations. The Completion Status Codes must be reviewed each new school year to assure there are no changes by CALPADS. If so, they must be updated in the COD table (STU.HSG). 

Table from CALPADS File Specifications (CFS) Code Set:

Student Exit Category CodeStudent Exit Category Name
CompleterExitStudent left school after completing their academic program at this school, whether or not the completion resulted in high school graduation. This includes students who reach the maximum age for high school but do not have enough credits to graduate.

School Completion Status CodeSchool Completion Status Name


Graduated, standard HS diploma


Graduated, Alternative Diploma Pathway


Student with Disabilities Certificate of Completion


Adult Ed High School Diploma


Received a High School Equivalency Certificate (and no standard HS diploma)


Received a CA certificate of proficiency (and no standard HS diploma)


Completed grade 12 without completing graduation requirements, not grad


Promoted (matriculated to CA pubschls)


Promoted (matriculated to Out of CApubschls)

Additional reference is the CALPADS (CFS) Valid Code Combinations: