Update Existing Graduation Requirements  

Setting Up Different Grad Tracks  

Assign a Student to a Graduation Track  

Course Table Accuracy  

Graduation Status  



The Graduation Requirements page controls the Graduation Status of all students assigned to a specific Graduation Track. The default Graduation Track (blank) is applied to all students, unless they have an alternate Grad Track populated on the STU.GRT field. 

Update Existing Graduation Requirements  

The graduation requirements are updated in the Update Graduation Requirements form. This page can be found under Grade Reporting | Configurations | Graduation Requirements. The following form will display.

Graduation Requirements - California

Graduation Requirements - Texas

The fields and functions on this page are explained below:

  • Code - The Subject Area Code that the requirement covers. 
    • When a new subject Area Code is desired, it must be entered here, instead of adding it to the Code Table for the REQ table. It must appear on the default Graduation Track even if the credits required are zero in order for it to appear on the Subject Area Code drop-down lists on the Courses page. 
  • Subject Area - A description of the Subject Area Code
  • No Max Credits- When this option is enabled, it will allow any credit that finds its way into that subject area to always count towards that subject area, even if the credits required are already fulfilled.
    • This is the method to gradually introduce changes to a particular Graduation Requirements Track, starting with changes to 9th grade, and gradually bringing them forward in each subsequent year.
  • The Grade columns refer to the grade level for the school year being viewed.  If graduation requirements are modified the graduation status of each class (9-12) can be modified separately.
    • This is the method to gradually introduce changes to a particular Graduation Requirements Track, starting with changes to 9th grade, and gradually bringing them forward in each subsequent year. 
    • It's important to note that while the grades columns display as 9-12, if a school has a High Grade specified greater than 12 (not recommended) on the School Options page, this will affect how credits are applied.  See School Options Setup.
  • Local Credit Subject Area - When this option is enabled, any credits for this subject area will ONLY be counted in the new Local Credits Attempted (STU.LCA) and Local Credits Completed (STU.LCC) fields on the Student table.  See Local Credits (Texas Only)

NOTE: It is crucial when the requirements are set up that the Electives subject area is the last code in the list.

Setting Up Different Grad Tracks  

The Graduation Requirements page will display all Graduation Tracks that are currently set up. The Default record will automatically display the original graduation requirements.  The Default record cannot be deleted and the name cannot be changed. 

A list of all additional Grad Tracks can also be displayed. Any graduation track added will automatically update the code and description into the COD table for the REQ.GRT field.

To Add a graduation track click on the drop down and select the New|Add New Grad Track link. Enter the new Grad Track Code and Description.  Click on the OK button. The code and description will be added to the COD table.

NOTE: If the new Grad Track code is already located in the COD table the prior description entered for this code will automatically display.  Grad Tracks are setup at each school and are not accessible district-wide.  

The new Grad Track will now display on the page and the default graduation requirements will have been copied to it.  The subject area codes and the required credits can now be modified for the new graduation track.

Graduation Requirements Track - California

Graduation Requirements Track - Texas

The Class Rank and Size calculation can be set up to allow students within the same grade to be ranked separately from other students based on their graduation tracks. This option can be setup from the Update Code Table form.  Select the REQ table and the GRT field.


To define which graduation tracks should be ranked together a value can be added in the Amount field that will group students together. The value in the amount field can be set anywhere from 0 to 99.  The Amount value of the Default Grad Track should remain as 0.00.

In the below example, Code U contains a 1.00.  Any students assigned with a graduation track of U will be ranked together.

To define which graduation tracks will be excluded from any class rank/size computation a value of 99.00 can be added. In the above example any student assigned with the graduation track of X will not be included in the calculation of a class rank. This is useful for separating out Foreign Exchange students where they should not be included in the class rank.

A Non-Credit Based Grad Track can be created and used for students who are exempt from the standard requirements of credit completions or who are not on a track to complete high school in a traditional manner. See the Non-Credit Based Grad Tracks documentation for more information.

Assign a Student to a Graduation Track  

After the Grad Tracks have been set up, students can be assigned to a graduation track from the Graduation Requirements (REQ) form found in the Student Data | Grades | Graduation Status node. To assign a student to a particular Grad Track click on the drop down arrow under the Grad Track field.  Click on the code to assign the student to the grad track. In the example below Grad Track X was selected which was set up in the COD table with a 99.00 in the Amount field. 

This student will NOT be included in the calculation of a class rank and N/A will display in Class Rank/Size on the Student Transcripts page.

NOTE: Beginning with the 8/3/2018 Version of Aeries, users must have Update permissions to High School Graduation (HSG) security area to change the Graduation Track for a student. Previously, Update to Course History (HIS) was required.

Course Table Accuracy  

The accuracy of all data in the course table needs to be verified so that student's credits, GPA, graduation status, UC and CSU eligibility, core proficiency completion, CSF eligibility, and CBEDS are correct. If something is not calculating properly in these areas, the data in the Courses (CRS) table may be incorrect or nonexistent and must be verified. 

The Courses page can be found under Scheduling Process | Courses.  The Subject Area Codes refer to Graduation Requirements.  The first field (CRS.S1) should contain a letter corresponding to the letter set up in the graduation requirements.  The other Subject Area Fields (CRS.S2-S5) do not need to be filled in unless the course meets more than one requirement.  

Other fields that must be correct and must be verified are College Prep, Maximum Credit, Term, Core / Prof, Voc Subject, CSU Requirements, UC Requirements, CBEDS and CSF List.  It is crucial that this form is complete and accurate for all Course History functions to work properly.

NOTE: In order for the optimization logic in the graduation status calculation to function we highly recommend that the other subject areas are not populated with the Electives subject area code. By default a course will be applied to elective credits when all other subject areas that it can fulfill are already complete.

Graduation Status  

The Graduation Status form displays credits required and credits completed for all subject areas set up in the Update Graduation Requirements form.  In addition, the Graduation Status form can also display if a Career Pathway requirement has been met.  To set up the Career Pathway requirement to display, see Career Pathways Graduation Requirements.

This form can be found under Student Data | Grades | Graduation Status. It can also be reached by clicking the Status button on the Transcript page.

Graduation Status - California

Clicking on the Show credit details on screen option will display the titles of the courses that were used to fulfill each subject requirement.  Use the Scroll bar to display the entire record.  To create a report of the student’s graduation status click on the Print button.

Clicking on the Hide Planned Credits option will hide the Courses Planned column.

Grad Status-Show Credit Details - California

Grad Status-Show Credit Details - Texas


The Graduation Status calculation in Aeries Web Version has been adjusted to include better optimization logic. Courses that fulfill a single subject graduation requirement are applied to their appropriate subject area first. Courses that fulfill two subject areas are analyzed next and applied to either of the two subject areas that are not fulfilled. Then courses that fulfill three subject areas are analyzed and applied to any of the three subject areas that are not fulfilled. Then courses that fulfill four subject areas are analyzed and applied to any of the four subject areas that are not fulfilled. Finally courses that fulfill five subject areas are analyzed and applied to any of the five subject areas that are not fulfilled.  Before a course’s credits are applied to the Electives subject area the program will try to maximize the completed credits for the non-elective subject areas by switching the courses that fulfill subject area requirements where possible. This will ensure that the non-elective subject areas are as complete as possible before credits are applied to the Elective subject area. This method is ONLY available in the Aeries Web Version and is NOT available in the Aeries Client. This will result in some students having a different (but better) graduation status in Aeries Web Version than in the Aeries Client Version.

NOTE: The Graduation Status will reflect Waivers with a decrease in the Credits Required for the subject area that is being waived and an increase of the same number of credits in the Electives Credits Required. See Adding/Editing A Student’s Transcript earlier in this document for more information on waiving a course.

A District Setting has been added in Aeries Web Version for districts that do not want to take advantage of the optimized graduation status logic at this time. The District Settings page can be found at the District level (School Code 0) in the navigation tree under School Info | Configurations | District Settings.

The Do Not Optimize Graduation Status option is stored in the District Options (DPT) table. When this option is selected the system will not take advantage of the optimization logic that was added to the Aeries Web Version. The Graduation Status Reports will match the reports that Aeries Client Version creates.