
Report Options  

Semester Selection  

Using the Report  

Report Format and Example  


Navigate to Reports > Scheduling > Students with Incomplete Class Schedules (Flex).

The Students with Incomplete Class Schedules report is now available to support flex scheduling schools. This is generally used in a middle or high school environment to identify students who do not have a complete schedule or have gaps throughout the day. Currently, the report will be available for missing classes based on the SEC/MST tables. A future enhancement will be added for SMS/SSS that will analyze data against Course Requests (SMS/SSS).

The report will display in Navigation under Reports and will be visible as Students with Incomplete Class Schedules (Flex) under the following conditions:

  • The school is currently identified as a Flex school according to School Options where Scheduling Type = 3 (Flexible)
  • The Scheduling Setup is set to 'Use Flex Scheduling for Next Year' (not fully supported yet but will be used with the option SMS/SSS, once it's available).


Classes (SEC)
Course Requests (SSS)
ReadTo run the report, users will need Read permissions to SEC and SSS

Report Options  

Options are available for selecting the Semester, Start Time, End Time and Gap Minutes. The report will honor keep/skip query statements.

Semester - Select a semester to use for printing incomplete schedules: Fall, Spring or Quarters 1, 2, 3 or 4

Start Time - Enter the earliest time desired for the first period to be analyzed

End Time - Enter the latest time desired for the last period to be analyzed

Gap Minutes - Enter the number of minutes to be used to calculate a gap in-between classes.

All field selections must be entered or an alert will appear.

Semester Selection  

The report can only be printed for Quarters or Semesters. Year-long terms will automatically be included in each semester option. The breakdown is as follows:

Fall  (F and Y) 
Spring  (S and Y)
1st Quarter (F, 1 and Y)
2nd Quarter (F, 2 and Y)
3rd Quarter (S, 3, and Y)
4th Quarter (S, 4 and Y)

NOTE:  For schools using Quarter terms, you must select a quarter option. Selecting Quarters will include all appropriate terms as shown above. If the school has a combination of Fall and Quarters, or Spring and Quarters the Quarter options must be selected.

Using the Report  

To accurately use the report, it’s essential to have the school’s default bell schedule available. The report will rely on the Start and End Times specified in the Report Options along with the gap minutes to deliver a list of students who have classes missing according to the gap minutes.

To identify students that are missing one or more classes throughout the day, it's best to enter the Start Time of when the first period class begins and the End Time of when the last class ends for a standard school day that most students are required to be enrolled in. Enter the number of Gap Minutes that the system should use to determine if a class is missing from the student's schedule. 

The following is an example of how to utilize the report efficiently: 

  • Students are required to attend periods 1-6 daily 
  • Period 1 begins at 8:00 AM according to the Flex Period table (FTF) for the current academic year
  • Period 6 ends at 2:10 PM according to the Flex Period table (FTF) for the current academic year 
  • Periods are 50 minutes long
  • Lunch is 35 minutes long and includes the 5 minute passing time according to the bell schedule. Gap minutes entered in Report Options will need to be longer than the number of minutes in a lunch break

Enter the following on Report Options for this example:

Report Format and Example  

The student Finn Anderson is missing period 6 and is listed on the report. The student's full schedule will display on the report with the exception of periods that are flagged as non-conflict (FTF.TY = C) classes since non-conflict periods usually overlap with other periods and are not generally a primary class. Only students who are missing periods between the start and end time will be listed on the report. 

The report format includes the Student ID, Student Name, Grade, Lo and Hi Time Range and Flex Periods. An 'X' will display under the period that the student has a class. The lack of 'X' under the period will indicate that the student does not have a class that period.

NOTE:  Flex Periods with a Type = Non-Conflict (FTF.TY = C) will not be analyzed or listed on the report.

The Time Range on the report displays from the student's STU.LO1 / STU.HI1 Time Range on the Classes page. This data is for informational purposes only.

NOTE: To print a list of students without any classes, refer to the report Students with More or Less than N Periods