This article will advise how to use the Transfer option on the Manage Students page of a gradebook to transfer scores for students who have moved between classes with the same teacher and course. 

NOTE: The gradebooks MUST have already been linked to each other for that teacher. If they were not linked previously, linking them at this time will not allow the Transfer to work. 

1. From the list of gradebooks for the teacher, select the NEW gradebook the student has moved to and open the Manage Students page in that gradebook.  Click the mouse on the Transfer option to the left of the student's name. 

2. The linked gradebooks will display in the dropdown. Choose the OLD gradebook under the Select Gradebook to Pull From list. 

3. When selected, the gradebook will be highlighted in green. Select the Transfer button. 

4. The following message will display.  

5. Select the OK button to begin the Transfer process. When complete, the following message will display.  The student's scores will now be viewable in the NEW gradebook. 

NOTE:   It is imperative that the NEW gradebook is chosen from Manage Students tab and the OLD gradebook is selected when clicking on the Transfer option. Scores can be lost if the incorrect gradebooks are selected.