Why do the totals differ in the Summary of Students Report sorted by Ethnicity/Race, the Student Ethnic Distribution Report, and the Student Counts (Census Day) Report sorted by Grade and Ethnicity/Race?

Summary of Students Report sorted by Ethnicity/Race - analyzes ethnicity code (STU.ETH), and primary race code (STU.RC1) only; all non-Hispanic students are grouped by their RC1 value

Student Ethnic Distribution Report - analyzes ethnicity code (STU.ETH), and all race codes (STU.RC1 - STU.RC5); all non-Hispanic students with more than one race are counted under "MULTI-ETHNIC (NON-HISPANIC)"

Student Counts (Census Day) Report sorted by Grade and Ethnicity/Race - analyzes ethnicity code (STU.ETH), and all race codes (STU.RC1 - STU.RC5); non-Hispanic students with more than one race are counted under "Multiple" unless their race codes fall under the same category

Additional information on the Student Counts (Census Day) Report: Student Counts Reports (Census Day)