Credits display 0 in Grades (GRD) after a New Grade Reporting Cycle has been initialized.


  • Secondary Grade Reporting is being used (GRD)


Master Schedule Section displays 0 under credits 


Fix Master Schedule Section Credit field to the correct value.

Run a Query CHANGE to fix GRD table (Replace # with correct Credit value. Replace ### with the correct Section or Course number)

  • To change the credit value for a specific Section    
    • CHANGE GRD CR TO # IF SE = ###
  • To change the credit value for a specific Course
    • CHANGE GRD CR TO # IF CN ###  
  • To change the credit value for any Section/Course that has the credit value of 0 (Replace the # with the correct Credit value)
    • CHANGE GRD CR TO # IF CR = 0


If the Grades (GRD) has already been copied to Grade History (GRH), please see this Article:

Credits Display 0 in Grade History (GRH)

If the Grades (GRD) has already been copied to Transcripts (HIS), please see this Article:

Credits Display 0 in Transcript (HIS)

Note: To avoid this issue, check Master Schedule Sections that display 0 in credits prior to Initializing New Grade Reporting Cycle.
Query to use: LIST MST SE IF CR = 0