Student Data > Profile

The Profile page provides a data snapshot for a student, available to any user with permission to view that student, including Teacher Portal users. The specific information displayed depends on the user's school and permission settings for each section. 

The Profile is the page initially displayed when selecting a student from Student Search results. 

In most cases, the Profile page is not used for data entry. Instead, the page displays information from several areas within Aeries, including Class Schedules, Teacher Gradebooks, Attendance, Test Details, Discipline, Medical, Special Programs, Graduation Status, College Entrance Requirements, and others. 

Links to the data entry pages are provided.


  • A license is required to use Livingtree for the payment portal feature in Aeries Financials. See Livingtree Integration Setup.
  • (California only) On the School Settings page under Display on Forms, the following settings determine whether certain information is displayed under Graduation Status:
    • Algebra 1 Requirement
    • Physical Fitness Testing
    • California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE)
    • Competency Tests


  View the Student Banner

The Student Banner is displayed at the top of all student pages, providing a consistent set of information for the student from any page you are viewing. See Student Banner.

The banner can be expanded or collapsed to create additional space for viewing other information on the page.

  View the Class Summary

The Class Summary section displays the student class schedule information and current Gradebook information. The section is only populated for schools using a master schedule (i.e., secondary school or elementary school with master schedule).

  1. If the Class Summary section is collapsed, click the Expand icon to view the section.

  2. If the student attends multiple schools, a section is displayed for each school. If a school section is collapsed, click the Expand icon to view the school section.

  3. From the Options menu, select Show All Terms to view the class schedule for the entire school year, including past and future terms. Otherwise only the current term is displayed.
  4. For schools that use Grading Periods, the Class Summary will honor the dates set up for Grading Periods. When viewing data for a date between terms, the following displays on the Class Summary
    • If today's date is between terms, the most recent term is considered the current term.
    • If today's date is before the beginning of the school year, the first term is considered the current term.
    • If today's date is past the school year, the final term is considered the current term.
      PerThe period in which the class meets
      CourseThe course ID and course title in which the student is enrolled during the period

      Click the course to open the Courses page where additional information about the course is available.
      TeacherThe current primary teacher of the class

      At schools using Flex Scheduling, click the teacher name to open the Staff page where additional information about the teacher is available.

      At schools using traditional scheduling, click the teacher name to open the Teacher page where additional information about the teacher is available.
      RoomThe room in which the class meets
      GradebookA link to the Gradebook Details page for that class, if a gradebook is set up for the class

      The Gradebook Details page displays class-specific grade details for the student which come directly from the teacher gradebook.

      The student's calculated overall class average

      The calculated percent is converted to a round number according to the Final Marks settings.

      NOTE: The calculated class average is truncated (not rounded) to one decimal place, which may cause slight variations in some calculations.


      A performance trend icon indicating whether the student's overall score is trending up, down, or the same (within 1%)

      Click Show Legend for further information about the Trend feature. To hide the legend, click Show Legend again.

      The Trend feature is only available if:

      • The class uses total points-based grading (rather than rubric).
      • The feature is enabled and grading for the assignment is completed.
      • There are at least 10 applicable assignments.

      Hover over the icon to view the forecasted overall score, or click the icon to view the graph.

      Trending down

      Trending up

      Trending the same

      Click the icon to view the Trend Graph

      • The gold points indicate the student's specific assignment score.
      • The blue points indicate the student's average of all assignments up to that point.

      Hover over a score to view the assignment due date and the student's actual score or average.

      Calculation of Trend

      The trend uses a linear regression (i.e., prediction) algorithm to predict the next overall score based on the student's historical performance. See Gradebook Score Trend Graph.

      Missing AssignmentThe count of currently missing assignments

      If greater than 0, the number is displayed in bold red text and links to the Gradebook Details page where additional information is available.
      Past 5 Days
      M T W T F
      Attendance information for the past five days

      If other than Present, the absence code is displayed for the week day on which the absence occurred.

      NOTE: The past five days may not start with Monday, depending on the current day of the week.

      Click Past 5 Days to open the Attendance page where additional information is available and can be updated if needed.
      WebsiteThe website for the class is available, and access code if needed

      Click Visit Website to open the class website.
      MeetingA link to the meeting website for the class if available

      Click Join.
      Last UpdatedThe date on which the information was last updated

  5. Five classes are displayed initially. If the student has more than five classes, click View More to view all other classes in the current schedule, or all classes for the entire school year if Show All Terms is selected. 

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  View the Attendance Summary

The Attendance Summary section displays summarized information from the Attendance page. Whether the attendance event counts as absence, present, tardy, or unexcused depends on the code settings on Update Absence Codes.

See also Student Profile - Attendance Summary Video.

  1. By default, information is displayed for the school you are logged into.

    If the student attends multiple schools, select Show All Schools to view attendance information for all schools the student attends, according to your permission settings.

  2. The following is displayed for each school:
    AbsencesThe total count of excused and unexcused absences for the school year is displayed in bold.
    The totals for week and month are also displayed.
    Period TardiesThe total count of tardies for the school year is displayed in bold.
    The totals for week and month are also displayed.
    UnexcusedThe total count of unexcused absences for the school year is displayed in bold.
    The totals for week and month are also displayed.
    Days PresentThe total count of days present for the school year is displayed in bold.
    The total for month and total percentage of present days are also displayed.

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  View a data snapshot

The Data Snapshot tab displays the count of records from the following pages, according to user permissions:

  • Assertive Discipline
  • Counseling
  • Discipline
  • Interventions
  • Medical History
  • Medical Log
  • Visitation

NOTE: When navigating from student to student, the tab you are currently viewing remains open while on the Student Profile page.

See also Student Profile - Data Snapshot Tab Video.

  1. The Data Snapshot tab is open by default. If viewing another tab, click the Data Snapshot tab.
  2. The following is displayed:
    AreaThe page name, which links to the page on which the records are maintained

    Click the link to open the page.
    Record CountThe total number of records for the student on the page this school year
    Recent DateThe date on which the latest record was added on the page
    Most Recent InfoThe information depends on the page:
    • Assertive Discipline - The description of the Violation entered (ADS.CD)
    • Counseling - The description of the Code entered (CNF.CD)
    • Discipline - The description of the Code entered (DIS.CD)
    • Interventions - The description of the Code entered (INV.CD)
    • Medical History - The description of the Code entered (MHS.CD)
    • Medical Log - The description of the Code entered (MED.CD)
    • Visitation - The description of the Code entered (VIS.CD)

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  View test results

The Test Results tab displays information about a students last five standardized tests from the Test Details page.

NOTE: When navigating from student to student, the tab you are currently viewing remains open while on the Student Profile page.

See also Student Profile - Test Results Tab Video.

  1. Click the Test Results tab.

  2. The following information is displayed:
    TestThe test name, which links to the Test Details page where additional information is available and can be updated (TSD.ID)

    Below the test name are the individual test parts or sections (TST.PT).
    DateThe date on which the student took the test section (TST.TD)
    ResultsThe student's performance on the test, according to the particular test

    The results are shaded green if the student met the minimum requirement.
    The results are shaded yellow if the student did not meet the minimum requirement.

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  View financial information

The Financial Information tab displays the latest payment information from the Financial Transactions page. See Introduction to Aeries Financials.

NOTE: When navigating from student to student, the tab you are currently viewing remains open while on the Student Profile page.

  1. Click the Financial Information tab.

  2. The following information is displayed:
    Next Payment DateThe date on which the next payment is due, as set up on the Financial Transactions page under Payment Schedule (FTS.ND)
    Next Amount DueThe amount due on the next payment due date, as set up on the Financial Transactions page under Payment Schedule (FTS.NA)

    See Manage a Student's Financial Transactions.
    Remaining BalanceA summary of all outstanding transaction amounts, which is automatically updated according to the Payment Schedule on Financial Transactions and payments received to date

  3. Under Recent Transactions the following is displayed for the last 5 financial transactions.
    DateDate on which the fee or payment occurred (FTD.DT)
    AmountThe amount that was charged or collected (FTD.AM)

    Fees changed are in parentheses. Student payments are not in parentheses.
    Payment TypeWhether the payment was made with cash, credit card, or another form of payment (FTD.PT)
    DescriptionThe amount charged to the student, and the code description
    Status Whether the amount is was paid, pending, or completed

  4. Click View Details to open the Financial Transactions page where all transactions are listed, and additional information is available and can be updated.

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  View graduation status

The Graduation Status tab displays summary data from the Graduation Status page, providing a view of the student's progress toward graduation according to the Academic Plan

The counts assume that the student will successfully complete courses in which they are currently enrolled.

This section is only displayed for schools with grade levels 9 and higher. 

NOTE: When navigating from student to student, the tab you are currently viewing remains open while on the Student Profile page.



  1. Click the Graduation Status tab.

  2. Select Hide Planned Credits to hide information about planned future courses that are included in the Academic Plan. Otherwise, planned credits are included.

  3. Under Credits, the following is displayed:
    Credits CompletedCredits previously earned, based on the courses in the student transcript (HSG.CM)
    Credits EnrolledCredits in progress, based on courses in which the student is currently enrolled (HSG.CU)
    Credits NeededCredits that are still needed after accounting for credits in currently scheduled courses, transcript, and the academic plan. (HSG.CUN)
    State Credit Att/Compl(Texas Only) The count of credits attempted and completed that count toward state credit for graduation
    Local Credit Att/Compl(Texas only) The count of local credits attempted and completed

    Local credits have a blank Service ID (CRS.SVC) or a number that starts with an 8. Credits earned for these courses are listed as local credits.

  4. (California Only) Under Subjects, the following is displayed according to settings on the School Settings page. See Prerequisites above.

    Whether the student has passed, not passed, or not taken the ELA portion of the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) (TPS.ELA)

    This field is only displayed for high school students, and only if the option to display CAHSEE is selected under Display on Forms on the school's School Settings page.


    Whether the student has passed, not passed, or not taken the Math portion of the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) (TPS.MTH)

    This field is only displayed for high school students, and only if the option to display CAHSEE is selected under Display on Forms on the school's School Settings page.

    Algebra 1Whether the student has met the state requirement for Algebra I

    This field is only displayed for high school students, and only if the option to display Algebra 1 is selected under Display on Forms on the school's School Settings page. See Algebra I Requirements.
    High School Physical FitnessWhether the student has passed or not passed the state physical fitness testing requirement for elementary, middle school, or high school (TPS.PF)

    The field heading (Elementary/Middle School/High School) is specific to the school you are logged in to, and is only displayed if the option to display Physical Fitness Testing is selected under Display on Forms on the school's School Settings page. See Overview for Physical Fitness Testing.

  5. Click the Print icon to open the Graduation Status Report.

  6. From the menu, select View Transcript to open the Transcripts page.

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  (California only) View add-on graduation requirements

The Add-On Requirement tab displays information based on the student Academic Plan (Add-On Graduation View tab).

This section is only displayed for schools with grade levels 9 and higher, and is specific to the student's cohort.

Add-on requirements can be managed from the Profile page, as well as from the Academic Plan (Add-On Graduation View tab).

NOTE: When navigating from student to student, the tab you are currently viewing remains open while on the Student Profile page.

  1. Click the Add-On Requirement tab.
  2. Click Manage to update whether a student is pursuing an add-on graduation requirement. The Add-On Graduation Requirement window opens.

    Add-On Graduation RequirementTo make changes to the status of an add-on graduation requirement, select the requirement.
    Current StatusFor each add-on graduation requirement, the current status is automatically calculated according to the credit received for courses the student has taken toward the requirement, unless a Status Override is set.

    Progress status is based on Add-On Graduation Reqs Setup for the student's cohort.
    Status OverrideFor the selected add-on requirement, change the status if needed.

    The requirement must be selected in order for the status to be updated.

    Once changed, the Current Status is updated to reflect the change. The Status field is set to Override.

  3. Under Pursing Add-On Requirements, all add-on requirements the student is pursuing are listed, along with the status. If the status was changed using the Status Override field, the Status field states Override.

  4. Under Other Possible Add-On Requirements, the remaining available add-on requirements are listed.

    Add-on requirement nameAvailable add-on requirements are based on Add-On Graduation Reqs Setup for the student's cohort.
    Planned/In Progress/On Track/Not On TrackThe status is displayed.
    StatusOverride is displayed if the status was manually set using the Status Override field. Otherwise the current status is automatically calculated according to credit received for courses the student has taken toward the add-on requirement

    Endorsement progress status is based on Add-On Graduation Reqs Setup for the student's cohort.

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  (Texas only) View endorsements

The Endorsement tab displays information based on the student Academic Plan (Endorsement View tab). See Texas - Academic Plan.

Endorsements can be managed from the Profile page, as well as from the Academic Plan (Endorsements View tab).

NOTE: When navigating from student to student, the tab you are currently viewing remains open while on the Student Profile page.

  1. Click the Endorsements tab.
  2. Click Manage to update whether a student is pursuing an endorsement. The Endorsement window opens.

    Opt-outSelect if the student is not pursuing any endorsements, even if the student has taken classes toward one or more endorsements. (STU.EOO)

    You are prompted to confirm that the student wishes to opt out of all endorsements. Click OK to continue.

    IMPORTANT: If opting out of all endorsements, the student's Graduation Track must be reset on the Graduation Status page.
    EndorsementTo make changes to the status of an endorsement, select the endorsement.
    Current StatusFor each endorsement, the current status is automatically calculated according to the credit received for courses the student has taken toward the endorsement, unless a Status Override is set.

    Endorsement progress status is based on Graduation Endorsements Setup.
    Status OverrideFor the selected endorsement, change the status if needed.

    The Endorsement must be selected in order for the status to be updated.

    Once changed, the Current Status is updated to reflect the change. The Status field is set to Override.

  3. Under Pursing Endorsements, all endorsements the student is pursuing are listed, along with the status. If the status was changed using the Status Override field, the Status field states Override.

  4. Under Possible Endorsements, the remaining available endorsements are listed, except any the student has opted out of.
    Endorsement nameThe five endorsements offered in Texas: Arts and Humanities, Business Industry, MultiDisciplinary, Public Service, and STEM.
    Planned/In Progress/On Track/Not On TrackThe student's status toward the endorsement
    StatusOverride is displayed if the status was manually set using the Status Override field. Otherwise the current status is automatically calculated according to the credit received for courses the student has taken toward the endorsement.

    Endorsement progress status is based on Graduation Endorsements Setup.

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  View recognitions

The Recognitions tab displays the following records from the Activities and Awards page. See Activities and Awards.

  • Certifications, Licenses, and Program Completions (Type 3)
  • Performance Acknowledgements (Type 4)
  • Other Graduation Requirements (Type 5)

NOTE: When navigating from student to student, the tab you are currently viewing remains open while on the Student Profile page.


  1. Click the Recognitions tab.

  2. To open the Activities and Awards page where the Recognitions information can be updated, click View Details.

  3. The following information is displayed:
    DateThe date on which the recognition was entered (ACT.DT)
    TypeThe type of recognition, based on the Type field on Activities and Awards (ACT.TY)
    CodeThe code for the recognition, based on the Code field on Activities and Awards (ACT.CD)
    ReasonFurther explanation for the Type and Code, based on the Reason field on Activities and Awards (ACT.RS)
    HoursThe hours associated with the recognition, based on the Hours field on Activities and Awards (ACT.HR)
    CommentsAny comments entered for the record (ACT.CO)

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  (California only) View the status toward college entrance requirements

The College Entrance Requirements section displays displays a summary of student progress toward University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) entrance requirements.

This section is only displayed for schools with grade levels 9 and higher.

NOTE: When navigating from student to student, the tab you are currently viewing remains open while on the Student Profile page.

See also Student Profile - College Entrance Requirements Video.

  1. Subjects are listed based on the CSU Entrance and UC Entrance fields on the Courses page under California Specific Fields. For each subject the credits required, completed, current, planned, and needed are calculated using data from the transcript, current classes, and academic plan records, according to the requirements at each university. See UC/CSU Course Validation.

  2. The following is calculated at the bottom of the column for each university:

    Preliminary GPAsThe GPA is calculated according to the requirements at each university. The GPAs may differ due to different courses being used in the calculations.
    For example, the Lab/Physical Sciences requirement differs between the two universities, and different courses may count as electives. See UC/CSU Course Validation
    Course Completions
    • "Meets CSU/UC Course Completion Requirements" (green text) is displayed for students who have completed the requirements for subjects A-G and whose CSA A-G GPA is 2.5 or higher. 
    • Otherwise "Does NOT Meet UC Course Completion Requirements" (red text) is displayed.
    Entrance Requirements
    • "Meets CSU/UC Course Completion Requirements" (green text) is displayed for students who have completed the requirements for subjects A-G and whose CSU A-G GPA is 2.5 or higher.
    • "May Meet CSU Requirements" (red text) is displayed for students who have completed the requirements for subjects A-G and whose CSU A-G GPA is between 2.0 and 2.49.
    • "Does NOT Meet UC Course Completion Requirements" (red text) is displayed for students whose CSU A-G GPA is below 2.0.

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  View linked portal accounts

The Linked Portal Accounts section displays information for all Aeries Portal accounts linked to the student, including parent and student accounts.

  1. Click the Linked Portal Accounts tab.
  2. The following is displayed:
    email addressThe email address associated with the portal user (PWA.EM)

    Click the email address to send an email message to the user.
    PortalThe portal to which that user has access (Parent, Teacher, or Student)
    Last AccessThe date on which the user last logged into the portal (PWA.CDT)

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  (California only) View Career Pathways status

The Career Pathways section displays summary data for any Career Pathways assigned to the student.

  1. The Career Pathways are listed as links to the Career Pathways page where the records are maintained. To update data, click the link to open the Career Pathways page.

  2. The following is displayed for each Career Pathway assigned to the student, according to the Career Pathways Management settings:
    CourseThe list of courses associated with the Career Pathway

    Only CTE courses (State Course Code >= 7000 or <= 8900) can be associated with Career Pathways.
    LevelThe course level assigned the course based on the State Course Code, including Introductory, Concentrator, Completer, and Capstone
    GradeThe grade level in which the student completed the course
    CreditThe credit received for the course by the student
    YearThe school year in which the student was marked as a Completer in the Career Pathways History (CPH.AY).  
    TermThe term in which the student completed the course
    Current CourseWhether the course is in the student’s current class schedule (SEC)

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Tables & Security

Table PermissionDescription
Activities and Awards (ACT)ReadView Recognitions
Assertive Discipline (ADS)ReadView Snapshot Data on Assertive Discipline records
Counseling (CNF)ReadView Snapshot Data on Counseling records
Discipline (DIS)ReadView Snapshot Data on Discipline records
Financial Payment Schedules (FPS)ReadView a student's payment schedule under Aeries Financials
Financial Transaction Details (FTD)ReadView recent financial transactions under Aeries Financials
Financial Transaction Summary (FTS)ReadView Aeries Financials information
High School Graduation Status (HSG)ReadView Graduation Status information (schools with grade levels 9+ only)
Interventions (INV)ReadView Snapshot Data on Interventions records
Medical History (MHS)ReadView Snapshot Data on Medical History records
Medical Log (MED)ReadView Snapshot Data on Medical Log records
Parent Web Accounts (PWA)ReadView Linked Portal Accounts for parents
Parent Web Accounts - Students (PWS)ReadView Linked Portal Accounts for students
Sections (Student Class Schedules) (SEC)ReadView Class Schedule
Visitation (VIS)ReadView Snapshot Data on Visitation records

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Further Training

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