Utilizing either the Att Prg1 (STU.AP1) or Att Prg (STU.AP2) field to track the District of Residence will separate ADA totals on the Monthly Attendance Summary Report by District of Residence

  • The instructions below utilize Att Prg1 (STU.AP1), but either Att Prg1 (STU.AP1) or Att Prg (STU.AP2) may be chosen by the district.

Step 1: Update Code Table  

  • Table: STU 
  • Field: AP1
  • Add New Record - Add names of districts

Step 2: Update the Att Prg1 (STU.AP1) value for students who have a Residence District (STU.ITD) value

  • Navigate to Student Data > Demographics

  • Click Change 
  • Add value to Att Prg1 (STU.AP1) 

Note: If this is done before Initializing ATT/CAR for the school year, Attendance Enrollment records will be updated once Attendance is initialized. If you are updating Att Prg1 or Att Prg 2 after Attendance has been initialized, Attendance Enrollment records may be manually updated or Query changed.