The following Career Pathways tasks should be done in preparation for the new school year.

TaskAeries PageKnowledge Base Article

Set security permissions for users who will be administering Career Pathways.

Security Management >

  • Users
  • Groups
  • Portal Groups
  • Table Permissions

Career Pathways Security and Tables 

Career Pathways Extract Files

Set district options related to Career Pathways

  • Use New Career Pathways (CPW) tables instead of old 'CTE Pathways (Perkins)' (CTE) table field

School Info > Configurations > District Settings 

Career Pathways District Setting  

District Settings (District Rules)

Enter any custom codes needed:

  • Experiences (CPE.TY)
  • Outcomes (CPO.OC)

School Info > Configurations > Update Code Table

Career Pathways Mass Add Events  

Designate CTE courses (Course Type = 32 or 33).


Scheduling Process > Courses 

Career Pathways Tab on the Courses Page 

Can districts offer a one-year Career Pathway?

Designate CTE sections (High Quality CTE Crs = Yes).

Scheduling Process > Master Schedule 

Career Pathways Tab on the Courses Page  

What is a High Quality CTE Course? 

What if a district offers a CTE course that is not taught by a CTE teacher or properly credentialed teacher?  

Can a High Quality CTE Course be offered if it's not in a Career Pathway?  

Configure Career Pathways courses.

Scheduling Process > Configurations > Career Pathways Management

Scheduling Process > Courses (Career Pathways tab)

Career Pathways Management

Using the Career Pathways Management Page  

Career Pathways Tab on the Courses Page  

What are some of the first steps to take before using the Career Pathways Management page?