The following Aeries Analytics tasks should be done in preparation for the new school year.

TaskAeries PageKnowledge Base Article

Set security permissions for users who will be administering and accessing Aeries Analytics.

Security Management >

  • Users
  • Groups
  • Portal Groups
  • Table Permissions


Analytics Security

Indicate the standardized tests that will be used in the analysis.

  • Testing Control Table (CTL)
  • Content Standards (CSN)

Push tests from EADMS to Aeries.

School Info > Configurations > Testing Control Table

Testing Control Table

Pushing Tests from EADMS to Aeries

Customize the indicators that will be used in the analysis.

Aeries Analytics > Configs/Functions > Item Definitions

Item Definitions - Analytics Indicators

Update Analytics Indicators

Using Aeries Analytics

Samples of Item Definitions

Customizing Aeries Analytics Starter Kit Item Definitions

Configure the analytics dashboard.

Aeries Analytics > Configs/Functions > Analytics Dashboard Config

Analytics Dashboard Setup

Four Steps to Improve Student Achievement

Define At-Risk indicators to help identify students who are at risk.

Aeries Analytics > Configs / Functions > At-Risk Indicators Configuration

At-Risk Indicators

Initialize and process LCAP Dashboards.

Enable nightly processing.

Aeries Analytics > Configs / Functions > Analytics System Config
Initializing and Updating LCAP 

LCAP Dashboards - Quick Intro

Intro to Analytics/LCAP Dashboards

LCAP Overview

LCAP A-G Readiness 12th Graders indicator is not reflecting the correct information for students

Why doesn't the LCAP A/G Readiness 12th Graders indicator reflect students who have exceeded graduation requirement credits in an A/G subject area?