Student Does not Qualify for Special Education Services
Student Qualifies for Special Education Services
This process is for students who are not currently attending a school within your LEA, but need to be assessed to see if they qualify for special ed services. Districts must acquire Statewide Student Identifiers (SSIDs) and submit data for all Preschoolers 36 months - 5 years referred to COEs and districts for whom the parent has consented to an evaluation, regardless if the child is found to be eligible for services.
For more information, see CALPADS Flash #161. For scenarios for reporting data for students with disabilities, see swdreporting.
Setup ↑
Here are the steps necessary to set up a district level school to assist obtaining SSIDs for these students.
If your LEA has a specific school code designated for these students, then use that school code; otherwise use the county-district code of your LEA as the school code. For example: populate the School Code (LOC.SC) with a number that is the combined (concatenated) number of the district's County Code (LOC.CC) number + the District Code (LOC.DC) number. See screenshot below. (42+12345 = 4212345).
School Options
To accommodate students whose parental consent date is outside of the regular school year, it is recommended to create a school calendar that spans the entire fiscal school year - July 1 - June 30 in your District.
CALPADS - Code Translations
In CALPADS Extracts > Code Translations > Code Set Enrollment Status, make sure there is a STU.SP code translated to Enrollment Status 10 - Primary Enrollment.
NOTE: If there is not already a STU.SP code designated as 10-Primary Enrollment, then the code must be added via the Update Code table process.
Obtain SSIDs ↑
For students who are being evaluated for services but who are not currently enrolled in a school at the LEA, enroll the student in a District school. The enrollment start date should reflect the parental consent date.
Populate a Student Program (STU.SP) code that is translated to a CALPADS Code Translation of Enrollment Status 10 - Primary Enrollment. Student will need an active Attendance Enrollment (ATT) record.
Once an SSID is obtained, the student remains enrolled until the assessment is complete.
Student Does not Qualify for Special Education Services ↑
No Show the student using an N470 code in the Summer Withdrawal (STU.SWR) field. Populate the Summer Withdrawal Leave Date (STU.SLD) using the same day as the enrollment date (parental consent date).
NOTE: Aeries will extract the date as one day prior to the Summer Withdrawal Date (STU.SLD) if that date is after the first day of school.
Student Qualifies for Special Education Services ↑
Student continues to be enrolled in the District School.
The following table summarizes for students in each grade level the enrollment status that should be used, and which files at a minimum (Student Enrollment [SENR], Student Information [SINF], Student Program [SPRG], Student English Language Acquisition [SELA], Special Education [SPED] file) must be submitted to CALPADS: