

Requesting Approval

Parent Approval

Viewing Approvals

Reporting Course Request Approvals

Viewing the status of parent approvals


This feature allows Counselors and other authorized Staff to request a parents' approval of their students' Course Requests for next year so the parents are aware of which classes their student will be taking.


These permissions are to use the Notification Alerts to request approval. See Student Course Requests for management and updating of Course Requests by Users and Parents/Students. Users who only have Read to SSS will not be able to request Parent Approvals.




DAA Data Alerts

Parent Portal Group



Read, Insert

SSS Course Requests

Parent Portal Group



Read, Insert

Requesting Approval

When a Counselor makes changes to a student's Course Requests, they can request the parents' approval of the proposed Requests using the button on the Course Request page. The button only appears once a student has a Course Request added. The Status field will be blank the first time it is run.

When the button is clicked, a window will open where the Counselor can type a message for the parent. This message is unique to each Counselor and will be saved. Whenever the approval button is clicked the last message entered will display, which can then be edited as desired. The Counselor then sends the request to the parent.

Once the request is sent, the button text will change to ‘Parent Approval Request Pending’ and the request will appear in the Review Alerts > Alert Hub > My Action Alerts for the Counselor.

Parent Approval

When the parent logs into the portal they will see there is a notification waiting.

When they click on the bell they can view the notification. When they click on the notification they will be redirected to the Course Requests page. They can enter a comment and ‘Accept’ or ‘Decline’ the Course Requests. If they have more than one student in their account, they will be redirected to the student the request has been made for. If the more than one student has a Request for Approval waiting and the parent has navigated to one students' Course Request page, they must respond to the first request before they can view and respond to the other students' Course Request approval request.


Once the parent clicks ‘Accept and Close’ or ‘Decline and Close’ the response will be submitted to the Counselor. If they choose ‘Decline and Close’ they are required to enter a comment.

Viewing Approvals

After a parent responds to the Approval request, the response can be viewed in Review Alerts > Alert Hub > My Action Alerts

Also, the Status field on the Course Request page will be updated with the parents' response, date and time. The button also becomes available again if further changes are made and approval is needed again. 


Reporting Course Request Approvals

The students' Course Requests can be printed from the Course Requests/Schedule page using the ‘Print Course Requests’ button. This will print a report with the approving parents' information. If the parent declined the approval, a blank signature line will be printed.

The Print Course Request report can also be printed for multiple students from View All Reports > Scheduling > Student Course Requests for All Students. One or many students can be printed using the options. Any Course Requests that have not been approved - either no response from the parent or the parent declined - will print with a blank signature line if the option is selected.


Viewing the status of parent approvals

  • Using the My Action Alerts page, a Counselor can filter by status or other data.
  • Using Query to find the status of the Approval Requests and print as a report.


This query can also be used to KEEP the students with the desired status prior to printing the Student Course Requests for All Students report.

KEEP STU DAA IF DAA.PG = 100019193 AND ( DAA.ST = A OR DAA.ST = R OR DAA.ST = ' ' )