

Before Running the Rollover

New Year Rollover Settings

After the Rollover


The Aeries New Year Rollover is the process of closing out the current school year and preparing for the next school year. Certain data is rolled from the current year database into the next year database according to various district and school settings. The process is initiated from the current year database and performed for the entire district.

IMPORTANT:  It is crucial that all data be finalized as much as possible in the prior year before rolling over. Once the Rollover has completed and been verified, all users should immediately start using the next year database. Any changes subsequently made to data in the prior year must be manually updated in the next year. 


Table/Program AreaPermission Description
New Year RolloverReadView Settings tab
View School Based Fields tab
Run reports on Processes tab
UpdateView and update Settings tab
Push to Other Schools button
Run reports on Processes tab
AdminFull access
View and edit Settings tab
Push to Other Schools button
Run reports on Processes tab
Initiate the Rollover
Rollover Settings (ROL)UpdateChange button (edit mode)
Push to Other Schools button

NOTE: For hosted customers, only Aeries support staff can edit the Settings tab and initiate the Rollover.

Before Running the Rollover

The following steps should be completed in the current year database unless otherwise noted.

Database and Technical Requirements

  • Ensure Aeries is completely up to date for the district.

Self-Hosted Customers:

  • Create the database for the next school year in SQL Server Management Studio. 
    • The new database must have the same Database Suffix as the current year database, with the year increased by one (e.g., DST24000EagleUSD). 
    • From New Year Rollover page on the Processes tab, click the Download SQLModel.sql button to download the most recent SQLModel database structure. 
    • Run the SQLModel script against the new database to create the table structure.
    • IMPORTANT: DO NOT log on to the next year database in AdminCS prior to running the Rollover. Using the latest SqlModel.sql file is sufficient to create all the tables and other objects in the next year database.
      NOTE: SqlModel.sql will make all available tables in the next year database ID-based tables, which is a prerequisite for running the Rollover.

  • Ensure that the administrator performing the Rollover has the Database Owner (DBO) user name and password.
    NOTE: This SQL login level is necessary because the Rollover entails copying more than just data (e.g., security and table definitions).

    Minimum login requirements:
    • Member of the db_owner database role on both the current and next year databases
    • Has ALTER ANY LOGIN server-level permission

Using a login that is a member of the sysadmin fixed server role is one way to guarantee that permissions are adequate.

  • For districts that use custom SQL modules, if any SQL modules belong to a custom schema or contain references to objects in custom schemas, the database administrator must create the schemas and their objects in the next year database prior to starting the Rollover in order for those modules to be copied. The Rollover will not create custom schemas.

Complete Grading

Complete End-of-Year Processes



Complete End-of-Year State Reporting



Confirm District-Wide Dates

Confirm the following:

  • Last day of current school year
  • First day of upcoming school year
  • Dates to re-open parent/student/teacher portals
  • Dates to hide/show scheduling and teacher information to students. See the After the Rollover section below.

Confirm Summer School Dates & Information

Determine if summer school will be run in the current year, next year, or separate database. See Summer School Process.

  • If running summer school in Aeries, confirm the following:
    • School codes for summer schools
    • Term start/end dates
    • Third-party programs used during summer school

  • If running Data Confirmation during summer, confirm the following:
    • Date when Data Confirmation opens
    • Date for the Do NOT close AUT if Status Date is After option. Authorization records updated after this date are not closed. See Data Confirmation.

  • On Portal Options:
    • If using Data Confirmation, set the Use eligibility guidelines for next year instead of this year option to indicate if you are using current year or next year guidelines for USDA Income Eligibility for the Income Survey. See Parent Data Confirmation Setup. If set, this option should be cleared after the Rollover.

Clean Up Database

On Administrative Functions, run the following utilities to clean up the database:

  • Database Cleanup 
  • Launch Fix ENR Process
  • Force Cascading DEL Tags

See Administrative Functions.

Sync or Lock Fields

On Define Fields to Sync/Lock, review fields in the Student Data (STU), Secondary Student Data (SUP), and Supplemental (SSD) tables and identify fields that should be synced or locked. See Define Fields to Sync/Lock.

  • Syncing a field ensures data automatically stays the same between the student's active record and pre-enrollment record at another school.
  • Locking a field prevents users at the new school from changing important data. If locked, the field is read-only at the next school and cannot be changed.

Add Custom Tables

On Define Custom Tables:

  • Ensure custom tables and fields have been added if needed for next year.

Update Codes

On Update Code Table

  • Add the code and name for any new schools for the upcoming year (LOC.CD, LOC.NM).
  • Update any district-level code tables for next year as needed.
  • Update any school-level code tables for next year as needed.

Manage School Changes for Next Year

On School Options (district):

  • Use the Next School (STU.NS) is the next grade-level, not next matriculation-level option to indicate if the student's Next School field is used to hold the student's next year school (recommended). If disabled, Next School is only considered when the student completes the highest grade level at the school. In this case, the Next School field will be be set to 0 when there is no school for the student to matriculate to.

On School Options:

  • Add new schools that will be opening next year. See Adding a New School in Aeries.

  • Ensure that an Inactive school is set up. Typically the school ID is 999.

  • If adding grade levels at any school, change the Low Grade and High Grade fields in the current school year.
    NOTE: If removing grade levels at any school, the Low Grade and High Grade  fields should be adjusted in the next school year (after the Rollover).

  • Verify the Low Grade and High Grade (LOC.LO and LOC.HI) for the district and each school.
    • High Grade should never be above 12, even if using higher grade levels for Special Ed, Adult Ed or other students. Using grade 12 with a Next Grade of 13 ensures that the graduating seniors are dropped during the Rollover.
    • Exception: A school's High Grade can be above 12 if the Low Grade is also above 12 (e.g., Adult Ed with grade-range of 15-15). 
    • For students whose grade level is above 13, STU.GR is copied to Next Grd (STU.NG), unless the Do Not Bump Grade option is selected for that grade level on New Year Rollover; otherwise, they will roll over with the same grade level.

On Graduation Requirements:

Enter Student Information for Next Year

  • The following query allows you to list and verify retained students and returning seniors, including non-completers:

    The query lists students by current grade level whose Status is blank and grade level is "No grade level," including the student's school number, first and last name, ID, current grade level, next grade level, current school, next school, and status.


  • The following query allows you to verify that schools have set up their pre-enrolled students with the correct next grade and that there is an asterisk (*) in the Status (STU.TG) field.

    The query lists students by current grade level whose Status is Pre-enrolled, including the student's school number, first and last name, ID, current grade level, next grade level, current school, next school, and status.


On Transcripts:

  • Check Credit Compl (STU.CC) for all seniors and determine if any students will need to be retained in 12th grade.

On Demographics:

Texas users, see Texas - End-of-Year Processes.

  • Enter the Next Schl field for all students (STU.NS), including returning students.
    • Use the current school or blank for students who are returning.
    • Use the next school if the student is moving to a different school within the district.
    • Use the Inactive school for students who are leaving the district. 
    • NOTE: Pre-enrolled students will roll into the school where the pre-enrolled record is created, unless the Copy Pre-Enrolled Students from This School to their Next School option is enabled on New Year Rollover.
    • Inactive students who are not active or pre-enrolled at another school will roll to the Inactive school regardless of the Next Schl field, unless the Bypass the Copy to Inactive School Process option is enabled on New Year Rollover.
    • The following query allows you to verify that STU.NS is populated with the school the student will be attending next year, even if the student is returning to the same school.

      The query lists students by Next Schl whose Status is blank and whose current school is not the same as the next school, and whose next grade level is greater than the current grade level, including the student's school number, first and last name, ID, current grade level, next grade level, current school, next school, and status.


      (where X is the highest grade level for that school)

  • Enter the Next Grd field for all students (STU.NG).
    • Typically the field is increased by 1 from the current Grade field (STU.GR).
    • For students who should not roll over, such as seniors, set Next Grd to the highest grade level at the school plus 1.
      • At a 9-12 school, any student whose Next Grd is 13 will not roll over.
      • At a K-8 school, any student whose Next Grd is 9 will not roll over.

    • The following query allows you to verify that STU.NG is increased by one from the current Grade field to ensure that non-retained students will roll over correctly.

      The query lists students by current grade level whose Status is blank and whose next grade level is not equal to the current grade level plus 1, including the student's school number, first and last name, ID, current grade level, next grade level, current school, next school, and status.

      LIST STU SN LN FN ID GR NG SC NS TG BY GR IF TG = " " AND NG # (( GR + 1 ))

  • Pre-enrolled students should have an asterisk (*) in the Status field (STU.TG).

  • Verify the Next Teacher/Next Counselor (STU.NT) is set correctly for students who are assigned a teacher/counselor for the upcoming school year. 
    • Elementary schools use Teacher.
    • Secondary schools use Counselor.

  • Verify the Next Trk (STU.NTR) is set correctly for students who are assigned a track for the upcoming school year.

  • The following query allows you to verify Next Teacher/Counselor and Next Trk:

    The query lists students by next grade, next teacher/counselor, and next track whose Status is blank or Pre-enrolled, including the student's school number, first and last name, ID, current grade level, next grade level, current school, next school, next teacher/counselor, current teacher/counselor, current track, and next year track.


  • If any of the following will be used during the Rollover, verify the values:
    • Next Grid Code (STU.NGC)
    • Next Elig Code (STU.NSP)
    • Next Prg 1, 2 (STU.NP1, STU.NP2)
    • Next ResSchl (STU.NRS)
    • Next Attr Code (STU.NIT)
    • Next ResDist (STU.NTD)

The following query allows you to verify the student "Next" fields. Add the BY….IF….statements below the queries if needed:


  • Verify Next School of Residence
  • Verify Next Inter/Intra District Transfer
  • Verify Next Programs
  • Verify Next Grid Code
  • Verify Next Track (STU.NTR)

Run Pre-Rollover Reports

Several reports should be run before initiating the Rollover. See the New Year Rollover Settings > Processes Tab section below.

Additional Checklists

New Year Rollover Settings

Data is rolled from the current year database to the next year database according to settings on the New Year Rollover page.

NOTE: Only self-hosted customers can update settings and push settings to other schools

For all other users, the Change and Push to Other Schools buttons are not displayed. Instead, the Informational section is displayed with Approve and Disapprove buttons allowing database administrators to verify and approve settings.

For self-hosted customers only:

  • Click Change to modify the setting for any fields.
  • After making selections, click Push to Other Schools if the school-based settings should be be applied to any other schools. A pop-up window opens allowing you to select specific schools.

District Wide Settings

Under New Year Rollover Settings - District Wide:

Clear existing District Asset Assignments (DRA)
  • If selected: District asset data in the District Resource Assignments (DRA) table is cleared.
  • If not selected: All DRA data is copied.
Increment credit requirements in Graduation Requirements (REQ)This option is available when the Graduation Requirements table contains a Subject Area code with different credit requirements value for each grade level.

  • If selected: The credit requirements are incremented.
  • If not selected: The current year credit requirements are retained.
Copy next year's schools to current year in Streets (STR)This option is available when the Street Next School (STR.N#) fields are different than the Street School fields (STR.G#) in the Street table (STR).

  • If selected: STR.N# is copied to STR.G#.
  • If not selected: STR.G# is blank in the next year database.
Only copy the latest set of Gradebook Backups (GBB)
  • If selected: Only the current year backup of each gradebook in the Gradebook Backups (GBB) table is copied.
  • If not selected: All GBB records are copied.
Only copy the most recent Student Photo (PIC)
  • If selected: Only the most recent photo for each student in the Student Pictures (PIC) table is copied.
  • If not selected: All PIC records are copied.
Bypass Teacher Briefcase Files (TFL)
  • If selected: The Teacher Briefcase Files (TFL) records from last year are NOT copied.
  • If not selected: All TFL records are copied.

If files are associated with specific assignments, the option is typically selected.
Bypass Student Backpack Files (SFL)
  • If selected: The Student Backpack Files (SFL) records from last year are NOT copied.
  • If not selected: All SFL records are copied.
If files are associated with specific assignments, the option is typically selected.
Bypass Medical Log (MED)
  • If selected: The Medical Log (MED) records from last year are NOT copied.
  • If not selected: All MED records are copied.
NOTE: Medical log does not include Immunization or medical history data.
Bypass Attendance Notes (ATN)
  • If selected: The Attendance Notes (ATN) records from last year are NOT copied. 
  • If not selected: All ATN records are copied.
The option is typically selected when the notes are specific to the school year.
Bypass Free and Reduced Meals (FRE)
  • If selected: The Free and Reduced Meals (FRE) records from last year are NOT copied.
  • If not selected: All FRE records are copied.
Copy only outstanding Fees (FEE)
  • If selected: Only the outstanding Fees and Fines (FEE) records from last year are copied.
  • If not selected: All FEE records are copied.
Increment Staff Years in Service (STF)
  • If selected: The Time in Service fields in the Staff Demographic Information table are updated for all staff, including Years of Educational Service (STF.TYS), Years in District (STF.TYD), and Year Incremented (STF.DYI).

    This is the same function that occurs when you click the Update Totals button on the Staff page.

  • If not selected: The current year values are copied.
Update Student Group Staff/StudentsIf selected:
  • Inactive and matriculating students are removed from Student Groups. 
  • Inactive staff assigned to Student Groups are removed.

If not selected:
  • Student Groups are copied with all inactive students, staff, and matriculating students.
Database Administrator Options
Enable SQL Query StoreIf selected:
  • SQL Query Store automatically captures a history of queries, plans, and runtime statistics, and retains these for review.
  • SQL Server 2016 or later is required.
Enable Compression to Improve IO PerformanceIf selected:
  • Read-Only (RO) Compression is enabled on LOG tables.
  • SQL Server 2016 or later is required, or SQL Server 2008-2014 Enterprise or Developer Editions.
NOTE: Compression causes a small increase in CPU usage on the SQL Server.
Copy custom SQL modules
  • If selected: Custom SQL modules are copied, which is recommended for districts that have extensively customized their Aeries SQL database.

    See About Copying Custom SQL Modules below.

  • If not selected: Custom SQL modules are not copied.
Close out open Authorizations (AUT)
  • If selected: A date must be entered on the Authorizations page in the End Date field (AUT.EED) that will be used to close out any open Authorization (AUT) records.
    • For schools that have parents start the Data Confirmation process prior to the Rollover, entering a date in Do NOT Close AUT if Status Date is After will prevent closing of new authorizations that have been updated in latest Data Confirmation, but close out the last year authorizations.
    • BIL/ESL Placement authorizations (AUT.TY = 4) will NOT be closed out, as they are not year-based.
  • If not selected: The current year values are copied.
Close out open Programs (PGM)

About Copying Custom SQL Modules

  • Custom SQL modules include objects defined in the sys.sql_modules system catalog, which includes objects such as functions, stored procedures, triggers, and views. 
  • CLR objects and assemblies are not copied.
  • Th Copy custom SQL modules option is not required in order to copy student-related custom tables that are identified in the CTD table. That happens automatically and includes table definition, primary key, foreign key, indexes, check constraints, triggers, and MS_Description extended properties where applicable. 
  • If a custom View is located in the CTD table, the View definition is automatically copied, regardless of the Copy custom SQL modules setting.
  • The Rollover will not create custom schemas. If any SQL modules belong to a custom schema or contain references to objects in custom schemas, the schema(s) and their objects must already be created in the next year database prior to starting the Rollover in order for those modules to be copied.
  • The Rollover attempts to copy Extended Properties of custom SQL modules if they exist. Various factors outside Aeries' control can prevent certain modules from copying successfully. For example, if the module definition references a separate database or linked server that is not accessible at the time the script is executed, the module will not be created successfully.
  • The Rollover ignores errors encountered while copying custom SQL modules. Aeries does not attempt to report these errors to the administrator running the Rollover.
  • Aeries cannot guarantee that all custom SQL modules will be copied successfully. It is the responsibility of the database administrator to verify the existence of these modules in the next year database.

Inactive School Settings

Under New Year Rollover Settings - Inactive School:

Students who are not rolled to a valid school will be added to the Inactive school with the spe Inactive School Code and Status Tag fields, unless Bypass the Copy to Inactive School Process is selected.

Bypass the Copy to Inactive School Process
  • If selected: Students who are not active or pre-enrolled at another school are NOT copied to the Inactive school regardless of Next Schl.
  • If not selected: Students who are not active or pre-enrolled at another school are copied to the Inactive school regardless of Next Schl.
Inactive School CodeType the three-digit code for the Inactive school.
Status TagType the Status Tag code that will be assigned to any active students who are moved to the Inactive school. Typically, the code is "Z", but any unused value is acceptable. If a rollover code is not present in your database, you can add it by going to the Update Code Table page and select "STU" for the table code and "TG" for the field code. It's important to include an applicable description like "Post-Rollover Issue", "Rollover", etc.
Copy Graduates into the Inactive School
  • If selected: Graduating students with Next Grd (STU.NG) 13 are rolled to the Inactive school (not recommended).
  • If not selected: Graduating students with Next Grd (STU.NG) 13 remain in the prior year.

School Based Settings

Under New Year Rollover Settings - School Based:


  • Be sure that each school is updated with the appropriate rollover settings for that particular school.
  • The Inactive school does not need special School Based Rollover settings configured, with the exception of the Only copy Student records under 25 years of age option. All other School Based settings are ignored when a student is copied to the Inactive school.

Do NOT Copy Student Records from This School
  • If selected: Student records in the selected school are not processed. This option is typically selected for schools that are set up as after-school programs or summer schools where students are actively enrolled in both this school and in their regular school.
  • If not selected: All student records in the selected school are processed.
Bypass Master Schedule (MST)
  • If selected: Master Schedule (MST) records from last year are NOT copied. The option is typically selected when master schedule changes are expected or when using Scheduling Master Schedule.
  • If not selected: All MST records are copied.
Bypass Student Sections (SEC)
  • If selected: Sections (Student Class Schedules) (SEC) records from last year are NOT copied. The option is typically selected when using Scheduling Master Schedule, when Bypass Master Schedule is selected. or when Bypass Updating Scheduled Processes is selected.
  • If not selected: All SEC records are copied.
Clear existing Textbook Assignments
  • If selected: The textbook assignment fields in the Textbook Copies (TBC) table from last year are NOT copied. 
  • If not selected: All TBC records are copied.
Change New Students Enter Date
  • If a date is entered: When a student is added to a new school in the next year database, the student's Enter Date (STU.ED) will be updated to this date.
    NOTE:  If Use Schools New Year Start Date when populated is selected in conjunction with this option, this date is also used when the school’s Next Year Start Date (LOC.NSD) is blank.
  • If blank: The student's current year STU.ED is retained.
Use Schools Next Year Start Date when populated
  • If selected: The school’s Next Year Start Date (LOC.NSD) on School Options is used to populate the student’s Enter Date (STU.ED) for students that are added to a new school in the next year database.
  • If not selected: student's current year STU.ED is retained.
Copy Next Grade to Grade, add 1 to Next GradeIf selected:
  • STU.NG is copied to STU.GR.
  • STU.NG is copied to STU.NG and incremented by 1.
If not selected: The current year STU.GR and STU.NG are retained.
Do NOT Bump Grades    14    15    16    17
  • For selected grade levels: If a student's current grade level (STU.GR) is equal to a selected grade, the current grade is increased by 1.
  • If not selected: The current year STU.GR is retained.
Only copy Student (STU) records under 25 years of age
  • If selected: Students 25 years and older are NOT copied to this school, including Inactive schools.
    NOTE: The maximum age is customizable; the default age is 25. 
  • If not selected: All students are copied.
Keep the same Locker assignments
  • If selected: The existing locker number is retained in the next year database.
  • If not selected: The locker number is cleared in the next year database.
Keep Secondary CounselorsApplies only to secondary schools.
  • If selected: STU.CU is retained in the next year database.
  • If not selected: STU.CU is cleared in the next year database.
Copy Next Teacher to Teacher (elementary only)Applies only to elementary schools.
  • If selected: STU.NT is copied to STU.CU.
  • If not selected: STU.CU is cleared in the next year database.
Copy Next School of Residence to School of Residence
  • If selected: STU.NRS is copied to STU.RS.
  • If not selected: STU.RS is cleared in the next year database.
Copy Next Inter/Intra District to Inter/Intra District (California)
Copy Next Attr Code and ResDist to Attr Code and ResDist (Texas)
If selected:
  • STU.NIT is copied to STU.IT.
  • STU.NTD is copied to STU.ITD.
If not selected:
  • STU.IT and STU.ITD are cleared in the next year database.
Copy Next Track to Track
  • If selected: STU.NTR is copied to STU.TR.
  • If not selected: STU.TR is cleared in the next year database.
Copy Next ADA Elig Code and Program(s) to ADA Elig Code and Program(s)If selected:
  • STU.NSP is copied to STU.SP.
  • STU.NP1 is copied to STU.AP1.
  • STU.NP2 is copied to STU.AP2.
If not selected:
  • STU.SP and STU.AP1 and STU.AP2 are cleared in the next year database.
Copy Next Grid Code to Grid Code
  • If selected: Any non-blank STU.NGC is copied to STU.GC.
  • If not selected: STU.GC is cleared in the next year database.
Copy Pre-Enrolled Students from This School to their Next School
  • If selected: Students pre-enrolled at this school are copied to the school defined in Next School, as long as the Next School is valid for the student's Next Grd.
  • If not selected: Students pre-enrolled at this school are retained at this school.

School Based Fields Tab

The tab lists any fields that have been designated in the Code table (COD) as school-based, as indicated on Update Code Tables page. On Update Code Tables, the Use School-Based Codes for this field option is displayed for certain custom fields, including:

  • User Code fields from school-based tables
  • Text field in SUP
  • Any text field in a school-based custom table

See Update Code Table.

When Use School-Based Codes for this field option is selected for a particular table-field, that field will be listed on the New Year Rollover > School Based Fields tab. Any student data in these fields will be cleared during the Rollover if the student's record is moved to a different school. 

  • Under School Based Field Counts by Table, all tables that contain any school-based fields are listed with the count of school-based fields in each table.
  • Under School Based Fields by Table, the school-based fields for each table are listed.

Processes Tab

Once all prerequisite steps are completed, the Processes tab is used to run the Rollover. The tab provides the reports and processes necessary to run the Rollover and guides users through the steps.

Hosted Aeries customers will see the following page because most rollover steps are handled by the Aeries support team. Otherwise, see below.

Administrative Functions

This section is only displayed for self-hosted clients, because this service is provided by the Aeries support team for hosted clients.

Under Administrative Functions, the dates on which maintenance functions were last run from the Administrative Functions page is displayed. Dates more than seven days old are red. 

Confirm that all necessary functions have been performed as needed. 


Under Pre-Rollover, the reports that must be run prior to the Rollover are listed, along with the date the report was last run.

  • Pre-Rollover Audit Listing Report - Run in the current year database in order to locate errors in student records that could cause potential rollover issues. See Pre-Rollover Audit Listing Report.
  • Table Record Counts (Pre) Report - Once all records are cleaned up, run the report in the current year database. The report displays a record count for every table in the Aeries database.

    Once the Rollover is completed, the report should be run again. (See the Post-Rollover section below.) Compare the two reports to determine if the appropriate counts of records were copied from the current year to the next year.


Under Rollover, the fields for setting up the process are displayed, as well as the Start Rollover button.

Indicate the following:

Download SqlModel.sql (button)Click Download SqlModel.sql to create the next year database using SQL Server Management Studio using the same database suffix as the current year database (DST23000Texas).

Run SqlModel.sql against the newly created database.

See the Before Running Rollover > Database and Technical Requirements section above.
DBO User Name/PasswordThe user name and password for the database owner, who is the user responsible for managing administrative tasks related to a SQL Server database.
Bypass Updating Scheduled Processes only if testing the rollover
  • If selected, the Rollover is in testing mode, allowing users to test the Rollover process without updating the AeriesReporting next year database.
  • If not selected, the Rollover is live and live data is changed.
Keep Google Integration active in the current yearIf selected:
  • The current year Google Integration remains active for districts that use it during summer school.  
  • The GAFE_ApiPrivateKeyFileName (DPT) record is left alone.
  • ScheduledProcesses (e.g., 'Google%') are not rolled over.
  • NOTE: When selected for the current year during the Rollover, the Google Apps Integration page in the next year will also show an active connection, because the Google Sync in the Reporting server is active, but it is syncing the current year only. See Managing Google Integration Settings during Rollover.

If not selected:
  • The GAFE_ApiPrivateKeyFileName (DPT) record is disabled in the current year.
  • ScheduledProcesses are rolled over.

The option is disabled if Bypass Updating Scheduled Processes is selected.

Keep Livingtree syncing active in the current yearIf selected:
  • ScheduledProcesses (e.g., 'EdBacker%' OR 'LivingTree%') are not rolled over.
  • The EdBacker DPT record is left alone.

If not selected:
  • ScheduledProcesses are rolled over.
  • The EdBacker DPT record is updated as follows:
    UPDATE DPT SET CD = 'False' WHERE CD = 'True' AND NM LIKE 'Edbacker'

The option is disabled if Bypass Updating Scheduled Processes is selected.

Lockout All Users
  • If selected: A lockout security restriction is applied for the duration of the Rollover. This prevents non-admin users from logging in to Aeries, but it does NOT terminate sessions for users who are already logged in. See Enable Temporary Security Restrictions.
  • If not selected: the security restriction is not applied.

Start Rollover

Click the Start Rollover button. 

  • You are prompted to confirm that you want to start the Rollover. Click Yes to continue.
    • The page is refreshed, and the DBO user name and password are cleared. 
    • A message is displayed indicating that an email message will be sent when the Rollover has completed.
    • A message is displayed indicating the Rollover start time.

  • When completed:
    • An email is sent to the admin once the Rollover has completed.
    • The completion date and time are displayed on the Processes tab.


Under Post-Rollover, the reports that must be run upon completion of the Rollover are listed. The reports should be run from the outgoing current year database, after the Rollover is completed. These reports automatically look at the next year database as needed; this allows the reports to be generated even before the next year database has been added to the Aeries connections config file.

  • Missing Students Report - Run the report to compare the next year database to the current year database and view a list of all students who are not in the next year database.

    If all students rolled from the current year database to the next year database, the report should have zero students listed. Review all students listed on the report and complete any steps needed to add these students to the next year database.

    NOTE: If Bypass the Copy to Inactive School Process option was selected when running the Rollover, the Missing Students Report may have many students listed.

  • Table Record Counts (Post) - Once the Rollover is complete, run the report to obtain a record count for every table in the Aeries database. The counts should be compared to the Table Record Counts (Pre) report to determine if the appropriate counts of records were copied from the current year to the next year.

After the Rollover

Rollover Changes

  • The District Options Table (DPT) settings revert to pre-rollover settings.

  • The School Supplemental (SUP) and District Supplemental (DSD) SQL definitions are copied.

  • SQL definitions for student-related custom tables in the Custom Table Definitions (CTD) table are copied. This also occurs if the CTD record represents a View in SQL. For custom tables, the primary key, foreign key, indexes, check constraints, triggers, and MS_Description extended properties are copied if they exist.
    • When a table is defined in the CTD table, but does not actually exist on the SQL database, the rollover process bypasses the table.
  • User-defined schemas, tables, views, and related objects will roll over to the new year. 
    • This includes additional schemas other than "dbo".
  • Data in non-student-related tables (e.g., LOC, TCH, CRS, STF, COD and many others) is copied.
    • Some tables (e.g., DRA, REQ, STR, GBB, TFL, SFL, MST) have a specific Rollover setting that determines how that table is processed or if its records are copied at all.
    • Scheduling totals are cleared in the TCH and MST tables. These totals can be recomputed after the Rollover by running the Master Schedule report in the next year database. Scheduling totals for SMS are recomputed automatically during the Rollover.

      NOTE: Non-student-related custom tables are NOT copied. Both the table definitions and the data must be copied separately by the database administrator if these tables are needed in the next year database.

  • Data in the Student ID Numbers (IDN) table and all tables related to IDN (except STU) is copied.
    NOTE: Data in custom tables that have a foreign key relationship to IDN is copied automatically. These must be defined in Custom Table Definitions (CTD). If the table should not be copied forward it should be dropped, or it should have the foreign key constraint to IDN removed and should not be defined in CTD at all.

  • Student (STU) records and STU-related records (e.g., SSD, SUP) are rolled over based on the Rollover settings and in the following sequence:

    • All pre-enrolled students (status tag = *) are copied to the school in which they are pre-enrolled regardless of the Next School (STU.NS) value, and these students are activated, keeping their school-based Student Number (STU.SN), unless the Copy Pre-Enrolled Students from This School to their Next School is selected. Therefore, it is critical to manage pre-enrolled records effectively prior to initiating the Rollover.

    • All active students that are NOT moving to a different school are copied to their same school as long as their Next Grade (STU.NG) is valid for that school, keeping their school-based Student Number (STU.SN).

      NOTE: If a student has multiple active records (e.g., concurrent enrollment), it is possible for multiple records to be copied forward to different schools.

    • All active students who are moving to a different school are copied to their Next School (STU.NS) as long as their Next Grade (STU.NG) is valid for that school. A student is NOT copied to the same school more than once. If STU.NS is blank, the student is copied into their current school.

    • All students that have NOT yet been copied to any school are copied to the Inactive school unless the Bypass the Copy to Inactive School Process option was selected.

      NOTE: Students with Next Grade (STU.NG) = 13 are never copied (not even to the Inactive school). Students with Next Grade greater than the district High Grade (e.g., 8th grade completers in a K-8 district) also are not copied. However, students in the special grades 14-18 are exceptions and copy regardless of the district High Grade.

      NOTE: Data in custom tables that have a foreign key relationship to STU are copied automatically after each STU record is copied.

  • If the option to Copy Custom SQL Modules was selected, those modules are copied next.

  • Security is copied, including Aeries security (e.g., UGN, UGA, UGP, etc.) and SQL Server security (database users and roles).

    • The User and Group Name table (UGN) will bypass any user who has not logged in within the past calendar year; these users will not have an account in the new year.

    • Temporary substitute teacher accounts "teachersub" are bypassed.

  • The Number of Bullying Incidents and Number of Cyber Bullying Incidents values will be cleared. 
  • For schools converting to Flex Scheduling for the first time: On Scheduling Setup, if Use Staff-Section Association instead of Teacher Numbers(TN) with SMS sections is selected during the Rollover, the Use Staff in Sections field on School Options is enabled in the next year database.

  • The Portal Options end dates for Parent Data Confirmation process are automatically set to the day before the rollover is run, effectively closing the year in the current year database. The Parent Portal will remain open in the new year database.

  • (Texas only) On the Staff page, the TIA Cred Yr - TIA Creditable Year of Service field is cleared in the next year.

  • (Texas only) On the Demographics page, Student Census Block and the Truancy Indicator field are cleared in the new year with the exception of students in the Inactive school.

  • (Texas only) The Truant Date Met field on the Student Data 2 tab (STU.TDM) is cleared in the next year when the Truancy Indicator field was a 'Y' in the previous year.

  • (California only) On the Courses page, California Specific Fields tab, the New State Course Code (CRS.NC3) is moved to State Course Code (CRS.C3) if populated. These fields are used when state course codes are transitioning from one school to the next.