



Scheduling Process Dashboard

Scheduling Reports

Copy Scheduling Results to MST/SEC

Converting to Flex Scheduling or Section Staff Only Next Year (Information Only)


An elementary school has the ability to use a master schedule next year and can begin the scheduling process during the previous school year instead of waiting until the new school year is created.

In the Elementary school, navigate to Scheduling Process > Configurations > Scheduling Setup. 

To activate the Scheduling tables, select Scheduling Students into classes for next school year, using their grade level next year.

NOTE: Elementary and Elementary w/MST Schools cannot use Section Staff at this time!


Scheduling Master (SMS) Read
View SMS page
Add new sections
Update sections
Delete section records 
Course Requests (SSS) Read
View Course Requests
Add Course Requests
Update Course Requests
Delete Course Requests
Course (CRS)

Permissions to this table should be assigned conservatively. 
View Course Information
Add Courses
Edit Course Information
Delete Courses


The following documentation will give continued guidance on scheduling with a master schedule.



The Scheduling Master Schedule (SMS) will be used to build the master schedule for next year. The Course Requests page (SSS) is used to enter the student's classes for the upcoming school year.

Scheduling Master (SMS)
Build the SMS table using the SMS Board. In SMS Board, use the SMS Builder to add courses to the SMS table.
Course Requests (SSS)
Use the Mass Add Course Requests form to mass add classes to the student's schedule.
Courses (CRS)
Ensure that all courses being offered to students are contained within the course table.

To begin with the initialization process:

  • Select Scheduling students into classes for the next school year, using their grade level next year
  • Select any Scheduling Options if necessary
  • Select Blank out the SSS table
  • Select Blank out the SMS table.
    • Selecting these options will create an empty Scheduling Master Schedule table also known as SMS which is used to build out your Master Schedule for next year and will create an empty Course Requests page which is also used for scheduling student courses.
  • Click Initialize Scheduling button to start the process. An email will be sent to the user upon completion of this initialization process.

Scheduling Process Dashboard  

The Scheduling Process Dashboard has several tabs with pages and reports available when scheduling for next year using a Scheduling Master Schedule. These pages and reports are now available for all school types including Elementary schools.

Many scheduling pages and reports will display in the dashboard and will be available to use for all elementary and flex elementary schools. These reports are generated from data that is contained within the Scheduling Master Schedule (SMS) and Course Requests (SSS) tables.

Scheduling Reports  

Aeries has a wide array of reports to support the elementary primary class scheduling process. Many reports can be printed from the Scheduling Process Dashboard or the View All Reports area in Navigation.

For elementary schools that do not currently use a Master Schedule but are scheduling next year using a master schedule, the option to select SMS or MST will not display when accessing reports. These reports will only print from the SMS since a Master Schedule (MST) does not exist.

A few examples of available reports include:

Students with More or Less than N Periods

Scheduling Master Schedule Report sorted by Course and Period

Copy Scheduling Results to MST/SEC  

After the rollover when scheduling is complete, the Scheduling Master Schedule table (SMS) is rolled over to the Master Schedule table (MST) using Copy Scheduling Results to MST/SEC. This process is outlined in the scheduling documentation and is available in the Scheduling Process Dashboard. For more information regarding the copy results process, see Copy Scheduling Results documentation.

Converting to Flex Scheduling or Section Staff Only Next Year (Information Only)

If the school is intending to use Flex Scheduling or Section Staff, the following document can be followed.

Convert to Flex Scheduling 

Convert to Section Staff Only 

NOTE: The Section Staff feature is only available for schools configured with a school type of either 'Flexible' or 'Secondary'. 
Elementary and Elementary w/MST setups DO NOT support the Section Staff only feature and this process will not properly convert the Teacher data (TCH) to Section Staff (SSM).