Attendance Reports/Pages  

Grade Reports/Pages 

Other Reports/Pages  

Student Reports/Pages  

Testing Reports/Pages  


The following page will provide information on reports or pages that have been converted for Flex Elementary, will be converted for Flex Elementary or no changes are necessary.

Attendance Reports/Pages  

CompleteReport NameStatusCompletion DateNotes/Links
Absence Verification Letter
No changes necessary

Absence Verification Worksheets2024/Q3
See user voice idea.

Attendance Audit ListingDe-prioritized
Hiding Teacher column
Attendance Letter to ParentsCompleted7/23/2021Aeries Letters - The various letter reports now support PRIMARYTEACHERNAME and PRIMARYTEACHERID as "Mail-Merge Fields" for schools that track primary classes.
Attendance NotesNo changes necessary

Attendance Notes Usage AnalysisDe-prioritized
Adding Teacher Section Selection Control
Attendance Submission LogCompleted9/3/2021This report has been adjusted to support schools that are Tracking Primary Classes.
 Attendance Log ReportCompleted12/8/2022The report now supports Flex Scheduling where Primary Class Tracking is used in flex Daily schools.
Class List By SectionCompleted7/9/2021This report has been adjusted to support primary class tracking. The report options has also been updated to use a section selector.
Class RostersCompleted6/24/2021
Classes and Days With N or More StudentsNo changes necessary

Classroom Photo / Seating ChartNo changes necessary

Course Attendance AuditNo changes necessary

Daily Absence List/4 WeeksCompleted7/9/2021This report will be available for all types of Daily Attendance Schools, it used to be just for elementary.

Daily Attendance Record For All Students2025
Hide Teacher Number/Name
Daily Attendance ReportCompleted10/14/2021This report has been adjusted to support schools that are Tracking Primary Classes.
Daily Attendance SummaryCompleted7/7/2021This report has been adjusted to support Flex Scheduling and Section Staff Schools.  Specifically, the Sort by Teacher option was adjusted.
Daily Enrollment/ Dates (CSR)Completed05/12/2022For Primary Class Tracking schools, the report now prints the primary teachers for each student.
Daily Enrollment By ClassNo changes necessary

Daily Enrollment By Month (CSR)Completed5/12/2022The report now supports Primary Class Tracking.
Daily Enrollment By SectionNo changes necessary

 Daily Enrollment By TeacherCompleted5/12/2022

For Primary Class Tracking schools, options were added for printing Narrow, Wide, and For One Month. 

The primary teacher name and staff ID are now displayed at the top of the report below the teacher name. 

The report is now visible in Aeries navigation. 

Daily Enrollment by Date (CSR)Completed5/12/2022

For Primary Class Tracking schools, the report now prints the primary teachers for each student. 

For Primary Class Tracking schools, the report is now visible in Aeries navigation. 

 Daily Present By SectionNo changes necessary

Daily Present By Teacher/MonthCompleted03/29/2022The report now supports schools that track primary classes.
Enrollment By Class GradeCompleted8/5/2021A new report has been added for Flex Scheduling Schools. This report allows users to view enrollment counts using various grouping options.
Enrollment HistoryNo changes necessary

Gain And Loss ReportCompleted
7/16/2024The report now supports Flex Scheduling for elementary daily attendance schools where Primary Class Tracking is enabled.
 Missing AttendanceCompleted09/02/2021
Monthly Attendance ReportCompleted10/14/2021This report has been adjusted to support schools that are Tracking Primary Classes. The Section Number, Course Title, and Primary Teacher name will print at the top of each page.
Monthly Attendance SummaryCompleted10/14/2021This report has been adjusted to support schools that are Tracking Primary Classes. Data will be broken down by the Primary Class Section Number. This is equivalent to the Teacher Number breakdown in traditional elementary schools.
Monthly Attendance Summary AnalysisCompleted10/14/2021This report has been adjusted to support schools that are Tracking Primary Classes
Monthly Attendance Summary TotalsNo changes necessary

 Monthly Attendance Summary/No YTD10/14/2021This report has been adjusted to support schools that are Tracking Primary Classes.
Student Absence TotalsNo changes necessary

Student AttendanceNo changes necessary

Students Absent or Tardy TodayCompleted7/9/2021This report has been updated to display teacher information for schools doing daily attendance that are also configured to use primary class tracking.
Students Continuously EnrolledNo changes necessary

Students Who Have Changed Attendance

Hide Teacher Option
Students With AbsencesCompleted04/07/2022
The report now supports sorting by Primary Teacher for schools that are Tracking Primary Classes.
Students With Consecutive AbsencesNo changes necessary

Students With Good AttendanceNo changes necessary

Students With Perfect AttendanceCompleted11/4/2021This report has been adjusted to support schools tracking Primary Classes.
Students With Unverified AbsencesCompleted7/9/2021This report has been adjusted for Primary Class Tracking. "By Teacher" option has been changed to "By Primary Class", and when selected, the teacher will be Primary class teacher.
Weekly Attendance Report by Teacher/ClassCompleted7/23/2021Adjusted for Primary Class Tracking and Secondary Daily Attendance supporting Primary ADA time.
Year to Date Attendance Report (YTD)Completed10/14/2021This report has been adjusted to support schools that are Tracking Primary Classes.

Grade Reports/Pages

CompleteReport NameStatusCompletion DateNotes/Link
Standard based Missing Mark Listing ReportCompleted12/16/2021The report now supports primary class tracking schools.
Load From Gradebook Function in SBG By Teacher PageCompleted10/7/2021The Load From Gradebook function on this page is adjusted for staff section and primary class tracking schools.
Create/Update SBG For One StudentCompleted10/1/2021This process now supports Primary Class Tracking schools. The process will update the SBG.SE instead of SBG.TN for those schools. 
Gradebook StandardsCompleted04/21/2022Modified logic to look at Staff ID.

Other Reports/Pages  

CompleteReport NameStatusCompletion DateNotes/Links
Lunch Count DataCompleted12/9/2021Flex scheduling and staff section schools are now supported.

Missing Lunch CountCompleted12/9/2021Flex scheduling and secondary schools using section staff are now supported.

Pre-Rollover Audit Listing

Hiding options not needed in Flex elementary schools

Student Reports/Pages  

CompleteReport NameStatusCompletion DateNotes/Links
 Active Students by School and GradeCompleted08/24/2023 The report now supports Flex Scheduling Primary Class Tracking.
Asset LetterCompleted7/23/2021The various letter reports now support PRIMARYTEACHERNAME and PRIMARYTEACHERID as "Mail-Merge Fields" for schools that track primary classes.
Avery 5160 LabelsCompleted07/28/2022
The reports now support Flex Scheduling, section staff, staff ID-based counselor tracking, and primary class tracking.
Avery 5160 Labels - Options pageCompleted
The reports now support Flex Scheduling, section staff, staff ID-based counselor tracking, and primary class tracking.
Avery 5160 Labels to ParentCompleted07/28/2022
The reports now support Flex Scheduling, section staff, staff ID-based counselor tracking, and primary class tracking.
Avery 5160 Labels to Parent By TeacherCompleted07/28/2022
The reports now support Flex Scheduling, section staff, staff ID-based counselor tracking, and primary class tracking.
 Avery 5160 Labels to StudentsCompleted
The reports now support Flex Scheduling, section staff, staff ID-based counselor tracking, and primary class tracking.
Avery 5160 Labels 1 Per FamilyNo changes necessary

Avery 5160 Labels by TeacherCompleted
07/28/2022The reports now support Flex Scheduling, section staff, staff ID-based counselor tracking, and primary class tracking.
Avery 5160 Labels for Birthdays By TeacherCompleted
07/28/2022The reports now support Flex Scheduling, section staff, staff ID-based counselor tracking, and primary class tracking.
Avery 5160 Labels With Student InfoNo changes necessary

Avery 5160 Labels With Student Info By TeacherCompleted
07/28/2022The reports now support Flex Scheduling, section staff, staff ID-based counselor tracking, and primary class tracking.
Avery 5160 Labels To Parent/VPCCompleted
07/28/2022The reports now support Flex Scheduling, section staff, staff ID-based counselor tracking, and primary class tracking.
Avery 5160 Return Address LabelsCompleted
07/28/2022The reports now support Flex Scheduling, section staff, staff ID-based counselor tracking, and primary class tracking.
Behavioral EmergencyNo changes necessary

Birthday ListingCompleted7/27/2021This report has been updated to support primary class tracking and Staff Id-based Counselor Tracking configurations.
CALPADS Programs Reference by StudentNo changes necessary

Data Confirmation Status2025
TBDAdding sort by option for PrimaryTchr. See uservoice idea.
Discipline Distribution ReportNo changes necessary

Emergency Student ListingCompleted12/7/2021Flex scheduling, section staff, and primary classes are now supported.

English Learner Class Percentage2025
Update Teacher and Pd to support flex

Extracurricular Activities Listing2025
TBDUpdate Teacher and Pd to support flex
Fee LetterCompleted7/23/2021The various letter reports now support PRIMARYTEACHERNAME and PRIMARYTEACHERID as "Mail-Merge Fields" for schools that track primary classes.

Fees by Student2025TBD
Graph of Total Students by Teacher
2/11/2025The report now supports Flex Scheduling schools, the Primary Class Tracking feature, and the Staff ID Based Counselor option.
Interventions by StudentNo changes necessary

Language Assessment DataNo changes necessary

Locker Assignment ErrorsNo changes necessary

Locker AssignmentsNo changes necessary

Medical ProfileNo changes necessary

Retentions by StudentNo changes necessary

 Special Ed Class ListCompleted3/2/2023
The report now supports schools using Flex Scheduling and staff-based IDs for counselors.
Student Activities And AwardsNo changes necessary

Student and Parent Email Addresses2025TBD
Student Assertive Discipline RecordNo changes necessary

Student AuthorizationsNo changes necessary

Student ContactsNo changes necessary

Student Counseling ReportNo changes necessary

Student Counts (Census Day)No changes necessary

Student Counts (Snapshot Day) - TX onlyNo changes necessary

Student Data AuditNo changes necessary

Student Data PrintoutCompleted7/15/2021Student Data Printout and Student Summons Call Slip - These reports have been adjusted for Primary Class Tracking and also to support Flexible schools and schools with Use Staff in Sections enabled.

Student Demographic Update Information2025TBD
Student Dental RecordNo changes necessary

Student DirectoryCompleted8/5/2021This report now supports primary classes as a sort option for schools tracking primary classes.
Student Disability GraphNo changes necessary

Student Discipline Report/DISNo changes necessary

Student Distribution ReportNo changes necessary

Student Document ListNo changes necessary

Student Emergency CardCompleted12/7/2021This report now supports schools using flex scheduling, section staff and primary teacher tracking.
Student EnvelopeNo changes necessary

Student Ethnic DistributionNo changes necessary

Student GroupsNo changes necessary

Student Hearing RecordNo changes necessary

Student ID CardsCompleted8/3/2021This report now supports the Flex Scheduling and Primary Class Tracking. Also, a new option has been added to hide/show "Birthday" and also a new Sort By Option of "By Teacher" has been added when "Print Teacher" or "Print Primary Teacher" option is selected.
Student Immunization CardsNo changes necessary

Student Immunization StatusNo changes necessary

Student Medical HistoryNo changes necessary

Student Medical NotesNo changes necessary

Student Medical RecordsNo changes necessary

 Student Medication LogCompleted03/24/2022The report now supports Flex scheduling and primary class tracking.
Student MedicationsNo changes necessary

Student Physical InformationNo changes necessary

Student Pictures StatusNo changes necessary

Student Program ScreeningsNo changes necessary

Student ProgramsNo changes necessary

Student Quick ContactsNo changes necessary

Student Scoliosis RecordNo changes necessary

Student Summons Call SlipCompleted7/15/2021This report has been adjusted for Primary Class Tracking and also to support Flexible schools and schools with Use Staff in Sections enabled.
Student Vision RecordNo changes necessary

Student Visitation ReportNo changes necessary

Student Withdrawal FormCompleted7/23/2021This report now supports printing in flex scheduling schools. Also, if the school tracks primary school the report will print the primary teacher when no counselor is assigned to the student.
Students Actively Enrolled in Two SchoolsNo changes necessary

Students Enrolled More Than N DaysDe-prioritized

Hide Teacher column
Students Who Changed Schools or Are In Multiple SchoolsNo changes necessary

Students With Duplicate EnrollmentNo changes necessary

Students With Duplicate ID NumbersNo changes necessary

Students With Free Or Reduced MealsNo changes necessary

Students With N or More Discipline DemeritsNo changes necessary

Students With Same NameNo changes necessary

 Students With Siblings
2025/Q12/11/2025This report has been adjusted to support Flex schools using Primary Class Tracking.

Students Without Portal Accounts2025TBD

Student and Parent Email Addresses2025TBD

Students Without Student or Parent Email Addresses2025TBD
Summary of StudentsNo changes necessary

Suspension Attendance Listing by StudentCompleted10/25/2021This report has been adjusted to support schools using Flex Scheduling.

Scheduling Reports/PagesCompleted02/24/2022Elementary schools with no Master Schedule can now fully utilize all scheduling features for Next Year (i.e., SMS scheduling). This includes many pages and reports, including Scheduling Setup and the Scheduling Process Dashboard.
Room Availability ReportNo changes Necessary

Staff ID CardsNo changes Necessary

Add/Drop ListingCompleted7/1/2021Add/Drop Listing Report - For schools Tracking Primary Classes, an indicator for Primary Class has been added to this report.
Class Load AnalysisCompleted6/29/2021The Section Selection filter has been added to the following reports: Class Load Analysis, Scheduling Class Load Analysis, and Scheduling Class Load Averages
Master ScheduleCompleted6/24/2021This report has been updated to include an option to select specific sections to print. This option also allows for the option to select only primary sections in Primary Class Tracking schools.  The primary section value will now be displayed on the report in those school types.
Master Schedule DetailsCompleted6/24/2021This report has been adjusted for Primary Class Tracking.

Prescheduling Edit ListingDe-prioritized

Scheduling Class Load AnalysisCompleted6/29/2021The Section Selection filter has been added to the following reports: Class Load Analysis, Scheduling Class Load Analysis, and Scheduling Class Load Averages
Scheduling Class Load AveragesCompleted6/29/2021The Section Selection filter has been added to the following reports: Class Load Analysis, Scheduling Class Load Analysis, and Scheduling Class Load Averages
Scheduling Master ScheduleCompleted6/24/2021This report has been updated to include an option to select sections to print. This option also allows for the option to select only primary sections in Primary Class Tracking schools.  The primary section value will now be displayed on the report in those schools.
Student Schedule ListingCompleted6/24/2021This report has been adjusted for Primary Class Tracking.

Student Schedule Listing-Wide
TBDAdd primary class visual indicator
Summary of Students By Total Classes TakenCompleted6/9/2021This report has been adjusted for Flex Scheduling.
Teacher Class SchedulesCompleted7/1/2021This report has been adjusted to display a Primary Class indicator for schools Tracking Primary Classes.
Student Class Schedule for all StudentsCompleted7/15/2021This report has been adjusted for Primary Class Tracking. The Student Class Schedule report from the Quick Print within the Student Classes page has been adjusted for Primary Class Tracking.

Student Transcript
TBDSort By Teacher option not supported for flex.
 Master Schedule Board ReportCompleted5/7/2024Enhancements
Instructional Minutes by StudentNo changes necessary

Period Totals by GradeNo changes necessary

Scheduling Conflict MatrixNo changes necessary

Scheduling Course Request AnalysisNo changes necessary

Scheduling Course Request Letter to ParentsNo changes necessary

Scheduling Course Request ListingNo changes necessary

Scheduling Course RequestNo changes necessary

Scheduling Letter to Parents (Scheduling Results Letter)No changes necessary

Scheduling Master Schedule DetailsCompleted6/24/2021This report has been adjusted for Primary Class Tracking
 Scheduling Master Schedule Board ReportCompleted5/21/2024Enhancements
Scheduling Master Schedule ErrorsNo changes necessary

Scheduling Reject Analysis ListingCompleted03/24/2022Flex Reports
Scheduling Reverse Verification ListingNo changes necessary

Staff SchedulesNot planned
Replaced by Master Schedule and Scheduling Master Schedule Board Report. Enhancements Completed 5/24
Student Course Requests for all StudentsNo changes necessary

Student Locator CardsCompleted
Adding Primary Class indictor in future story. TBD
Student Room/Section ListingNo changes necessary

Students With Double PeriodsNo changes necessary

Students With Duplicate Course RequestsNo changes necessary

Students With Incomplete Class SchedulesNo changes necessary

Students With More or Less Than N Course RequestsNo changes necessary

Students With More or Less Than N PeriodsNo changes necessary

Students With No Course RequestsNo changes necessary

Students With Unbalanced Academic WeightNo changes necessary

Summary of Students by Course and PeriodNo changes necessary

Summary of Students by Teacher and PeriodNo changes necessary

Scheduling Setup Page Access (includes reports and page)Completed02/24/2022Elementary schools with no Master Schedule can now fully utilize all scheduling features for Next Year. This includes many pages and reports.

Testing Reports/Pages  

Complete*Report Name/PageStatus
Completion DateNotes/Links
CAASPP Test ResultsNot Available
Use State Reporting
STAAR Test Results (TX Only)Not AvailableUse State Reporting
Physical Fitness Letter to ParentsCompleted
This page now supports flex scheduling schools and primary class tracking schools. 
Physical Fitness Status SummaryCompleted03/15/2022The report now supports Flex Scheduling schools and Primary Class Tracking schools.
Physical Fitness Test AnalysisCompleted3/2/2022The report now supports schools that use Flex Scheduling and primary class tracking.
 Physical Fitness Test ErrorCompleted07/21/2022The report now supports schools that use Flex Scheduling and primary class tracking.
Physical Fitness Test ResultsCompleted2/28/2022The report now supports schools that use Flex Scheduling and primary class tracking.
Physical Fitness Test Results by TeacherCompleted2/8/2022The report now supports Flex Scheduling schools and Primary Class Tracking schools.
Physical Fitness Teacher PageCompleted2/1/2022The page now supports schools using section staff and primary teacher tracking.
Smarter Balanced Cards (SBAC) - CAASPPCompleted2/17/2022The report now supports Flex Scheduling, section staff, and staff ID-based counselors.

 Legend *