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Navigate to Student Data > Other > Portal Usage Log

The Portal Usage Log allows school staff to view the page usage of the Parent Portal, Mobile Portal app, Aeries Student app, and other vendor student apps. Various filtering options are available at the top of the page to limit the records. The maximum number of records reported in any search is 500. This limitation is in place to ensure the page response is not adversely affected by loading too many records.

Portal Usage Log


Portal Usage Log (PHL)Read
View page must be given to non-Admin users to view this page


The Portal Usage Log page uses the data stored in the Portal Usage Log (PHL) table to display the page usage information.

PHL.AIDAccount name derived from PHL.AID
Student Name
Student name derived from PHL.ID
Perm ID

User TypePHL.AIDUser type derived from PHL.AID 


The Portal Usage Log page provides several filters to limit the records that are returned. Some filters are required to be used, while others are optional. The maximum amount of records returned in any search is 500. 

Portal Usage Log - Platform filter

The School filter must be used for every search.

The Student ID/Name can be used to filter for a particular student.

The Information Area must be used to filter to a particular page for every search.

The Platform can be used to filter for only page views that were done through the Parent Portal, through the Mobile Portal (Aeries Student), through the Aeries Student App, or through another vendor with a student app product.

The User Type can be used to filter for only Parents or only Students page views.

The Date Range must be used to filter for page views across a limited set of days.

In addition to the filters, clicking on any of the columns will change the sort order from default to ascending (designated by the arrow pointing up), clicking a second time will  change the sort on that column to descending (designated by the arrow pointing down), and clicking a third time will change it back to the default (designated by no arrow). 

Portal Usage Log - Sort column