
All Day Code Population Based on ADA Time Chart

All Day Code Updating When the ADA Time Period Code is Updated

Attendance Audit Listing Errors for ADA Time Attendance Management

For Texas Attendance Reporting, ADA Attendance is based on a student's presence at a particular time each day; therefore a student's ADA attendance is recorded during the class that meets during that time. The student's attendance during that period becomes the All Day Code for that date.

Some specialized schools in California might choose to use the Attendance Time (ADA Time) for All Day Attendance Management. Using ADA Time, a period attendance school will essentially have a "Home Room" meeting at a specific time of the day; attendance taken during that period represents the attendance for the entire day.

Flex Elementary schools use ADA Time All Day Attendance Management. For more information on Flex Elementary setup, see the Flex Elementary documentation.


Three pages include configuration options for ADA Time:  School Options, the Calendar, and Portal Options. Additionally, the Bell Schedule is used to determine which period aligns with the ADA Time

School Options

On the School Options page, set All Day Attendance Management to Attendance Time. When this option is set, the Primary ADA Time and Secondary ADA Time fields will be displayed. The Primary ADA Time and (optionally) a Secondary ADA Time should be specified; these are the "umbrella" or default values, and are used for typical school days throughout the year. The Secondary ADA Time will be used for students who do not have a section meeting at the Primary ADA Time

Set All Day Attendance Management to Attendance Time and record ADA Times on School Options


On the Calendar, alternate date-specific ADA Times may be set for school days with a different schedule, such as early release dates. 

To set a custom ADA Time for a specific date, press the bell icon on a Calendar date. On the Update ADA Times for this day popup, enter the ADA Times that should be in effect on this specific date and press the Save ADA Times button. 

Update ADA Time for a specific Calendar date

If date-specific ADA Time exist (or if a custom Bell Schedule is applied), the bell icon will be highlighted blue. Like the ADA Times, bell schedules can be established for typical days and alternate date-specific schedules.

NOTE:  When a date-specific ADA Time exists on the Calendar, it overrides the time set on School Options, for that date.

Portal Options

On Portal Options, on the Attendance tab, a specific time range is provided to create a limited time range for the Primary ADA Time. If one or both of these fields are filled in, then a teacher taking period attendance for the Primary ADA Time period will be limited to a specific time range before and/or after the ADA Time

In the example shown below, the Primary ADA Time period teachers will only be allowed to take attendance starting ten minutes before the Primary ADA Time and ending ten minutes after the Primary ADA Time

Portal Options Attendance tab ADA Time range limiting

All Day Code Population Based on ADA Time Chart  

The following chart demonstrates when a student's All Day Code is populated based on attendance during the ADA period:

All Day Code Updating When the ADA Time Period Code is Updated  

When a school uses ADA Time All Day Attendance Management, the period code entered in the ADA Time period automatically updates the All Day Code according to the following rules:

  • If the period code is an absence code, it will update the All Day Code
  • If the period code is a verified not absent code, it will not update the All Day Code
  • If the period code is cleared, it will clear the All Day Code 
  • If the period code is a tardy code, it will clear the All Day Code (in Positive Attendance schools, the "Present" code will be placed in the All Day Code, instead)

Refer to the Update Absence Codes page for specific details on the Absence Codes in use at your school. 

Additionally, if a student is scheduled into a class that meets during the Primary ADA Time, the Secondary ADA Time is ignored. The Secondary ADA Time is only considered if the student is not scheduled into a class that meets during the Primary ADA Time.

Attendance Audit Listing Errors for ADA Time Attendance Management  

The Attendance Audit Listing report provides two errors related to ADA Time All Day Attendance Management.

AG:  Student has mismatch between all day attendance code and ADA period code on (date):  on the date(s) specified, the student's All Day Code and ADA Time period code on the specified date do not match (to match, both codes Count for ADA or both codes do not Count for ADA).

AH:  Student is not enrolled in class for an ADA period on (date):  on the date(s) specified, the student is not enrolled in Course Attendance (CAR) in a section that meets during the ADA Times.