How are Suspension Days Reported in the STAS file?

Are Home/Hospital Students reported in the STAS file?

Procedures on how to report Exempt Students in the STAS after Regular School Closure

Are summer school suspensions submitted to CALPADS?

How are Suspension Days Reported in the STAS file? 

The following addresses how suspensions are extracted for CALPADS reporting:

  • Only Suspensions that are full day suspensions will be reported in the Attendance (STAS) file.  
  • Partial Day (ex .50 day) suspensions do not need to be reported.  Even if partial day suspensions are reported in the Student Incident Results (SIRS) file, they will not be reported in the Attendance (STAS) file. 
  • CALPADS validates the number of suspended days for a student in the Attendance (STAS) file with the number of suspended days in the Student Incident Results (SIRS) file.
  • CALPADS does not validate the number of suspended days for a student in the Student Incident Results (SIRS) file with the number of suspended days in the Attendance (STAS) file. 
  • If you report a suspension in the Student Incident Results (SIRS) file, there is no validation that there must be a suspension entry in the Attendance (STAS) file. 
  • Partial Suspensions for more than 1 day (ex. 2.50 days) will be reported in the Attendance (STAS) file as 2 days.   The Attendance (STAS) files and Student Incident Results (SIRS) files do not have to have matching suspension days for students.

Are Home/Hospital Students reported in the STAS file? 

The CALPADS STAS extract analyzes student program enrollment (STU.SP) and reports the program which represents the majority of a student's enrollment.    The Home/Hospital program code in STU.SP needs to be cross-referenced on the CALPADS Extracts/Other Options Form.  

  • If a student was in Home/Hospital the majority of the school year, the CALPADS STAS extract will report the Home/Hospital enrollment with the exemption indicator.
  • If a student was in regular education the majority of the school year, the CALPADS STAS extract will report the regular enrollment.

See:  EOY3 CALPADS STAS File - Other Options

Procedures to report Exempt Students in the STAS after Regular School Closure 

CALPADS Flash 178 indicates that an Exempt STAS record needs to be submitted for any student who enrolled between the Last Day of Regular Attendance and the scheduled end of the school year. As previously directed by the CDE, Districts should be enrolling these students through the end of the school year, even if they will not physically attend school. 

Since these students will already have SENR, SINF, and other pertinent records in CALPADS, a fatal error will trigger for enrolled students who do not have a STAS record, unless the exemption indicator is populated. 

Here's the recommended procedure to make sure that Aeries handles these students correctly.

First, ensure there is a Program code (STU.SP) that can be considered “Exempt from STAS.”  This may be an existing code or a newly added code on the Update Code Table screen.

Next, this code should be selected in the STU.SP values for STAS Exempt on the CALPADS Other Options tab. 

Finally, for each student enrolling as a new student in a school (this includes students new to the district and students transferring within the district) after the date populated in the Last Day Of Regular Attendance on the District Settings/School Information page:

1. Change the student’s Program to the Exemption Code

2. When asked to change the Next Program, select Cancel. - This will allow the student to roll to next year with their correct program set in new year


3. Update Attendance as normal

PLEASE NOTE:  If the student was already enrolled in Attendance, there will be a warning about the Program Code does not match current enrollment record. In this case, as long as the Attendance Enrollment Date is after the Last Day of Regular Attendance, you only need to edit the existing line of enrollment to match the program code.

4. Add Classes as normal, if needed

See:  EOY3 CALPADS STAS File - Other Options

Are summer school suspensions submitted to CALPADS? 

Any offenses committed by a student during summer school should be reported to CALPADS, even if the summer school is not the student's primary school during the academic year.

The disciplinary incident will need to be added manually in CALPADS.  

  • Create a secondary enrollment for the student in CALPADS.
  • Add the disciplinary incident.
  • Exit the student's enrollment using the last day of summer school.
  • If a student will serve the suspension days in the next academic year, enter the suspension code for the appropriate number of days on the student's attendance record.

When the STAS extract is submitted at the end of the school year, any suspension days that occurred during the first week of school as result of a summer school suspension will not produce any validation errors.  The STAS extract is validated using suspension data from April 1st of the previous year through the end of the current school year.