Adding a Security User Account
Scheduling Master Schedule Classes (SMS)
Highly Qualified Teacher Status (STH)
Adding a Highly Qualified Teacher Status
The Staff page provides centralized management for staff accounts. Creating a new Staff Member, a new Security User Account, adding an associated school level Teacher Record (non-flex and non-section staff schools only), Job Assignment, Credentials, Assignments, and High Qualified Teacher Status can be accomplished using the Staff page. The Staff page can be accessed from the main menu under the School Info category.
The page is arranged in horizontal "accordion" tabs which can be expanded or collapsed using the up/down caret at the right of each tab. The page headers will remember the previously expanded sections for each continuous search. Sections that are collapsed will the display the number of records that exist for each section. If the page is refreshed, all sections starting with Scheduling Master Schedule Classes (SMS) will collapse.
For districts that have Flex Scheduling enabled, Master Schedule Classes (MST) and Scheduling Master Schedule Classes (SMS) are two new areas that display on this page. Each staff member assigned to a section on the Section Staff table (SSE) will display. District that use traditional scheduling, these records continue to be available on the Teacher Data page.
Staff Data (STF) ↑
Staff information can be centrally managed by searching and choosing a staff member from the search field at either the District or the School level.
Searches can be performed using partial or full criteria using ID, SEID, Last Name, or First Name.
Each of the column headers can be sorted by clicking on each header. The last sorted header will remain set through continuous searches. If the Staff page is refreshed, sorting will be reset.
Page numbers are located at the bottom of the search area and can be clicked to jump through the list of staff members. The first and last error button can be clicked to quickly jump to the end of the list or the beginning of the list.
The list of accessible accounts can be filtered to display staff accounts based on account status and/or filtered to display accounts whose primary school matches the current school using the check boxes above the account selection list.

Note: The option for "Only records related to this school" is only available at the district level.

Add Staff Member ↑
To add a new Staff Member (STF) using the Staff page, login to Aeries using an Admin account or an account that has been granted permissions to create user accounts. Then, navigate to the Staff page. Select the Add New Staff Member button in the blue Staff Data (STF) bar.
The following page will be displayed.
Enter the requested information then select Save at the bottom of the form.
Note: The Staff ID field will contain the next available staff ID number (STF.ID) if the District Setting for Automatically Generate Staff IDs is set.
The staff member's information is stored in the STF table:
- Last Name
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Suffix: Jr., Sr., etc.
- Staff ID a unique number (within the district) for the staff member; up to 10 numbers in length
- State ID State SEID number
- Primary School The primary school (or district) for staff member association
- Gender: staff member's gender
- Birthdate: month/day/year of staff member's birth in MM/DD/YYYY format
- Birth Yr: year of birth (will auto populate based on Birthdate if left blank)
- Tag: active (blank) or inactive if not blank
- Address: home address
- City: home address city
- State: home address state
- Zipcode: home address zipcode
- Extn: home address zipcode extension
- Email Address (used by Aeries Communications)
- Alternate Email Address
- Internal Ext: Local District or School telephone extension
- Alternate Phone; Alternate Telephone number
- Ext: Alternate Telephone number extension
- MobilePhone; Mobile telephone number
- Notification Preference (used by Aeries Communications)
- Emergency Contact; Emergency Contact Name
- Contact Telephone; Emergency Contact Telephone Number
- Total Year(s) of Edu Service
- Total Year(s) in this District
- Date Years incremented
- Hire Date: most recent district hire date for staff member
- Leave Date: last day of employment if staff member has left the district
- Position Status Tenured, Probation, Long Term
- Time% (FTE): percentage of working time; full time or part time equivalency
- English Learner Ed: indicates if the staff member is an English Learner Educator
- Education Lvl: education level
- Yr Degree: the year when the staff member earned their degree
- Title; Staff Member’s title
- Previous Last Name
- Previous First Name
- Previous Middle Name
- Ethnicity: primary ethnicity code
- Race - Race5: multiple ethnicity codes
- TB Test Date
- Result: TB test result
- Millimeters: TB test result
- TB Test type
- TB Test Expiration
- User codes U1- U8 -user definable fields
- Comments
To update or delete an existing staff member, select the edit icon to the left of that staff member’s name.
The Save, Cancel, and Delete options will then become available at the bottom of the resulting form.
Additional staff information can be viewed by selecting the More Info link.
The More Info area, once expanded, can be switched back to a more condensed view by selecting the Less Info link at the bottom of the expanded band.
When the Staff Data (STF) band is expanded using the More Info link, the Time in Service for the current Staff Member can be updated for either the current Staff Member or all Staff Members in the current school by selecting the Update Totals button. If you are logged in at the District level, an option to update Time in Service for the entire District will become available.
Staff Pictures ↑
Staff pictures can be added the same way Student pictures are added. A picture can be taken directly with an attached camera or uploaded from a file
See Mass Add Pictures - Staff Upload Process for full details.
Staff ID cards can be printed using the icon. Multiple Staff ID Cards can also be printed from Reports > Staff ID Cards
Security User Accounts (UGN) ↑
A Security User Account for the currently selected Staff member can be added or adjusted using the Security User Accounts band. When logged in as either an Admin or using an account that has been granted permissions to make security (UGN table) changes, select the chevron on the far right of the Security User Accounts band to expand/reveal any existing User Account (UGN) information for the currently selected Staff Member.
Non admin users must have the UGN Admin permission to make changes to Security User Accounts (UGN).
Security adjustments can be made for the currently selected Staff Member by selecting the edit icon to the left of the desired UGN record in this band.
Select a User Type, Identity Provider and a user name for the account.
Note: The user’s Aeries access password can also be changed or updated when editing an existing record in this area of the form.
A user’s security account can be deleted by first selecting the edit icon next to the record you wish to remove and then selecting the delete icon.
Adding a Security User Account ↑
Select the Add New User Account button to create a new Security Account (UGN record) for the currently selected Staff Member.
The follow fields will display.
- ID: User ID number (UGN.UID)
- User Type: This field distinguishes between normal users, groups, and administrators. Valid values for this form field are:
- "User",
- "Admin",
- "Active Directory User",
- "Active Directory Admin",
- “Teacher”,
- “Active Directory Teacher”,
- “Substitute Teacher”,
- “Active Directory Substitute Teacher”
- Identity Provider: This is used to support alternative authentication methods in addition to storing passwords in Aeries. Currently, the valid values are - 0: Aeries, 1: Google
- Username: User account name used to login
- Security Groups: Groups where the user account has membership
- Password: Account Password
- Status
- 0: Active (default value) – Accounts must have an Active Status in order to login.
- 1: Locked
- 2: Disabled
- 3: Pending
Note: The Set Groups button will not be accessible until after the new record has been saved.
Enter a Password for the account and confirm by reentering the same password in the Confirm Password field. This form can also be utilized to perform regular Aeries password resets. Active Directory passwords are set within your AD LDAP so access to these fields is disabled on this form for Active Directory User Type accounts.
The Status of the Security User account will affect the user’s ability to access Aeries. You can tag a Status of Active, Locked, Disabled or Pending. When a user is given a Status of Locked, Disabled or Pending, the user will not be able to log into Aeries.
Complete the form then select the save icon to the left of your newly added record to save your work.
The account emulation icon can also be utilized to conveniently move from the current logged in user’s account to a user emulation mode for testing of the selected user’s access.
Scheduling Info (SSI) ↑
The Scheduling Info (SSI) section allows users to track school-specific information such as room number and max students per period. The values in these fields will auto-populate the same fields on a section, in the assigned school(s), when section staff records are added to the sections on the master schedule or scheduling master schedule. Additional information regarding this feature and specific fields can be found in Staff Scheduling Information.
Master Schedule Classes (MST) ↑
The Master Schedule Classes (MST) section will display for all staff members in districts with the Flex Scheduling feature enabled. For schools not using Section Staff, no records will display. The Teacher Data page will continue to display records for the teacher. The section will only display if the user has Read permission to MST.
For schools using Section Staff, this section displays data from MST and SSE for all classes and schools where the staff member has sections assigned.
While logged in the current school, the Sec# column will contain a link to the Master Schedule page.
Scheduling Master Schedule Classes (SMS) ↑
The Scheduling Master Schedule Classes (SMS) section will display for all staff members in districts with the Flex Scheduling feature enabled. For schools not using Section Staff, no records will display. The Teacher Data page will continue to display records for the teacher. The section will only display if the user has Read permission to SMS.
For schools using Section Staff, this section displays data from SMS and SSM for all classes and schools where the staff member has sections assigned.
While logged in the current school, the Sec# column will contain a link to the Scheduling Master Schedule page.
Teacher (TCH) Records ↑
Teacher Account (TCH record) is not used in a section staff school and does not apply. If the current school is using Section Staff, and no TCH records exist, then this section will not display.
(section staff school)
(regular school)
Create Teacher Records
In a section staff school, this option is not used and should not be enabled.
Job Assignments (STJ) ↑
A Job Assignments (STJ) entry for the currently selected Staff Member can be added or adjusted using the Job Assignments (STJ) band. When logged in as either an Admin or an account that has been granted permissions to make Job Assignment’s STJ table changes, select the chevron on the far right of the Job Assignments (STJ) band to reveal any existing job assignment information for the currently selected Staff Member.
Make desired adjustments for the currently selected Staff Member’s Job Assignments (STJ) by selecting the edit icon to the left of an existing STJ record.
NOTE: The STJ record's Start and End Date adds the ability for a teacher to log into the schools listed on the STJ record for the current academic year. If there is an End Date populated prior to the end of the school year, the teacher will also retain access to the school for the remainder of the current academic year.
Example: A teacher in the current year will have access to the school(s) listed in the STJ record with either an End Date of July 1 or later of the current academic year or an End Date of null.
- Job Classification: Job Class
- FTE: Full time Equivalent percentage
- Start Date: Job Assignment start date
- End Date: Job Assignment end date (This date also controls the ability to log into the school or Section Staff selection. See note above the previous screenshot.)
- School: School value of zero will default to the primary school as used in STF. If school value is assigned to a different school other than the primary school assigned in STF, the record will be linked to the selected school. For Flex or Section Staff schools, if a staff member is linked to a different school in STJ, the staff member may be searched by Staff ID # in the Staff drop-down under the Section Staff area in MST and SMS.
Complete the form then select the save icon to the left of your record to save.
Adding a New Job Assignment
Select the Add New Job Assignment button to create a new Job Assignments (STJ).
Complete the form then select the save icon to the left of your newly added record to save.
Credentials (STC) ↑
A Credentials (STC) entry for the currently selected Staff Member can be added or adjusted using the Credentials (STC) band. When logged in as either an Admin or an account that has been granted permissions to make Credentials’ STC table changes, select the chevron on the far right of the Credentials (STC) band to reveal any existing credentials information for the currently selected Staff Member.
Make desired adjustments for the currently selected Staff Member’s Credentials (STC) by selecting the edit icon to the left of any existing STC record.
- Date: the date the credential or certification was earned
- Type: the type of credential
- Code: the credential or authorized teaching area
- Document#: the credential document number
Complete the form then select the save icon to the left of your record to save.
Adding a New Credential
Select the Add New Credential button to create a new Credentials (STC record).
Complete the form then select the save icon to the left of your newly added record to save.
Assignments (STA) ↑
An Assignments (STA) entry for the currently selected Staff Member can be added or adjusted using the Assignments (STA) band. When logged in as either an Admin or an account that has been granted permissions to make Assignments (STA table) changes, select the chevron on the far right of the Assignments (STA) band to reveal any existing Teacher Account information for the currently selected Staff Member.
Note: Custom values can be added to the Code field (STA.CD) using the Update Code Table process.
Make desired adjustments for the currently selected Staff Member’s Assignments (STA) by selecting the edit icon to the left of any existing STA record.
- Code - type of assignment
- %Time - percentage of time allocated to assignment
- Job Classification - Job Classification Code
- Start Date - Staff Assignment Start Date
- End Date - Job Assignment end date (This date also controls the ability to log into the school or Section Staff selection.)
- Lang Language - Language of Instruction for the Assignment
- Type of Inst to EL’s - type of instruction to English learners
- Teacher Funds
- School - School value of zero will default to the primary school as used in STF. If school value is assigned to a different school other than the primary school assigned in STF, the record will be linked to the selected school. For Flex or Section Staff schools, if a staff member is linked to a different school in STA, the staff member will display in the Staff drop-down under the Section Staff area in MST and SMS.
Adding an Assignment
Select the Add Assignments button to create a new Assignments (STA record).
Complete the form then select the save icon to the left of your newly added record to save.
Highly Qualified Teacher Status (STH) ↑
A Highly Qualified Teacher Status (STH) entry for the currently selected Staff Member can be added or adjusted using the Highly Qualified Teacher Status (STH) band. When logged in as either an Admin or an account that has been granted permissions to make STH table changes, select the chevron on the far right of the Highly Qualified Teacher Status (STH) band to reveal any existing Teacher Account information for the currently selected Staff Member.
Make desired adjustments for the currently selected Staff Member’s Highly Qualified Teacher Status (STH) by selecting the edit icon to the left of any existing STH record.
- NCLB Core Area: NCLB Subject area
- Highly Qualified Status: How status was determined/defined
Complete the form then select save icon to the left of your newly added record to save the information.
Adding a Highly Qualified Teacher Status
Select the Add New Highly Qualified Teacher Status button to create a new Highly Qualified Teacher Status (STH record).
Complete the form then select the save icon to the left of your newly added record to save.
Auto Assign Teacher Number ↑
Turning on the Auto Assign Teacher No option in School Options at the School level activates a process which allows users to conveniently create individual teacher records from existing staff data (STF). To activate this feature for a school, change the following option to “Yes”.
Once the option is set to “Yes”, the school will appear in a selectable list of schools when the Staff form is utilized. The TCH.TN value will be automatically assigned when a new TCH record is created.
Note: This choice is set in School Options at the school site level as some schools prefer to assign teacher numbers manually based on a locally defined teacher numbering convention.
Reports ↑
The Staff Information Details report can be printed from Reports > Staff Information Details