Table of Contents


The Internships page holds information about students' internships that have been assigned. It is designed to work together with the Employers table. 

Also, the Internships page is being utilized to hold any Work-Based Learning data that is applicable for students, and all records that have the new Work-Based Learning Type field (ISP.WT) populated will be extracted for the new WBLR Extract for CALPADS EOY 4 reporting.




The page can be found at Student Data > Other > Internships.


Users need at least Insert and Update to the Internships table (ISP) in order to add records. They must also have at least READ to the Employers table (EMP) and READ to the Internship Visits table (IVS). 

Adding a Record  

Click on the Add button on the Header. This will activate a sub-menu where the data can be entered. 

Add/Edit Internship Record - California

NOTE:  Because the Internships page is tied to the Employer's page, all Internship records must have an employer record. The default value is set to 0. If an employer is not specified, it will display as (No Employer) on the screen. 


Values that are required for State Reporting will be populated in the dropdown lists as necessary. Otherwise, dropdown lists can be populated from the Update Code Page.

  • Employer ID (ISP.EMP): Enter Employer record from the EMP table that is related to this record. If it is not an employer-based record, leave the Employer ID field blank.  The default value of 0 will display as (No Employer).
  • Start Date (ISP.SD): Date the record started
  • End Date (ISP.ED): Date the record ended. 
    • All records that either ended or started in the current school year will be included in the Work-Based Learning Records (WBLR) extract as part of the CALPADS EOY Submission.
  • Training Days (ISP.TRD): Optional free-form field to designate what days the student will be training, if desired.
  • Training Hours (ISP.TRH):  Optional free-form field to designate what hours the student will be training, if desired.
  • Work-Based Learning Type (ISP.WT): A coded value representing the work-based learning that the student completed during the academic year, in any grades 9-12.
    • Required for CALPADS WBLR extract; values are hard-coded. 

    Work-Based Learning Type - California

  • Employer Evaluation (ISP.EE): A coded value representing the student’s performance in the internship as evaluated by their employment supervisor. 
    • Required for WBLR type 10-Internships; values are hard-coded.

  • Total External Hours (ISP.TXH):  The count of hours that the student spent outside of school in a work-based learning activity in the academic year being reported.  While the hours are outside of classroom, the work-based learning activity is tied to the Internship. Rounded to whole numbers.
    • Required for WBLR types 10-Internships, 15-Student-Led Enterprise, or 20- Virtual/Simulated Work-Based Learning
  • School Sponsored (ISP.SCS): An indication of whether the school, district, or county played a direct role in securing the internship for the student. A “Y” would indicate that the school, district, or county played a direct role in securing the internship. An “N” would indicate it did not. 
    • Required for WBLR type 10-Internships; values are hard-coded. 
  • Certificated Supervisor (ISP.CS):An indication of whether the internship was part of a program supervised by a certificated staff member of the school, district, or county. A “Y” would indicate that the internship was part of a program supervised by a certificated staff member of the school, district, or county. An “N” would indicate that it was not. If this field is tagged as Y, it is expected that the teacher for the section linked below would be the one to supervise it, and can log Visits on that Internship record.
    • Required for WBLR type 10 -Internships; values are hard-coded. 
  • Section (ISP.SE): This dropdown will list the sections the student is currently enrolled in. Enter the section number if the Work-Based Learning Record is linked to a specific class, whether or not it is a CTE course (California only). 
    • Required for WBLR type 15-Student-Led Enterprise, 20- Virtual/Simulated Work-Based Learning or 10-Internships (beginning 2022-2023); values are hard-coded. 
    Section List
  • Comment (ISP.CO): Free-form field for any comments

Internship Visits  

Internship Visits by school staff can be documented by clicking on the Internship Visits button. Multiple records can be entered for each student, and the data is stored in the Internship Visits table (IVS)

Internships by Teacher  

There is an Internships by Teacher page available to facilitate adding Internship records for multiple students in a class. The proper permissions for the Teachers Portal Group must be added to allow teachers access to this page.

(California only) CALPADS Required Fields  

For the Work-Based Learning Records that are included in the WBLR extract, some fields are required for certain Work-Based Learning Record Types: 

  • Internship (10) -  Required Fields:
    • Employer Evaluation
    • Total External Hours
    • School Sponsored
    • Certificated Supervisor
    • Section (beginning 2022-2023 School Year)
  • Student-Led Enterprise (15) -  Required Fields:
    • Total External Hours
    • Section 
  • Virtual/Simulated Work-Based Learning (20) -  Required Fields:
    • Total External Hours
    • Section

When a Work-Based Learning Type is selected from the dropdown list, green highlighting will indicate the required fields (if any) for that WBLR type. Make sure the option to Highlight State Reporting Fields is checked in your profile settings if you wish to see it. See CALPADS Extract: EOY - Work-Based Learning (WBLR) for more information.

NOTE:  Only records with the Work-Based Learning Type field (ISP.WT) populated will be included in the WRLR Extract. It is important that any existing internships that should be included have the ISP.WT field populated with 10-Internships, and the other necessary fields also populated.