There is very little to configure before using Internships, but before starting to use Internships, some codes should be set up in the Update Code Table form as described below.

Employer Status (EMP.TG) should be set up with various inactive status codes. At a minimum, a code of X should be set up with a description of Expired. This code will be used to mark expired employers. Other codes could be set up and used for informational purposes. This code is in the Employers table.

Internship Contract Type (EMP.ICT) - Also in the Employers table, this field is required to be populated for any Employer that will be used for Internships. This field can also be used to define the various types of contracts that may be associated with an Internship. In addition to the usual code and description, special values can be placed in the Amount column to denote specific expiration date timeframes. Enter a -1 to denote the permit will expire at the end of the year, -2 to denote it will expire at the end of the term, and any positive number can be entered to denote the number of months. An amount of 0 (the default value) means no default expiration date. This information will be used to pre-populate the expiration date when entering Internships in Employers.

Optionally, the Internship Visits has a Student Observation field (IVS.SO) which can be populated. This field will display when entering Visits related to the internship.

The following tables are used with Internships:

Internships are stored in the ISP table.

Internship Visits are stored in the IVS table.

Employers are stored in the existing EMP table, which is shared with Work Permits.


The Employers table is an important part of Internship Management. Since each Internship need to be matched to the Employer, please make sure the Employer exists before entering a student's internship record. Any missing employers can be added as necessary by navigating to School Info > Configurations >  Employers

NOTE:  Because the Internships page is tied to the Employer's page, all Internship records must have an employer record. The default value is set to 0. If an employer is not specified, it will display as (No Employer) on the screen

The Internships page has recently been enhanced with more fields to hold information that will be used for the new Work-Based Learning Records (WBLR) Extract for CALPADS EOY processing. See CALPADS Extract: EOY - Work-Based Learning (WBLR) for more information.