This listing identifies available Attendance Reports by:

Attendance Reports for All Campuses

Daily Attendance Reports

Period Attendance Reports

Hourly/Positive Attendance Reports

District Attendance Reports

If you are using Flex Scheduling, please view Flex Scheduling Reports for a listing of available Attendance Reports in a Flex Scheduling School.


Name of ReportDescriptionDistrictSchool
Attendance Reports for All Campuses (Except Where Noted)
Absence Code ReportLists configuration of all Absence Codes.YesYes
Absence Verification LetterCreates letters to parents for verifying student absences. Yes
Absence Verification WorksheetsLists absences with an option for parent signature. Yes
Attendance Audit Listing

Validates attendance data and lists students with invalid attendance data or attendance anomalies.

Attendance CalendarPrints the Attendance Calendar for the school year.YesYes
Attendance Letters to ParentsCreates letters to parents with specified absence thresholds. Yes
Attendance LogPrints changes made to attendance with Date, User ID, and IP Address.
Attendance NotesPrints student Attendance Notes for all or specified codes. Yes
Attendance Notes Usage AnalysisPrints Summary of selected Attendance Notes by Date, Teacher or Course/SectionNoYes
Attendance Submission Log

Lists teachers with the date and time they submitted attendance.

Attendance Submitted Early

Lists teachers who submitted attendance before the start of the class or period.

Attendance SummaryProvides totals by Grade or Attendance Program for a specified date range. Yes
Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Summary

Provides the Average Daily Attendance calculations for a specific range of dates, broken down by grade, attendance program and/or Track.

Class List by TeacherLists students in each section/class by teacher Name. Yes
Class RostersPrints Class Rosters for teachers for manual attendance. Yes
Classes and Days with N or More Students - Secondary and Elementary W/Master Attendance Only
Note: Renamed from Section Totals From CAR (Course Attendance) report
Lists teachers exceeding a designated minimum enrollment criteria.  

Classroom Photo/Seating ChartPrints student photos or seating chart for a class by Teacher. Yes
Daily Enrollment by ClassPrints enrollment with attendance counts, including program/eligibility information with several sorting options. Yes
Enrollment HistoryPrints each student with all historical enter and leave dates in the district. Yes
Gain/Loss Report
*Used for ADA Reporting
Lists students gained and lost for each calendar day within a specified date range. Yes
Missing AttendanceLists teachers missing attendance submission for a specified date range. Yes
Monthly Attendance Report
*Used for ADA Reporting, Not Used for Hourly Attendance
Lists absences for every student by program during a specified month. Yes
Monthly Attendance Summary
*Used for ADA Reporting - CA Only, Not Used for Hourly Attendance
Calculates monthly attendance totals by program and provides year-to-date totals.YesYes
Monthly Attendance Summary/Nom YTD - CA Only, Not Used for Hourly AttendanceCalculates monthly attendance totals by program without year-to-date totals. Yes
Monthly Attendance Summary Totals  - CA Only, Not Used for Hourly AttendanceCalculates monthly attendance totals by program and provides year-to-date totals; only lists non-year-to-date columns.YesYes
Other District EnrollmentLists students who transferred from other districts with their enrollment information. Yes
Section Totals From CAR (Course Attendance) - Secondary and Elementary W/Master Attendance Only
Note: Report has been renamed to Classes and Days with N or More Students. 
Lists teachers exceeding a designated minimum enrollment criteria.    Yes
Student Absence TotalsCalculates daily absence totals using selected Absence Codes for a specific date range. Yes
Student AttendanceLists selected students with their current year attendance activity and enrollment information.YesYes
Students Absent or Tardy TodayPrints students absent and/or tardy on a specified date. Yes
Students Continuously EnrolledLists students who have/have not been continuously enrolled at a school or district within a specified date range with several sorting optionsYesYes
Students Who Have Changed AttendanceLists students with changes in optional Attendance Enrollment areas. Yes
Students With Absences - Not Used for Hourly AttendanceLists students with a specified number of selected absences during a specific date range.  Yes
Students With Consecutive AbsencesLists students with a specified number of selected consecutive absences during a specific date range. Yes
Year to Date Attendance - CA Only, Not Used for Hourly AttendancePrints year-to-date information by program, grade, and teacher for all months previously calculated. YesYes
Daily Attendance Reports
Daily Absence List/4 WeeksLists students absent during a four-week period by selected Absences Codes. Yes
Daily Attendance Record for All StudentsPrints student Absence Codes/Attendance and Enrollment for the current year. Yes
Daily Attendance ReportPrints daily apportionment totals by Grade and Attendance Program by Attendance Month.YesYes
Daily Attendance SummaryPrints attendance counts for students by teacher and date range with several sorting options. Yes
Daily Enrollment/Dates (CSR)Prints enrollment counts by teacher and date range, including program/eligibility information with a variety of options.

Note: The report options End Date will default to 4/15 based on regulation stated in this document.
Class Size Penalties - CalEdFacts
Daily Enrollment by Month (CSR)Prints enrollment counts by teacher and selected school months, including program/eligibility information with a variety of options. Yes
Daily Enrollment by TeacherLists enrollment totals and averages by teacher for each school date. Yes
Daily Present by Teacher/MonthLists daily count of students present for a specified month with a monthly average. Yes
Enrollment by TeacherLists gender enrollment totals by teacher and selected grade with several sorting options. Yes
Students With Good AttendanceLists students with less than a specified number of selected absences during a specific date range. Yes
Students With Perfect AttendanceLists students without selected absences during a specific date range with several sorting options. Yes
Students With Unverified AbsencesLists students with unverified absences during a specific date range with several sorting options. Yes
Weekly Attendance Report by TeacherPrints an Attendance Roster with a signature line for teachers to verify and confirm their electronic submission of attendance. Yes
Period Attendance Reports
Class List by SectionLists the students in each section by teacher. Yes
Class Period Absence ListingLists students absent by period on a specific date for all or selected absence codes. Yes
Class Period Absence SummaryLists total absences for all students by period for a specific number of weeks starting on a specific date, with several sorting options.
Course Attendance AuditValidates course attendance and lists students with attendance errors.
Daily Attendance ReportSee the report description in the Daily Attendance Reports section above. YesYes
Daily Attendance SummaryLists students with their attendance counts during a specified date range for up to 13 absence codes, with several sorting options. Yes
Daily Enrollment by SectionProvides day-to-day enrollment counts and averages for each date by section, with a variety of options. Yes
Daily Present by SectionPrints several student counts by section for each date with a variety of options.  Yes
Enrollment by CounselorLists gender enrollment totals by counselor and grade. Yes
Master Absence List** This report has been removed from Aeries as of 1/29/2020.  Other reports like the Students Absent Today or the Attendance Management page can be used to retrieve this information.
Master Cut ListingLists students with inconsistent Absence Codes for a specific date, including parent contact information.
**This report has been disabled in Flex Scheduling schools as of 1/29/2020.  The Attendance Management page can be used to retrieve this information.
Missing AttendanceLists teachers who have not submitted attendance for a specific date range. Yes
Morgan Hart Class Size Reduction Summary (CSR)Calculates daily and monthly enrollment and attendance percentages by class with a variety of other options.YesYes
Period Absence AuditLists potential teacher attendance submission errors and inconsistencies.  Produces a period absence report which can be used for attendance audit verification. Yes
Period Attendance For All StudentsPrints student Absence Codes/Attendance and Enrollment for the current year. Yes
Student Attendance Detail - TX OnlySee the report description in the Daily Attendance Reports section above. YesYes
Student Attendance Summary - TX OnlySee the report description in the Daily Attendance Reports section above. YesYes
Students With Excused AbsencesLists students with specified "Excused" Absence Codes for a specific date. Yes
Students With Good AttendanceLists students with a specified maximum number of absences for specific Absence Codes for a specific date range. Yes
Students With N or More AbsencesLists students with a specified minimum number of absences for a specific date range, with a variety of information and sorting options.
Students With Perfect AttendanceLists students with no absences for specified Absence Codes for a specific date range, with several sorting options. Yes
Students With Unverified AbsencesLists students with unverified absences for specified Absence Codes for a specific date range, with several sorting options.
Students With Unverified Period AbsencesLists students with a specified minimum number of unverified absences for a specific date range. Yes
Weekly Attendance Report by ClassPrints an Attendance Roster with a signature line for teachers to verify and confirm their electronic submission of attendance.  Yes
Hourly/Positive Attendance Reports
Hourly Attendance ReportPrints Hourly Attendance for each school day of the selected Attendance Month, with a variety of information and sorting options. Yes
Hourly Attendance Report/CDS 
(Community Day School)
Prints Hourly Attendance for a Community Day School for each school day of the selected Attendance Month, with a variety of information and sorting options.
Hourly Attendance Report/Summer
Calculates total hours per student and summarizes based on selected order options.

Hourly Attendance Summary/Summer
Calculates total hours for the whole school by program and grade.

Missing Positive Attendance Listing
Lists students with at least one of their periods missing an attendance code.

Monthly Attendance Summary Continuation
(Continuation School) - CA Only
Calculates totals for Continuation Schools for the selected Attendance Month using a maximum of three hours per day. Yes
Student Attendance Percentages
Lists students in several order options with the percentage of their classes attended within a date range.

District Attendance Reports
District Attendance LettersGenerates batches of letters with several disbursement options, and allows schools to track and confirm recipients.Yes 
Daily Attendance ReportSee the report description in the Daily Attendance Reports section above. YesYes
Daily Enrollment Summary by SchoolDisplays enrollment totals by grade and Attendance Program.  
Note: This report prints Student (STU) totals if Attendance (ATT) has not yet been initialized.
Enrollment Audit ListingValidates enrollment records and lists students with enrollment anomalies for schools district-wide.Yes 
Monthly Attendance Summary Analysis- CA OnlyPrints the same information as the Monthly Attendance Summary, but only lists non-year-to-date columns.Yes 
Monthly Attendance Summary by Month - CA OnlyPrints enrollment and ADA counts with a variety of options.Yes 
Monthly Attendance Summary by School - CA OnlyPrints enrollment counts with a variety of options.Yes 
Monthly Attendance Summary Status
*Used for ADA Reporting - CA Only
Lists schools and indicates if the Monthly Attendance Summary has been run for each Attendance Month.Yes 
Morgan Hart Class Size Reduction Summary (CSR)See the report description in the Period Attendance Reports section above. YesYes