The Transcript Definitions page can be accessed from Grade Reporting | Configurations in the navigation, and is only available at the school level. There are 3 tabs on the Transcript Definitions Page. This document covers all the different options under the General Tab for the Enhanced (1-Column) Transcript Style. Please see Transcript Definition Form for more general information about managing Transcript Definitions, and specific information about the Terms and TTP - Things to Print tabs, as these two tabs apply to ALL Transcript styles.
Enhanced (1-Column) transcript style: NOTE: This style of transcript will often be multiple pages long.

General Tab ↑
The General tab will display the formatting options that are available for the specific Transcript Style selected. The Transcript Style selected will control what options are available. This document covers all the different options under the General Tab for the Enhanced (1-Column) Transcript Style.
There are 7 collapsible panes under the General Tab. Click on the down arrow on the right side to open the pane, and the up arrow to close it.
Design Options ↑
The Design Options pane allows you to customize the overall design of the transcript itself. When changing between the two styles, other options will show and hide based on functionality of each style.
- Transcript Style - The options displayed are for the Enhanced (1-Column) Transcript Style.
- Transcript Title - The customized title of the transcript that will appear at the top of the printed page.
- Name Under Transcript Title - The following options can be selected to print on this transcript style:
- School Name
- District Name
- Reporting Home School (STU.HS)
- School AND District Name
- Reporting Home School AND District
- Hide Shading on Laser Report – will remove all shading from the report
- Extra Space on Cred/GPA – adds an extra space after the Credit Attempted and GPA
- Print Parent Address to Colleges– if a college transcript is printed the school address will be replaced with the parent address in the top right hand corner
- Allow Parents/Students to Print - Selecting this option allows Parents/Students to print a specific transcript version in the Parent Portal. Please see the Transcript Definition Form article for more information.
- Print College Board School code – prints the value stored in School Options page.
Demographics ↑
The Demographics pane allows you to customize student-related data to print/hide on the transcript.
- Print Middle Name instead of Initial – will print the middle name rather than just the initial.
- Print Birthplace instead of Counselor – will print a birthplace instead of counselor name IF birthplace was entered on the Other Student Data form in the Birth City field.
- Hide Parent Telephone – will not print the Parent’s telephone number.
- Print State Student ID Number– will print the State ID number at top of transcript.
- Print Social Security Number – This option is only available on the Enhanced (1-Column) style. Districts who wish to utilize this option MUST follow the procedure to enable Encrypted Student Data.
- Print Student Gender – Student gender is now hidden by default on all transcript styles and must be selected to display when desired.
- Print Student Race/Ethnicity – This option is only available on the Enhanced (1-Column) style.
- Hide Student Enter/Leave Dates – will not print the dates that a student has entered or left.
- Print "Class of" or "Graduated" label – will either print "Class of" and the year the student will graduate, "Graduated" and the Completion Date, OR if STU.HSG has been flagged with a code the description of the code will print instead. If STU.HSG is blank, the student's grade (STU.GR) will be used to determine and populate the year.
Record Details ↑
The Record Details pane allows you to customize which courses appear on the transcript and options for how they appear.
- Show Work In Progress on the Transcript – displays all classes a student is currently enrolled in for this semester
Hide Classes Tagged Not to Print – if Work in Progress is selected, it will not print the course if the section is flagged with X or Z in the Tag (MST.ST) field.
- Show Future Terms – if Work in Progress is selected and Spring classes are pre-scheduled during the Fall then they will display in the Fall semester Work In Progress . The same is true for trimester or quarter classes, the pre-scheduled classes in a future term will display in the Work in Progress area. In the below example the Civics CP class is a Spring Term class.
- Home School instead of Current School -- if Work in Progress is selected and the student has a Reporting Home School (STU.HS on Student Data 2), the Reporting Home School will print instead of the Current School
Note: Summer courses defined with a term of "Y" - "Year" will print with the credits doubled in the Work in Progress section when printing in the Spring term. Year long courses are assumed to be taken in the Fall and Spring.
- Print +’s and –‘s - will print any + or – for the grade the student received, such as, A+
- Low Grade/High Grade – will only print transcript records within the selected grade range unless the course is set up in Off Grade Courses
- Course Tags (College Prep, Honors, Non-Academic, and Repeat) – are defined in the Transcript Indicator Definitions at the District level for Enhanced (1-column) transcripts. Please see the Transcript Indicator Definitions article for more information.
- Hide Transcript Comments - will not print the comments on the transcript
- Hide Course IDs on the Transcript- This option will hide the Course ID field and expand the Course Title.
- Print Subject Area (S1) instead of Crs ID - This option becomes available when the Hide Course ID's on the Transcript option is selected. The Print Subject Area instead of CRS ID option will print CRS.S1 information instead of CRS.CN.
- Hide College Credit Only Courses (CRS.CL=23)– This option allows courses marked with a Course Level of College Only (CRS.CL=23) to be hidden on the printed transcript. These courses are also excluded from any GPA calculations. There are two options to choose from:
- Hide Only Credits - Prints the title of the course and the mark received, but hides the credits
- Hide Record - Hides the entire record from the printed transcript.
- Print State Course Code - Also prints the State Course Code (CRS.C3) in addition to the Course Number
- Show Department- Prints the Department that each course is assigned to (CRS.DC)
- Print Description OR Print Code - When Show Department is selected, choose to show either the Department Code or the Description.
- Group on Department - Records are grouped by the department instead of Year and Term for each school (HIS.ST). This option cannot be used with the Group on Year and Grade, Order by Course and Term option. Term GPA will be set to "None" as there is not "Term GPA" for this setting. Also, the section footer will not contain credit summaries or GPAs, as they are not calculated by Department.
- Group on Year and Grade, Order by Course and Term - Records are grouped by year, grade and school. Within each grouping records are sorted by Department Code, Subject Area and/or Course. We recommend that either of the options to Print Subject Area (S1) instead of Crs ID or Show Department are selected when using this option. This option cannot be used with the Group on Department option.
Example of the Show Department / Print Description options:
Example of the Show Department / Print Description / Group on Department options:
Example of the Group on Year and Grade, Order by Course and Term and the Show Department - Print Description options:
GPA Options ↑
The GPA Options pane allows you to select which class rankings and GPA’s will display on the Transcript page and will be printed on the bottom left corner of the transcript. The following options and various GPA’s are available.
Some of the GPA print options (Weighted GPA, Unweighted GPA, Academic GPA, Total (Non-Academic GPA), and Academic 10-12 GPA) may be hidden when District-defined GPAs are used instead of Built-in GPAs. Please see the GPA Configurations Page article for more information.
Print Which Term GPA allows for the GPA for each term to be printed in the term credit summary area of the transcript.
Note this selection is NOT available when sorting by Department, as GPAs are only calculated by term.
The available items in the dropdown list are Academic Weighted, Total Weighted, Academic NonWeighted, Total NonWeighted, and Applicable Primary District GPA. Only active built-in GPAs will be included in the list and the Applicable Primary District GPA option is only available if the school has at least one active District GPA associated with a cohort in that school.
The Applicable Primary District GPA will only print in the term credit summary area on Enhanced (1-column) transcripts. It will not print on Standard (3-column) transcripts. It will also only print the Primary District GPA that has been identified for each cohort. Please see the GPA Configurations Page article for more information on identifying the Primary District GPA for each cohort. If a cohort does not have a Primary District GPA set up, then no term GPA will be printed for that cohort.
On the transcript, the Primary District GPA that is printed for each term is identified by the District GPA's Long Name (DGP.LNM) if it only includes either Weighted or NonWeighted GPA, or it is identified by the District GPA's Short Name (DGP.SNM) when both Weighted and NonWeighted GPAs are included.
Short Name is used to identify the Term GPA when it includes both Weighted and NonWeighted:
Long Name is used to identify the Term GPA when it includes only one GPA type:
NOTE: When the Primary District GPA is limited by Subject Area Threshold (see GPA Configurations Page > Subject Area Thresholds) then the term GPA's will also be limited to only include the transcript record in that term that are used in the Primary GPA calculation. In the below example only the 3 highlighted transcript records are included in Term GPA calculation since the primary GPA is limited to Subject Area Threshold limits and these are the only records in this term that were included in the primary GPA calculation.
Ranking Type allows you to select Normal Ranking or Decile Ranking. Decile Ranking divides the class into 10 parts and each student is given a ranking based on which percentile they fall into. All students in the top 10% are given a rank of 1. The bottom 10% are given a rank of 10. Here is an example of Decile vs Normal:
Decile Ranking - in this example the students' are ranked from 1 to up to 10 based on their Non-Weighted Total GPA:
Normal Ranking - in this example students are ranked from 1 to up to the number of students in the class based on their Non-Weighted Total GPA
Print District GPAs allows District-defined GPAs to be printed at the end of the transcript.
Print Ranks from District GPAs will print the District GPA class rank when checked, and will not print a class rank when unchecked.
Identify the Class Ranking GPA is available when either the Print District GPAs or the Print Ranks from District GPAs is selected. The dropdown contains four options:
Identify the Class Rank GPA Option | Effect on Transcript Page | Effect on Printed Transcript * |
All District GPAs | All District GPAs display GPA and Class Rank/Size values. None are identified as the Class Rank GPA | All District GPAs print the GPA and Class Rank/Size values. None are identified as the Class Rank GPA |
Primary District GPA | The District GPA that is marked as the Primary GPA in the District GPA School and Cohorts (DGS.PG) field will be identified with an asterisk to the left of the GPA name as the Class Rank GPA. | The District GPA that is marked as the Primary GPA in the District GPA School and Cohorts (DGS.PG) field will be identified with an asterisk to the left of the GPA name as the Class Rank GPA. This GPA will also display the GPA and Class Rank/Size values. All other District GPAs will only display the GPA values, the Class Rank/Size will not display. |
Current Grade Level District GPA ** | The District GPA(s) whose Natural Grade in the District GPA School and Cohorts is the same as the student's current grade level (STU.GR) and is not identified as a Primary GPA (DSG.PG) will be identified with an asterisk to the left of the GPA name as the Class Rank GPA. | The District GPA(s) whose Natural Grade in the District GPA School and Cohorts is the same as the student's current grade level (STU.GR) and is not identified as a Primary GPA (DGS.PG) will be identified with an asterisk to the left of the GPA name as the Class Rank GPA. These GPA(s) will also display the GPA and Class Rank/Size values. All other District GPAs will only display the GPA values, the Class Rank/Size will not display. |
Cohort District GPA ** | The District GPA(s) whose cohort in the District GPA School and Cohorts (DGS.CHT) is the same as the student's cohort (STU.CHT) and is not identified as a Primary GPA (DSG.PG) will be identified with an asterisk to the left of the GPA name as the Class Rank GPA. | The District GPA(s) whose cohort in the District GPA School and Cohorts (DGS.CHT) is the same as the student's cohort (STU.CHT) and is not identified as a Primary GPA (DSG.PG) will be identified with an asterisk to the left of the GPA name as the Class Rank GPA. These GPA(s) will also display the GPA and Class Rank/Size values. All other District GPAs will only display the GPA values, the Class Rank/Size will not display. |
* The District GPA option Show on Printed Transcript will also affect which District GPAs are printed on the transcript. For more information please see GPA Configurations Page
** Depending on the number of District GPAs created, this option could produce more than one District GPA satisfying these criteria.
In the below example the AP GPA 2021-2022 is the Primary GPA. The Transcript Definition Identify the Class Ranking GPA option is set for Current Grade Level District GPA.
The student's current grade level, non-primary District GPA is identified on the Transcript page as the Class Rank GPA:
On the printed transcript the current grade level, non-primary District GPA is identified as the Class Rank GPA and is the only District GPA that will display the Class Rank/Size:
Optional Areas ↑
The Optional Areas tab pertains to the bottom portion of the Transcript. The Expanded (1-Column transcript is not limited as to what can be selected to print.
- Print/Define TTP – can print items set up on the TTP – Things to Print tab
- H.S. Graduation Status – will print the student’s current graduation status, broken down by subject area. It will also print the status of any Add-On Graduation Requirements that either have been assigned to the student or that have a Completed status.
- Include Algebra 1 Requirement – will display the requirement status
- Only Display Completed Add-On Graduation Requirements – will only print the Add-On Graduation Requirements that have a Completed status. NOTE: This option is only available for customers that have the Feature Flag for Add-On Graduation Requirements turned on.
- Competency Tests – will print the competency tests in the test section

- Print/Define TTP – can print items set up on the TTP – Things to Print tab
- H.S. Graduation Status – will print the student’s current graduation status, broken down by subject area. It will also print the status of any Endorsements that either have been assigned to the student or that have a Completed status.
- Include Algebra 1 Requirement – will display the requirement status
- Only Display Completed Endorsements – will only print the Endorsements that have a Completed status. NOTE: This option is only available for customers that have the Feature Flag for Add-On Graduation Requirements turned on.
- Competency Tests – will print the competency tests in the test section
Image Options ↑
The Image Options pane allows you to print transcripts with a Watermark image, a District Logo, and/or a Principal Signature image.
The Watermark image is added to the selected transcript definition by clicking on the Upload Watermark button. A window will open allowing you to choose a watermark image file from your computer. Once the image is selected, click Open to set the Watermark. Each transcript definition can have a distinct watermark.
- Print District Logo - Enabling this option in the General Tab of the Transcript Definition page will print a district logo on the left-hand side of the Student Transcript using the uploaded district logo from the District Record of the School Options page. Files no larger that 300x300 and no smaller than 100x100 should work. Standard jpg, png, gif files are recommended.
The District Logo is set in the District record of the School Options page. To upload a logo, click on the Logo button.
The Upload Image File popup will display allowing you to choose a Logo file from your computer. When the file is selected, click on the Upload button to set the District Logo image. To remove the Logo image, click on the Remove Image button.
- Print Principal Signature - Enabling this option in the General Tab of the Transcript Definition page will print a Principal's signature on the Student Transcript using the uploaded Principal's Signature image from the School Record of the School Options page. The Print Principal Signature option will also print the current date on the transcript.
The Principal Signature image is set in the School record of the School Options page. Each school can have a distinct Principal Signature image. To upload a signature image, click on the Signature button.
The Upload Image File popup will display allowing you to choose a Signature file from your computer. When the file is selected, click on the Upload button to set the Principal Signature image. To remove the Principal signature image, click on the Remove Image button.
NOTE: The signature line is 2.5" x 0.25" (10x1) and the name of the file cannot contain spaces.
For example, principalsignature.jpg or principal_signature.png
Custom Content ↑
The Custom Content pane allows you to customize messages to appear in different sections of the transcript.
- Off Grade Courses Term Disclaimer- Custom text can be entered to display below the box containing any grade level outside of the grade range of the current school. This disclaimer can be customized if you wish.
- Reset to default OGC Disclaimer - will reset the Off Grade Course Term disclaimer to the default ("Credit and GPA rules vary for MS Courses")
- User Defined Footer - Allows a custom message to be printed that will display above the signature line.
- Signature Line Text box– Custom text can be entered for the signature line text to be printed at the bottom of the transcript
- Reset Default Signature Line Text – will reset the signature line text back to the default (“This transcript is unofficial unless signed by a school official.”)
**Note: When printing the Enhanced (1-Column) Transcript Style to mail in a window envelope, you MUST check under More Settings in the Print Options for your printer to be sure the Scale option is set to Default or NONE.