

Creating Document Requests

Document Approval


Navigate to School Info > Portal Management

The Portal Documents Requests page allows Districts to request documents from Parents. Students can be given access to this feature also, if desired. This can be part of the Parent Data Confirmation/Registration process or other designated times. Districts can create requests for specific types of documents such as Utility Bills or Cable Bills for Residency Verification, or documents that Parents have signed for Authorizations. The Parents can upload multiple documents per Request and the Requests can be optional or required. File size can be up to 100MB.

NOTE:  Portal Documents Requests can be set up to be available in the Parent Data Confirmation/Registration process (left screenshot), or directly from the Parent Portal as a separate link under Student Information (right screenshot).

Portal Document Requests in Parent Data Confirmation and In Navigation


View Portal Document Requests page, edit Requests
Add new Requests
Delete Requests
PDTNoneHolds the translations for the Requests by Correspondence Language
DOCRead, Update
Read, Update, Delete
Allow the change from Pending to approved documents
Delete Pending Approval documents

View the Document Requests step in PDC and Portal and submit documents
Delete submitted documents before they have been approved
Student_Document_ApprovalsUpdateApprove documents submitted by Parents (also need RU to DOC)

Creating Document Requests

The Portal Documents Requests has two sections. The top section is to customize the lead-in text that appears to Parents/Students and would usually contain instructions.  The upper section also has Date fields that control whether the Document Requests show as a separate link under Student Information menu in the Parent Portal. This can be used to allow Parents/Students to submit documents outside of the PDC window.

Portal Document Request Options

In the upper right is a language selector to enter translations for the lead-in text.

The WYSIWIG editor is for customizing the text.

The lower section is for creating the Document Requests.

Portal Document Request area

To create a new Document Request click on Add Document Request and the edit window will open up.

Add Document Request form

Title - The Name/Type of Request. e.g. 'Residency Verification', 'Interdistrict Transfer', 'Transcripts'

Description - This will display to the Parent and should explain what type of documents should be uploaded. e.g. 'Please upload a copy of a Utility Bill or Cable Bill', 'Please upload any transcripts from other schools'. You could also specify format such as .jpg or .pdf.

Category/Sub Category - These will be the Categories/Sub Categories defined in your Code table for Student DocumentsWhen the documents are approved, they will be stored in Student Documents with this Category/Sub Category.

Options - Whether the Document will be required or not before proceeding.

Document Type - This relates to the Security Area in Student Documents and will imported with this area.

Note: All fields are required except options

Completed Document Request form

After completing the Request, you must Save it before adding translations. 

To add Translations, use the dropdown in the upper right to choose a language and enter the translated text. Save after each translation.

Document Request Spanish Translation

When you are finished with the translations click Save and Close.

Completed Document Request

Requests can be edited by clicking on the Pencil icon and deleted with the Trash can.

The order that the Requests appear in the Portal can be changed using the Drag icon to move them up or down.

Sort Icon for Document Request

Document Approval

Once Parents/Students submit documents during the Parent Data Confirmation window or using the link under Student Information, the submitted documents appear in Student Documents as Pending Documents. This allows schools to review the documents submitted and if they are acceptable they can be approved. If not, they can delete them and/or get in touch with the Parent to ask them to submit a new document.   Parents can also delete a submitted document in the Portal before it is approved if they realize they uploaded the wrong document.  Allowed Document Types is controlled in District Settings.

Note: Pending Documents will have a status of 'P' in DOC.APV.  If the file uploaded is a HEIC or HEIF file (default iPhone picture format) it will be automatically converted to .jpg format

Staff view of requested documents to approve

Clicking the 'Check' will approve the document and move it up into the Students' documents with the Category/Sub Category set in the Request.  If a Pending document is deleted it will disappear from the Parent Portal.  If a Parent deletes a document from the  Requested Documents  before it is approved, it will be removed from the Pending Documents.

From the Parent view using the Utility Bills in the screenshot as an example: 

The Parent has uploaded two documents.

Parent view of uploaded documents

The Utility Bills have not been approved yet, so they are in Pending Documents.  The Parent can delete the documents by clicking on the 'X' to the right of the document.  In this case, the Parent decides to delete the Gas bill before it is approved.

Parents can Use the x icon to delete uploaded documents

And it is removed from the Pending Documents

Parent documents removed from pending documents

The School approves the Utility Bill and it becomes part of the Students documents.

approval confirmation for uploaded documents

Approved documents in Student Documents

And the Parent can no longer delete it.

approved documents no longer appear to parent

Once all documents are approved, the Pending Documents area no longer shows.

Pending documents area hidden after all documents approved

After Data Confirmation and Document approval, Parents can view the documents they've uploaded by navigating to Student Documents in the Portal if they have permission to view them.

Approved documents in Student Documents