The CCGI Extract collects information from various tables to populate the extract files. Data in these tables need to be kept up-to-date to ensure correct data is uploaded into CCGI.

School Options (LOC)

All schools that will be sending 6th - 12th grade student demographic information to CCGI will need to have a College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB or ATP) code in the College Board School Code (LOC.CBC) field on the School Options page. 

In addition, any schools that appear in the School Options (LOC) list that also have transcript records associated with them will need to have the College Board School Code (LOC.CBC) populated. If this field is not populated, then the CCGI CourseGrade template (transcript records) will use '111111' as the CEEB/ATP code for those transcript records.

If the school is a high school, then enter the correct College Entrance Examination Board number. If the school is a middle or elementary school, then '111111' can be entered in this field. 

Summer schools or other schools within Aeries that are sharing the same CDS code as another high school in the district (and do not have their own CEEB/ATP code) may be able to use the CEEB/ATP code of the high school. Please check with your registrars/administrators to see if this is appropriate to do in your situation.

School Options - College Board School Code field

A site that can be used to look up High School CEEB/ATP codes is:

Course History Institutions (CHI)

The Course History Institutions (CHI) page is used to populate the CDS code of the schools in the CCGI CourseGradeTemplate (transcript) file. All middle and high school transcript records will need to have a corresponding school record in the Course History Institutions (CHI) table with a correct CDS code. The CDS code (CHI.ID) will be saved to the CDSCode field in the CCGI CourseGradeTemplate file. 

The College Board School Code (LOC.CBC) will be saved in the ATPCode field in the CCGI CourseGradeTemplate file for transcript records of schools that are within the district. Any transcript records of schools or colleges outside of the district will have '111111' saved in the ATPCode field of the CCGI CourseGradeTemplate.

Course History Institutions - CDS code example

Student Demographics (STU)

All active 6th - 12th grade students in the selected schools will be included in the CCGI StudentTemplate (demographic data), but only students that have the necessary Parental Consent value will have their transcript and test information included in the CCGI CourseGradeTemplate and CCGI TestTemplate.

Therefore, all students in the schools that will be sending data to CCGI should have a Parental Consent value. 

Fields in either the Demographics page (STU) or Supplemental page (SUP) can be used to identify students with Parental Consent. In the below example the Demographics User9 (STU.U9) field is being used to identify students with Parental Consent. Please see the Authorizations section below for an additional method to determine Parental Consent.

Demographics - Parental Consent User Field example

In addition to the Parental Consent field, basic student information such as name, birth date, grade, ethnicity and race need to be correct. 

The following fields are optional and are not populated: 

  • Gender (for student privacy reasons)
  • NSLP
  • LOTECertSource
  • LanguageCode (goes along with LOTECertSource)
  • EnrollmentStartDate
  • EnrollmentEndDate

NOTE: 6th grade students in schools that use Standards Based Grade reporting will only only produce records in the StudentTemplate extract file since they do not have any Transcript (HIS) or College Entrance Tests (CTS) records.

Authorizations (AUT)

The Authorizations Code (AUT.CD) can also be used to determine Parental Consent. Only students that have the necessary Parental Consent value will have their transcript and test information included in the CCGI CourseGradeTemplate and CCGI TestTemplate. For proper evaluation of the Authorization (AUT) records the Code (CD) field needs to be used to determine Parental Consent. The system will check the Status (ST) field to determine if the consent is "Granted" or "Denied" and it will also check the Status Date (SDT) and End Date (EED) to determine if the record is active when the extract is run. If the Status Date (SDT) is empty the system will use the Date (DT) and End Date (EED) fields. For more information on the Authorizations page please refer to the Authorizations, Prohibitions and Waivers article. 

Authorizations - permission for CCGI records release example

Courses (CRS

The CCGI extract includes two files that require basic course information. The following fields in the Courses page (CRS) need to be kept up-to-date:

Course ID - CRS.CN

Course Title - CRS.CO

Long Description - CRS.DE

Subject Area 1 - CRS.S1

Default Credit - CRS.CR

Non-Academic/Honors - CRS.NA - used to identify Honors courses

Course Level - CRS.CL - used to identify AP and IB courses

A-G - CRS.E1- used to identify if the course fulfills CSU A-G requirements

Status Tag - CRS.TG

State Course Code - CRS.C3

Foster Flag - Special Programs (PGM)

The Special Programs (PGM) table is checked to determine if the students are/were in the Foster program. The Special Programs page can be used to add/edit/review this information.

College Entrance Tests (CTS)

Certain College Entrance Tests (CTS) will be included in the CCGI TestTemplate file. These include the ACT Composite score, AP score, IB Scaled Total score, SAT Reasoning Read/Write, SAT Reasoning Math, and the SAT II Subject Score. The College Entrance Tests page can be used to add/edit/review the test records.