


Navigate to School Info > Configurations > Define Fields to Sync/Lock

The Define Fields to Sync/Lock page allows Districts to synchronize changes to Student data throughout the District by updating records simultaneously. Whenever data is changed for a Student in one School, those changes can be automatically synced between the Active record and Pre-enrolled copy of the Student at another school. This includes fields in the Student (STU), Supplemental (SUP) and Secondary Student Data (SSD) tables. Each field can be selected to be synced or not. 

The Lock Field in Pre-Enrolled Records locks the fields at the School where the Student is Pre-Enrolled. This prevents users at the new School from changing key information such as address or phone numbers. When the fields are selected to be locked they display as read-only at the next school and cannot be changed.

Define Fields to Sync/Lock page


Admin users only


NOTE: The options in  District Settings that can be selected to update Inactive records in the database or to update Active records when changes are made to Active and Pre-enrolled records may overlap with the Sync/Lock functions.  You may want to use either the Lock or District Setting.  Both Settings are unselected by default.

Table Selection menu

There are 3 Tables to Select: Student Data (STU), Supplemental Data (SUP), and Secondary Student Data (SSD).

All the fields default to check-marked except for certain Student Data (STU) fields that could be school specific.

Define Fields to Sync Lock default settings

Certain fields are intentionally hidden as these are School-specific:

  • SC, SN, DEL, DTS (all tables)
  • SSD.AD2, SSD.RA2

There are 2 columns for each Table.  Sync Changes to Field and Lock Field in Pre-Enrolled Records.  The All and None buttons on each column can be used to quickly turn off or on all fields. If all fields are de-selected, this disables the Sync/Lock feature.

The Sync Changes to Field allows changes to a Students' record to update any Active or Pre-Enrolled record for the same student.  

Sync feature works according to the following logic/rules:
  • Changes to an Active record are synced to other Active records and to any Pre-enrolled records
  • If the District Setting Update inactive student records when changes are made to active copies of that Student is enabled, then changes to an Active record are also synced to Inactive records
  • If the District Setting Update student records when changes are made to Pre-enrolled copies of that Student is enabled, then changes to a Pre-enrolled record are synced to other records (Active and Pre-enrolled). This can work in conjunction with the first District Setting so that changes to Pre-enrolled records sync to Inactive records also. The fields must not be locked on the Define Fields to Sync/Lock form in the Lock Field in Pre-Enrolled Records column.

The Lock Field in Pre-Enrolled Records locks the fields at the School where the Student is Pre-Enrolled. This prevents users at the new School from changing key information such as address or phone numbers.  When the fields are selected to be locked they display as read-only at the next school and cannot be changed.

NOTE: This feature does not apply to Pre-enrolled students who are not currently attending the District, but only if they also have an Active record at another School in the District as the current School has ownership of the Student Data.

Below is an example of a Pre-enrolled 9th grade student, who has an Active record at his current Middle School, with various STU fields selected to lock. Note the fields are not editable.

Pre enrolled Student with some fields locked for editing